Beispiel #1
class ObjectTable(DataTable):
    def __init__(self, app, name, cls):
        super(ObjectTable, self).__init__(app, name)

        assert isinstance(cls, RosemaryClass), cls

        self.cls = cls

        self.update_enabled = True

        # (RosemaryAttribute this, RosemaryAttribute that, Attribute object)
        self.filter_specs = list()

        # ((RosemaryAttribute this, Attribute value, SqlLikeFilter.CONTAINS)
        self.like_specs = list()

        self.export = None

    def init(self):
        if not self.adapter:
            self.adapter = ObjectSqlAdapter(, self.cls)

        super(ObjectTable, self).init()

        for this, that, fobj in self.filter_specs:

        for column, vattr, type in self.like_specs:

        if self.sort.default is None:
            for col in self.columns:
                if col.sortable:

        # Now that all columns have been initialized, and we
        # have a sortable column if possible, set direction

    def add_attribute_column(self, attr):
        assert isinstance(attr, RosemaryAttribute), attr

        col = ObjectTableColumn(,, attr)


        return col

    def add_filter(self, attribute, this, that=None):
        if not that:
            that = this

        assert isinstance(attribute, Attribute), attribute
        assert isinstance(this, RosemaryAttribute), this
        assert isinstance(that, RosemaryAttribute), that

        self.filter_specs.append((this, that, attribute))

    def add_reference_filter(self, attribute, ref):
        assert isinstance(ref, RosemaryReference), ref

        this = ref
        that = ref.that_cls._id

        self.add_filter(attribute, this, that)

    def add_like_filter(self, attribute, column, type=SqlLikeFilter.CONTAINS):
        assert isinstance(attribute, Attribute), attribute
#        assert isinstance(column, DataTableColumn), column

        self.like_specs.append((column, attribute, type))

    def get_data_values(self, session):
        values = dict()

        for this, that, fobj in self.filter_specs:
            obj = fobj.get(session)
            values[] = getattr(obj,

        for this, vattr, type in self.like_specs:
            value = vattr.get(session)
            # if the user typed a %, don't add another
            pre = ""
            post = "%"
            if not "%" in value:
                pre = type == SqlLikeFilter.CONTAINS and "%%" or ""
                post = ""
            values[] = "%s%s%s" % (pre, value, post)

        return values

    def render_title(self, session):
        return "%ss" % self.cls._title

    def render_footer_options(self, session):
        if self.export:
            return self.export.render(session)