def test(n, b):
    A = ctf.ones((n, b, n, b))
    B = ctf.ones((n, b, n, b))
    A = ctf.random.random((n, b, n, b))
    B = ctf.random.random((n, b, n, b))
    A = (A + A.transpose([2, 1, 0, 3])).reshape((n * b, n * b))
    #A = ctf.ones((n*b,n*b))
    B = (B + B.transpose([2, 1, 0, 3])).reshape((n * b, n * b))
    #B = ctf.ones((n*b,n*b))
    Ac = A.copy()
    Bc = B.copy()
    C_naive = naive_gemm(A, B, n, b)
    C_fast = fast_gemm(Ac, Bc, n, b)
    #print("Naive method yields")
    #print("Fast method yields")
    #print("Ratio is")
    err = ctf.norm(C_naive - C_fast) / ctf.norm(C_naive)
    print("n=", n, "b=", b)
    print("Relative two norm error is", err)
Beispiel #2
def davidson(mult_by_A, N, neig, x0=None, Adiag=None, verbose=4):
    """Diagonalize a matrix via non-symmetric Davidson algorithm.

    mult_by_A() is a function which takes a vector of length N
        and returns a vector of length N.
    neig is the number of eigenvalues requested

    if rank == 0:
        log = lib.logger.Logger(sys.stdout, verbose)
        log = lib.logger.Logger(sys.stdout, 0)

    cput1 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    Mmin = min(neig, N)
    Mmax = min(N, 2000)
    tol = 1e-6

    def mult(arg):
        return mult_by_A(arg)

    if Adiag is None:
        Adiag = np.zeros(N, np.complex)
        for i in range(N):
            test = np.zeros(N, np.complex)
            test[i] = 1.0
            Adiag[i] = mult(test)[i]
        Adiag = Adiag.to_nparray()

    idx = Adiag.argsort()
    lamda_k_old = 0
    lamda_k = 0
    target = 0
    conv = False
    if x0 is not None:
        assert x0.shape == (Mmin, N)
        b = x0.copy()
        Ab = tuple([mult(b[m, :]) for m in range(Mmin)])
        Ab = ctf.vstack(Ab).transpose()

    evals = np.zeros(neig, dtype=np.complex)
    evecs = []
    for istep, M in enumerate(range(Mmin, Mmax + 1)):
        if M == Mmin:
            b = ctf.zeros((N, M))
            if rank == 0:
                ind = [i * M + m for m, i in zip(range(M), idx)]
                fill = np.ones(len(ind))
                b.write(ind, fill)
                b.write([], [])
            Ab = tuple([mult(b[:, m]) for m in range(M)])
            Ab = ctf.vstack(Ab).transpose()


            Ab = ctf.hstack((Ab, mult(b[:, M - 1]).reshape(N, -1)))

        Atilde =, Ab)
        Atilde = Atilde.to_nparray()

        lamda, alpha = diagonalize_asymm(Atilde)
        lamda_k_old, lamda_k = lamda_k, lamda[target]
        alpha_k = ctf.astensor(alpha[:, target])
        if M == Mmax:

        q = - lamda_k * b, alpha_k)
        qnorm = ctf.norm(q)
            'davidson istep = %d  root = %d  E = %.15g  dE = %.9g  residual = %.6g',
            istep, target, lamda_k.real, (lamda_k - lamda_k_old).real, qnorm)
        cput1 = log.timer('davidson iter', *cput1)

        if ctf.norm(q) < tol:
            evecs.append(, alpha_k))
            evals[target] = lamda_k
            if target == neig - 1:
                conv = True
                target += 1
        eps = 1e-10
        xi = q / (lamda_k - Adiag + eps)
        bxi, R = ctf.qr(ctf.hstack((b, xi.reshape(N, -1))))
        nlast = bxi.shape[-1] - 1
        b = ctf.hstack(
            (b, bxi[:, nlast].reshape(N, -1))
        )  #can not replace nlast with -1, (inconsistent between numpy and ctf)
    evecs = ctf.vstack(tuple(evecs))

    return conv, evals, evecs
Beispiel #3
 def test_norm(self):
     vec = ctf.zeros((20, 20), dtype=np.float64)
     vec.fill_random(-1, 1)
         np.allclose([ctf.norm(vec, 2)],
                     [np.linalg.norm(vec.to_nparray(), 2)]))
def einsvd(einstr,
    Perform Singular Value Decomposition according to the specified Einstein notation string. 
    Will always preserve at least one singular value during the truncation.

    einstr: str
        A string of Einstein notations in the form of 'idxofA->idxofU,idxofV'. There must be one and only one contraction index.

    A: tensor_like
        The tensor to be decomposed. Should be of order 2 or more.

    rank: int or None, optional
        The minimum number of singular values/vectors to preserve. Will influence the actual truncation rank.

    threshold: float or None, optional
        The value used with criterion to decide the cutoff. Will influence the actual truncation rank.

    size_limit: int or tuple or None, optional
        The size limit(s) for both U and V (when specified as a int) or U and V respectively (when specified as a tuple).
        Will influence the actual truncation rank.

    criterion: int or None, optional
        The norm to be used together with threshold to decide the cutoff. Will influence the actual truncation rank.
        When being left as None, the threshold is treated as the plain cutoff value.
        Otherwise, cutoff rank is the largest int satisfies: threshold * norm(s) > norm(s[rank:]).

    mult_s: bool, optional
        Whether or not to multiply U and V by S**0.5 to decompose A into two tensors instead of three. True by default.
    u: tensor_like
        A unitary tensor with indices ordered by the Einstein notation string.

    s: 1d tensor_like
        A 1d tensor containing singular values sorted in descending order.

    v: tensor_like
        A unitary tensor with indices ordered by the Einstein notation string.
    str_a, str_uv = einstr.replace(' ', '').split('->')
    str_u, str_v = str_uv.split(',')
    char_i = list(set(str_v) - set(str_a))[0]
    shape_u =[A.shape[str_a.find(c)] for c in str_u if c != char_i])
    shape_v =[A.shape[str_a.find(c)] for c in str_v if c != char_i])

    rank = rank or min(shape_u, shape_v)

    if size_limit is not None:
        if np.isscalar(size_limit):
            size_limit = (size_limit, size_limit)
        if size_limit[0] is not None:
            rank = min(rank, int(size_limit[0] / shape_u) or 1)
        if size_limit[1] is not None:
            rank = min(rank, int(size_limit[1] / shape_v) or 1)

    if threshold is None or criterion is None:
        u, s, vh = A.i(str_a).svd(str_u, str_v, rank, threshold)
        u, s, vh = A.i(str_a).svd(str_u, str_v)
        threshold = threshold * ctf.norm(s, criterion)
        # will always preserve at least one singular value
        for i in range(rank, 0, -1):
            if ctf.norm(s[i - 1:], criterion) >= threshold:
                rank = i
        if rank < s.size:
            u = u[tuple(slice(None) for i in range(str_u.find(char_i))) +
                  (slice(0, rank), )]
            s = s[:rank]
            vh = vh[tuple(slice(None) for i in range(str_v.find(char_i))) +
                    (slice(0, rank), )]

    if mult_s:
        char_s = list(set(string.ascii_letters) - set(str_v))[0]
        sqrtS = ctf.diag(s**0.5)
        vh = ctf.einsum(
            char_s + char_i + ',' + str_v + '->' +
            str_v.replace(char_i, char_s), sqrtS, vh)
        char_s = list(set(string.ascii_letters) - set(str_u))[0]
        u = ctf.einsum(
            str_u + ',' + char_s + char_i + '->' +
            str_u.replace(char_i, char_s), u, sqrtS)

    return u, s, vh