def run(self): started = time.time() while True: currentframe = cv.QueryFrame(self.capture) instant = time.time() #Get timestamp o the frame self.processImage(currentframe) #Process the image if not self.isRecording: if self.somethingHasMoved(): self.trigger_time = instant #Update the trigger_time if instant > started + 10: #Wait 5 second after the webcam start for luminosity adjusting etc.. print "Something is moving !" if self.doRecord: #set isRecording=True only if we record a video self.isRecording = True cv.DrawContours(currentframe, self.currentcontours, (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), 1, 2, cv.CV_FILLED) else: if instant >= self.trigger_time + 10: #Record during 10 seconds print "Stop recording" self.isRecording = False else: cv.PutText(currentframe,"%b %d, %H:%M:%S"), (25, 30), self.font, 0) #Put date on the frame cv.WriteFrame(self.writer, currentframe) #Write the frame if cv.ShowImage("Image", currentframe) c = cv.WaitKey(1) % 0x100 if c == 27 or c == 10: #Break if user enters 'Esc'. break
def getPupil(frame): pupilImg = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1) cv.InRangeS(frame, (30,30,30), (80,80,80), pupilImg) contours = cv.FindContours(pupilImg, cv.CreateMemStorage(0), mode = cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL) del pupilImg pupilImg = cv.CloneImage(frame) while contours: moments = cv.Moments(contours) area = cv.GetCentralMoment(moments,0,0) if (area > 50): pupilArea = area x = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments,1,0)/area y = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments,0,1)/area pupil = contours global centroid centroid = (int(x),int(y)) cv.DrawContours(pupilImg, pupil, (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 2, cv.CV_FILLED) break contours = contours.h_next() return (pupilImg)
def function7(): # 7a ################################################################## # 7b ################################################################## # 7c ################################################################## #Draw contours around the blobs in the image file1 = '/home/pi/seed/exercise2/part6/CombinednewBlurred.jpg' file1Contours = '/home/pi/seed/exercise2/part6/CombinednewBlurredCountours.jpg' im = cv2.imread(file1, 0) ######################################################################## # Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters. params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() # Change thresholds params.minThreshold = 10; params.maxThreshold = 200; # Filter by Color params.filterByColor = True params.blobColor = 150 # Filter by Area. params.filterByArea = True params.minArea = 50 params.maxArea = 2000 # Filter by Circularity params.filterByCircularity = False params.minCircularity = 0.1 # Filter by Convexity params.filterByConvexity = False params.minConvexity = 0.17 # Filter by Inertia params.filterByInertia = False params.minInertiaRatio = 0.01 # Create a detector with the parameters ver = (cv2.__version__).split('.') if int(ver[0]) < 3 : detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(params) else : detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) #detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create() external_color = [22, 255, 200] hole_color = 200 max_level = 0 keypoints = detector.detect(im) #im_with_contours = cv2.drawContours(im, file1Contours, external_color, hole_color, max_level=0, thickness=1, lineType=8, offset=(0, 0)) contours = cv.FindContours (color_mask, storage, method = cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cv2.DrawContours(img=im, contour=contours, external_color=cv.RGB(255, 0, 0), hole_color=cv.RGB(0, 255, 0), max_level=1 ) #im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(im, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,0,255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) cv2.imshow("Contours", im_with_contours) #cv2.imshow("Keypoints", im_with_keypoints) ################################################################### ''' hsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # define range of purple color in HSV purpleMin = (115,50,10) purpleMax = (160, 255, 255) # Sets pixels to white if in purple range, else will be set to black mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, purpleMin, purpleMax) # Bitwise-AND of mask and purple only image - only used for display res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask= mask) # Set up the SimpleBlobdetector with default parameters. params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() # Change thresholds params.minThreshold = 0; params.maxThreshold = 256; # Filter by Area. params.filterByArea = True params.minArea = 30 # Filter by Circularity params.filterByCircularity = True params.minCircularity = 0.1 # Filter by Convexity params.filterByConvexity = True params.minConvexity = 0.5 # Filter by Inertia params.filterByInertia =True params.minInertiaRatio = 0.5 detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) # Detect blobs. reversemask=255-mask keypoints = detector.detect(reversemask) cv2.imshow("Blob", keypoints) ''' cv2.waitKey(0)
orig = cv.imread('lena.png') #im = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(orig), 8, 1) im = cv.cvtColor(orig,cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #cv.CvtColor(orig, im, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) #Keep the original in colour to draw contours in the end cv.Threshold(im, im, 128, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.ShowImage("Threshold 1", im) element = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5*2+1, 5*2+1, 5, 5, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) cv.MorphologyEx(im, im, None, element, cv.CV_MOP_OPEN) #Open and close to make appear contours cv.MorphologyEx(im, im, None, element, cv.CV_MOP_CLOSE) cv.Threshold(im, im, 128, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) cv.ShowImage("After MorphologyEx", im) # -------------------------------- vals = cv.CloneImage(im) #Make a clone because FindContours can modify the image contours=cv.FindContours(vals, cv.CreateMemStorage(0), cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, (0,0)) _red = (0, 0, 255); #Red for external contours _green = (0, 255, 0);# Gren internal contours levels=2 #1 contours drawn, 2 internal contours as well, 3 ... cv.DrawContours (orig, contours, _red, _green, levels, 2, cv.CV_FILLED) #Draw contours on the colour image cv.ShowImage("Image", orig) cv.WaitKey(0)
def run(self): # Capture first frame to get size frame = cv.QueryFrame(self.capture) frame_size = cv.GetSize(frame) width = frame.width height = frame.height surface = width * height #Surface area of the image cursurface = 0 #Hold the current surface that have changed grey_image = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) moving_average = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3) difference = None while True: color_image = cv.QueryFrame(self.capture) cv.Smooth(color_image, color_image, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 3, 0) #Remove false positives if not difference: #For the first time put values in difference, temp and moving_average difference = cv.CloneImage(color_image) temp = cv.CloneImage(color_image) cv.ConvertScale(color_image, moving_average, 1.0, 0.0) else: cv.RunningAvg(color_image, moving_average, 0.020, None) #Compute the average # Convert the scale of the moving average. cv.ConvertScale(moving_average, temp, 1.0, 0.0) # Minus the current frame from the moving average. cv.AbsDiff(color_image, temp, difference) #Convert the image so that it can be thresholded cv.CvtColor(difference, grey_image, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY) cv.Threshold(grey_image, grey_image, 70, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Dilate(grey_image, grey_image, None, 18) #to get object blobs cv.Erode(grey_image, grey_image, None, 10) # Find contours storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) contours = cv.FindContours(grey_image, storage, cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) backcontours = contours #Save contours while contours: #For all contours compute the area cursurface += cv.ContourArea(contours) contours = contours.h_next() avg = ( cursurface * 100 ) / surface #Calculate the average of contour area on the total size if avg > self.ceil: print("Something is moving !") #print avg,"%" cursurface = 0 #Put back the current surface to 0 #Draw the contours on the image _red = (0, 0, 255) #Red for external contours _green = (0, 255, 0) # Gren internal contours levels = 1 #1 contours drawn, 2 internal contours as well, 3 ... cv.DrawContours(color_image, backcontours, _red, _green, levels, 2, cv.CV_FILLED) cv.ShowImage("Target", color_image) # Listen for ESC or ENTER key c = cv.WaitKey(7) % 0x100 if c == 27 or c == 10: break
def showNaoImage(IP, PORT, camID): # 参数分别为IP、PORT、摄像头ID(区分上下摄像头) #链接nao的摄像头 camProxy = ALProxy("ALVideoDevice", IP, PORT) resolution = 2 # VGA`` colorSpace = 11 # RGB videoClient = camProxy.subscribe("python_client", resolution, colorSpace, 5) # 设置分辨率、帧速、颜色空间 t0 = time.time() camProxy.setParam(18, camID) # 设置摄像头 naoImage = camProxy.getImageRemote(videoClient) # 将获取的图像赋给naoImage t1 = time.time() camProxy.unsubscribe(videoClient) imageWidth = naoImage[0] imageHeight = naoImage[1] imagechannls = naoImage[2] # naoImage[6]为imagedata frameArray = numpy.frombuffer(naoImage[6], dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape( imageHeight, imageWidth, imagechannls) cimg = cv2.cvtColor(frameArray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frameArray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 转换为BGR图像 blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) # 霍夫降噪 平滑处理 thresh = cv2.threshold(blurred, 60, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # 取得二值图 # im_cv = numpy.zeros((imageHeight, imageWidth, 3), numpy.uint8)#初始化图像im_cv # # = array #将从摄像头获取的图像copy到im_cv,转为mat # # # 转化颜色空间由BGR到RGB # b, g, r = cv2.split(im_cv) # img1 = cv2.merge([r, g, b]) # # 转mat到cvmat # img3 = cv2.fromarray(img1) # cv2.SaveImage("test22.bmp",img3) # #转换颜色空间到HSV # imgHSV = cv2.CreateImage(cv2.GetSize(img3), 8, 3) # cv2.CvtColor(img3, imgHSV, cv2.CV_RGB2HSV) # # cimg,cimg_c=hsvProceed(imgHSV,camID) # 调用hsvProceed处理图像,返回二值图 #圈取最小矩形框 #初始化 storage = cv2.CreateMemStorage(0) cnts = cv2.FindContours(thresh, storage, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) currtnt = cnts Area = 0 left_right = 0 up_down = 0 #为不同摄像头设置不同筛选条件 if camID == 0: areamax = 2500 areamin = 40 valuemin = 25 value_w = 641 valuemax = 481 else: areamax = 5000 areamin = 400 valuemin = 0 value_w = 500 valuemax = 400 while cnts: rect = cv2.BoundingRect(cnts, 0) #获得单连通矩形框 area = rect[2] * rect[3] #获得矩形框面积 #获得矩形框中心点坐标 rect_center_x = rect[0] + rect[2] / 2 rect_center_y = rect[1] + rect[3] / 2 #调用choose0文件下的radio函数,筛选圆形部分 # radio_c =,rect) radio = float(rect[2]) / rect[3] #计算矩形框的长宽比 #以下if语句均为筛选条件 if rect[1] >= valuemin: if rect[1] <= valuemax: if rect[0] <= value_w: if area > areamin: if area < areamax: if radio > 0.6: if radio < 1.6: # if radio_c == 1: cv2.DrawContours(frameArray, cnts, (255, 255, 0), (255, 255, 0), 0, 1) #画出单连通轮廓 cv2.Rectangle( frameArray, (rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3]), (0, 0, 255), 1) #画出矩形框 rect_center_x = rect[0] + rect[2] / 2 rect_center_y = rect[1] + rect[3] / 2 #计算通过条件的矩形框的面积以及在图像中的位置 Area = rect[2] * rect[3] left_right = rect_center_x - cimg.width / 2 up_down = rect_center_y - cimg.height / 2 cnts = cnts.h_next() return Area, left_right, up_down #返回球的面积以及在图像中的位置
def process_image(self, slider_pos): global cimg, source_image1, ellipse_size, maxf, maxs, eoc, lastcx,lastcy,lastr """ This function finds contours, draws them and their approximation by ellipses. """ stor = cv.CreateMemStorage() # Create the destination images cimg = cv.CloneImage(self.source_image) cv.Zero(cimg) image02 = cv.CloneImage(self.source_image) cv.Zero(image02) image04 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(self.source_image), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.Zero(image04) # Threshold the source image. This needful for cv.FindContours(). cv.Threshold(self.source_image, image02, slider_pos, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) # Find all contours. cont = cv.FindContours(image02, stor, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, (0, 0)) maxf = 0 maxs = 0 size1 = 0 for c in contour_iterator(cont): if len(c) > ellipse_size: PointArray2D32f = cv.CreateMat(1, len(c), cv.CV_32FC2) for (i, (x, y)) in enumerate(c): PointArray2D32f[0, i] = (x, y) # Draw the current contour in gray gray = cv.CV_RGB(100, 100, 100) cv.DrawContours(image04, c, gray, gray,0,1,8,(0,0)) if iter == 0: strng = segF + '/' + 'contour1.png' cv.SaveImage(strng,image04) color = (255,255,255) (center, size, angle) = cv.FitEllipse2(PointArray2D32f) # Convert ellipse data from float to integer representation. center = (cv.Round(center[0]), cv.Round(center[1])) size = (cv.Round(size[0] * 0.5), cv.Round(size[1] * 0.5)) if iter == 1: if size[0] > size[1]: size2 = size[0] else: size2 = size[1] if size2 > size1: size1 = size2 size3 = size # Fits ellipse to current contour. if eoc == 0 and iter == 2: rand_val = abs((lastr - ((size[0]+size[1])/2))) if rand_val > 20 and float(max(size[0],size[1]))/float(min(size[0],size[1])) < 1.5: lastcx = center[0] lastcy = center[1] lastr = (size[0]+size[1])/2 if rand_val > 20 and float(max(size[0],size[1]))/float(min(size[0],size[1])) < 1.4: cv.Ellipse(cimg, center, size, angle, 0, 360, color,2, cv.CV_AA, 0) cv.Ellipse(source_image1, center, size, angle, 0, 360, color,2, cv.CV_AA, 0) elif eoc == 1 and iter == 2: (int,cntr,rad) = cv.MinEnclosingCircle(PointArray2D32f) cntr = (cv.Round(cntr[0]), cv.Round(cntr[1])) rad = (cv.Round(rad)) if maxf == 0 and maxs == 0: cv.Circle(cimg, cntr, rad, color, 1, cv.CV_AA, shift=0) cv.Circle(source_image1, cntr, rad, color, 2, cv.CV_AA, shift=0) maxf = rad elif (maxf > 0 and maxs == 0) and abs(rad - maxf) > 30: cv.Circle(cimg, cntr, rad, color, 2, cv.CV_AA, shift=0) cv.Circle(source_image1, cntr, rad, color, 2, cv.CV_AA, shift=0) maxs = len(c) if iter == 1: temp3 = 2*abs(size3[1] - size3[0]) if (temp3 > 40): eoc = 1
if __name__ == "__main__": orig = cv.LoadImage( r"C:\git\Python-Snippets\Image Recognition\images\D2C-Logins - RunDate 2019-10-03 - Part (22).image" ) #Convert in black and white res = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(orig), 8, 1) cv.CvtColor(orig, res, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) #Operations on the image openCloseImage(res) dilateImage(res, 2) erodeImage(res, 2) smoothImage(res, 5) thresholdImage(res, 150, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) #Get contours approximated contourLow = getContours(res, 3) #Draw them on an empty image final = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(res), 8, 1) cv.Zero(final) cv.DrawContours(final, contourLow, cv.Scalar(255), cv.Scalar(255), 2, cv.CV_FILLED) cv.ShowImage("orig", orig) cv.ShowImage("image", res) cv.SaveImage("modified.png", res) cv.ShowImage("contour", final) cv.SaveImage("contour.png", final) cv.WaitKey(0)