Beispiel #1
def accumulate_frames(camera, averaged_image, method='accumulate', alpha='1'):
        Obtain an averaged frame from a webcam, with
    :param camera: cv2.VideoCapture()
        Camera object created with cv2.VideoCapture('camera_index')
    :param alpha: float [0:1]
        defines persistence of background. In other words, how long before a frame is forgotten (1 = never)
    :param color : string
        defines output pixel data
        possible values: 'RGB', 'BGR', 'avg', 'r', 'g', 'b',
            'BGR' - no transformation, image given as BGR color coding
            'RGB' - transforms color coding into RGB
            'sum' - averages all colors and returns single value per pixel
            'r' - returns only red channel
            'g' - returns only green channel
            'b' - returns only blue channel
    :return: np.array
        array of pixels with data as defined by color method

    _, frame =
    # avg_img = np.float32(frame)
    if method == 'accumulate':
        cv2.accumulate(frame, averaged_image)
    elif method == 'accumulateWeighted':
        cv2.accumulateWeighted(frame, averaged_image, alpha)
    elif method == 'accumulateProduct':
        cv2.accumulateProduct(frame, averaged_image, alpha)
    elif method == 'accumulateSquare':
        cv2.accumulateSquare(frame, averaged_image, alpha)
        raise ValueError(
            'Unknown accumulation method, please use one of: \n\taccumulate \n\taccumulateSquare \n\taccumulateProduct, \n\taccumulateWeighted'
    return averaged_image
Beispiel #2
def test_average_frames():
    # experimental
    p = PROFILES[Names.DJ]
    fs = grabframes(url_dj)
    first_frame = fs[0]
    f = np.zeros((first_frame.shape[0], first_frame.shape[1], 3), 'float32')
    [cv2.accumulateSquare(x.astype('float32') / len(fs), f) for x in fs[1:]]
    f = (f / f.max()) * 256
    f = f.astype('uint8')
Beispiel #3
def blur_Radial(source, size, xm, ym, low_high=(-5, 5), path=None, plot=None):
    filter_V = np.zeros((size, size))
    filter_V[:, int((size - 1) / 2)] = np.ones(size)
    filter_V = filter_V / size

    high_ = low_high[1]
    low_ = low_high[0]
    sm_dims = high_ - low_ + 1
    sm = np.zeros((sm_dims, sm_dims))
    image_RGB = cv2.cvtColor(source, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    sum = sumsq = None
    cnt = 0
    for dx in range(low_, high_ + 1):
        for dy in range(low_, high_ + 1):
            polar_image = linear_2_Polar(source, xm + dx, ym + dy)
            polar_rad = cv2.filter2D(polar_image, -1, filter_V)
            if sum is None:
                sum = np.zeros(polar_rad.shape, np.float32)
            if sumsq is None:
                sumsq = np.zeros(polar_rad.shape, np.float32)
            dx2 = cv2.accumulate(polar_rad, sum)
            dy2 = cv2.accumulateSquare(polar_rad, sumsq)
            cnt = cnt + 1

            xx = dx + high_
            yy = dy + high_

            if not (path is None) and Path(path).exists():
                fname = path + 'polar_rad_%s_%s.png' % (xx, yy)
                cv2.imwrite(fname, polar_rad)

            polar_rad = polar_2_Linear(source, polar_rad, xm + dx, ym + dy)
            if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
                polar_rad_0_0 = polar_rad
            sm[dx + high_, dy + high_] = similarity(source, polar_rad)

    sumsq = cv2.multiply(sumsq, cnt)
    var_image = cv2.multiply(sum, sum)
    var_image = cv2.subtract(sumsq, var_image)
    var_image = cv2.divide(var_image, cnt * (cnt - 1))
    c1, c2, c3 = cv2.split(var_image)
    cc = (c1 + c2 + c3) / 3
    ydata = cv2.reduce(cc, 0, cv2.REDUCE_SUM, dtype=-1).flatten()
    idx = 0
    for yd in ydata:
        print('%d %d' % (idx, yd))
        idx = idx + 1

    xdata = np.arange(len(ydata))
    resd = find_inflections(xdata, ydata)
    result = resd['inflection']
    first_valley = resd['xvalleyes']
    pupil_radii = (first_valley[0] + first_valley[1]) / 2.0

    if plot:
        f1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1)
        ax1.set_title("Pupil Results")
        c = patches.Circle((xm, ym),

Beispiel #4
''' seam carving - '''

import cv2
import numpy as np
#import hist

img = cv2.imread('sofseam.jpg',0)
im = cv2.imread('sofseam.jpg')
rows,cols = img.shape

dx = cv2.Sobel(img,cv2.CV_32F,1,0)
dy = cv2.Sobel(img,cv2.CV_32F,0,1)
dz = np.zeros(img.shape,np.float32)
dx2 = cv2.accumulateSquare(dx,dz)
dy2 = cv2.accumulateSquare(dy,dz)

lap = cv2.sqrt(dz)
#lap = cv2.convertScaleAbs(lap)

t = np.zeros(img.shape,np.float32)
t[0,:] = lap[0,:]

for r in xrange(1,rows):
    for c in xrange(0,cols):
        i = lap.item(r,c)
        if c==0:
            j = min(t[r-1,c:c+2])
        elif c==cols-1:
            j = min(t[r-1,c-1:c+1])
 BGsample = 20 # number of frames to gather BG samples from at start of capture
 success, img =
 width = cap.get(3)
 height = cap.get(4)
 if success:
     acc = np.zeros((height, width), np.float32) # 32 bit accumulator
     sqacc = np.zeros((height, width), np.float32) # 32 bit accumulator
     for i in range(20): a = # dummy to warm up sensor
     # gather BG samples
     for i in range(BGsample):
         success, img =
         frame = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
         cv2.accumulate(frame, acc)
         cv2.accumulateSquare(frame, sqacc)
     M = acc/float(BGsample)
     sqaccM = sqacc/float(BGsample)
     M2 = M*M
     sig2 = sqaccM-M2
     # have BG samples now
     # calculate upper and lower bounds of detection window around mean.
     # coerce into 8bit image space for cv2.inRange compare
     detectmin = cv2.convertScaleAbs(M-sig2)
     detectmax = cv2.convertScaleAbs(M+sig2)
     # start FG detection
     key = -1
     while(key < 0):
         success, img =
         frame = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
Beispiel #6
numberOfIterations = 1
print("Number of loop iterations: " + str(numberOfIterations))

dstSW = np.zeros((height, width), np.float)

xFimgY1 = mem_manager.cma_array(
    (height, width), np.uint8)  #allocated physically contiguous numpy array
xFimgY1[:] = imgY1[:]  # copy source data

xFdst = mem_manager.cma_array(
    (height, width), np.uint16)  #allocated physically contiguous numpy array

print("Start SW loop")
startSW = time.time()
for i in range(numberOfIterations):
    cv2.accumulateSquare(imgY1, dst=dstSW)  #accumulateSquare on ARM
stopSW = time.time()
print("SW loop finished")

print("Start HW loop")
startPL = time.time()
for i in range(numberOfIterations):
        xFimgY1, dst=xFdst
    )  #accumulateSquare offloaded to PL, working on physically continuous numpy arrays
stopPL = time.time()
print("HW loop finished")

print("SW frames per second: ", ((numberOfIterations) / (stopSW - startSW)))
print("PL frames per second: ", ((numberOfIterations) / (stopPL - startPL)))