Beispiel #1
 def test_offsets(self):
     if (runtime.is_hip and self.dtype == numpy.float32
             and driver.get_build_version() == 400):
         pytest.xfail('generated wrong result -- may be buggy?')
     assert self.m.offsets.dtype == numpy.int32
                                cupy.array([0, -1], self.dtype))
Beispiel #2
class TestMemPool:
                        reason='HIP does not support async allocator')
                        and runtime.runtimeGetVersion() < 11020,
                        reason='cudaMemPool_t is supported since CUDA 11.2')
    @pytest.mark.skipif(not driver._is_cuda_python()
                        and driver.get_build_version() < 11020,
                        reason='cudaMemPool_t is supported since CUDA 11.2')
        runtime.cudaDevAttrMemoryPoolsSupported, 0) == 0,
                        reason='cudaMemPool_t is not supported on device 0')
    def test_mallocFromPoolAsync(self):
        # also test create/destroy a pool
        props = runtime.MemPoolProps(runtime.cudaMemAllocationTypePinned,
                                     0)  # on device 0
        pool = runtime.memPoolCreate(props)
        assert pool > 0
        s = cupy.cuda.Stream()
        ptr = runtime.mallocFromPoolAsync(128, pool, s.ptr)
        assert ptr > 0
        runtime.freeAsync(ptr, s.ptr)
Beispiel #3
 def setUp(self):
     if runtime.is_hip and self.axis in (0, -2):
         HIP_version = driver.get_build_version()
         if HIP_version < 5_00_00000:
             # internally a temporary CSC matrix is generated and thus
             # casues problems (see
             pytest.xfail('spmv is buggy (trans=True)')
Beispiel #4
    def check_mode(self, array, mode, dtype, batched=False):
        if runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 307:
            if dtype in (numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128):
                pytest.skip('ungqr unsupported')

        a_cpu = numpy.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
        a_gpu = cupy.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
        result_gpu = cupy.linalg.qr(a_gpu, mode=mode)

        if ((not batched)
                or (numpy.lib.NumpyVersion(numpy.__version__) >= '1.22.0')):
            result_cpu = numpy.linalg.qr(a_cpu, mode=mode)
            self._check_result(result_cpu, result_gpu)
            # We still want to test it to gain confidence...
            # TODO(leofang): Use @testing.with_requires('numpy>=1.22') once
            # NumPy 1.22 is out, and clean up this helper function
            batch_shape = a_cpu.shape[:-2]
            batch_size = prod(batch_shape)
            a_cpu = a_cpu.reshape(batch_size, *a_cpu.shape[-2:])
            for i in range(batch_size):
                res_cpu = numpy.linalg.qr(a_cpu[i], mode=mode)
                if isinstance(result_gpu, tuple):
                    q_gpu, r_gpu = result_gpu
                    q_gpu = q_gpu.reshape(batch_size, *q_gpu.shape[-2:])
                    idx = -1 if mode == 'raw' else -2
                    r_gpu = r_gpu.reshape(batch_size, *r_gpu.shape[idx:])
                    res_gpu = (q_gpu[i], r_gpu[i])
                    self._check_result(res_cpu, res_gpu)
                else:  # mode == 'r'
                    res_gpu = result_gpu.reshape(
                        batch_size, *result_gpu.shape[-2:])[i]
                    self._check_result(res_cpu, res_gpu)
Beispiel #5
    def check_mode(self, array, mode, dtype):
        if runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 307:
            if dtype in (numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128):
                pytest.skip('ungqr unsupported')

        a_cpu = numpy.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
        a_gpu = cupy.asarray(array, dtype=dtype)
        result_gpu = cupy.linalg.qr(a_gpu, mode=mode)
        if (mode != 'raw'
                or numpy.lib.NumpyVersion(numpy.__version__) >= '1.22.0rc1'):
            result_cpu = numpy.linalg.qr(a_cpu, mode=mode)
            self._check_result(result_cpu, result_gpu)
Beispiel #6
    def test_csrgemm2_abpd(self):
        if not cupy.cusparse.check_availability('csrgemm2'):
            pytest.skip('csrgemm2 is not available.')
        if runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 402:
            pytest.xfail('csrgemm2 is buggy')

        a = sparse.csr_matrix(self.a)
        b = sparse.csr_matrix(self.b)
        d = sparse.csr_matrix(self.d)
        c = cupy.cusparse.csrgemm2(a, b, d=d, alpha=self.alpha, beta=self.beta)
        expect = self.alpha * + self.beta * self.d
        testing.assert_array_almost_equal(c.toarray(), expect.toarray())
class TestIX_(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_ix_list(self, xp):
        return xp.ix_([0, 1], [2, 4])

    @pytest.mark.xfail(runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 402,
                       reason='HIP may have a bug')
    def test_ix_ndarray(self, xp, dtype):
        return xp.ix_(xp.array([0, 1], dtype), xp.array([2, 3], dtype))

    def test_ix_empty_ndarray(self, xp):
        return xp.ix_(xp.array([]))

    def test_ix_bool_ndarray(self, xp):
        return xp.ix_(xp.array([True, False] * 2))
Beispiel #8
    def test_csrsm2(self, dtype):
        if not cusparse.check_availability('csrsm2'):
            pytest.skip('csrsm2 is not available')
        if runtime.is_hip:
            if (self.transa == 'H'
                    or (driver.get_build_version() < 400 and
                        ((self.format == 'csc' and self.transa == 'N') or
                         (self.format == 'csr' and self.transa == 'T')))):
                pytest.xfail('may be buggy')

        if (self.format == 'csc' and numpy.dtype(dtype).char in 'FD'
                and self.transa == 'H'):
            pytest.skip('unsupported combination')
        x = self.b.copy(order=self.order)
        testing.assert_allclose(x, self.ref_x, atol=self.tol, rtol=self.tol)
Beispiel #9
from cupy.cuda import compiler  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import device  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import driver  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import function  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import memory  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import memory_hook  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import memory_hooks  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import pinned_memory  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import profiler  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import runtime  # NOQA
from cupy.cuda import stream  # NOQA

_available = None
_cuda_path = None

if driver.get_build_version() >= 8000:
    from cupy.cuda import cusolver  # NOQA
    cusolver_enabled = True
    cusolver_enabled = False

    from cupy.cuda import nvtx  # NOQA
    nvtx_enabled = True
except ImportError:
    nvtx_enabled = False

    from cupy.cuda import thrust  # NOQA
    thrust_enabled = True
except ImportError:
Beispiel #10
class TestCooMatrixScipyComparison:

    def make(self):
        return globals()[self.make_method]

    def test_dtype(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.dtype

    def test_nnz(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.getnnz()

    def test_asfptype(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.asfptype()

    def test_toarray(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.toarray()

    def test_A(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.A

    def test_tocoo(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.tocoo()

    def test_tocoo_copy(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = m.tocoo(copy=True)
        assert is not
        assert m.row is not n.row
        assert m.col is not n.col
        return n

    def test_tocsc(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        out = m.tocsc()
        assert out.has_canonical_format
        return out

    def test_tocsc_copy(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = m.tocsc(copy=True)
        assert is not
        assert n.has_canonical_format
        return n

    def test_tocsr(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        out = m.tocsr()
        assert out.has_canonical_format
        return out

    def test_tocsr_copy(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = m.tocsr(copy=True)
        assert is not
        assert n.has_canonical_format
        return n

    # dot
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_dot_scalar(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)

    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_dot_numpy_scalar(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)

    def test_dot_csr(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype)

    def test_dot_csr_invalid_shape(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = sp.csr_matrix((5, 3), dtype=self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    @pytest.mark.skipif(runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 400,
                        reason='no working implementation')
    def test_dot_csc(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocsc()

    def test_dot_sparse(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocoo()

    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_dot_zero_dim(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.array(2, dtype=self.dtype)

    def test_dot_dense_vector(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.arange(4).astype(self.dtype)

    def test_dot_dense_vector_invalid_shape(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(5).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_dot_dense_matrix(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.arange(8).reshape(4, 2).astype(self.dtype)

    def test_dot_dense_matrix_invalid_shape(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(10).reshape(5, 2).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_dot_dense_ndim3(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_dot_unsupported(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # __add__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_add_zero(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m + 0

    def test_add_scalar(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
                m + 1

    def test_add_csr(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = _make2(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m + n

    def test_add_coo(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = _make2(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocoo()
        return m + n

    def test_add_dense(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = xp.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
        return m + n

    # __radd__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_radd_zero(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return 0 + m

    def test_radd_scalar(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
                1 + m

    def test_radd_dense(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = xp.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
        return n + m

    # __sub__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_sub_zero(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m - 0

    def test_sub_scalar(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
                m - 1

    def test_sub_csr(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = _make2(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m - n

    def test_sub_coo(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = _make2(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocoo()
        return m - n

    def test_sub_dense(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = xp.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
        return m - n

    # __rsub__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_rsub_zero(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return 0 - m

    def test_rsub_scalar(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
                1 - m

    def test_rsub_dense(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        n = xp.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
        return n - m

    # __mul__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_mul_scalar(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m * 2.0

    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_mul_numpy_scalar(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m * numpy.dtype(self.dtype).type(2.0)

    def test_mul_csr(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m * x

    def test_mul_csr_invalid_shape(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = sp.csr_matrix((5, 3), dtype=self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m * x

    @pytest.mark.skipif(runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 400,
                        reason='no working implementation')
    def test_mul_csc(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocsc()
        return m * x

    def test_mul_sparse(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocoo()
        return m * x

    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_mul_zero_dim(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.array(2, dtype=self.dtype)
        return m * x

    def test_mul_dense_vector(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.arange(4).astype(self.dtype)
        return m * x

    def test_mul_dense_vector_invalid_shape(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(5).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m * x

    def test_mul_dense_matrix(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.arange(8).reshape(4, 2).astype(self.dtype)
        return m * x

    def test_mul_dense_matrix_invalid_shape(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(10).reshape(5, 2).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m * x

    def test_mul_dense_ndim3(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m * x

    def test_mul_unsupported(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                m * None

    # __rmul__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_rmul_scalar(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return 2.0 * m

    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_rmul_numpy_scalar(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return numpy.dtype(self.dtype).type(2.0) * m

    def test_rmul_csr(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return x * m

    @pytest.mark.skipif(runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 400,
                        reason='no working implementation')
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_rmul_csc(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocsc()
        return x * m

    def test_rmul_sparse(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = _make3(xp, sp, self.dtype).tocoo()
        return x * m

    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_rmul_zero_dim(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.array(2, dtype=self.dtype)
        return x * m

    def test_rmul_dense_matrix(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        x = xp.arange(12).reshape(4, 3).astype(self.dtype)
        return x * m

    def test_rmul_dense_ndim3(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3).astype(self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                x * m

    def test_rmul_unsupported(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                None * m

    # Note: '@' operator is almost equivalent to '*' operator. Only test the
    # cases where '@' raises an exception and '*' does not.
    def test_matmul_scalar(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = 2.0
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m @ x
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                x @ m

    def test_matmul_numpy_scalar(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = numpy.dtype(self.dtype).type(2.0)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m @ x
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                x @ m

    def test_matmul_scalar_like_array(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            x = xp.array(2.0, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m @ x
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                x @ m

    # __pow__
    @testing.numpy_cupy_allclose(sp_name='sp', _check_sparse_format=False)
    def test_pow_0(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make_square(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m ** 0

    def test_pow_1(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make_square(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m ** 1

    def test_pow_2(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make_square(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m ** 2

    def test_pow_3(self, xp, sp):
        m = _make_square(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m ** 3

    def test_pow_neg(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make_square(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                m ** -1

    def test_sum_tuple_axis(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                m.sum(axis=(0, 1))

    def test_sum_float_axis(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    def test_sum_too_large_axis(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_transpose(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.transpose()

    def test_transpose_axes_int(self):
        for xp, sp in ((numpy, scipy.sparse), (cupy, sparse)):
            m = _make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_eliminate_zeros(self, xp, sp):
        m = self.make(xp, sp, self.dtype)
        return m.nnz
Beispiel #11
class TestPoly1d:
    def test_poly1d_leading_zeros(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3], dtype)
        return xp.poly1d(a)

    def test_poly1d_neg(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((5, ), xp, dtype)
        return -xp.poly1d(a)

    def test_poly1d_order(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), xp, dtype)
        return xp.poly1d(a).order

    def test_poly1d_order_leading_zeros(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0], dtype)
        return xp.poly1d(a).order

    @pytest.mark.skipif(runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 402,
                        reason='syevj not available')
    def test_poly1d_roots(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([-3, -2.5, 3], dtype)
        out = xp.poly1d(a).roots
        # The current `cupy.roots` doesn't guarantee the order of results.
        return xp.sort(out)

    def test_poly1d_getitem1(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), xp, dtype)
        with cupyx.allow_synchronize(False):
            return xp.poly1d(a)[-1]

    def test_poly1d_getitem2(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), xp, dtype)
        with cupyx.allow_synchronize(False):
            return xp.poly1d(a)[5]

    def test_poly1d_getitem3(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), xp, dtype)
        with cupyx.allow_synchronize(False):
            return xp.poly1d(a)[100]

    def test_poly1d_getitem4(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0], dtype)
        with cupyx.allow_synchronize(False):
            return xp.poly1d(a)[2]

    def test_poly1d_setitem(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), xp, dtype)
        b = xp.poly1d(a)
        with cupyx.allow_synchronize(False):
            b[100] = 20
        return b

    def test_poly1d_setitem_leading_zeros(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0], dtype)
        b = xp.poly1d(a)
        with cupyx.allow_synchronize(False):
            b[1] = 10
        return b

    def test_poly1d_setitem_neg(self, dtype):
        for xp in (numpy, cupy):
            a = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), xp, dtype)
            b = xp.poly1d(a)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                b[-1] = 20

    def test_poly1d_get1(self, dtype):
        a1 = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), cupy, dtype)
        a2 = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), numpy, dtype)
        b1 = cupy.poly1d(a1, variable='z').get()
        b2 = numpy.poly1d(a2, variable='z')
        assert b1 == b2

    def test_poly1d_get2(self, dtype):
        a1 = testing.shaped_arange((), cupy, dtype)
        a2 = testing.shaped_arange((), numpy, dtype)
        b1 = cupy.poly1d(a1).get()
        b2 = numpy.poly1d(a2)
        assert b1 == b2

    def test_poly1d_set(self, dtype):
        arr1 = testing.shaped_arange((10, ), cupy, dtype)
        arr2 = numpy.ones(10, dtype=dtype)
        a = cupy.poly1d(arr1)
        b = numpy.poly1d(arr2, variable='z')
        assert a.variable == b.variable
        testing.assert_array_equal(a.coeffs, b.coeffs)

    def test_poly1d_repr(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((5, ), xp, dtype)
        return repr(xp.poly1d(a))

    def test_poly1d_str(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((5, ), xp, dtype)
        return str(xp.poly1d(a))

    def test_poly1d_call(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((5, ), xp, dtype)
        b = xp.poly1d(a)
        return b(a)
Beispiel #12
class TestPolyRoutinesNdim:
    def test_polyroutine_ndim(self, dtype):
        for xp in (numpy, cupy):
            func = getattr(xp, self.fname)
            a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3, 4), xp, dtype)
            b = testing.shaped_arange((10, 5), xp, dtype)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                func(a, b)

    'input': [[2, -1, -2], [-4, 10, 4]],
@pytest.mark.skipif(runtime.is_hip and driver.get_build_version() < 402,
                    reason='syevj not available')
class TestRootsReal:
    def test_roots_array(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array(self.input, dtype)
        out = xp.roots(a)
        return xp.sort(out)

    def test_roots_poly1d(self, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array(self.input, dtype)
        out = xp.roots(xp.poly1d(a))
        return xp.sort(out)
Beispiel #13
    raise RuntimeError('_wheel.json is not found in the package')

# Now that conda-forge docker images have, so "import cupy" would not fail
# on Linux. However, tests would fail on the Azure CI since there is no GPU. See the
# discussion in
# On Windows, this will fail because Windows has no driver stub.
    import cupy
except Exception as e:
    if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
        print("No driver available on Windows. Exiting...")

# Ensure CuPy picks up the correct CUDA_VERSION
from cupy.cuda import driver
ver = driver.get_build_version()
cuda_ver = os.environ.get('cuda_compiler_version').split('.')
cuda_ver = int(cuda_ver[0]) * 1000 + int(cuda_ver[1]) * 10
if ver != cuda_ver:
    raise ValueError('CUDA version {0} != cuda_compiler_version {1}'.format(
        ver, cuda_ver))

    # Print CuPy runtime info
    # this line would fail if there is no GPU
except Exception as e:
    print('Got an error: \n%s' % str(e))
    print("No GPU available. Exiting without running CuPy's tests.")