Beispiel #1
def scale_all(op, num_qubits, skip_last=False):
    """Generate a matrix that applies 'op' to all qubits (skip_last means last qubit is I)."""
    scaled = op
    for repeat in range(num_qubits - (2 if skip_last else 1)):
        scaled = cp.kron(scaled, op)
    if skip_last:
        scaled = cp.kron(scaled, cp.eye(2))
    return scaled
Beispiel #2
    def sampler(self, w, gamma, pi, xi, z, alpha, u, N, T, y, x, beta,
                sigma_v_sqr, sigma_alpha_sqr, eta, H, delta):
        NT = N * T
        # sample u from N(mu_u, V_u)
        my_mean = cp.asarray(, z))
        my_std = cp.asarray(np.exp(, gamma))**0.5)
        a, b = -my_mean / my_std, cp.inf * cp.ones([
        #    eta_particles = truncnorm.rvs(a,b,loc = my_mean, scale = my_std, size = (H,N))
        eta_particles = TruncNormal.rvs(a, b, my_mean, my_std, (H, N))
        eta_particles = cp.concatenate(
            [eta_particles, cp.asarray(eta).reshape(-1, 1).T], axis=0)

        my_mean = cp.asarray(, delta))
        my_std = cp.asarray(np.exp(, xi))**0.5)
        a, b = -my_mean / my_std, cp.inf * cp.ones([
        u_particles = TruncNormal.rvs(a, b, my_mean, my_std, (H, NT))
        u_particles = cp.concatenate(
            [u_particles, cp.asarray(u).reshape(-1, 1).T], axis=0)

        #   alpha_particles = norm.rvs(0, sigma_alpha_sqr ** 0.5, size=(H,N))
        #    alpha_particles = np.asarray(alpha_particles)
        #    alpha_particles = np.concatenate([alpha_particles, alpha.reshape(-1,1).T], axis=0)
        alpha_particles = cp.random.normal(0,
                                           size=(H, N))
        alpha_particles = cp.concatenate(
             cp.asarray(alpha).reshape(-1, 1).T], axis=0)

        inv_sqrt_2pi = 0.3989422804014327
        W = inv_sqrt_2pi * cp.exp(-cp.square(
            ((cp.asarray(y -, beta)) -
              cp.kron(alpha_particles + eta_particles, cp.ones([
              ])) - u_particles) /
             (sigma_v_sqr**0.5))) / 2) / (sigma_v_sqr**0.5)
        #x_ = ((cp.asarray(y -,beta))-alpha_particles_)/(sigma_v_sqr**0.5))
        #del alpha_particles_

        #w = gpu_normal_pdf(x_)
        w_ = W.reshape([H + 1, N, T]).prod(axis=2)
        w_ = w_ / w_.sum(axis=0)

        index = self._vectorized(w_)
        new_alpha = alpha_particles[index, cp.arange(N)].get()
        new_eta = eta_particles[index, cp.arange(N)].get()
        new_u = u_particles[cp.kron(index, cp.ones([
                            cp.arange(N * T)].get()
        return new_eta, new_alpha, new_u
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self,basis_number,extended_basis_number,t_start = 0,t_end=1,mempool=None):
        self.basis_number = basis_number
        self.extended_basis_number = extended_basis_number
        self.basis_number_2D = (2*basis_number-1)*basis_number
        self.basis_number_2D_ravel = (2*basis_number*basis_number-2*basis_number+1)
        self.basis_number_2D_sym = (2*basis_number-1)*(2*basis_number-1)
        self.extended_basis_number_2D = (2*extended_basis_number-1)*extended_basis_number
        self.extended_basis_number_2D_sym = (2*extended_basis_number-1)*(2*extended_basis_number-1)
        self.t_end = t_end
        self.t_start = t_start
        self.verbose = True
        if mempool is None:
            mempool = cp.get_default_memory_pool()
        # pinned_mempool = cp.get_default_pinned_memory_pool()
        # self.ix = cp.zeros((2*self.basis_number-1,2*self.basis_number-1),dtype=cp.int32)
        # self.iy = cp.zeros((2*self.basis_number-1,2*self.basis_number-1),dtype=cp.int32)
        temp = cp.arange(-(self.basis_number-1),self.basis_number,dtype=cp.int32)
        # for i in range(2*self.basis_number-1):
        #     self.ix[i,:] = temp
        #     self.iy[:,i] = temp

        self.ix,self.iy = cp.meshgrid(temp,temp)
        if self.verbose:
            print("Used bytes so far, after creating ix and iy {}".format(mempool.used_bytes()))
        self.Ddiag = -(2*util.PI)**2*(self.ix.ravel(ORDER)**2+self.iy.ravel(ORDER)**2)
        self.OnePerDdiag = 1/self.Ddiag
        self.Dmatrix = cpx.scipy.sparse.diags(self.Ddiag,dtype=cp.float32)
        if self.verbose:
            print("Used bytes so far, after creating Dmatrix {}".format(mempool.used_bytes()))

        # self.Imatrix = cp.eye((2*self.basis_number-1)**2,dtype=cp.int8)
        self.Imatrix = cpx.scipy.sparse.identity((2*self.basis_number-1)**2,dtype=cp.float32)
        self.Imatrix_dense = cp.eye((2*self.basis_number-1)**2,dtype=cp.float32)
        if self.verbose:
            print("Used bytes so far, after creating Imatrix {}".format(mempool.used_bytes()))

        #K matrix --> 1D fourier index to 2D fourier index
        ones_temp = cp.ones_like(temp)
        self.Kmatrix = cp.vstack((cp.kron(temp,ones_temp),cp.kron(ones_temp,temp)))
        if self.verbose:
            print("Used bytes so far, after creating Kmatrix {}".format(mempool.used_bytes()))
        #implement fft plan here
        self._plan_fft2 = None
        # self._fft2_axes = (-2, -1)
        self._plan_ifft2 = None

        x = np.concatenate((np.arange(self.basis_number)+1,np.zeros(self.basis_number-1)))
        toep = sla.toeplitz(x)
        self._Umask = cp.asarray(np.kron(toep,toep),dtype=cp.int16)
Beispiel #4
 def kron(self, other):  # Kronecker product
     if self.__cuda:
         if cupy_is_available:
             result = cp.kron(self.__matrix, other.get())
             result = np.kron(self.__matrix, other.get())
         result = TensorProduct(self.__matrix, other.get())
     return Matrix(result, self.__cuda)
Beispiel #5
def kron_each_cupy(wf1s, wf2s):
    nwf = int(wf1s.shape[1])  # int to convert TensorFlow dimension into integer
    if nwf != int(wf2s.shape[1]):
        raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of input wavefunctions.")

    owfs = empty(shape=(wf1s.shape[0] * wf2s.shape[0], wf1s.shape[1]), dtype=wf1s.dtype)
    for idx in range(wf1s.shape[1]):
        owfs[:, idx] = kron(wf1s[:, idx], wf2s[:, idx])
    return owfs
Beispiel #6
def get_tensor(vectors):
    """Compute the tensor product of all vectors in the given list."""
    tensor = vectors[0]
    start = timer()
    for vector in vectors[1:]:
        tensor = cp.kron(tensor, vector)
    end = timer()
    out_file.write("{},".format(end - start))
    return tensor.transpose()
Beispiel #7
def Run(Dict):
        global BasePath
        global Works
        Works = Works + 1
        (RGB,Alpha) = Dict
        (RGB,Alpha,OutPut) = (BasePath + "/" + RGB,BasePath + "/" + Alpha,BasePath + "/OutPut/" + RGB)
        RGBImage = cp.array(cv2.imread(RGB,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED))#cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED
        AlphaImage = cp.array(cv2.imread(Alpha))
        if(RGBImage.shape[0] > AlphaImage.shape[0]):
            AlphaImage = cp.kron(AlphaImage, cp.ones((2,2,1)))
        elif(RGBImage.shape[0] < AlphaImage.shape[0]):
            RGBImage = cp.kron(RGBImage, cp.ones((2,2,1)))
        NewAlpha = cp.ones((RGBImage.shape[0],RGBImage.shape[0],1))
        NewAlpha[:,:,0] = ((AlphaImage[:,:,0] + AlphaImage[:,:,1] + AlphaImage[:,:,2]) / 3)
        RGBImage[:,:,3:] = AlphaImage[:,:,:1]
        #im = Image.fromarray(cp.asnumpy(RGBImage))
        #im = Image.fromarray(RGBImage)
        #del RGBImage,AlphaImage,RGBImage
def PMCMC_eta(w,gamma,pi,xi,z,alpha,u,N,T,y,x,beta,sigma_v_sqr,sigma_alpha_sqr,eta):
    H = 10000-1 # particle numbers
    # sample u from N(mu_u, V_u)
    V_eta = np.exp(, gamma))
    mu_eta =, z)
    myclip_a = 0
    my_mean = mu_eta
    my_std = V_eta** 0.5
    a, b = (myclip_a - my_mean) / my_std, np.inf * np.ones([N,])
    eta_particles = truncnorm.rvs(a,b,loc = my_mean, scale = my_std, size = (H,N))
    eta_particles = cp.asarray(eta_particles)
    eta_particles = cp.concatenate([eta_particles,cp.asarray(eta).reshape(-1,1).T], axis=0)
    eta_particles_ = cp.kron(eta_particles, cp.ones([T,]))
    alpha_particles = cp.random.normal(0, sigma_alpha_sqr ** 0.5, size=(H,N))
    alpha_particles = cp.concatenate([alpha_particles,cp.asarray(alpha).reshape(-1,1).T], axis=0)
    alpha_particles_ = cp.kron(alpha_particles, cp.ones([T,]))   
    V_u = np.exp(, xi))
    mu_u =, delta)
    myclip_a = 0
    my_mean = mu_u
    my_std = V_u** 0.5
    a, b = (myclip_a - my_mean) / my_std, np.inf * np.ones([NT,])
    u_particles = truncnorm.rvs(a,b,loc = my_mean, scale = my_std, size = (H,NT))
    u_particles = cp.asarray(u_particles)
    u_particles = cp.concatenate([u_particles, cp.asarray(u).reshape(-1,1).T], axis=0)
    x_ = (cp.asarray(y), cp.asarray(beta))-alpha_particles_-eta_particles_-u_particles)/(sigma_v_sqr**0.5)
    w = gpu_normal_pdf(x_)
    w_ = w.reshape([H+1,N,T]).prod(axis=2)
    w_ = w_/w_.sum(axis=0)
    index = apply_along_axis(func1d=choice, axis=0, arr=w_,h=H)
    new_alpha = alpha_particles[index,cp.arange(N)].get()
    new_eta = eta_particles[index, cp.arange(N)].get()
    new_u = u_particles[cp.kron(index, cp.ones([T,])).astype(int),cp.arange(N*T)].get()

    return new_eta.flatten(), new_alpha.flatten(), new_u.flatten()
Beispiel #9
def load_state_into_mqb_start_from_lqb_cupy(states, m, l=0) -> cupy.ndarray:
    Loads states (columns of wavefunctions) from the smaller, and initialise
     the new qubits to 0.
    # performs parameter check
    assert m > l >= 0
    assert m >= 1

    # the Hilbert spaces are divided into three parts
    # h1: dim = 2^n1
    # h2: states', dim = h2dim = 2^m
    # h3: dim = 2^n2
    # 2^(n1 + m + n2) = big_h_dim
    h1dim = 2 ** l
    h2dim, nwf = states.shape
    big_h_dim = 2 ** m
    h3dim = big_h_dim // (h1dim * h2dim)
    assert h3dim >= 1

    dtype = states.dtype

    if h1dim == 1:
        h1states = ones(shape=(1, nwf), dtype=dtype)
        h1states = zeros(shape=(h1dim, nwf), dtype=dtype)
        h1states[0, :] = 1
    if h3dim == 1:
        h3states = ones(shape=(1, nwf), dtype=dtype)
        h3states = zeros(shape=(h3dim, nwf), dtype=dtype)
        h3states[0, :] = 1

    overall = empty(shape=(big_h_dim, nwf), dtype=dtype)
    for wfidx in range(nwf):
        overall[:, wfidx] = kron(
            kron(h1states[:, wfidx], states[:, wfidx]), h3states[:, wfidx]
    return overall
Beispiel #10
 def test_zoom_grid_by_int_order0(self):
     # When grid_mode is True,  order 0 zoom should be the same as
     # replication via a Kronecker product. The only exceptions to this are
     # the non-grid modes 'constant' and 'wrap'.
     size =
     x = cupy.arange(size, dtype=float).reshape(self.shape)
         cupy.kron(x, cupy.ones(self.zoom)),
Beispiel #11
def scale(qnum, op, num_qubits):
    """Generate a matrix that only applies gate 'op' to its respective qubit."""
    gate_list = [cp.eye(2)
                 for i in range(num_qubits)]  # all qubits go through I
    gate_list[qnum] = op  # this is the only qubit that has a gate that isn't I
    scaled = gate_list[0]  # start scaling from the 1st qubit

    # get the kronecker product of all gates in gate_list
    start = timer()
    for quantum_gate in gate_list[1:]:
        scaled = cp.kron(scaled, quantum_gate)
    end = timer()
    out_file.write("{},".format(end - start))
    return scaled