Beispiel #1
def _make_graph_edges_3d(n_x, n_y, n_z):
    """Returns a list of edges for a 3D image.

    n_x: integer
        The size of the grid in the x direction.
    n_y: integer
        The size of the grid in the y direction
    n_z: integer
        The size of the grid in the z direction

    edges : (2, N) ndarray
        with the total number of edges::

            N = n_x * n_y * (nz - 1) +
                n_x * (n_y - 1) * nz +
                (n_x - 1) * n_y * nz

        Graph edges with each column describing a node-id pair.
    vertices = cp.arange(n_x * n_y * n_z).reshape((n_x, n_y, n_z))
    edges_deep = cp.stack((vertices[..., :-1].ravel(),
                           vertices[..., 1:].ravel()), axis=0)
    edges_right = cp.stack((vertices[:, :-1].ravel(),
                            vertices[:, 1:].ravel()), axis=0)
    edges_down = cp.stack((vertices[:-1].ravel(), vertices[1:].ravel()),
    edges = cp.concatenate((edges_deep, edges_right, edges_down), axis=1)
    return edges
def uniform_crossover(parent_pairs, x_probability):
    # define random chromosome probability sequence (to decide randomly whether ot perform crossover or not)
    X_SEQUENCE = cupy.random.uniform(0, 1, parent_pairs.shape[0])
    # define random element probability sequence (for uniform crossover)
    U_SEQUENCE = cupy.random.uniform(
        0, 1, parent_pairs.shape[0] * parent_pairs.shape[1]).reshape(
            parent_pairs.shape[0], parent_pairs.shape[1])
    # define element probability crossover (for uniform crossover)
    CONST_PROB = 0.5
    # define new generation population variable
    population_hat = None
    # perform single point crossover
    for i in range(parent_pairs.shape[0]):
        X, Y = parent_pairs[i]
        # check chromosomes' compatibility in case there is an error
        compatible_chromosomes = X.shape == Y.shape
        # define max index boundary
        chromosome_shape = X.shape[0]
        # initialize new chromosome
        a, b = cupy.zeros((2, chromosome_shape), dtype=cupy.int64)
        if not compatible_chromosomes:
                "Error [14]: Incompatible chromosomes (at: multiple point selection)\nExiting...)"
            # crossover with respect to the crossover probability
            if X_SEQUENCE[i] < x_probability:
                # create children
                for c, (k, l) in enumerate(zip(X, Y)):
                    # repeatedly toss a coin and check with respect to CONST_PROB
                    if CONST_PROB > U_SEQUENCE[i][c]:
                        # gene exchange
                        a[c] = l
                        b[c] = k
                        # NO gene exchange
                        a[c] = k
                        b[c] = l
                # append children to form the new population
                if i == 0:
                    # if loop run for first time, then initialize the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.stack((a, b))
                    # after first time, stack chromosomes to the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.vstack(
                        (population_hat, cupy.stack((a, b))))
                # append parents to the new population
                if i == 0:
                    # if loop run for first time, then initialize the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.stack((X, Y))
                    # after first time, stack chromosomes to the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.vstack(
                        (population_hat, cupy.stack((X, Y))))
    return population_hat
Beispiel #3
    def train(self, dataset, outputs, epochs=10, verbose=False):
        # print("Input training data")
        # print(dataset)
        # print("Actual output data")
        # print(outputs)

        # Since cupy stacks have shapes, we can use those to verify whether our data fits the model we've designed
        n_dsequences = dataset.shape[0]
        n_osequences = outputs.shape[0]

        osize = outputs.shape[1]
        dsize = dataset.shape[1]

        assert (
            n_dsequences == n_osequences
        ), "Number of sequences in dataset must match number of actual output sequences"
        assert (
            osize == self.output_size
        ), "Output training data must be same dimensions as last layer output"
        assert (dsize == self.input_size
                ), "Input training data must be same dimensions of input layer"

        # print("Datset & output shapes: " + str(dataset.shape) + " " + str(outputs.shape))
        batch_errors = []
        n_layers = len(self.layers)
        for e in range(0, epochs):
            errors = []
            # For each training example
            for i in range(0, len(dataset)):
                # print("In training loop")
                data = cp.copy(dataset[i])  # training example
                out = outputs[i]  # Expected output
                # Feed the data forward and store the activations
                # print("Data: " + str(data))
                zs, acts = self.feedforward(data)
                # print("zs: " + str(zs))
                # print("acts: " + str(acts))
                # Create error vector
                errors.append(self.cost_function(acts[-1], out))
                batch_errors.append(self.cost_function(acts[-1], out))
                error = self.error_function(acts[-1], out)

                # print("Before back propagation")
                #Backwards propagate with the computed error, activations, and goal output to get dw, db
                self.backprop(n_layers - 1, n_layers - 2, acts, zs, out)
                if (i % 600):
                    print("Out: " + str(zs[-1]) + " | " + "Actual: " +
                          str(out) + " | Error: " + str(cp.sum(error)))
            errors = cp.stack(errors)
            epoch_error = cp.sum(errors) / len(errors)
            # print(errors)
            if (verbose):
                print("Total epoch error: " + str(epoch_error))
        batch_errors = cp.stack(batch_errors)
        batch_errors = cp.sum(batch_errors) / len(batch_errors)
        print("Average batch error: " + str(batch_errors))
Beispiel #4
def _line_profile_coordinates(src, dst, linewidth=1):
    """Return the coordinates of the profile of an image along a scan line.

    src : 2-tuple of numeric scalar (float or int)
        The start point of the scan line.
    dst : 2-tuple of numeric scalar (float or int)
        The end point of the scan line.
    linewidth : int, optional
        Width of the scan, perpendicular to the line

    coords : array, shape (2, N, C), float
        The coordinates of the profile along the scan line. The length of the
        profile is the ceil of the computed length of the scan line.

    This is a utility method meant to be used internally by skimage functions.
    The destination point is included in the profile, in contrast to
    standard numpy indexing.
    src_row, src_col = src
    dst_row, dst_col = dst
    d_row, d_col = (d - s for d, s in zip(dst, src))
    theta = math.atan2(d_row, d_col)

    length = math.ceil(math.hypot(d_row, d_col) + 1)
    # we add one above because we include the last point in the profile
    # (in contrast to standard numpy indexing)
    line_col = cp.linspace(src_col, dst_col, length)
    line_row = cp.linspace(src_row, dst_row, length)

    # we subtract 1 from linewidth to change from pixel-counting
    # (make this line 3 pixels wide) to point distances (the
    # distance between pixel centers)
    col_width = (linewidth - 1) * cp.sin(-theta) / 2
    row_width = (linewidth - 1) * cp.cos(theta) / 2
    perp_rows = cp.stack([
        cp.linspace(row_i - row_width, row_i + row_width, linewidth)
        for row_i in line_row
    perp_cols = cp.stack([
        cp.linspace(col_i - col_width, col_i + col_width, linewidth)
        for col_i in line_col
    return cp.stack([perp_rows, perp_cols])
Beispiel #5
def gen_train(q_func, s0, a0, r1, s1, done, n_actions):
    train = []
    gamma = GAMMA

    # Outputs
    y0 = q_func(s0).data
    y1 = q_func(s1).data

    q0 = y0[:, :n_actions]
    q1 = y1[:, :n_actions]

    h0 = cp.stack(cp.split(y0[:, n_actions:-1], n_actions, axis=1), axis=0)
    h1 = cp.stack(cp.split(y1[:, n_actions:-1], n_actions, axis=1), axis=0)

    v0 = y0[:, -1:]
    v1 = y1[:, -1:]

    # Correct actions
    action_error = h0[a0, cp.arange(h0.shape[1])] - s1
    print('action_error', (action_error**2).mean())
    h0[a0, np.arange(h0.shape[1])] = s1

    # Correct q-values
    q1[done, :] = 0
    tt = r1 + (gamma * cp.max(q1, axis=1))
    q0[a0[:, None] == cp.arange(q0.shape[1])] = tt

    # TODO: Correct v-values

    # Put them back together
    t = cp.hstack([

    train = [(s0[i], t[i]) for i in range(t.shape[0])]
    return train
    t = q_func(s0).data
    t1 = q_func(s1).data
Beispiel #6
    def getProj(self, obs, center_pixel, rz, z, ry, rx):
        patch = self.getPatch(obs, center_pixel, torch.zeros_like(rz))
        patch = np.round(patch.cpu().numpy(), 5)
        patch = cp.array(patch)
        projections = []
        size = self.patch_size
        zs = cp.array(z.numpy()) + cp.array(
            [(-size / 2 + j) * self.heightmap_resolution for j in range(size)])
        zs = zs.reshape((zs.shape[0], 1, 1, zs.shape[1]))
        zs = zs.repeat(size, 1).repeat(size, 2)
        c = patch.reshape(patch.shape[0], self.patch_size, self.patch_size,
                          1).repeat(size, 3)
        ori_occupancy = c > zs
        # transform into points
        point_w_d = cp.argwhere(ori_occupancy)

        rz_id = (rz.expand(-1, self.num_rz) - self.rzs).abs().argmin(1)
        ry_id = (ry.expand(-1, self.num_ry) - self.rys).abs().argmin(1)
        rx_id = (rx.expand(-1, self.num_rx) - self.rxs).abs().argmin(1)

        dimension = point_w_d[:, 0]
        point = point_w_d[:, 1:4]

        rz_id = cp.array(rz_id)
        ry_id = cp.array(ry_id)
        rx_id = cp.array(rx_id)
        mapped_point =[rz_id[dimension], ry_id[dimension],
                                rx_id[dimension], point[:, 0], point[:, 1],
                                point[:, 2]].T
        rotated_point = mapped_point.T[(cp.logical_and(
            0 < mapped_point.T, mapped_point.T < size)).all(1)]
        d = dimension[(cp.logical_and(
            0 < mapped_point.T, mapped_point.T < size)).all(1)].T.astype(int)

        for i in range(patch.shape[0]):
            point = rotated_point[d == i].T
            occupancy = cp.zeros((size, size, size))
            if point.shape[0] > 0:
                occupancy[point[0], point[1], point[2]] = 1

            occupancy = median_filter(occupancy, size=2)
            occupancy = cp.ceil(occupancy)

            projection = cp.stack(
                (occupancy.sum(0), occupancy.sum(1), occupancy.sum(2)))

        return torch.tensor(cp.stack(projections)).float().to(self.device)
Beispiel #7
def _stack_nested_structure(structure):
    if isinstance(structure, _NestedStructure):
        args = [_stack_nested_structure(x) for x in]
        return structure.tuple_constructor(*args)
        return chainer.as_variable(xp.stack([xp.asarray(x)
                                             for x in structure]))
Beispiel #8
    def update_new_chembl(self, north_stars, radius=2, nBits=512):
        north_stars = list(map(str.strip, north_stars.split(',')))
        north_stars = list(map(str.upper, north_stars))
        missing_chembl = set(north_stars).difference(self.chembl_ids)
        # CHEMBL10307, CHEMBL103071, CHEMBL103072
        if missing_chembl:
            missing_chembl = list(missing_chembl)
            ldf = self.create_dataframe_molecule_properties(missing_chembl)

            if ldf.shape[0] > 0:
                self.prop_df = self.prop_df.append(ldf)
                smiles = []
                for i in range(0, ldf.shape[0]):
                results = list(map(self.MorganFromSmiles, smiles))
                fingerprints = cupy.stack(results).astype(np.float32)
                tdf = self.re_cluster(self.df, fingerprints, missing_chembl)
                if tdf is not None:
                    self.df = tdf
                    return None
        return ','.join(north_stars)
Beispiel #9
def render(swatch, points, frame):
    r, g, b = swatch(points[..., 0], points[..., 1], points[..., 2], frame)
    r = r.mean(axis=-1)
    g = g.mean(axis=-1)
    b = b.mean(axis=-1)

    return cp.clip(cp.stack((r, g, b), axis=-1), 0, 1)
Beispiel #10
def test_adapthist_grayscale_Nd():
    Test for n-dimensional consistency with float images
    Note: Currently if img.ndim == 3, img.shape[2] > 4 must hold for the image
    not to be interpreted as a color image by @adapt_rgb
    # take 2d image, subsample and stack it
    img = util.img_as_float(cp.asarray(data.astronaut()))
    img = rgb2gray(img)
    a = 15
    img2d = util.img_as_float(img[0:-1:a, 0:-1:a])
    img3d = cp.stack([img2d] * (img.shape[0] // a), axis=0)

    # apply CLAHE
    adapted2d = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img2d,
    adapted3d = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img3d,

    # check that dimensions of input and output match
    assert img2d.shape == adapted2d.shape
    assert img3d.shape == adapted3d.shape

    # check that the result from the stack of 2d images is similar
    # to the underlying 2d image
    assert (cp.mean(cp.abs(adapted2d - adapted3d[adapted3d.shape[0] // 2])) <
Beispiel #11
    def test_args(self):
        dx = cp.cumsum(cp.ones(5))
        dx_uneven = [1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 9.0, 11.0]
        f_2d = cp.arange(25).reshape(5, 5)

        # distances must be scalars or have size equal to gradient[axis]
        gradient(cp.arange(5), 3.0)
        gradient(cp.arange(5), cp.array(3.0))
        gradient(cp.arange(5), dx)
        # dy is set equal to dx because scalar
        gradient(f_2d, 1.5)
        gradient(f_2d, cp.array(1.5))

        gradient(f_2d, dx_uneven, dx_uneven)
        # mix between even and uneven spaces and
        # mix between scalar and vector
        gradient(f_2d, dx, 2)

        # 2D but axis specified
        gradient(f_2d, dx, axis=1)

        # 2d coordinate arguments are not yet allowed
            ".*scalars or 1d",
            cp.stack([dx] * 2, axis=-1),
Beispiel #12
def _build_linear_system(data, spacing, labels, nlabels, mask,
                         beta, multichannel):
    Build the matrix A and rhs B of the linear system to solve.
    A and B are two block of the laplacian of the image graph.
    if mask is None:
        labels = labels.ravel()
        labels = labels[mask]

    indices = cp.arange(labels.size)
    seeds_mask = labels > 0
    unlabeled_indices = indices[~seeds_mask]
    seeds_indices = indices[seeds_mask]

    lap_sparse = _build_laplacian(data, spacing, mask=mask,
                                  beta=beta, multichannel=multichannel)

    rows = lap_sparse[unlabeled_indices, :]
    lap_sparse = rows[:, unlabeled_indices]
    B = -rows[:, seeds_indices]

    seeds = labels[seeds_mask]
    # CuPy Backend: sparse matrices are only implemented for floating point
    #               dtypes, so have to convert bool->float32 here
    seeds_mask = sparse.csc_matrix(
        cp.stack([(seeds == lab) for lab in range(1, nlabels + 1)],
    rhs =

    return lap_sparse, rhs
Beispiel #13
def _sin_flow_gen(image0, max_motion=4.5, npics=5):
    """Generate a synthetic ground truth optical flow with a sinusoid as
      first component.

    image0: ndarray
        The base image to be warped.
    max_motion: float
        Maximum flow magnitude.
    npics: int
        Number of sinusoid pics.

    flow, image1 : ndarray
        The synthetic ground truth optical flow with a sinusoid as
        first component and the corresponding warped image.

    grid = cp.meshgrid(*[cp.arange(n) for n in image0.shape], indexing='ij')
    grid = cp.stack(grid)
    # TODO: make upstream scikit-image PR changing gt_flow dtype to float
    gt_flow = cp.zeros_like(grid, dtype=float)
            ...] = max_motion * cp.sin(grid[0] / grid[0].max() * npics * np.pi)
    image1 = warp(image0, grid - gt_flow, mode="nearest")
    return gt_flow, image1
Beispiel #14
def _symmetric_compute_eigenvalues(S_elems):
    """Compute eigenvalues from the upperdiagonal entries of a symmetric matrix

    S_elems : list of ndarray
        The upper-diagonal elements of the matrix, as returned by
        `hessian_matrix` or `structure_tensor`.

    eigs : ndarray
        The eigenvalues of the matrix, in decreasing order. The eigenvalues are
        the leading dimension. That is, ``eigs[i, j, k]`` contains the
        ith-largest eigenvalue at position (j, k).

    if len(S_elems) == 3:  # Use fast Cython code for 2D
        eigs = cp.stack(_image_orthogonal_matrix22_eigvals(*S_elems))
        matrices = _symmetric_image(S_elems)
        # eigvalsh returns eigenvalues in increasing order. We want decreasing
        eigs = cp.linalg.eigvalsh(matrices)[..., ::-1]
        leading_axes = tuple(range(eigs.ndim - 1))
        eigs = cp.transpose(eigs, (eigs.ndim - 1, ) + leading_axes)
    return eigs
Beispiel #15
    def test_stack_with_axis_value(self):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
        s = cupy.stack((a, a), axis=1)

        self.assertEqual(s.shape, (2, 2, 3))
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, 0, :], a)
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, 1, :], a)
Beispiel #16
    def _check_ks(self, significance_level, cupy_len, numpy_len, *args,
        assert 'size' in kwargs

        # cupy
        func = self._get_generator_func(*args, **kwargs)
        vals_cupy = func()
        assert vals_cupy.size > 0
        count = 1 + (cupy_len - 1) // vals_cupy.size
        vals_cupy = [vals_cupy]
        for _ in range(1, count):
        vals_cupy = cupy.stack(vals_cupy).ravel()

        # numpy
        kwargs['size'] = numpy_len
        dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', None)
        numpy_rs = numpy.random.RandomState(self.__seed)
        vals_numpy = getattr(numpy_rs, self.target_method)(*args, **kwargs)
        if dtype is not None:
            vals_numpy = vals_numpy.astype(dtype, copy=False)

        # test
        d_plus, d_minus, p_value = \
                cupy.asnumpy(vals_cupy), vals_numpy)
        if p_value < significance_level:
            message = '''Rejected null hypothesis:
p: %f
D+ (cupy < numpy): %f
D- (cupy > numpy): %f''' % (p_value, d_plus, d_minus)
            raise AssertionError(message)
Beispiel #17
    def save_to_disk(self, filename):
        model = {
            'input_size': self.input_size,
            'output_size': self.output_size,
            'learn_rate': self.learn_rate,
            'loss': self.loss,
            'error': self.error,
            'layers': None,
            'decay_rate': self.decay_rate,
            'decay_epochs': self.decay_epochs
        layer_num = 0
        json_layers = []
        for layer in self.layers:
            weights = layer.get_weights().tolist()
            biases = layer.get_biases()
            biases = stack(biases)
            biases = biases.tolist()

            l = {
                '_layer_num': layer_num,
                'n_nodes': layer.n_nodes,
                'activation': layer.activation,
                'weights': weights,
                'biases': biases
            layer_num += 1
        model['layers'] = json_layers
        json.dump(model, open(filename, "w"), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
Beispiel #18
    def test_stack_with_axis_value(self):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
        s = cupy.stack((a, a), axis=1)

        self.assertEqual(s.shape, (2, 2, 3))
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, 0, :], a)
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, 1, :], a)
Beispiel #19
    def load_from_disk(filename):
        print("Loading model from filename: " + filename)
        json_model = json.load(open(filename, "r"))
        model = Model(json_model['input_size'],
        layers = json_model['layers']
        # One pass to create the structure
        for i in range(0, len(layers)):
            if (i != 0):
                l = Layer(layers[i]['n_nodes'],
                model.layers[0].n_nodes = layers[0]['n_nodes']

        # Second pass to set weights & biases
        for i in range(0, len(layers)):
            weights = layers[i]['weights']
            biases = layers[i]['biases']
            for j in range(0, len(weights)):
                weights[j] = array(weights[j])
                biases[j] = array(biases[j])
            weights = stack(weights)
        return model
Beispiel #20
    def test_stack_with_negative_axis_value(self):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
        s = cupy.stack((a, a), axis=-1)

        self.assertEqual(s.shape, (2, 3, 2))
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, :, 0], a)
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, :, 1], a)
Beispiel #21
    def test_stack_with_negative_axis_value(self):
        a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
        s = cupy.stack((a, a), axis=-1)

        self.assertEqual(s.shape, (2, 3, 2))
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, :, 0], a)
        cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[:, :, 1], a)
Beispiel #22
    def inverse(self, spectrum, in_phase=None):
        if in_phase is None:
            in_phase = self.phase
            in_phase = cp.array(in_phase)
        spectrum = cp.array(spectrum)
        self.spectrum_buffer[:, -1] = spectrum * in_phase
        self.absolute_buffer[:, -1] = spectrum

        for _ in range(self.loop_num):
            self.overwrap_buf *= 0
            waves = cp.fft.ifft(self.spectrum_buffer, axis=2).real
            last = self.spectrum_buffer

            for i in range(self.buffer_size):
                self.overwrap_buf[:, i * self.wave_dif:i * self.wave_dif +
                                  self.wave_len] += waves[:, i]
            waves = cp.stack([
                self.overwrap_buf[:, i * self.wave_dif:i * self.wave_dif +
                                  self.wave_len] * self.window
                for i in range(self.buffer_size)

            spectrum = cp.fft.fft(waves, axis=2)
            self.spectrum_buffer = self.absolute_buffer * spectrum / (
                cp.abs(spectrum) + 1e-10)
            self.spectrum_buffer += 0.5 * (self.spectrum_buffer - last)

        dst = cp.asnumpy(self.spectrum_buffer[:, 0])
        self.absolute_buffer = cp.roll(self.absolute_buffer, -1, axis=1)
        self.spectrum_buffer = cp.roll(self.spectrum_buffer, -1, axis=1)

        return dst
def multiple_point_crossover(parent_pairs, x_probability):
    # define random probability sequence
    SEQUENCE = cupy.random.uniform(0, 1, parent_pairs.shape[0])
    # define new generation population variable
    population_hat = None
    # perform single point crossover
    for i in range(parent_pairs.shape[0]):
        X, Y = parent_pairs[i]
        # check chromosomes' compatibility in case there is an error
        compatible_chromosomes = X.shape == Y.shape
        # define max index boundary
        chromosome_shape = X.shape[0]
        # initialize new chromosome
        a, b = cupy.zeros((2, chromosome_shape), dtype=cupy.int64)
        if not compatible_chromosomes:
                "Error [13]: Incompatible chromosomes (at: multiple point selection\nExiting...)"
            # crossover random point
            x_idx, y_idx = cupy.sort(
                cupy.random.randint(0, chromosome_shape, 2))
            # first child chromosome
            a = cupy.concatenate((X[:x_idx], Y[x_idx:y_idx], X[y_idx:]))
            # second child chromosome
            b = cupy.concatenate((Y[:x_idx], X[x_idx:y_idx], Y[y_idx:]))
            # crossover with respect to the crossover probability
            if SEQUENCE[i] < x_probability:
                # append children to form the new population
                if i == 0:
                    # if loop run for first time, then initialize the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.stack((a, b))
                    # after first time, stack chromosomes to the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.vstack(
                        (population_hat, cupy.stack((a, b))))
                # append parents to the new population
                if i == 0:
                    # if loop run for first time, then initialize the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.stack((X, Y))
                    # after first time, stack chromosomes to the generation population
                    population_hat = cupy.vstack(
                        (population_hat, cupy.stack((X, Y))))
    return population_hat
Beispiel #24
    def predict(self, Xtest, use_gpu=False):
        """Predict using the linear model
        Let :math:`B^k` be the basis vectors of class :math:`k`, and :math:`x` be the RCDT sapce feature vector of an input, 
        the NS method performs classification by
        .. math::
            arg\min_k \| B^k (B^k)^T x - x\|^2
        Xtest : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_rows, n_columns)
            Image data for testing.
        use_gpu: boolean flag; IF TRUE, use gpu for calculations
            default = False.
        ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
           Predicted target values per element in Xtest.

        # calculate the RCDT using parallel CPUs
        print('\nCalculating RCDTs for testing images ...')
        Xrcdt = self.rcdt_parallel(Xtest)

        # vectorize RCDT matrix
        X = Xrcdt.reshape([Xrcdt.shape[0], -1])

        # import cupy for using GPU
        if use_gpu:
            import cupy as cp
            X = cp.array(X)

        # find nearest subspace for each test sample
        print('Finding nearest subspace for each test sample ...')
        D = []
        for class_idx in range(self.num_classes):
            basis = self.subspaces[class_idx]
            basis = basis[:self.len_subspace, :]

            if use_gpu:
                                             cp.array(basis)) - X,
                proj = X @ basis.T  # (n_samples, n_basis)
                projR = proj @ basis  # (n_samples, n_features)
                D.append(LA.norm(projR - X, axis=1))
        if use_gpu:
            preds = cp.argmin(cp.stack(D, axis=0), axis=0)
            return cp.asnumpy(preds)
            D = np.stack(D, axis=0)
            preds = np.argmin(D, axis=0)
            return preds
Beispiel #25
    def sum_duplicates(self):
        """Eliminate duplicate matrix entries by adding them together.

        .. seealso::

        if self._has_canonical_format:
        if == 0:
            self._has_canonical_format = True
        keys = cupy.stack([self.row, self.col])
        order = cupy.lexsort(keys)
        src_data =[order]
        src_row = self.row[order]
        src_col = self.col[order]
        diff = cupy.ElementwiseKernel(
            'raw int32 row, raw int32 col',
            'int32 diff',
            int index;
            if (i == 0 || row[i - 1] == row[i] && col[i - 1] == col[i]) {
              diff = 0;
            } else {
              diff = 1;
        )(src_row, src_col, size=self.row.size)

        if diff[1:].all():
            # All elements have different indices.
            data = src_data
            row = src_row
            col = src_col
            index = cupy.cumsum(diff, dtype='i')
            size = int(index[-1]) + 1
            data = cupy.zeros(size,
            row = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
            col = cupy.empty(size, dtype='i')
                'T src_data, int32 src_row, int32 src_col, int32 index',
                'raw T data, raw int32 row, raw int32 col',
                atomicAdd(&data[index], src_data);
                row[index] = src_row;
                col[index] = src_col;
            )(src_data, src_row, src_col, index, data, row, col) = data
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self._has_canonical_format = True
 def _compute_gradient(self, alpha):
     """Computes the gradient ∇F(β) of F"""
     K_alpha =, alpha)
     grad = -2 / self._n * xp.sum(
         self._y[:, xp.newaxis] * self._K * xp.max(xp.stack(
             (xp.zeros_like(self._y), 1 - self._y * K_alpha)),
                                                   axis=0)[:, xp.newaxis],
         axis=0) + 2 * self._lambduh * K_alpha
     return grad
Beispiel #27
 def test_stack_value(self):
     a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
     b = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
     c = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
     s = cupy.stack((a, b, c))
     self.assertEqual(s.shape, (3, 2, 3))
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[0], a)
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[1], b)
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[2], c)
Beispiel #28
 def test_stack_value(self):
     a = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
     b = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
     c = testing.shaped_arange((2, 3), cupy)
     s = cupy.stack((a, b, c))
     self.assertEqual(s.shape, (3, 2, 3))
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[0], a)
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[1], b)
     cupy.testing.assert_array_equal(s[2], c)
Beispiel #29
 def get_preactivation_vector(self, data, weights=None):
     biases = self.get_biases()  # Bias vector
     biases = stack(biases)
     if (self.is_first):
         z = data
         z =, weights)
     # z += biases
     return z
Beispiel #30
def stack(tensors: List[Tensor], axis: int = 0) -> 'Tensor':
    engine = _get_engine(*tensors)

    return _create_tensor(
        data=engine.stack(list(map(lambda x:, tensors)), axis=axis),
        func=wrapped_partial(stack_backward, tensors=tensors, axis=axis)
Beispiel #31
    def optimized_update_positions(positions, angle, theta_sense,
                                   horizon_sense, theta_walk, horizon_walk,
        """Returns the adapted physarum-positions, given initial coordinates and constants.
        This function is optimized by using Cupy (implementation of NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA)"""

        ### Get all possible positions to test
        # get the new 3 angles to test for each organism
        angles_to_test = np.hstack((
            (angle - theta_sense) % (2 * np.pi),
            (angle + theta_sense) % (2 * np.pi),
        )).reshape(-1, 3)
        # get positions to test based on current positions and angles
        pos_to_test = positions.reshape(-1, 1, 2) + np.stack(
            (horizon_sense * np.cos(angles_to_test),
             horizon_sense * np.sin(angles_to_test)),
        pos_to_test = np.remainder(pos_to_test, np.array(trace_array.shape))

        ### Get all possible positions to walk to
        # get the new 3 angles to walk to for each organism
        angles_to_walk = np.hstack((
            (angle - theta_walk) % (2 * np.pi),
            (angle + theta_walk) % (2 * np.pi),
        )).reshape(-1, 3)
        # get positions to walk to based on current positions and angles
        pos_to_walk = positions.reshape(-1, 1, 2) + np.stack(
            (horizon_walk * np.cos(angles_to_walk),
             horizon_walk * np.sin(angles_to_walk)),
        pos_to_walk = np.remainder(pos_to_walk, np.array(trace_array.shape))

        ### Get the positions to walk too based on the best positions out of the tested ones
        pos_to_test = np.floor(pos_to_test).astype(np.int64) - 1
        # TODO notice argmax will always return first when multiple entries are equal
        best_indexes = trace_array[pos_to_test[:, :, 0],
                                   pos_to_test[:, :, 1]].argmax(axis=-1)
        new_positions = pos_to_walk[np.arange(len(pos_to_test)), best_indexes]
        new_angles = angles_to_walk[np.arange(len(pos_to_test)),
                                    best_indexes].reshape(-1, 1)

        return new_positions, new_angles
Beispiel #32
def test_border_management(func, tol):
    img = rgb2gray(cp.array(retina()[300:500, 700:900]))
    out = func(img, sigmas=[1], mode='mirror')

    full_std = out.std()
    full_mean = out.mean()
    inside_std = out[4:-4, 4:-4].std()
    inside_mean = out[4:-4, 4:-4].mean()
    border_std = cp.stack([out[:4, :], out[-4:, :],
                           out[:, :4].T, out[:, -4:].T]).std()
    border_mean = cp.stack([out[:4, :], out[-4:, :],
                            out[:, :4].T, out[:, -4:].T]).mean()

    assert abs(full_std - inside_std) < tol
    assert abs(full_std - border_std) < tol
    assert abs(inside_std - border_std) < tol
    assert abs(full_mean - inside_mean) < tol
    assert abs(full_mean - border_mean) < tol
    assert abs(inside_mean - border_mean) < tol
Beispiel #33
 def apply(self, df):
     if cudf and isinstance(df, cudf.DataFrame):
         import cupy
         cols = []
         for column in self.columns:
             nullval = numpy.nan if df[self.columns[1]].dtype.kind == 'f' else 0
         return cupy.stack(cols, axis=-1)
         return numpy.stack([df[col].values for col in self.columns], axis=-1)