def test_structural_similarity_grad(seed):
    N = 30
    # NOTE: This test is known to randomly fail on some systems (Mac OS X 10.6)
    #       And when testing tests in parallel. Therefore, we choose a few
    #       seeds that are known to work.
    #       The likely cause of this failure is that we are setting a hard
    #       threshold on the value of the gradient. Often the computed gradient
    #       is only slightly larger than what was measured.
    # X = cp.random.rand(N, N) * 255
    # Y = cp.random.rand(N, N) * 255
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    X = cp.array(rnd.rand(N, N) * 255)
    Y = cp.array(rnd.rand(N, N) * 255)

    f = structural_similarity(X, Y, data_range=255)
    g = structural_similarity(X, Y, data_range=255, gradient=True)

    assert f < 0.05

    assert g[0] < 0.05
    assert cp.all(g[1] < 0.05)

    mssim, grad, s = structural_similarity(X,
    assert cp.all(grad < 0.05)
def test_structural_similarity_patch_range():
    N = 51
    rstate = cp.random.RandomState(1234)
    X = (rstate.rand(N, N) * 255).astype(cp.uint8)
    Y = (rstate.rand(N, N) * 255).astype(cp.uint8)

    assert structural_similarity(X, Y, win_size=N) < 0.1
    assert_equal(structural_similarity(X, X, win_size=N), 1)
def test_mssim_mixed_dtype():
    mssim = structural_similarity(cam, cam_noisy)
    with expected_warnings(["Inputs have mismatched dtype"]):
        mssim_mixed = structural_similarity(cam, cam_noisy.astype(cp.float32))
    assert_almost_equal(mssim, mssim_mixed)

    # no warning when user supplies data_range
    mssim_mixed = structural_similarity(cam,
    assert_almost_equal(mssim, mssim_mixed)
def test_structural_similarity_dtype(dtype):
    N = 30
    rstate = cp.random.RandomState(1234)
    X = rstate.rand(N, N).astype(dtype, copy=False)
    Y = rstate.rand(N, N).astype(dtype, copy=False)

    S1 = structural_similarity(X, Y)
    assert S1.dtype == dtype

    X = (X * 255).astype(cp.uint8)
    Y = (X * 255).astype(cp.uint8)

    S2 = structural_similarity(X, Y)
    assert S1 < 0.15  # grlee77: increase value from 0.1
    assert S2 < 0.15  # grlee77: increase value from 0.1
def test_invalid_input():
    # size mismatch
    X = cp.zeros((9, 9), dtype=cp.double)
    Y = cp.zeros((8, 8), dtype=cp.double)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        structural_similarity(X, Y)
    # win_size exceeds image extent
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        structural_similarity(X, X, win_size=X.shape[0] + 1)
    # some kwarg inputs must be non-negative
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        structural_similarity(X, X, K1=-0.1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        structural_similarity(X, X, K2=-0.1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        structural_similarity(X, X, sigma=-1.0)
def test_structural_similarity_multichannel_chelsea():
    # color image example
    Xc = cp.asarray(data.chelsea())
    sigma = 15.0
    Yc = cp.clip(Xc + sigma * cp.random.randn(*Xc.shape), 0, 255)
    Yc = Yc.astype(Xc.dtype)

    # multichannel result should be mean of the individual channel results
    mssim = structural_similarity(Xc, Yc, multichannel=True)
    mssim_sep = [
        float(structural_similarity(Yc[..., c], Xc[..., c]))
        for c in range(Xc.shape[-1])
    assert_almost_equal(mssim, np.mean(mssim_sep))

    # structural_similarity of image with itself should be 1.0
    assert_equal(structural_similarity(Xc, Xc, multichannel=True), 1.0)
def test_structural_similarity_multichannel():
    N = 100
    X = (cp.random.rand(N, N) * 255).astype(cp.uint8)
    Y = (cp.random.rand(N, N) * 255).astype(cp.uint8)

    S1 = structural_similarity(X, Y, win_size=3)

    # replicate across three channels.  should get identical value
    Xc = cp.tile(X[..., cp.newaxis], (1, 1, 3))
    Yc = cp.tile(Y[..., cp.newaxis], (1, 1, 3))
    S2 = structural_similarity(Xc, Yc, multichannel=True, win_size=3)
    assert_almost_equal(S1, S2)

    # full case should return an image as well
    m, S3 = structural_similarity(Xc, Yc, multichannel=True, full=True)
    assert_equal(S3.shape, Xc.shape)

    # gradient case
    m, grad = structural_similarity(Xc, Yc, multichannel=True, gradient=True)
    assert_equal(grad.shape, Xc.shape)

    # full and gradient case
    m, grad, S3 = structural_similarity(Xc,
    assert_equal(grad.shape, Xc.shape)
    assert_equal(S3.shape, Xc.shape)

    # fail if win_size exceeds any non-channel dimension
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        structural_similarity(Xc, Yc, win_size=7, multichannel=False)
def test_structural_similarity_nD(dtype):
    # test 1D through 4D on small random arrays
    N = 10
    for ndim in range(1, 5):
        xsize = [N] * 5
        X = (cp.random.rand(*xsize) * 255).astype(dtype)
        Y = (cp.random.rand(*xsize) * 255).astype(dtype)

        mssim = structural_similarity(X, Y, win_size=3)
        assert mssim < 0.05
        if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'f':
            assert mssim.dtype == X.dtype
            assert mssim.dtype == cp.float64
Beispiel #9
def test_denoise_tv_chambolle_weighting():
    # make sure a specified weight gives consistent results regardless of
    # the number of input image dimensions
    rstate = cp.random.RandomState(1234)
    img2d = astro_gray.copy()
    img2d += 0.15 * rstate.standard_normal(img2d.shape)
    img2d = cp.clip(img2d, 0, 1)

    # generate 4D image by tiling
    img4d = cp.tile(img2d[..., None, None], (1, 1, 2, 2))

    w = 0.2
    denoised_2d = restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle(img2d, weight=w)
    denoised_4d = restoration.denoise_tv_chambolle(img4d, weight=w)
    assert (structural_similarity(denoised_2d, denoised_4d[:, :, 0, 0]) > 0.99)
def test_gaussian_structural_similarity_vs_IPOL():
    """Tests vs. imdiff result from the following IPOL article and code:

    To generate mssim_IPOL, we need a local copy of cam_noisy:

    >>> from skimage import io
    >>> io.imsave('/tmp/cam_noisy.png', cam_noisy)

    Then, we use the following command:
    $ ./imdiff -m mssim <path to camera.png>/camera.png /tmp/cam_noisy.png

    Values for current calculated by Gregory Lee on Sep, 2020.
    Available at:
    mssim_IPOL = 0.357959091663361
    mssim = structural_similarity(cam,
    assert_almost_equal(mssim, mssim_IPOL, decimal=3)
def test_structural_similarity_image():
    N = 100
    rstate = cp.random.RandomState(1234)
    X = (rstate.rand(N, N) * 255).astype(cp.uint8)
    Y = (rstate.rand(N, N) * 255).astype(cp.uint8)

    S0 = structural_similarity(X, X, win_size=3)
    assert_equal(S0, 1)

    S1 = structural_similarity(X, Y, win_size=3)
    assert S1 < 0.3

    S2 = structural_similarity(X, Y, win_size=11, gaussian_weights=True)
    assert S2 < 0.3

    mssim0, S3 = structural_similarity(X, Y, full=True)
    assert_equal(S3.shape, X.shape)
    mssim = structural_similarity(X, Y)
    assert_equal(mssim0, mssim)

    # structural_similarity of image with itself should be 1.0
    assert_equal(structural_similarity(X, X), 1.0)
def test_mssim_vs_legacy():
    # check that ssim with default options matches skimage 0.11 result
    mssim_skimage_0pt17 = 0.3674518327910367
    mssim = structural_similarity(cam, cam_noisy)
    assert_almost_equal(mssim, mssim_skimage_0pt17)