def test_uninitialised_search_page(empty_client: FlaskClient, summary_store: SummaryStore):
    # Populate one product, so they don't get the usage error message ("run cubedash generate")

    # Then load a completely uninitialised product.
    html = get_html(empty_client, '/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene')
    search_results = html.find('.search-result a')
    assert len(search_results) == 4
def test_uninitialised_overview(
    unpopulated_client: FlaskClient, summary_store: SummaryStore
    # Populate one product, so they don't get the usage error message ("run cubedash generate")
    # Then load an unpopulated product.

    html = get_html(unpopulated_client, "/ls7_nbar_scene/2017")

    # The page should load without error, but will display 'unknown' fields
    assert html.find("h2", first=True).text == "ls7_nbar_scene: Landsat 7 NBAR 25 metre"
    assert "Unknown number of datasets" in html.text
    assert "No data: not yet generated" in html.text