Beispiel #1
 def machineList(self):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.machinesList()
     if result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "SE":
         print "Error - Server Error"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
         machineslist = result["machines"]
         if len(machineslist) == 0:
             print "Error - Machines list is empty"
             print "-------------------------------------------"
             for m in machineslist:
                 print "Machine ID: ", m.get("id")
                 print "Name: ", m.get("name")
                 print "Label: ", m.get("label")
                 print "Platform: ", m.get("platform")
                 print "IP: ", m.get("ip")
                 print "Status: ", m.get("status")
                 print "Status changed on: ", m.get("status_changed_on")
                 print "Locked: ", m.get("locked")
                 print "Locked changed on: ", m.get("locked_changed_on")
                 print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #2
 def machineView(self,name):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.machinesView(name=name)
     if result is "NF":
         print "Error - Machine not found"
     elif result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
     elif result is "SE":
         print "Error - Machine not found"
     elif result is "ILT":
         print "Error - Machine not found"
         print "-------------------------------------------"
         print "Machine ID: ", result["machine"].get("id")
         print "Name: ", result["machine"].get("name")
         print "Label: ", result["machine"].get("label")
         print "Platform: ", result["machine"].get("platform")
         print "IP: ", result["machine"].get("ip")
         print "Status: ", result["machine"].get("status")
         print "Status changed on: ", result["machine"].get("status_changed_on")
         print "Locked: ", result["machine"].get("locked")
         print "Locked changed on: ", result["machine"].get("locked_changed_on")
         print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #3
 def taskView(self, id):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.taskView(id=id)
     if result is "NF":
         print "Error - Task not found"
     elif result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
         print "-------------------------------------------"
         print "Task ID: ", result["task"].get("id")
         print "Target: ", result["task"].get("target")
         print "Category: ", result["task"].get("category")
         print "Priority: ", result["task"].get("priority")
         print "Package: ", result["task"].get("package")
         print "Memory: ", result["task"].get("memory")
         print "Custom: ", result["task"].get("custom")
         print "Machine: ", result["task"].get("machine")
         print "Platform: ", result["task"].get("platform")
         print "Added on: ", result["task"].get("added_on")
         print "Started on: ", result["task"].get("started_on")
         print "Shutdown on: ", result["task"].get("guest").get("shutdown_on")
         print "Completed on: ", result["task"].get("completed_on")
         print "Enforce timeout: ", result["task"].get("enforce_timeout")
         print "Timeout: ", result["task"].get("timeout")
         print "Options: ", result["task"].get("options")
         print "Manager: ", result["task"].get("guest").get("manager")
         print "Name: ", result["task"].get("guest").get("name")
         print "Status: ", result["task"].get("status")
         if len(result["task"].get("errors")) > 0:
             print "Errors: ", result["task"].get("errors").pop()
         print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #4
 def taskFilesView(self, md5=None, sha256=None, id=None):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     if md5 is not None:
         result = api.fileView(value=md5, type="md5")
     if sha256 is not None:
         result = api.fileView(value=sha256, type="sha256")
     if id is not None:
         result = api.fileView(value=id, type="id")
     if result is "NF":
         print "Error - File not found"
     elif result is "ILT":
         print "Error - Invalid lookup term"
     elif result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Operation timeout"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
         print "-------------------------------------------"
         print "Sample ID: ", result["sample"].get("id") 
         print "SHA1: ", result["sample"].get("sha1")
         print "SHA256: ", result["sample"].get("sha256")
         print "SHA512: ", result["sample"].get("sha512")
         print "MD5: ", result["sample"].get("md5")
         print "CRC32: ", result["sample"].get("crc32")
         print "SSDeep: ", result["sample"].get("ssdeep")
         print "File type: ", result["sample"].get("file_type")
         print "File size: ", result["sample"].get("file_size")
         print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #5
 def taskReport(self, id):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.taskReport(id)
     if result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "SE":
         print "Error - Server Error"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
     elif result is "NF":
         print "Error - Report not found"
         print "-------------------------------------------"
         print "-- Info --"
         print "Report ID: ", result["info"].get("id")
         print "Category: ", result["info"].get("category")
         print "Started: ", result["info"].get("started")
         print "Ended: ", result["info"].get("ended")
         print "Version: ", result["info"].get("version")
         print "Duration: ", result["info"].get("duration")
         print ""
         print "Signatures: ", result["signatures"]
         print "Static: ", result["static"]
         print "Dropped: ", result["dropped"]
         print ""
         print "-- Behavior --"
         print "Processes: ", result["behavior"].get("processes")
         print "Processtree: ", result["behavior"].get("processtree")
         print "Files: ", result["behavior"].get("summary").get("files")
         print "Keys: ", result["behavior"].get("summary").get("keys")
         print "Mutexes: ", result["behavior"].get("summary").get("mutexes")
         print ""
         print "-- Target --"
         print "Category: ", result["target"].get("category")
         print "Name: ", result["target"].get("file").get("name")
         print "Type: ", result["target"].get("file").get("type")
         print "Path: ", result["target"].get("file").get("path")
         print "Size: ", result["target"].get("file").get("size")
         print "SHA1: ", result["target"].get("file").get("sha1")
         print "SHA256: ", result["target"].get("file").get("sha256")
         print "SHA512: ", result["target"].get("file").get("sha512")
         print "CRC32: ", result["target"].get("file").get("crc32")
         print "SSDeep: ", result["target"].get("file").get("ssdeep")
         print "MD5: ", result["target"].get("file").get("md5")
         print "Yara: ", result["target"].get("file").get("yara")
         print ""
         print "-- Debug --"
         print "Errors: ", result["debug"].get("errors")
         print "Log: ", result["debug"].get("log")
         print ""
         print "Strings: ", result["strings"]
         print ""
         print "Network: ", result["network"] 
Beispiel #6
 def taskDelete(self, id):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.taskDelete(id=id)
     if result is "NF":
         print "Error - Unable to delete the task"
     elif result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
         print "-------------------------------------------"
         print "Task ID:", id, "removed", result
         print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #7
 def submitURL(self, url, package=None, timeout=None, options=None, machine=None, platform=None, custom=None, memory=None, enforce_timeout=None):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     task_id = api.taskCreateURL(url=url, package=package, timeout=timeout, options=options, machine=machine, platform=platform, custom=custom, memory=memory, enforce_timeout=enforce_timeout)
     if task_id is "TO" or task_id is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif task_id is "SE":
         print "Error - Review parameters"
     elif task_id is "KO":
         print "Error - Non Controlled error"
         print "-------------------------------------------"
         print "URL:", url
         print "Submit OK - Task ID:", task_id
         print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #8
 def isavailablePlatform(self,platform):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.machinesList()
     if result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "SE":
         print "Error - Server Error"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
         machineslist = result["machines"]
         valid = False
         if len(machineslist) == 0:
             return valid
             for m in machineslist:
                name = m.get("platform")
                if name == platform:
                    valid = True
             return valid
Beispiel #9
 def getFile(self,sha256):
         api = cuckooapi.Api()
         result = api.fileGet(sha256=sha256)
         if result is "TO" or result is None:
             print "Error - Connection timeout"
         elif result is "SE":
             print "Error - Server Error"
         elif result is "KO":
             print "Error - Non controlled error"
         elif result is "NF":
             print "Error - File not found"
             name = sha256 + ".bin"
             file = open(name,"wb")
             print "File is saved as: ", name
     except Exception:
         print "Error - Getting File", e   
Beispiel #10
 def taskList(self):
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     result = api.taskList()
     if result is "TO" or result is None:
         print "Error - Connection timeout"
     elif result is "SE":
         print "Error - Server Error"
     elif result is "KO":
         print "Error - Non controlled error"
         tasklist = result["tasks"]
         if len(tasklist) == 0:
             print "Error - Task list is empty"
             print "-------------------------------------------"
             for t in tasklist:
                 print "Task ID: ", t.get("id")
                 print "Target: ", t.get("target")
                 print "Category: ", t.get("category")
                 print "Priority: ", t.get("priority")
                 print "Package: ", t.get("package")
                 print "Memory: ", t.get("memory")
                 print "Custom: ", t.get("custom")
                 print "Machine: ", t.get("machine")
                 print "Platform: ", t.get("platform")
                 print "Added_on: ", t.get("added_on")
                 print "Started on: ", t.get("started_on")
                 print "Shutdown on: ", t.get("guest").get("shutdown_on")
                 print "Completed on: ", t.get("completed_on")
                 print "Enforce timeout: ", t.get("enforce_timeout")
                 print "Timeout: ", t.get("timeout")
                 print "Options: ", t.get("options")
                 print "Manager: ", t.get("guest").get("manager")
                 print "Name: ", t.get("guest").get("name")
                 print "Status: ", t.get("status")
                 if len(t.get("errors")) > 0:
                     print "Errors: ", t.get("errors").pop()
                 print "-------------------------------------------"
Beispiel #11
 def submitDir(self, dir, package=None, timeout=None, options=None, machine=None, platform=None, custom=None, memory=None, enforce_timeout=None):
     if dir[-1] is not "/":
         dir = dir + "/"
     api = cuckooapi.Api()
     print "-------------------------------------------"
     print "Directory:", dir
     print "-------------------------------------------"
     files = os.listdir(dir)
     for f in files:
         file = dir + f
         task_id = api.taskCreateFile(file=file, package=package, timeout=timeout, options=options, machine=machine, platform=platform, custom=custom, memory=memory, enforce_timeout=enforce_timeout)
         if task_id is "TO" or task_id is None:
             print "Error - Connection timeout"
         elif task_id is "SE":
             print "Error - Review parameters"
         elif task_id is "KO":
             print "Error - Non Controlled error"
             print "File:", file
             print "Submit OK - Task ID:", task_id        
             print "-------------------------------------------"