def show_gray_histogram(self): numbins = 256 ranges = [0.0, 255.0] width = 256 height = 256 bytes_per_line = 3 * width hist_image = np.zeros([height, width, 3], np.uint8) # hist_image = np.zeros((256,256,3)) #创建用于绘制直方图的全0图像 bins = np.arange(numbins).reshape(numbins, 1) # 直方图中各bin的顶点位置 color = [(255, 0, 0)] # BGR三种颜色 for ch, col in enumerate(color): origin_hist = cv2.calcHist([self.gray_image], [ch], None, [numbins], ranges) cv2.normalize(origin_hist, origin_hist, 0, 255 * 0.9, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) hist = np.int32(np.around(origin_hist)) pts = np.column_stack((bins, hist)) cv2.polylines(hist_image, [pts], False, col) # print(type( hist_image = np.flipud(hist_image) # cv2.imshow("histogram", hist_image) demo_utils.show_cvimage_to_label(hist_image, self.gray_histogram_label)
def draw_ackerman_model(image, center, object, mtp_ratio, pursuit_point=None): corners = object.get_axel_corners() corners = center + np.array(corners) * mtp_ratio corners = corners.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) # Drawing axel frame cv2.polylines(image, [corners.astype(np.int32)], True, (255, 50, 255), 1) front_left_tyre = center + np.array(object.front_left_tyre) * mtp_ratio front_right_tyre = center + np.array(object.front_right_tyre) * mtp_ratio rear_left_tyre = center + np.array(object.rear_left_tyre) * mtp_ratio rear_right_tyre = center + np.array(object.rear_right_tyre) * mtp_ratio cv2.line(image, tuple(front_left_tyre[0].astype(np.int32)), tuple(front_left_tyre[1].astype(np.int32)), (0, 0, 255), 3, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(image, tuple(front_right_tyre[0].astype(np.int32)), tuple(front_right_tyre[1].astype(np.int32)), (0, 0, 255), 3, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(image, tuple(rear_left_tyre[0].astype(np.int32)), tuple(rear_left_tyre[1].astype(np.int32)), (255, 0, 0), 3, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(image, tuple(rear_right_tyre[0].astype(np.int32)), tuple(rear_right_tyre[1].astype(np.int32)), (255, 0, 0), 3, cv2.LINE_AA) if not pursuit_point is None: image, tuple(center + (pursuit_point * mtp_ratio).astype(np.int32)), 3, (0, 100, 255), -1)
def road_mask(self) -> Mask: canvas = self.make_empty_mask() # FIXME Refactor that crap for road_waypoints in self._each_road_waypoints: road_left_side = [ lateral_shift(w.transform, -w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in road_waypoints ] road_right_side = [ lateral_shift(w.transform, w.lane_width * 0.5) for w in road_waypoints ] polygon = road_left_side + [x for x in reversed(road_right_side)] polygon = [self.location_to_pixel(x) for x in polygon] if len(polygon) > 2: polygon = np.array([polygon], dtype=np.int32) # FIXME Hard to notice the difference without polylines cv.polylines(img=canvas, pts=polygon, isClosed=True, color=COLOR_ON, thickness=5) cv.fillPoly(img=canvas, pts=polygon, color=COLOR_ON) return canvas
def create_emoticon(): emoticon = np.zeros([512, 512, 3], np.uint8) emoticon =, (256, 256), 200, (0, 215, 255), -1) emoticon = cv2.ellipse(emoticon, (166, 200), (40, 30), 90, 0, 360, (0, 0, 0), -1) emoticon = cv2.ellipse(emoticon, (166, 200), (40, 30), 90, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), 1) emoticon = cv2.ellipse(emoticon, (346, 200), (40, 30), 90, 0, 360, (0, 0, 0), -1) emoticon = cv2.ellipse(emoticon, (346, 200), (40, 30), 90, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), 1) emoticon =, (180, 175), 7, (255, 255, 255), -1) emoticon =, (360, 175), 7, (255, 255, 255), -1) pts = [(130, 260), (150, 390), (362, 390), (382, 260), (256, 248)] cv2.fillPoly(emoticon, np.array([pts]), (208, 224, 64)) cv2.polylines(emoticon, np.array([pts]), True, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (150, 290), (362, 290), (209, 206, 0), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (155, 330), (357, 330), (209, 206, 0), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (160, 360), (352, 360), (209, 206, 0), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (130, 260), (65, 200), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (382, 260), (447, 200), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (150, 390), (125, 405), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.line(emoticon, (362, 390), (387, 405), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('emoticon', emoticon) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def test_bbox_generator(self, img): img_name = format_name(img) full_img_name = os.path.join(self.labels_folder, img_name) img = self.datahandle.images[img_name][0] height, width = img.shape[:2] with open(full_img_name + '.txt', 'r') as file: coords = file.readlines() thick = 2 color = (0, 0, 255) green = (0, 255, 0) for coord in coords: cds = np.array(coord.strip('\n').split(' ')).astype(float)[1:] x_tl = int((cds[0] - cds[2] / 2) * width) y_tl = int((cds[1] - cds[3] / 2) * height) x_br = int((cds[0] + cds[2] / 2) * width) y_br = int((cds[1] + cds[3] / 2) * height) start = (x_tl, y_tl) end = (x_br, y_br) img = cv2.rectangle(img, start, end, color, thick) coords_img = self.datahandle.images[img_name][2] for coords in coords_img: img_gate_old = np.array([(coords[0], coords[1]), \ (coords[2], coords[3]), \ (coords[4], coords[5]), \ (coords[6], coords[7]), \ (coords[0], coords[1])]) cv2.polylines(img, [img_gate_old], False, green, 2) cv2.imshow('image', img) cv2.waitKey(0)
def draw(self, output_image): for point in self.centroids:, point, 2, self.path_color, -1) cv2.polylines(output_image, [np.int32(self.centroids)], False, self.path_color, 1) if len(self.speed) != 0: cv2.putText(output_image, ("%1.2f" % self.last_speed), self.last_position_centroid, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.7, (127, 255, 255), 1)
def draw_solid_line(canvas, color, closed, points, width): """Draws solid lines in a surface given a set of points, width and color""" if len(points) >= 2: cv.polylines( img=canvas, pts=np.int32([points]), isClosed=closed, color=color, thickness=width, )
def draw_flow(img, flow, step=16): h, w = img.shape[:2] y, x = np.mgrid[step / 2:h:step, step / 2:w:step].reshape(2, -1).astype(int) fx, fy = flow[y, x].T lines = np.vstack([x, y, x + fx, y + fy]).T.reshape(-1, 2, 2) lines = np.int32(lines + 0.5) vis = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv.polylines(vis, lines, 0, (0, 255, 0)) for (x1, y1), (_x2, _y2) in lines:, (x1, y1), 1, (0, 255, 0), -1) return vis
def centerlines_mask(self) -> Mask: canvas = self.make_empty_mask() for road_waypoints in self._each_road_waypoints: polygon = [ self.location_to_pixel(wp.transform.location) for wp in road_waypoints ] if len(polygon) > 2: polygon = np.array([polygon], dtype=np.int32) cv.polylines( img=canvas, pts=polygon, isClosed=False, color=COLOR_ON, thickness=1 ) return canvas
def __init__(self, path): # Clearing shapes from last time self.shapes = [] self.points = [] # Setting up the cv2 window self.path = path self.image = cv2.imread(path) cv2.namedWindow("Focus") cv2.setMouseCallback("Focus", self.create_polygon) # Infinite loop to run polygon creation while(True): # Drawing the original/modified image every time cv2.imshow('Focus', self.image) # Key presses command = cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF # Local parameters pts = np.asarray(self.points, np.int32).reshape(-1, 1, 2) color = (0, 0, 255) thickness = 2 # Submit shape if command == ord('a'): # Save the points as a new shape self.shapes.append(Shape(len(self.shapes), self.points)) # Debugging lines # print(self.shapes) # Draw the polygon cv2.polylines(self.image, [pts], True, color, thickness, lineType = cv2.LINE_AA) # Clear the points for a new polygon self.points = [] # Delete previous shape if a mistake was made elif command == ord('d'): self.shapes = self.shapes[:-1] self.image = cv2.imread(path) for shape in self.shapes: cv2.polylines(self.image, [np.asarray(shape.coordinates, np.int32).reshape(-1, 1, 2)], True, color, thickness, lineType = cv2.LINE_AA) # Exit condition elif command == ord('q'): break # Close all windows after exit cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def upload(): # file=request.files['temp'] f = request.files['temp'] tempname = request.form['tempname'] temp_path = '../templates/' name = f.filename.replace(' ', '_') # print(tempname) inputImage = cv2.imread(name) inputImageGray = cv2.cvtColor(inputImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edges = cv2.Canny(inputImageGray, 150, 200, apertureSize=3) # print(edges) edges = abs(cv2.subtract(255, edges)) minLineLength = 30 maxLineGap = 5 lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, cv2.HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, np.pi / 180, 30, minLineLength, maxLineGap) for x in range(0, len(lines)): for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lines[x]: pts = np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], np.int32) cv2.polylines(inputImage, [pts], True, (0, 255, 0)) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(inputImage, "Tracks Detected", (500, 250), font, 0.5, 255) os.remove(name) filename = tempname + '.png' #Following converts white pixels to transparent imagePIL = Image.fromarray(edges) imagePIL = imagePIL.convert("RGBA") datas = imagePIL.getdata() newData = [] for item in datas: if item[0] == 255 and item[1] == 255 and item[2] == 255: newData.append((255, 255, 255, 0)) else: if item[0] > 150: newData.append((0, 0, 0, 255)) else: newData.append(item) imagePIL.putdata(newData) + filename, "PNG") return send_file(temp_path + filename, mimetype='image/png')
def hist_curve(im): h = np.zeros((300, 256, 3)) if len(im.shape) == 2: color = [(255, 255, 255)] elif im.shape[2] == 3: color = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)] for ch, col in enumerate(color): hist_item = cv2.calcHist([im], [ch], None, [256], [0, 256]) cv2.normalize(hist_item, hist_item, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) hist = np.int32(np.around(hist_item)) pts = np.int32(np.column_stack((bins, hist))) cv2.polylines(h, [pts], False, col) y = np.flipud(h) return y
def draw_match(result_title, img1, img2, kp_pairs, status=None, H=None): h1, w1 = img1.shape[:2] h2, w2 = img2.shape[:2] # Create visualized result image vis = np.zeros((max(h1, h2), w1 + w2), np.uint8) vis[:h1, :w1] = img1 vis[:h2, w1:w1 + w2] = img2 vis = cv2.cvtColor(vis, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if H is not None: corners = np.float32([[0, 0], [w1, 0], [w1, h1], [0, h1]]) corners = np.int32( cv2.perspectiveTransform(corners.reshape(1, -1, 2), H).reshape( -1, 2) + (w1, 0)) cv2.polylines(vis, [corners], True, (255, 255, 255)) if status is None: status = np.ones(len(kp_pairs), np.bool_) p1, p2 = [], [] # python 2 / python 3 change of zip unpacking for kpp in kp_pairs: p1.append(np.int32(kpp[0].pt)) p2.append(np.int32(np.array(kpp[1].pt) + [w1, 0])) green = (0, 255, 0) red = (0, 0, 255) for (x1, y1), (x2, y2), inlier in zip(p1, p2, status): if inlier: color = green, (x1, y1), 2, color, -1), (x2, y2), 2, color, -1) else: color = red r = 2 thickness = 3 cv2.line(vis, (x1 - r, y1 - r), (x1 + r, y1 + r), color, thickness) cv2.line(vis, (x1 - r, y1 + r), (x1 + r, y1 - r), color, thickness) cv2.line(vis, (x2 - r, y2 - r), (x2 + r, y2 + r), color, thickness) cv2.line(vis, (x2 - r, y2 + r), (x2 + r, y2 - r), color, thickness) for (x1, y1), (x2, y2), inlier in zip(p1, p2, status): if inlier: cv2.line(vis, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), green) cv2.imshow(result_title, vis) return vis
def draw_object(img1, kp1, img2, kps2, matches): """ Draws the object found on the second image :param img1: First image :param kp1: List of keypoints from the first image :param img2: Second image :param kps2: List of keypoints from the second image :param matches: List of matches between the two images :return: modified image """ src_pts = np.float32([kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in matches]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst_pts = np.float32([kps2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) M = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)[0] h, w = img1.shape[:2] pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1], [w - 1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, M) img_res = cv2.polylines(img2, [np.int32(dst)], True, 255, 3, cv2.LINE_AA) return img_res
def feature_match(img1, img2): originial = img2 img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) h, w = img1.shape h2, w2 = img2.shape if h > h2 and w > w2: img1 = resize_with_aspect_ratio(img1, height=h2 // 2) pts1, desc1 = ORB_descriptor(img1, 1000) pts2, desc2 = ORB_descriptor(img2, 10000) dmatches = get_matches(desc1, desc2) h, w = img1.shape dst = find_image_in_frame(dmatches, pts1, pts2, h, w) img2 = cv2.polylines(originial, [np.int32(dst)], True, (0, 0, 255), 10, cv2.LINE_AA) res = cv2.drawMatches(img1, pts1, img2, pts2, dmatches[:5], None, flags=cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS) return res
def draw_broken_line(canvas, color, closed, points, width): """Draws broken lines in a surface given a set of points, width and color""" # Select which lines are going to be rendered from the set of lines broken_lines = [ x for n, x in enumerate(zip(*(iter(points), ) * 20)) if n % 3 == 0 ] # Draw selected lines for line in broken_lines: cv.polylines( img=canvas, pts=np.int32([line]), isClosed=closed, color=color, thickness=width, )
def get_comp_outline(self, show=False): """ Function to retrieve the outer contour of Connected Component. parameters -------------------------------------- show : bool, optional, default : True Wether to show the annotated image with outline returns -------------------------------------- tuple - (outlines, annotated_img) Returns outline and Annotated Image """ if not hasattr(self, 'swt_mat'): raise Exception( "Call 'swttransform' on the image before calling this function" ) outlines = [] temp = self.swtlabelled_pruned13C.copy() for label, labelprops in self.components_props.items(): loutline = labelprops['bbm_outline'] outlines.append(loutline) temp = cv2.polylines(temp, loutline, True, (0, 0, 255), 1, 4) if show: imgshow(temp, 'Component Outlines') return outlines, temp
def plot_pose_box(image, P, kpt, color=(0, 255, 0), line_width=2): ''' Draw a 3D box as annotation of pose. Ref: Args: image: the input image P: (3, 4). Affine Camera Matrix. kpt: (68, 3). ''' image = image.copy() point_3d = [] rear_size = 90 rear_depth = 0 point_3d.append((-rear_size, -rear_size, rear_depth)) point_3d.append((-rear_size, rear_size, rear_depth)) point_3d.append((rear_size, rear_size, rear_depth)) point_3d.append((rear_size, -rear_size, rear_depth)) point_3d.append((-rear_size, -rear_size, rear_depth)) front_size = 105 front_depth = 110 point_3d.append((-front_size, -front_size, front_depth)) point_3d.append((-front_size, front_size, front_depth)) point_3d.append((front_size, front_size, front_depth)) point_3d.append((front_size, -front_size, front_depth)) point_3d.append((-front_size, -front_size, front_depth)) point_3d = np.array(point_3d, dtype=np.float).reshape(-1, 3) # Map to 2d image points point_3d_homo = np.hstack((point_3d, np.ones([point_3d.shape[0], 1]))) #n x 4 point_2d =[:, :2] point_2d[:, :2] = point_2d[:, :2] - np.mean(point_2d[:4, :2], 0) + np.mean( kpt[:27, :2], 0) point_2d = np.int32(point_2d.reshape(-1, 2)) # Draw all the lines cv2.polylines(image, [point_2d], True, color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(image, tuple(point_2d[1]), tuple(point_2d[6]), color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(image, tuple(point_2d[2]), tuple(point_2d[7]), color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(image, tuple(point_2d[3]), tuple(point_2d[8]), color, line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) return image
def run(self): escape = False # Flag to quit program # Let's create our working window and set a mouse callback to handle events cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name, flags=cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #cv2.imshow(self.window_name, np.zeros(CANVAS_SIZE, np.uint8)) frame = cv2.imread(basic_img) frame = frame[y:y + h, x:x + w] # crop image cv2.imshow(self.window_name, frame) cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, self.on_mouse) while not escape: # This is our drawing loop, we just continuously draw new images # and show them in the named window frame = cv2.imread(basic_img) frame = frame[y:y + h, x:x + w] # crop image canvas = frame if len(self.points) > 0: # Draw all the current polygon segments cv2.polylines(canvas, np.array([self.points]), False, FINAL_LINE_COLOR, 3) # And also show what the current segment would look like cv2.line(canvas, self.points[-1], self.current, WORKING_LINE_COLOR, 3) for i in range(len(polygon_points)): if len(polygon_points[i]) > 0: cv2.fillPoly(canvas, np.array([polygon_points[i]]), FINAL_LINE_COLOR) # Update the window cv2.imshow(self.window_name, canvas) # And wait 50ms before next iteration (this will pump window messages meanwhile) if cv2.waitKey(50) == 27: # ESC hit # todo: maybe add txt export here self.done = True escape = True # Waiting for the user to press any key cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyWindow(self.window_name) return canvas
def addLocalization(self, image: np.ndarray, localize_type: str, fill: bool, radius_multiplier: float = 1.0) -> np.ndarray: """ Add a specific `localize_type` of localization to the input `image`. `fill` parameter tells whether to fill the component or not. Args: image (np.ndarray) : Image on which localization needs to be added localize_type (str) : Type of the localization that will be added. Can be only one of ['min_bbox', 'ext_bbox', 'outline', 'circular']. Where : - `min_bbox` : Minimum Bounding Box - `ext_bbox` : External Bounding Box - `outline` : Contour - `circular` : Circle - With Minimum Bounding Box Centre coordinate and radius = Minimum Bounding Box Circum Radius * radius_multiplier fill (bool) : Whether to fill the added localization or not radius_multiplier (float) : Minimum Bounding Box Circum Radius inflation parameter. [default = 1.0]. Returns: (np.ndarray) - annotated image """ _color = (0, 0, 255) if fill: _color = (255, 255, 255) _thickness = (np.sqrt(self.image_height ** 2 + self.image_width ** 2)) * (4 / np.sqrt(768 ** 2 + 1024 ** 2)) _thickness = int(_thickness) if _thickness == 0: _thickness = 1 if localize_type == 'min_bbox' and not fill: image = cv2.polylines(img=image, pts=[self.min_bbox], isClosed=True, color=_color, thickness=_thickness) elif localize_type == 'ext_bbox' and not fill: image = cv2.polylines(img=image, pts=[self.ext_bbox], isClosed=True, color=_color, thickness=_thickness) elif localize_type == 'outline' and not fill: image = cv2.polylines(img=image, pts=self.outline, isClosed=True, color=_color, thickness=_thickness) elif localize_type == 'min_bbox' and fill: image = cv2.fillPoly(img=image, pts=[self.min_bbox], color=_color) elif localize_type == 'ext_bbox' and fill: image = cv2.fillPoly(img=image, pts=[self.ext_bbox], color=_color) elif localize_type == 'outline' and fill: image = cv2.fillPoly(img=image, pts=self.outline, color=_color) elif localize_type == 'circular' and fill: image =, center=tuple(np.uint32(self.min_bbox_centre)), radius=np.uint32(self.min_bbox_circum_radii * radius_multiplier), color=255, thickness=-1) return image
def test_threshold(self, img_name): img_name = format_name(img_name) full_img_name = os.path.join(self.folder_imgs, img_name) img = cv2.imread(full_img_name + '.png') height, width = img.shape[:2] with open(full_img_name + '.txt', 'r') as file: coords = file.readlines() thick = 2 black = (0, 0, 255) green = (0, 255, 0) for gate in self.gate_pairs[img_name]: if gate[0] != None: coord_img = self.img_gates[img_name][int(gate[0])] coord_img_old = self.new_old_gate_match[img_name]\ [tuple(coord_img)] img_gate_old = np.array([(coord_img_old[0], coord_img_old[1]), \ (coord_img_old[2], coord_img_old[3]), \ (coord_img_old[4], coord_img_old[5]), \ (coord_img_old[6], coord_img_old[7]), \ (coord_img_old[0], coord_img_old[1])]) cv2.polylines(img, [img_gate_old], False, green, 2) if gate[1] != None: coord_pred = self.pred_gates[img_name][int(gate[1]), 0] pred_lef = int((coord_pred[0]-coord_pred[2]/2/self\ .gate_area_rescale_x)*self.rx) pred_rig = int((coord_pred[0]+coord_pred[2]/2/self\ .gate_area_rescale_x)*self.rx) pred_bot = int((coord_pred[1]-coord_pred[3]/2/self\ .gate_area_rescale_y)*self.ry) pred_top = int((coord_pred[1]+coord_pred[3]/2/self\ .gate_area_rescale_y)*self.ry) pred_gate = np.array([(pred_lef, pred_top), (pred_rig, \ pred_top), (pred_rig, pred_bot), (pred_lef, \ pred_bot), (pred_lef, pred_top)]) cv2.polylines(img, [pred_gate], False, black, 2) cv2.imshow('image', img) cv2.waitKey(0)
def get_min_bbox(self, show=False, padding=5): """ Function to retrieve the vetrices of BBox which occupy minimum area rectangle for a Connected Component. parameters -------------------------------------- show : bool, optional, default : True Wether to show the annotated image with min_bboxes padding : int, optional, default : 5 Expansion coefficient (in the diagonal direction) for each bbox returns -------------------------------------- tuple - (min_bboxes, annotated_img) Returns Minimum Area BBoxes vertices and Annotated Image """ if not hasattr(self, 'swt_mat'): raise Exception( "Call 'swttransform' on the image before calling this function" ) min_bboxes = [] annotated_img = self.swtlabelled_pruned13C.copy() for label, labelprops in self.components_props.items(): bbm_bbox = np.int32(labelprops['bbm_bbox']) # Calculate centre coordinates _tr, _br, _bl, _tl = bbm_bbox.copy() _d1_vec = _tr - _bl _d2_vec = _tl - _br _d1_ang = -math.atan2(_d1_vec[1], _d1_vec[0]) _d2_ang = -math.atan2(_d2_vec[1], _d2_vec[0]) _tr = _tr + padding * np.array([np.cos(_d1_ang), -np.sin(_d1_ang)]) _br = _br - padding * np.array( [-np.cos(np.pi - _d2_ang), -np.sin(np.pi - _d2_ang)]) _bl = _bl - padding * np.array( [-np.cos(np.pi - _d1_ang), -np.sin(np.pi - _d1_ang)]) _tl = _tl + padding * np.array([np.cos(_d2_ang), -np.sin(_d2_ang)]) bbm_bbox = np.c_[_tr, _br, _bl, _tl].T.astype(int) min_bboxes.append(bbm_bbox) annotated_img = cv2.polylines(annotated_img, [bbm_bbox], True, (0, 0, 255), 1) if show: imgshow(annotated_img, 'Minimum Bounding Box') return min_bboxes, annotated_img
def __draw_poly(self, image, filled, translation): params = self.dict_parameters keys = params.keys() assert all(key in keys for key in ['pts', 'color']) if filled: cv2.fillPoly(image, pts=[params['pts']], color=255, lineType=params.get('lineType') or 8, shift=params.get('shift') or 0, offset=params.get('offset') or translation) else: cv2.polylines(image, pts=[params['pts'] + translation], isClosed=True, color=params['color'], thickness=params.get('thickness') or 1, lineType=params.get('lineType') or 8, shift=params.get('shift') or 0)
def run_grouping(self): self.generate_comp_bubble() while len(self.ungrouped_labels) > 0: curr_label = list(self.ungrouped_labels)[0] curr_bucket = self.grouplabel(label=curr_label, bucket=[curr_label]) self.grouped_labels.append(curr_bucket) self.ungrouped_labels = self.ungrouped_labels.difference( set(curr_bucket)) self.grouped_bubblebbox = [] self.grouped_annot_bubble = np.zeros(self.labelmask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) self.grouped_annot_bubble = cv2.cvtColor(self.grouped_annot_bubble, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) self.grouped_annot = np.zeros(self.labelmask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) self.grouped_annot = cv2.cvtColor(self.grouped_annot, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for each_group in self.grouped_labels: mask = np.zeros(self.labelmask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for each_label in each_group: label_ct, label_bx = self.get_attr(each_label, mode='proximity') radii = max([ np.linalg.norm(epnt[::-1] - label_ct) for epnt in label_bx ]) mask += self.create_circular_mask(label_ct[::-1], radii) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) self.grouped_bubblebbox.append(contours) mask = np.zeros(self.labelmask.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for each_label in each_group: mask += self.labelmask == each_label mask *= 255 self.grouped_annot_bubble += cv2.cvtColor(mask.copy(), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) self.grouped_annot += cv2.cvtColor(mask.copy(), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv2.drawContours(self.grouped_annot_bubble, contours, -1, (0, 0, 255), self.bubble_width) rotrect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[0]) combbbox = cv2.boxPoints(rotrect) self.grouped_annot += cv2.polylines(self.grouped_annot, np.int32([combbbox]), True, (0, 0, 255), 2) return self.grouped_labels, self.grouped_bubblebbox, self.grouped_annot_bubble, self.grouped_annot, self.maskviz, self.maskcomb
def generate_comp_bubble(self): for label, props in self.comp_props.items(): label_ct = np.array([props['bbm_cy'], props['bbm_cx']]).astype(np.uint16) label_bx = props['bbm_bbox'] label_an = props['bbm_anchor'] radii = max( [np.linalg.norm(epnt[::-1] - label_ct) for epnt in label_bx]) * self.lookup_radii_multiplier cv2.putText(self.maskviz, str(label), tuple(label_an), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 5, 2, 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.polylines(self.maskviz, np.int32([label_bx]), True, 1, 1) mask = self.create_circular_mask(label_ct[::-1], radii) self.comp_dstack.append(mask * label) self.maskcomb += mask self.comp_dstack = np.dstack(tuple(self.comp_dstack))
def get_gaze_ratio(self, lmk): eye_region = np.array([(lmk[0].x, lmk[0].y), (lmk[1].x, lmk[1].y), (lmk[2].x, lmk[2].y), (lmk[3].x, lmk[3].y), (lmk[4].x, lmk[4].y), (lmk[5].x, lmk[5].y)], np.int32) # cv.polylines(frame, [eye_region], True, (0, 0, 255), 2) height, width, _ = self.frame.shape mask = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8) cv.polylines(mask, [eye_region], True, 255, 2) cv.fillPoly(mask, [eye_region], 255) gray = cv.cvtColor(self.frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) eye = cv.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask=mask) min_x = max(0, np.min(eye_region[:, 0])) max_x = np.max(eye_region[:, 0]) min_y = max(0, np.min(eye_region[:, 1])) max_y = np.max(eye_region[:, 1]) gray_eye = eye[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x] _, threshold_eye = cv.threshold(gray_eye, 40, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY) h, w = threshold_eye.shape left_side_threshold = threshold_eye[0:h, 0:int(w / 2)] left_side_white = cv.countNonZero(left_side_threshold) right_side_threshold = threshold_eye[0:h, int(w / 2):w] right_side_white = cv.countNonZero(right_side_threshold) # print('left white:', left_side_white) # print('right white:', right_side_white) if left_side_white == 0 and right_side_white == 0: gaze_ratio = 1 elif left_side_white == 0: gaze_ratio = 0.1 elif right_side_white == 0: gaze_ratio = 10 else: gaze_ratio = left_side_white / right_side_white return gaze_ratio
def show(image): result = Recognition().recognize(image) polygon = [] for qr in result['qr']: pts = np.array( list( map(lambda point: [point.x, point.y], qr['location'].points)), np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) polygon.append(pts) for ring in result['rings']: cv2.ellipse(img=image, center=(int(, int(, axes=(int(ring.maxLength), int(ring.minLength)), angle=ring.angle, color=(0, 255, 255), startAngle=0, endAngle=360) cv2.polylines(image, polygon, True, (0, 255, 255)) cv2.imshow('detected circles', image) cv2.moveWindow('detected circles', 20, 20)
def addLocalization(self, image: np.ndarray, localize_type: str, fill: bool) -> np.ndarray: """ Add a specific `localize_type` of localization to the input `image`. `fill` parameter tells whether to fill the component or not. Args: image (np.ndarray) : Image on which localization needs to be added localize_type (str) : Type of the localization that will be added. Can be only one of ['bbox', 'bubble', 'polygon']. Where - `bbox` : Bounding Box - `bubble` : Bubble Boundary - `polygon` : Contour Boundary fill (bool) : Whether to fill the added localization or not Returns: (np.ndarray) - annotated image """ _color = (0, 0, 255) if fill: _color = (255, 255, 255) _thickness = (np.sqrt(self.image_height ** 2 + self.image_width ** 2)) * (4 / np.sqrt(768 ** 2 + 1024 ** 2)) _thickness = int(_thickness) if _thickness == 0: _thickness = 1 if localize_type == 'bbox' and not fill: image = cv2.polylines(img=image, pts=[self.bbox], isClosed=True, color=_color, thickness=_thickness) elif localize_type == 'bubble' and not fill: image = cv2.polylines(img=image, pts=self.bubble, isClosed=True, color=_color, thickness=_thickness) elif localize_type == 'polygon' and not fill: image = cv2.polylines(img=image, pts=self.polygon, isClosed=True, color=_color, thickness=_thickness) elif localize_type == 'bbox' and fill: image = cv2.fillPoly(img=image, pts=[self.bbox], color=_color) elif localize_type == 'bubble' and fill: image = cv2.fillPoly(img=image, pts=self.bubble, color=_color) elif localize_type == 'polygon' and fill: image = cv2.fillPoly(img=image, pts=self.polygon, color=_color) return image
def upload(): # file=request.files['temp'] f = request.files['temp'] tempname = request.form['tempname'] temp_path = '../templates/' name = f.filename.replace(' ', '_') print(tempname) inputImage = cv2.imread(name) inputImageGray = cv2.cvtColor(inputImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edges = cv2.Canny(inputImageGray, 150, 200, apertureSize=3) print(edges) edges = abs(cv2.subtract(255, edges)) minLineLength = 30 maxLineGap = 5 lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, cv2.HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC, np.pi / 180, 30, minLineLength, maxLineGap) for x in range(0, len(lines)): for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lines[x]: pts = np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], np.int32) cv2.polylines(inputImage, [pts], True, (0, 255, 0)) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(inputImage, "Tracks Detected", (500, 250), font, 0.5, 255) cv2.imwrite(temp_path + tempname + '.jpeg', edges) cv2.waitKey(0) os.remove(name) filename = tempname + '.jpeg' return send_file(temp_path + filename, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def get_extreme_bbox(self, show=False, padding=5): """ Function to retrieve the vetrices of BBox Connected Component. parameters -------------------------------------- show : bool, optional, default : True Wether to show the annotated image with extreme_bboxes padding : int, optional, default : 5 Expansion coefficient for each bbox returns -------------------------------------- tuple - (ext_bboxes, annotated_img) Returns BBoxes vertices and Annotated Image """ if not hasattr(self, 'swt_mat'): raise Exception( "Call 'swttransform' on the image before calling this function" ) ext_bboxes = [] temp1 = self.swtlabelled_pruned1.copy() annotated_img = self.swtlabelled_pruned13C.copy() for label, labelprops in self.components_props.items(): lmask = (temp1 == label).astype(np.uint16) if np.sum(lmask) > 0: _iy, _ix = lmask.nonzero() _tr = [max(_ix) + padding, min(_iy) - padding] _br = [max(_ix) + padding, max(_iy) + padding] _bl = [min(_ix) - padding, max(_iy) + padding] _tl = [min(_ix) - padding, min(_iy) - padding] bbe_bbox = np.c_[_tr, _br, _bl, _tl].T.astype(int) ext_bboxes.append(bbe_bbox) annotated_img = cv2.polylines(annotated_img, [bbe_bbox], True, (0, 0, 255), 1) if show: imgshow(annotated_img, 'Extreme Bounding Box') return ext_bboxes, annotated_img