Beispiel #1
def _sortbyabs(array, axis=0):
    Sort array along a given axis by absolute values.

    array : (N, ..., M) ndarray
        Array with input image data.
    axis : int
        Axis along which to sort.

    array : (N, ..., M) ndarray
        Array sorted along a given axis by absolute values.

    Modified from:

    # Create auxiliary array for indexing
    index = list(cp.ix_(*[cp.arange(i) for i in array.shape]))

    # Get indices of abs sorted array
    index[axis] = cp.abs(array).argsort(axis)

    # Return abs sorted array
    return array[tuple(index)]
Beispiel #2
    def adj(self, coeffs, shifts=None):
        """Adjoint operator for GWP decomposition
        coeffs : [K](Nangles,L0,L1) complex64
            Decomposition coefficients for box levels 0:K, angles 0:Nangles, 
            defined box grids with sizes [L0[k],L1[k]], k=0:K        
        f : [N,N] complex64
            2D function in the space domain        
        print('adj transform')
        # build spectrum by using gwp coefficients
        F = cp.zeros(self.fgridshape, dtype="complex64")
        # loop over box orientations
        for ang in range(0, self.nangles):
            print('angle', ang)
            g = cp.zeros(int([-1])), dtype='complex64')
            for k in range(self.K):
                fcoeffs = cp.array(coeffs[k][ang])
                # normalize
                fcoeffs /= ([-1]))
                if(shifts is not None):
                    # shift wrt region in rectangular grid
                    fcoeffs = util.checkerboard(cp.fft.fftn(
                        util.checkerboard(fcoeffs), norm='ortho'), inverse=True)
                    [py, px] = cp.meshgrid(
                        self.phasemanyy[k]*shifts[ang, k, 0], self.phasemanyx[k]*shifts[ang, k, 1], indexing='ij')
                    fcoeffs *= cp.exp(1j*(px+py))
                    fcoeffs = util.checkerboard(cp.fft.ifftn(
                        util.checkerboard(fcoeffs), norm='ortho'), inverse=True)
                # shift wrt xi_cent
                fcoeffs *= cp.exp(1j*self.phase[k])
                fcoeffs = util.checkerboard(cp.fft.fftn(
                    util.checkerboard(fcoeffs), norm='ortho'), inverse=True)
                # broadcast values to smaller boxes, multiply by the gwp kernel function
                g[self.inds[k]] += self.gwpf[k]*fcoeffs.flatten()
            g = g.reshape(self.boxshape[-1])
            # 2) Interpolation to the global grid
            # Conventional scattering operation from the global to local grid is replaced
            # by an equivalent gathering operation.
            # calculate global grid coordinates in the space domain
            xr = self.coordinates_adj(ang)
            # extract ids of the global spectrum subregion contatining the box
            [idsy, idsx] = self.subregion_ids(ang)
            # gathering to the global grid
            F[cp.ix_(idsy, idsx)] += self.U.gather(g, xr,
                                                   g.shape).reshape(len(idsy), len(idsx))
           # util.mplt(F)
        # 3) apply 2D IFFT, compensate for the USFFT kernel function in the space domain
        f = self.U.ifftcomp(

        # free cupy pools
        # mempool.free_all_blocks()
        # pinned_mempool.free_all_blocks()
        return f
Beispiel #3
def phasecorr_gpu(X, cfRefImg, lcorr):
    ''' not being used - no speed up - may be faster with cuda.jit'''
    nimg, Ly, Lx = X.shape
    ly, lx = cfRefImg.shape[-2:]
    lyhalf = int(np.floor(ly / 2))
    lxhalf = int(np.floor(lx / 2))

    # put on GPU
    ref_gpu = cp.asarray(cfRefImg)
    x_gpu = cp.asarray(X)

    # phasecorrelation
    x_gpu = fftn(x_gpu, axes=(1, 2),
                 overwrite_x=True) * np.sqrt(Ly - 1) * np.sqrt(Lx - 1)
    for t in range(x_gpu.shape[0]):
        tmp = x_gpu[t, :, :]
        tmp = cp.multiply(tmp, ref_gpu)
        tmp = cp.divide(tmp, cp.absolute(tmp) + 1e-5)
        x_gpu[t, :, :] = tmp
    x_gpu = ifftn(x_gpu, axes=(1, 2),
                  overwrite_x=True) * np.sqrt(Ly - 1) * np.sqrt(Lx - 1)
    x_gpu = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.real(x_gpu), axes=(1, 2))

    # get max index
    x_gpu = x_gpu[cp.ix_(np.arange(0, nimg, 1, int),
                         np.arange(lyhalf - lcorr, lyhalf + lcorr + 1, 1, int),
                         np.arange(lxhalf - lcorr, lxhalf + lcorr + 1, 1,
    ix = cp.argmax(cp.reshape(x_gpu, (nimg, -1)), axis=1)
    cmax = x_gpu[np.arange(0, nimg, 1, int), ix]
    ymax, xmax = cp.unravel_index(ix, (2 * lcorr + 1, 2 * lcorr + 1))
    cmax = cp.asnumpy(cmax).flatten()
    ymax = cp.asnumpy(ymax)
    xmax = cp.asnumpy(xmax)
    ymax, xmax = ymax - lcorr, xmax - lcorr
    return ymax, xmax, cmax
Beispiel #4
def cp_regularize_conv(kernel, input_shape, clip_to, devices=-1):

    A = cp.fft.fft2(kernel, input_shape, axes=(0, 1))
    # complex SVD using real formulation
    A_resh = cp.reshape(A, (-1, A.shape[2], A.shape[3]))
    R_resh = A_resh.real
    I_resh = A_resh.imag

    upper_batch = cp.concatenate((R_resh, I_resh), axis=2)
    lower_batch = cp.concatenate((-I_resh, R_resh), axis=2)
    K_batch = cp.concatenate((upper_batch, lower_batch), axis=1)

    KTK = cp.matmul(cp.transpose(K_batch, axes=(0, 2, 1)), K_batch)

    if isinstance(devices, int):
        _, sKTKinv = batch_sqrtm(KTK, numIters=10, reg=1.)
    elif isinstance(devices, dict):
        if len(devices) == 1:
            _, sKTKinv = batch_sqrtm(KTK, numIters=10, reg=1.)
            sKTKinv = batch_sqrtm_multi_gpu(KTK, devices, numIters=10, reg=1.)

    K_tran_batch = cp.squeeze(cp.matmul(K_batch,
                                        sKTKinv)) * clip_to  #* np.sqrt(1./2.)

    if len(K_tran_batch.shape) == 2:
        K_tran_batch = K_tran_batch[cp.newaxis, :, :]

    _, M, N = K_tran_batch.shape

    A_tran = K_tran_batch[:, 0:M / 2,
                          0:N / 2] - 1j * K_tran_batch[:, 0:M / 2, -N / 2:]
    A_tran = cp.reshape(A_tran, A.shape).astype(cp.complex64)

    clipped_kernel = cp.fft.ifft2(A_tran, axes=(0, 1)).real
    return clipped_kernel[cp.ix_(*[range(d) for d in kernel.shape])]
Beispiel #5
    def fwd(self, f, shifts=None):
        """Forward operator for GWP decomposition
        f : [N,N] complex64
            2D function in the space domain
        coeffs : [K](Nangles,L3,L0,L1) complex64
            Decomposition coefficients for box levels 0:K, angles 0:Nangles, 
            defined on box grids with sizes [L3[k],L0[k],L1[k]], k=0:K
        print('fwd transform')
        # 1) Compensate for the USFFT kernel function in the space domain and apply 2D FFT
        F = self.U.compfft(cp.array(f))

        # allocate memory for coefficeints
        coeffs = [None]*self.K
        for k in range(self.K):
            coeffs[k] = np.zeros(
                [self.nangles, *self.boxshape[k]], dtype='complex64')

        # loop over box orientations
        for ang in range(0, self.nangles):
            print('angle', ang)
            # 2) Interpolation to the local box grid.
            # Gathering operation from the global to local grid.
            # extract ids of the global spectrum subregion contatining the box
            [idsy, idsx] = self.subregion_ids(ang)
            # calculate box coordinates in the space domain
            xr = self.coordinates_fwd(ang)
            # gather values to the box grid
            g = self.U.gather(F[cp.ix_(idsy, idsx)], xr, F.shape)

            # 3) IFFTs on each box.
            # find coefficients on each box
            for k in range(self.K):
                # broadcast values to smaller boxes, multiply by the gwp kernel function
                fcoeffs = self.gwpf[k]*g[self.inds[k]]
                fcoeffs = fcoeffs.reshape(self.boxshape[k])
                # shift wrt xi_cent
                fcoeffs = util.checkerboard(cp.fft.ifftn(
                    util.checkerboard(fcoeffs), norm='ortho'), inverse=True)
                fcoeffs *= cp.exp(-1j*self.phase[k])

                if(shifts is not None):
                    # shift wrt region in rectangular grid
                    fcoeffs = util.checkerboard(cp.fft.fftn(
                        util.checkerboard(fcoeffs), norm='ortho'), inverse=True)
                    [py, px] = cp.meshgrid(
                        self.phasemanyy[k]*shifts[ang, k, 0], self.phasemanyx[k]*shifts[ang, k, 1], indexing='ij')
                    fcoeffs *= cp.exp(-1j*(px+py))
                    fcoeffs = util.checkerboard(cp.fft.ifftn(
                        util.checkerboard(fcoeffs), norm='ortho'), inverse=True)

                # normalize
                fcoeffs /= ([-1]))
                coeffs[k][ang] = fcoeffs.get()

        # free cupy pools
        # mempool.free_all_blocks()
        # pinned_mempool.free_all_blocks()
        return coeffs