Beispiel #1
 def select_valid_oof(y, oof):
     if isinstance(oof, cupy.ndarray):
         if len(oof.shape) == 1:
             idx = cupy.argwhere(~cupy.isnan(oof[:])).ravel()
         elif len(oof.shape) == 2:
             idx = cupy.argwhere(~cupy.isnan(oof[:, 0])).ravel()
         elif len(oof.shape) == 3:
             idx = cupy.argwhere(~cupy.isnan(oof[:, 0, 0])).ravel()
             raise ValueError(f'Unsupported shape:{oof.shape}')
         return y.iloc[idx] if hasattr(y, 'iloc') else y[idx], oof[idx]
         return ToolBox.select_valid_oof(y, oof)
Beispiel #2
    def _dense_fit(self, X, strategy, missing_values, fill_value):
        """Fit the transformer on dense data."""
        mask = _get_mask(X, missing_values)

        # Mean
        if strategy == "mean":
            count_missing_values = mask.sum(axis=0)
            n_elems = X.shape[0] - count_missing_values
            mean = np.nansum(X, axis=0)
            mean -= (count_missing_values * missing_values)
            mean /= n_elems
            return mean

        # Median
        elif strategy == "median":
            count_missing_values = mask.sum(axis=0)
            n_elems = X.shape[0] - count_missing_values
            middle, is_odd = np.divmod(n_elems, 2)
            is_odd = is_odd.astype(np.bool)
            middle += count_missing_values
            X_sorted = X.copy()
            X_sorted[mask] = np.nan
            X_sorted = np.sort(X, axis=0)
            median = np.empty(X.shape[1], dtype=X.dtype)
            wis_odd = np.argwhere(is_odd).squeeze()
            wnot_odd = np.argwhere(~is_odd).squeeze()
            median[wis_odd] = X_sorted[middle[wis_odd], wis_odd]
            elm1 = X_sorted[middle[wnot_odd] - 1, wnot_odd]
            elm2 = X_sorted[middle[wnot_odd], wnot_odd]
            median[wnot_odd] = (elm1 + elm2) / 2.
            return median

        # Most frequent
        elif strategy == "most_frequent":
            n_features = X.shape[1]
            most_frequent = cpu_np.empty(n_features, dtype=X.dtype)
            for i in range(n_features):
                feature_mask_idxs = np.where(~mask[:, i])[0]
                values, counts = np.unique(X[feature_mask_idxs, i],
                count_max = counts.max()
                if count_max > 0:
                    value = values[counts == count_max].min()
                    value = np.nan
                most_frequent[i] = value
            return np.array(most_frequent)

        # Constant
        elif strategy == "constant":
            return np.full(X.shape[1], fill_value, dtype=X.dtype)
Beispiel #3
def _check_symmetric_relations(a_matrix):
    Check if the argument matrix is symmetric.  Raise a value error with details
    about the offending elements if it is not.  This is useful for checking the
    instantaneously linked nodes have the same link strength.

    a_matrix : 2D numpy array
        Relationships between nodes at tau = 0. Indexed such that first index is
        node and second is parent, i.e. node j with parent i has strength
    # Check it is symmetric
    if not np.allclose(a_matrix, a_matrix.T, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10):
        # Store the disagreement elements
        bad_elems = ~np.isclose(a_matrix, a_matrix.T, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)
        bad_idxs = np.argwhere(bad_elems)
        error_message = ""
        for node, parent in bad_idxs:
            # Check that we haven't already printed about this pair
            if bad_elems[node, parent]:
                error_message += \
                    "Parent {:d} of node {:d}".format(parent, node)+\
                    " has coefficient {:f}.\n".format(a_matrix[node, parent])+\
                    "Parent {:d} of node {:d}".format(node, parent)+\
                    " has coefficient {:f}.\n".format(a_matrix[parent, node])
            # Check if we already printed about this one
            bad_elems[node, parent] = False
            bad_elems[parent, node] = False
        raise ValueError("Relationships between nodes at tau=0 are not"+\
                         " symmetric!\n"+error_message)
Beispiel #4
def delete_pad(image):
    orig_h, orig_w = image.shape[:2]
    mask = xp.argwhere(
        image[:, :, 3] > 128)  # alphaチャンネルの条件、!= 0 や == 255に調整できる
    (min_y, min_x) = (max(min(mask[:, 0]) - 1, 0), max(min(mask[:, 1]) - 1, 0))
    (max_y, max_x) = (min(max(mask[:, 0]) + 1,
                          orig_h), min(max(mask[:, 1]) + 1, orig_w))
    return image[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]
Beispiel #5
    def getProj(self, obs, center_pixel, rz, z, ry, rx):
        patch = self.getPatch(obs, center_pixel, torch.zeros_like(rz))
        patch = np.round(patch.cpu().numpy(), 5)
        patch = cp.array(patch)
        projections = []
        size = self.patch_size
        zs = cp.array(z.numpy()) + cp.array(
            [(-size / 2 + j) * self.heightmap_resolution for j in range(size)])
        zs = zs.reshape((zs.shape[0], 1, 1, zs.shape[1]))
        zs = zs.repeat(size, 1).repeat(size, 2)
        c = patch.reshape(patch.shape[0], self.patch_size, self.patch_size,
                          1).repeat(size, 3)
        ori_occupancy = c > zs
        # transform into points
        point_w_d = cp.argwhere(ori_occupancy)

        rz_id = (rz.expand(-1, self.num_rz) - self.rzs).abs().argmin(1)
        ry_id = (ry.expand(-1, self.num_ry) - self.rys).abs().argmin(1)
        rx_id = (rx.expand(-1, self.num_rx) - self.rxs).abs().argmin(1)

        dimension = point_w_d[:, 0]
        point = point_w_d[:, 1:4]

        rz_id = cp.array(rz_id)
        ry_id = cp.array(ry_id)
        rx_id = cp.array(rx_id)
        mapped_point =[rz_id[dimension], ry_id[dimension],
                                rx_id[dimension], point[:, 0], point[:, 1],
                                point[:, 2]].T
        rotated_point = mapped_point.T[(cp.logical_and(
            0 < mapped_point.T, mapped_point.T < size)).all(1)]
        d = dimension[(cp.logical_and(
            0 < mapped_point.T, mapped_point.T < size)).all(1)].T.astype(int)

        for i in range(patch.shape[0]):
            point = rotated_point[d == i].T
            occupancy = cp.zeros((size, size, size))
            if point.shape[0] > 0:
                occupancy[point[0], point[1], point[2]] = 1

            occupancy = median_filter(occupancy, size=2)
            occupancy = cp.ceil(occupancy)

            projection = cp.stack(
                (occupancy.sum(0), occupancy.sum(1), occupancy.sum(2)))

        return torch.tensor(cp.stack(projections)).float().to(self.device)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(
        n_pre:  int,     # presynaptic neurons
        n_post: int,     # postsynaptic neurons
        w_min:  float,   # min synaptic weight
        w_max:  float,   # max synaptic weight
        d_min:  int,     # min axonal delay
        d_max:  int,     # max axonal delay
        den:    float,   # synaptic density
        inh:    float    # inhibitory neurons
        self.n_syn  = int(n_pre * n_post * den)
        self.n_inh  = int(n_pre * inh)
        self.n_post = n_post
        self.d_max  = d_max

        # global synaptic index -> prevent duplicates
        i_glob = cp.random.choice(
            n_pre * n_post, self.n_syn, replace=False

        # convert to pre-post
        self.i_pre = i_glob % n_pre
        self.i_post = i_glob // n_pre

        # synaptic weights
        self.w = cp.random.uniform(w_min, w_max, self.n_syn, dtype=cp.float32)
        neg = cp.argwhere(self.i_pre < self.n_inh)
        self.w[neg] *= -1

        # axonal delays
        self.d = cp.random.randint(d_min, d_max+1, self.n_syn,

        # output matrix
        self.output = cp.zeros((d_max, n_post), dtype=cp.float32)

        self.kernel = propagate_delayed()
Beispiel #7
def sort_states(states,state_count):
    """Sort the states to place identical states next to each other
    This function sorts the states stored in a 2d numpy.ndarray so that
    identical states are placed next to each other. To increase speed, the
    states are not actually sorted since moving data around in memory can be
    time consuming, and usually not useful. What is returned is a sorted index
    and the location of unique states in the sorted index.

        states ([numpy.ndarray]): A 2d array of compressed states.
            See ``compress_states`` function.
        state_count ([int]): The number of states (or number of rows to sort).
        edges ([np.ndarray]): Bin edges, or locations of unique states
        index ([np.ndarray]): Sorted index. This output can be used to actually
            sort the input states by doing ``states[index]``
    if has_cupy:
        logger.debug('sort_states: cupy.lexsort')
        states = cupy.asarray(states[:state_count]).T
        index = cupy.lexsort(states)
        states = states[:,index]
        uniques = cupy.argwhere(cupy.any(states[:,:-1] != states[:,1:],axis=0)) + 1
        bin_edges = cupy.zeros((uniques.size+2,),dtype=np.int64)
        bin_edges[1:-1] = uniques.squeeze()
        bin_edges[-1] = states.shape[1]
        bin_edges = cupy.asnumpy(bin_edges)
        index = cupy.asnumpy(index)
        logger.debug('sort_states: tensorstate._lex_sort')
        bin_edges,index = ts._lex_sort(states,state_count)
    return bin_edges,index
Beispiel #8
def RenderingUserViewLF_AllinOne5K(LF=None,

    sphereW = Params.WIDTH
    sphereH = Params.HEIGHT

    CENTERx = viewpoint.lon
    CENTERy =

    # output view is 3:4 ratio
    new_imgW = cp.floor(viewpoint.diag * 4 / 5 + 0.5)
    new_imgH = cp.floor(viewpoint.diag * 3 / 5 + 0.5)

    new_imgW = int(new_imgW)
    new_imgH = int(new_imgH)

    OutView = cp.zeros((new_imgH, new_imgW, 3))
    TYwarp, TXwarp = cp.mgrid[0:new_imgH, 0:new_imgW]

    TX = TXwarp
    TY = TYwarp
    TX = (TX - 0.5 - new_imgW / 2)
    TY = (TY - 0.5 - new_imgH / 2)


    TX = TX + 1
    TY = TY + 1

    r = (viewpoint.diag / 2) / cp.tan(viewpoint.fov / 2)
    R = cp.sqrt(TY**2 + r**2)
    # Calculate LF_n
    ANGy = cp.arctan(-TY / r)
    ANGy = ANGy + CENTERy

    if (FB == 1):
        ANGn = cp.cos(ANGy) * cp.arctan(TX / r)
        ANGn = ANGn + CENTERx
        Pn = (Params.LFU_W / 2 - viewpoint.pos_y
              ) * cp.tan(ANGn) + viewpoint.pos_x + (3 * Params.LFU_W / 2)
    elif (FB == 2):
        ANGn = cp.cos(ANGy) * cp.arctan(-TX / r)
        ANGn = ANGn - CENTERx
        Pn = (Params.LFU_W / 2 + viewpoint.pos_y
              ) * cp.tan(ANGn) + viewpoint.pos_x + (3 * Params.LFU_W / 2)

    X = cp.sin(ANGy) * R
    Y = -cp.cos(ANGy) * R
    Z = TX

    ANGx = cp.arctan2(Z, -Y)
    RZY = cp.sqrt(Z**2 + Y**2)
    ANGy = cp.arctan(X / RZY)  #or ANGy = atan2(X, RZY);

    RATIO = 1
    ANGy = ANGy * RATIO

    ANGx = ANGx + CENTERx

    ANGx[abs(ANGy) > pi / 2] = ANGx[abs(ANGy) > pi / 2] + pi
    ANGx[ANGx > pi] = ANGx[ANGx > pi] - 2 * pi

    ANGy[ANGy > pi / 2] = pi / 2 - (ANGy[ANGy > pi / 2] - pi / 2)
    ANGy[ANGy < -pi / 2] = -pi / 2 + (ANGy[ANGy < -pi / 2] + pi / 2)

    Px = (ANGx + pi) / (2 * pi) * sphereW + 0.5
    Py = ((-ANGy) + pi / 2) / pi * sphereH + 0.5

    if (DIR == 2):
        Px = Px + Params.WIDTH / 4
    elif (DIR == 3):
        Px = Px + Params.WIDTH / 2
    elif (DIR == 4):
        Px = Px - Params.WIDTH / 4

    Px[Px < 1] = Px[Px < 1] + Params.WIDTH
    Px[Px > Params.WIDTH] = Px[Px > Params.WIDTH] - Params.WIDTH

    INDxx = cp.argwhere(Px < 1)
    Px[INDxx] = Px[INDxx] + sphereW

    Pn0 = cp.floor(Pn)
    Pn1 = cp.ceil(Pn)
    Pnr = Pn - Pn0

    Px0 = cp.floor(Px)
    Px1 = cp.ceil(Px)
    Pxr = Px - Px0

    Py0 = cp.floor(Py)
    Py1 = cp.ceil(Py)
    Pyr = Py - Py0

    Pnr = cp.rint((Pnr * 10000))
    Pnr = Pnr / 10000

    Pxr = cp.rint((Pxr * 10000))
    Pxr = Pxr / 10000

    Pyr = cp.rint((Pyr * 10000))
    Pyr = Pyr / 10000

    #210->012 rgb
    #cv2 사용 안하면 그대로
    OutView[:, :, 2] = inter8_mat5K(LF, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr, Py0,
                                    Py1, 1)
    OutView[:, :, 1] = inter8_mat5K(LF, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr, Py0,
                                    Py1, 2)
    OutView[:, :, 0] = inter8_mat5K(LF, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr, Py0,
                                    Py1, 3)
    OutFlow = inter8_mat_flow5K(LFDisparity, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr,
                                Py0, Py1)

    Py = cp.pad(Py, [(1, 1), (0, 0)], mode='edge')
    Py = cp.ceil((Py * 10000))
    Py = Py / 10000

    My = 2 / (Py[2:cp.size(Py, 0), :] - Py[0:(cp.size(Py, 0) - 2), :])

    My[0, :] = My[0, :] / 2

    My[cp.size(My, 0) - 1, :] = My[cp.size(My, 0) - 1, :] / 2

    OutFlow = My * OutFlow

    return OutView, OutFlow
Beispiel #9
def prominent_peaks(img,
    """Return peaks with non-maximum suppression.
    Identifies most prominent features separated by certain distances.
    Non-maximum suppression with different sizes is applied separately
    in the first and second dimension of the image to identify peaks.

    image : (M, N) ndarray
        Input image.
    min_xdistance : int
        Minimum distance separating features in the x dimension.
    min_ydistance : int
        Minimum distance separating features in the y dimension.
    threshold : float
        Minimum intensity of peaks. Default is `0.5 * max(image)`.
    num_peaks : int
        Maximum number of peaks. When the number of peaks exceeds `num_peaks`,
        return `num_peaks` coordinates based on peak intensity.

    intensity, xcoords, ycoords : tuple of array
        Peak intensity values, x and y indices.

    Modified from _prominent_peaks method
    t00 = time.time()
    #img = image.copy()
    rows, cols = img.shape

    if threshold is None:
        threshold = 0.5 * cp.max(img)

    ycoords_size = 2 * min_ydistance + 1
    xcoords_size = 2 * min_xdistance + 1

    t0 = time.time()
    img_max = ndi.maximum_filter(img,
                                 size=(ycoords_size, xcoords_size),
    te = (time.time() - t0) * 1e3
    logger.debug(f"Maxfilter: {te:2.2f} ms")

    t0 = time.time()
    mask = img == img_max
    img *= mask
    mask = img > threshold
    te = (time.time() - t0) * 1e3
    logger.debug(f"bitbash: {te:2.2f} ms")

    t0 = time.time()
    # Find array (x,y) indexes corresponding to max pixels
    peak_idxs = cp.argwhere(mask)
    # Find corresponding maximum values
    peak_vals = img[peak_idxs[:, 0], peak_idxs[:, 1]]
    # Sort peak values low to high
    ## Sort the list of peaks by intensity, not left-right, so larger peaks
    ## in Hough space cannot be arbitrarily suppressed by smaller neighbors
    val_sort_idx = cp.argsort(peak_vals)[::-1]
    # Return (x,y) coordinates corresponding to sorted max pixels
    coords = peak_idxs[val_sort_idx]
    te = (time.time() - t0) * 1e3
    logger.debug(f"coord search: {te:2.2f} ms")

    t0 = time.time()
    img_peaks = []
    ycoords_peaks = []
    xcoords_peaks = []

    # relative coordinate grid for local neighbourhood suppression
    ycoords_ext, xcoords_ext = cp.mgrid[-min_ydistance:min_ydistance + 1,
                                        -min_xdistance:min_xdistance + 1]

    for ycoords_idx, xcoords_idx in coords:
        accum = img_max[ycoords_idx, xcoords_idx]
        if accum > threshold:
            # absolute coordinate grid for local neighbourhood suppression
            ycoords_nh = ycoords_idx + ycoords_ext
            xcoords_nh = xcoords_idx + xcoords_ext

            # no reflection for distance neighbourhood
            ycoords_in = cp.logical_and(ycoords_nh > 0, ycoords_nh < rows)
            ycoords_nh = ycoords_nh[ycoords_in]
            xcoords_nh = xcoords_nh[ycoords_in]

            # reflect xcoords and assume xcoords are continuous,
            # e.g. for angles:
            # (..., 88, 89, -90, -89, ..., 89, -90, -89, ...)
            xcoords_low = xcoords_nh < 0
            ycoords_nh[xcoords_low] = rows - ycoords_nh[xcoords_low]
            xcoords_nh[xcoords_low] += cols
            xcoords_high = xcoords_nh >= cols
            ycoords_nh[xcoords_high] = rows - ycoords_nh[xcoords_high]
            xcoords_nh[xcoords_high] -= cols

            # suppress neighbourhood
            img_max[ycoords_nh, xcoords_nh] = 0

            # add current feature to peaks

    img_peaks = cp.array(img_peaks)
    ycoords_peaks = cp.array(ycoords_peaks)
    xcoords_peaks = cp.array(xcoords_peaks)
    te = (time.time() - t0) * 1e3
    logger.debug(f"crazyloop: {te:2.2f} ms")

    if num_peaks < len(img_peaks):
        idx_maxsort = cp.argsort(img_peaks)[::-1][:num_peaks]
        img_peaks = img_peaks[idx_maxsort]
        ycoords_peaks = ycoords_peaks[idx_maxsort]
        xcoords_peaks = xcoords_peaks[idx_maxsort]

    te = (time.time() - t0) * 1e3
    logger.debug(f"prominent_peaks total: {te:2.2f} ms")

    return img_peaks, xcoords_peaks, ycoords_peaks
Beispiel #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

import cupy as cp
import cupyx.scipy.ndimage
import numpy as np

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = cp.random.rand(10, 10)
    data[1, 2] = 30
    data[4, 5] = 60
    data[7, 8] = 90

    threshold = 1.0
    # Find maxes
    maxes = cupyx.scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(data, size=(5, 5))
    # Find peaks
    peaks = cp.logical_and(maxes == data, data >= threshold)
    with np.printoptions(linewidth=200):
def FilterData(matrizOnibusCpu, matrizLinhasCpu, busIdList, lineIdList,
               CONFIGS, logging):

    distanceTolerance = float(
    detectionPercentage = float(

    busStepSize = int(CONFIGS['default_correction_method']['busStepSize'])
    lineStepSize = int(CONFIGS['default_correction_method']['lineStepSize'])

    matrizOnibus = cp.asarray(matrizOnibusCpu)
    matrizLinhas = cp.asarray(matrizLinhasCpu)

    busesList = cp.array_split(
        int(matrizOnibus.shape[0] /
            busStepSize if matrizOnibus.shape[0] > busStepSize else 1))
    for index in range(1, len(busesList)):
        if len(busesList[index].shape) == 2:
            busesList[index][None, :]
        busesList[index] = cp.hsplit(busesList[index], [
            int(cp.argwhere(cp.isnan(busesList[index][0, :, 1]))[0]),

    linesList = cp.array_split(
        int(matrizLinhas.shape[0] /
            lineStepSize if matrizLinhas.shape[0] > lineStepSize else 1))

    for index in range(1, len(linesList)):
        if len(linesList[index].shape) == 2:
            linesList[index][None, :]
        linesList[index] = cp.hsplit(linesList[index], [
            int(cp.argwhere(cp.isnan(linesList[index][0, :, 1]))[0]),

    #busDataset =,drop_last=True)
    #lineDataset =,drop_last=True)

    #algorithm = Algorithm()
    fullResults = None
    for nowBus, busTensor in enumerate(busesList):
        allLinesResult = None
        for nowLine, lineTensor in enumerate(linesList):
            # Algorithm segment
            #algRes = algorithm.FullAlgorithm(busTensor,lineTensor,distanceTolerance,detectionPercentage)
            #algRes = FullAlgorithm(busTensor,lineTensor,distanceTolerance,detectionPercentage)
            algRes = cp.asnumpy(
            #segmentResults = algRes.numpy()
            # Concatenation to full results matrix
            if allLinesResult is None:
                allLinesResult = np.copy(algRes)
                allLinesResult = np.concatenate([allLinesResult, algRes],
        if fullResults is None:
            fullResults = np.copy(allLinesResult)
            fullResults = np.concatenate([fullResults, allLinesResult], axis=0)
    #fullResults = fullResults > detectionPercentage
    lineLabel = [(i[0], str(i[1])) for i in lineIdList]
    busLabel = [i[0] for i in busIdList]
    results = pd.DataFrame(fullResults.T,
    return results