Beispiel #1
    def _initialize_read(self):
        from cudf.core.buffer import Buffer
        from cupy.cuda.memory import UnownedMemory

        self._offset = 0
        self._has_read_headers = False
        self._buffers = []
        headers, buffers = _id_to_buffers[self._object_id]
        self._headers = headers = headers.copy()
        buffer_types = []
        for buf in buffers:
            if isinstance(buf, cupy.ndarray):
                ptr, size =, buf.size
                    UnownedMemory(ptr, size, Buffer(ptr, size)))
                buffer_types.append(["cuda", size])
            elif isinstance(buf, Buffer):
                ptr, size = buf.ptr, buf.size
                if size == 0:
                    # empty buffer cannot construct a UnownedMemory
                        UnownedMemory(ptr, size, Buffer(ptr, size)))
                buffer_types.append(["cuda", size])
                size = getattr(buf, "size", len(buf))
                buffer_types.append(["memory", size])
        headers["buffer_types"] = buffer_types
Beispiel #2
    def _read_init(self):
        from cupy.cuda.memory import UnownedMemory

        ptr = self._object_id.ptrs[0]
        self._size = self._object_id.headers['size']
        self._buffer = Buffer(ptr, self._size)
        self._cupy_memory = UnownedMemory(ptr, self._size, self._buffer)
Beispiel #3
    def write(self, content):
        from cudf.core.buffer import Buffer
        from cupy.cuda import MemoryPointer
        from cupy.cuda.memory import UnownedMemory

        if not self._has_write_headers:
            self._headers = headers = pickle.loads(content)
            buffer_types = headers["buffer_types"]
            for buffer_type, size in buffer_types:
                if buffer_type == "cuda":
            self._has_write_headers = True

        cur_buf = self._buffers[self._cur_buffer_index]
        cur_buf_size = self._headers["buffer_types"][self._cur_buffer_index][1]
        if isinstance(cur_buf, Buffer):
            cur_cupy_memory = UnownedMemory(cur_buf.ptr, len(cur_buf), cur_buf)
            cupy_pointer = MemoryPointer(cur_cupy_memory, self._offset)

            if isinstance(content, bytes):
                content_length = len(content)
                source_mem = np.frombuffer(
                    content, dtype="uint8").ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
                source_mem = MemoryPointer(
                    UnownedMemory(content.ptr, len(content), content), 0)
                content_length = source_mem.mem.size
            cupy_pointer.copy_from(source_mem, content_length)
            content_length = len(content)
        if content_length + self._offset >= cur_buf_size:
            if isinstance(cur_buf, BytesIO):
                self._buffers[self._cur_buffer_index] = cur_buf.getvalue()
            self._cur_buffer_index += 1
            self._offset = 0
            self._offset += content_length
Beispiel #4
def cupy_pytorch_allocator(size_in_bytes: int):
    """Function that can be passed into cupy.cuda.set_allocator, to have cupy
    allocate memory via PyTorch. This is important when using the two libraries
    together, as otherwise OOM errors can occur when there's available memory
    sitting in the other library's pool.
    # Cupy was having trouble with very small allocations?
    size_in_bytes = max(1024, size_in_bytes)
    torch_tensor = torch.zeros((size_in_bytes // 4,))
    # cupy has a neat class to help us here. Otherwise it will try to free.
    # I think this is a private API? It's not in the types.
    address = torch_tensor.data_ptr()  # type: ignore
    memory = UnownedMemory(address, size_in_bytes, torch_tensor)
    # Now return a new memory pointer.
    return MemoryPointer(memory, 0)
Beispiel #5
def cupy_tensorflow_allocator(size_in_bytes: int):
    """Function that can be passed into cupy.cuda.set_allocator, to have cupy
    allocate memory via TensorFlow. This is important when using the two libraries
    together, as otherwise OOM errors can occur when there's available memory
    sitting in the other library's pool.
    size_in_bytes = max(1024, size_in_bytes)
    tensor = tensorflow.zeros((size_in_bytes // 4,), dtype=tensorflow.dtypes.float32)
    # We convert to cupy via dlpack, so that we can get a memory pointer.
    cupy_array = cast(ArrayXd, tensorflow2xp(tensor))
    address = int(
    # cupy has a neat class to help us here. Otherwise it will try to free.
    memory = UnownedMemory(address, size_in_bytes, cupy_array)
    # Now return a new memory pointer.
    return MemoryPointer(memory, 0)
Beispiel #6
def cupy_pytorch_allocator(size_in_bytes: int):
    """Function that can be passed into cupy.cuda.set_allocator, to have cupy
    allocate memory via PyTorch. This is important when using the two libraries
    together, as otherwise OOM errors can occur when there's available memory
    sitting in the other library's pool.
    # Cupy was having trouble with very small allocations?
    size_in_bytes = max(1024, size_in_bytes)
    # We use pytorch's underlying FloatStorage type to avoid overhead from
    # creating a whole Tensor.
    # This turns out to be way faster than making FloatStorage? Maybe
    # a Python vs C++ thing I guess?
    torch_tensor = torch.zeros((size_in_bytes // 4,), requires_grad=False)
    # cupy has a neat class to help us here. Otherwise it will try to free.
    # I think this is a private API? It's not in the types.
    address = torch_tensor.data_ptr()  # type: ignore
    memory = UnownedMemory(address, size_in_bytes, torch_tensor)
    # Now return a new memory pointer.
    return MemoryPointer(memory, 0)
Beispiel #7
    def _write_init(self):
        from cupy.cuda.memory import UnownedMemory

        self._buffer = self._cuda_buffer
        self._cupy_memory = UnownedMemory(self._buffer.ptr, self._size,