Beispiel #1
def value_to_carry(score):
    '''Replaces subsequent repeated values with a carry (.)
    Identical expressions do no carry, as a carry only copies the first
    value output from an expression.  This breaks the form when multiple
    random evaluations are part of the score.
    Macros do no carry as they may contain expressions.
    No-carries are not carried.

    event_list = score.splitlines(True)
    last_identifier = None
    last_values = []
    output = []

    # Explicitly state pfield 3 instead a magic number.  Carry
    # statements only substitute for pfields 3 or higher.
    PFIELD_3 = 3

    # Excluded element token types
    elements = [element.EXPRESSION, element.MACRO, element.NO_CARRY]

    for e in event_list:
        if event.match(e, {0: 'i', 1: last_identifier}):
            lolv = len(last_values)

            for i in range(PFIELD_3, max(event.number_of_pfields(e), lolv)):
                this_pfield = event.get(e, i)

                # Detect NO_CARRY
                if element.token_type(this_pfield) == element.NO_CARRY:
                    last_values[i] = this_pfield

                elif element.token_type(last_values[i]) == element.NO_CARRY:

                # Replace pfield with carry
                elif (this_pfield == last_values[i]
                      and element.token_type(this_pfield) not in elements):
                    e = event.set(e, i, '.')

                # Add a carry if one does not exist
                elif this_pfield == None:
                    e = event.push(e, '.')

                    last_values[i] = this_pfield


            last_identifier = event.get(e, 1)
            last_values = event.get_pfield_list(e)

    return ''.join(output)
Beispiel #2
def value_to_carry(score):
    '''Replaces subsequent repeated values with a carry (.)
    Identical expressions do no carry, as a carry only copies the first
    value output from an expression.  This breaks the form when multiple
    random evaluations are part of the score.
    Macros do no carry as they may contain expressions.
    No-carries are not carried.
    event_list = score.splitlines(True)    
    last_identifier = None
    last_values = []
    output = []

    # Explicitly state pfield 3 instead a magic number.  Carry
    # statements only substitute for pfields 3 or higher.
    PFIELD_3 = 3

    # Excluded element token types
    elements = [element.EXPRESSION, element.MACRO, element.NO_CARRY];
    for e in event_list:
        if event.match(e, {0: 'i', 1: last_identifier}):
            lolv = len(last_values)

            for i in range(PFIELD_3, max(event.number_of_pfields(e), lolv)):
                this_pfield = event.get(e, i)

                # Detect NO_CARRY
                if element.token_type(this_pfield) == element.NO_CARRY:
                    last_values[i] = this_pfield
                elif element.token_type(last_values[i]) == element.NO_CARRY:
                # Replace pfield with carry
                elif (this_pfield == last_values[i] and
                      element.token_type(this_pfield) not in elements):
                    e = event.set(e, i, '.')
                # Add a carry if one does not exist
                elif this_pfield == None:
                    e = event.push(e, '.')
                    last_values[i] = this_pfield

            last_identifier = event.get(e, 1)
            last_values = event.get_pfield_list(e)
    return ''.join(output)
Beispiel #3
def _align_block(block, s=1, p=1, c=2, m=1):
    # Split score block into individual events
    event_list = block.splitlines()

    # Get the number of columns in block
    n_columns = max(event.number_of_pfields(e) for e in event_list)

    # Initialize pfield lengths with zeros
    pf_lengths = [0] * n_columns

    # Get the longest pfield lengths for each column
    for row in event_list:
        for i, col in enumerate(event.get_pfield_list(row)):
            pf_lengths[i] = max(len(col), pf_lengths[i])

    # Align pfields, without trailing comments
    align_pfields = []
    for e in event_list:
        line = []

        # Append score statement with whitespace determined by s
        line.append(event.get(e, 0).ljust(s + 1))

        # Appened each pfield with whitespace determined by p and m
        for i, L in enumerate(pf_lengths[1:event.number_of_pfields(e)]):
            line.append(event.get(e, i + 1).ljust(max(L, m)))

        # Strip end of any potential whitespace
        align_pfields.append(''.join(line).rstrip(' '))

    # Add trailing comments
    align_comments = []
    longest_event = max(len(e) for e in align_pfields)

    for i, e in enumerate(event_list):
        line = []

        # Add whitespace and comment if comment exists
        if event.get_trailing_comment(e):
            line.append(''.ljust(longest_event - len(align_pfields[i])))


    return '\n'.join(align_comments) + '\n'
Beispiel #4
def _align_block(block, s=1, p=1, c=2, m=1):
    # Split score block into individual events
    event_list = block.splitlines()

    # Get the number of columns in block
    n_columns = max(event.number_of_pfields(e) for e in event_list)

    # Initialize pfield lengths with zeros
    pf_lengths = [0] * n_columns

    # Get the longest pfield lengths for each column
    for row in event_list:
        for i, col in enumerate(event.get_pfield_list(row)):
            pf_lengths[i] = max(len(col), pf_lengths[i])
    # Align pfields, without trailing comments
    align_pfields = []
    for e in event_list:
        line = []
        # Append score statement with whitespace determined by s
        line.append(event.get(e, 0).ljust(s + 1))
        # Appened each pfield with whitespace determined by p and m
        for i, L in enumerate(pf_lengths[1:event.number_of_pfields(e)]):
            line.append(event.get(e, i + 1).ljust(max(L, m)))
        # Strip end of any potential whitespace
        align_pfields.append(''.join(line).rstrip(' '))

    # Add trailing comments
    align_comments = []
    longest_event = max(len(e) for e in align_pfields)

    for i, e in enumerate(event_list):
        line = []

        # Add whitespace and comment if comment exists
        if event.get_trailing_comment(e):
            line.append(''.ljust(longest_event - len(align_pfields[i])))


    return '\n'.join(align_comments) + '\n'
Beispiel #5
def align(score, s=1, p=1, c=2, m=1, statements='fi'):
    '''Auto-aligns groupings of i-events.
    A grouping is a block of sequential events of the same statement

    score_list = score.splitlines(True)  # Each event is individually handled
    output = []  # Collects events for the new score
    block = []  # Collects groupings of events

    # Process each individual event
    for e in score_list:
        if event.get(e, 0) in list(statements):
            if block:
                b = ''.join(block)
                output.append(_align_block(b, s, p, c, m))
                block = []

    if block:
        b = ''.join(block)
        output.append(_align_block(b, s, p, c, m))

    return ''.join(output)
Beispiel #6
def align(score, s=1, p=1, c=2, m=1, statements='fi'):
    '''Auto-aligns groupings of i-events.
    A grouping is a block of sequential events of the same statement
    score_list = score.splitlines(True)  # Each event is individually handled
    output = []                          # Collects events for the new score
    block = []                           # Collects groupings of events
    # Process each individual event
    for e in score_list:
        if event.get(e, 0) in list(statements):
            if block:
                b = ''.join(block)
                output.append(_align_block(b, s, p, c, m))
                block = []

    if block:
        b = ''.join(block)
        output.append(_align_block(b, s, p, c, m))
    return ''.join(output)
Beispiel #7
def operate_string(selection, pfield_index_list, pfunction, *args):
    # Convert single single value to list
    pfield_index_list = __pfield_index_to_list(pfield_index_list)
    # Operate on all events in selection.  Sorted is a must.
    for k, v in sorted(selection.iteritems()):
        # Operate on each pfield
        for pf in pfield_index_list:
            pf_value = event.get(v, pf)
            selection[k] = v = event.set(v, pf, pfunction(pf_value, *args))

    return selection
Beispiel #8
def operate_string(selection, pfield_index_list, pfunction, *args):
    # Convert single single value to list
    pfield_index_list = __pfield_index_to_list(pfield_index_list)

    # Operate on all events in selection.  Sorted is a must.
    for k, v in sorted(selection.iteritems()):

        # Operate on each pfield
        for pf in pfield_index_list:
            pf_value = event.get(v, pf)
            selection[k] = v = event.set(v, pf, pfunction(pf_value, *args))

    return selection
Beispiel #9
def operate_numeric(selection, pfield_index_list, pfunction, *args):
    '''Processes a matrix of pfields and events using the supplied
    :term:`pfunction` and any optional arguments.
    In cases where the original numeric pfield was an int, but
    processed with floats, the int will be output as a float in the
    score, even if the output contains no fractional parts.
        >>> def multiply(pf, m): return pf * m
        >>> sco.operate_numeric({0: 'i 1 0 4 1.0 440', 1: 'i 1 4 4 0.5 880'},
        ...                     5, multiply, 3)
        {0: 'i 1 0 4 1.0 1320', 1: 'i 1 4 4 0.5 2640'}
    A lambda function can specified as the pfunction argument::
        # Invert pfield
        operate_numeric(score, pf, lambda x: 1.0 / x)
    See :term:`pfield_index_list`, :term:`pfunction`, :term:`selection`


    # Args need to be numeric
    args = __convert_args_to_numeric(args)
    # Convert single single value to list
    pfield_index_list = __pfield_index_to_list(pfield_index_list)
    # Operate on all events in selection.  Sorted is a must.
    for k, v in sorted(selection.iteritems()):
        # Operate on each pfield
        for pf in pfield_index_list:
            pf_value = event.get(v, pf)
            # Preserve non-numeric pfields
            if element.token_type(pf_value) is element.NUMERIC:
                pf_value = element.str_to_numeric(pf_value)
                selection[k] = v = event.set(v, pf, pfunction(pf_value, *args))

    return selection
Beispiel #10
def operate_numeric(selection, pfield_index_list, pfunction, *args):
    '''Processes a matrix of pfields and events using the supplied
    :term:`pfunction` and any optional arguments.
    In cases where the original numeric pfield was an int, but
    processed with floats, the int will be output as a float in the
    score, even if the output contains no fractional parts.
        >>> def multiply(pf, m): return pf * m
        >>> sco.operate_numeric({0: 'i 1 0 4 1.0 440', 1: 'i 1 4 4 0.5 880'},
        ...                     5, multiply, 3)
        {0: 'i 1 0 4 1.0 1320', 1: 'i 1 4 4 0.5 2640'}
    A lambda function can specified as the pfunction argument::
        # Invert pfield
        operate_numeric(score, pf, lambda x: 1.0 / x)
    See :term:`pfield_index_list`, :term:`pfunction`, :term:`selection`


    # Args need to be numeric
    args = __convert_args_to_numeric(args)

    # Convert single single value to list
    pfield_index_list = __pfield_index_to_list(pfield_index_list)

    # Operate on all events in selection.  Sorted is a must.
    for k, v in sorted(selection.iteritems()):

        # Operate on each pfield
        for pf in pfield_index_list:
            pf_value = event.get(v, pf)

            # Preserve non-numeric pfields
            if element.token_type(pf_value) is element.NUMERIC:
                pf_value = element.str_to_numeric(pf_value)
                selection[k] = v = event.set(v, pf, pfunction(pf_value, *args))

    return selection
Beispiel #11
def test(n, line, pf, expect):
    result = s.get(line, pf)
    did_pass = result == expect

    return did_pass, n, 'get()', str(expect), str(result)
Beispiel #12
def test(n, line, pf, expect):
    result = s.get(line, pf)
    did_pass = result == expect

    return did_pass, n, 'get()', str(expect), str(result)