Beispiel #1
import bleach
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from flask.ext.restplus import Resource
from flask.ext.mail import Message
from itsdangerous import BadSignature, SignatureExpired

from viralata.utils import decode_token
from cutils import date_to_json, paginate, ExtraApi

from models import Comment, Thread, Author
from extensions import db, sv

api = ExtraApi(version='1.0',
               description='A commenting microservice. All non-get operations '
               'require a micro token.')

    'text': {
        'location': 'json',
        'help': 'The text for the comment.',
    'vote': {
        'location': 'json',
        'type': bool,
        'help': 'Use "true" for a upvote, "false" for a downvote.',

Beispiel #2
import passlib
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
# from flask import redirect, url_for, make_response
from flask.ext.restplus import Resource
from flask.ext.mail import Message

from auths import get_auth_url, get_username
from models import User
from extensions import db, sv
from utils import decode_validate_token
from cutils import ExtraApi

api = ExtraApi(version='1.0',
               description='An authentication microservice.')

    'username': {
        'location': 'json',
        'help': 'The username.',
    'password': {
        'location': 'json',
        'help': 'The password.',
    'new_password': {
        'location': 'json',
        'help': 'A new password, when changing the current one.',