Beispiel #1
    def __estimate_motion(self, imgs, win=5, eig_th=1e-4):

        img0 = imgs[0]
        img1 = imgs[1]
        img0_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img0, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img1_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        w, h = np.meshgrid(range(img0.shape[1]), range(img0.shape[0]))
        loc0 = (np.vstack((w.flatten(), h.flatten())).T).astype('float32')

        flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(img0_gray, img1_gray,
                                            0.5, 0, win, 3, 5, 1.2, 0)
        flow = (np.vstack((flow[:, :, 0].flatten(),
                           flow[:, :, 1].flatten())).T).astype('float32')

        # Removing irrelevant flows
        minEig = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(img0_gray, blockSize=win * 3,
        loc0_of = loc0[minEig.flatten() > eig_th, :]
        loc1_of = flow[minEig.flatten() > eig_th, :] + loc0_of

        # Surf-based match
        loc0_sf, loc1_sf = self.__calc_surf(imgs)
        loc0_all = np.vstack((loc0_of, loc0_sf))
        loc1_all = np.vstack((loc1_of, loc1_sf))

        hom = cv2.findHomography(loc0_all, loc1_all,, 1)[0]

        gm = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([loc0]), hom)[0] - loc0
        lm = flow - gm
        gm = gm[:, 0] * 1j + gm[:, 1]
        lm = lm[:, 0] * 1j + lm[:, 1]
        lm[minEig.flatten() < eig_th] = 0

        return gm, lm
Beispiel #2
    def detect(self, frame, img_pyr, quality_level):
        grid_shape = (self.grid_rows, self.grid_cols)
        n_grids = self.grid_cols * self.grid_rows
        corners = [Corner(0, 0, 0, 0) for i in range(n_grids)]
        best_eigs = []
        fts = []

        for level in range(self.pyr_levels):
            scale = 2**level
            eigs = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(img_pyr[0], 3)
            kps =[level], None)

            for kp in kps:
                x, y =
                x, y = int(x), int(y)
                row_idx = math.floor(y * scale / self.cell_size)
                col_idx = math.floor(x * scale / self.cell_size)
                k = np.ravel_multi_index([row_idx, col_idx], grid_shape)
                if self.grid_occupancy[k]:
                score = eigs[y, x]
                if score > corners[k].score:
                    corners[k] = Corner(x * scale, y * scale, score, level)

        for c in corners:
            if c.score > quality_level * best_eigs[c.level]:
                pt = np.array([c.x, c.y], dtype=np.float32
                              )  # cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK requires float32
                fts.append(Feature(frame, pt, c.level))
        return fts
Beispiel #3
def main(): 
    infile = auxil.select_infile() 
    if infile:                  
        inDataset = gdal.Open(infile,GA_ReadOnly)     
        cols = inDataset.RasterXSize
        rows = inDataset.RasterYSize    
#  read first image band
    rasterBand = inDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    band = rasterBand.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows)\
#  corner detection, window size 7x7
    result = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(band, 7)        
#  write to disk       
    outfile,fmt = auxil.select_outfilefmt() 
    if outfile:
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(fmt)   
        outDataset = driver.Create(outfile,
        outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
        outDataset = None    
    inDataset = None        
	def __DenseSample(self, gray_frame, prev_points,i):
		# Prepare usage parameters
		width = int(gray_frame.shape[0]/self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST)
		height = int(gray_frame.shape[1]/self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST)
		x_max = int(self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST*width)
		y_max = int(self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST*height)
		offset = int(self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST/2.0)

		# Prepare sampling points
		all_points = numpy.array([[w, h] for w in range(width) for h in range(height)])	
		if prev_points.size>0:
			enable_prev_flg2 = ((prev_points[:,0] < self.x_max[i]) & (prev_points[:,1] < self.y_max[i]))
			prev_points_1 = (prev_points[enable_prev_flg2]/self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST).astype(numpy.int16)
			enable_points2 = self.all_points[i][enable_point_flg2]*self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST + self.offset			
			enable_points2=numpy.reshape(self.all_points[i],(-1,2))*self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.MIN_DIST + self.offset

		eigen_mat = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(gray_frame, self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.EIGEN_BLICK_SIZE, self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.EIGEN_APERTURE_SIZE)
		# Calculate the eigenvalue threshold for corner detection
		max_value = cv2.minMaxLoc(eigen_mat)[1]
		eigen_thresh = max_value*self.DENSE_SAMPLE_PARAM.QUALITY
		# Extract corner points
		enable_point_eigen = eigen_mat[enable_points2[:,0], enable_points2[:,1]]
		corner_eigen_flg = (enable_point_eigen > eigen_thresh)
		corner_points = enable_points2[corner_eigen_flg]
		return corner_points
Beispiel #5
def main():
    infile = auxil.select_infile()
    if infile:
        inDataset = gdal.Open(infile, GA_ReadOnly)
        cols = inDataset.RasterXSize
        rows = inDataset.RasterYSize

#  read first image band
    rasterBand = inDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    band = rasterBand.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows)\
    #  corner detection, window size 7x7
    result = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(band, 7)
    #  write to disk
    outfile, fmt = auxil.select_outfilefmt()
    if outfile:
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(fmt)
        outDataset = driver.Create(outfile, cols, rows, 1, GDT_Float32)
        outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
        outBand.WriteArray(result, 0, 0)
        outDataset = None
    inDataset = None
Beispiel #6
def dense_sample(grey, mask, points, quality = quality, min_distance = min_distance):
	width = grey.shape[1] / min_distance
	height = grey.shape[0] / min_distance

	eig = np.zeros((grey.shape[0], grey.shape[1]), np.float32)

	cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(src = grey, blockSize = 3, dst = eig, ksize = 3)

	minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(eig, mask) # remove if needed

	threshold = maxVal * quality
	counters = np.zeros(width * height, np.uint)
	x_max = min_distance * width
	y_max = min_distance * height

	for p in points:
		x = p[0]
		y = p[1]

		if x >= x_max or y >= y_max:

		x /= min_distance
		y /= min_distance
		counters[y * width + x] += 1

	new_points = []
	index = 0
	offset = min_distance / 2

	for i in range(height):
		for j in range(width):

			if counters[index] > 0:

			x = j * min_distance + offset
			y = i * min_distance + offset
			if(eig[y, x] > threshold and mask[y, x] == 255):

			index += 1

	return new_points
Beispiel #7
def main():
    # Load the image
    image = cv.imread("box_in_scene.png")

    # Display the original image (colour)
    plt.title("Original image")

    # Parameters
    block = 5
    aperature = 5

    # Define the window (which I later reference for the slider)
    window = 'Harris Corner Detector'

    # Define threshold values (slider)
    thresholdValue = 50
    maxThresholdValue = 100

    # Convert image to grayscale
    image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    dst = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(image, block, aperature)

    dstMin = np.amin(dst)
    dstMax = np.amax(dst)

    def detect_corners(val):
        # Make a copy of the image each time threshold slider changes
        image2 = np.copy(image)
        thresholdValue = max(val, 1)
        # Iterate the pixels in the image
        for x in range(image.shape[0]):
            for y in range(image.shape[1]):
                # Non-maximum supression
                if dst[x, y] > dstMin + (
                        dstMax - dstMin) * thresholdValue / maxThresholdValue:
                    # Draw the circle
          , (y, x), 3, 255, 1)
        cv.imshow(window, image2)

    # Instantiate window

    # Instantiate threshold slider
    cv.createTrackbar('Threshold:', window, thresholdValue, maxThresholdValue,
Beispiel #8
    def detect(self, frame, img_pyr, quality_level):
        grid_shape = (self.grid_rows, self.grid_cols)
        n_grids = self.grid_cols * self.grid_rows
        corners = [Corner(0, 0, 0, 0) for i in range(n_grids)]
        best_eigs = []
        fts = []

        for level in range(self.pyr_levels):
            scale = 2**level
            eigs = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(img_pyr[0], 3)
            kps = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(img_pyr[level], 1000, 0.01, 10)

            for kp in kps:
                x, y = kp[0].astype(int)
                row_idx = math.floor(y * scale / self.cell_size)
                col_idx = math.floor(x * scale / self.cell_size)
                k = np.ravel_multi_index([row_idx, col_idx], grid_shape)
                if self.grid_occupancy[k]:
                score = eigs[y, x]
                if score > corners[k].score:
                    corners[k] = Corner(x * scale, y * scale, score, level)
        # with open('feature2.txt', 'r') as f:
        #     for i, line in enumerate(f):
        #         line = line.strip()
        #         data = line.split(',')
        #         x, y = int(data[0]), int(data[1])
        #         # scale = int(data[2])
        #         score = float(data[2])
        #         L = int(data[3])
        #         corners[i] = Corner(x, y, score, L)

        for c in corners:
            if c.score > quality_level * best_eigs[c.level]:
                pt = np.array([c.x, c.y], dtype=np.float32
                              )  # cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK requires float32
                fts.append(Feature(frame, pt, c.level))
        return fts
Beispiel #9
def main():
    options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:a:')
    b = 1
    algorithm = 1
    for option, value in options:
        if option == '-b':
            b = eval(value)
        elif option == '-a':
            algorithm = eval(value)
    infile = args[0]
    path = os.path.dirname(infile)
    basename = os.path.basename(infile)
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    inDataset = gdal.Open(infile, GA_ReadOnly)
    cols = inDataset.RasterXSize
    rows = inDataset.RasterYSize
    rasterBand = inDataset.GetRasterBand(b)
    band = rasterBand.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows) \
    if algorithm == 1:
        #      corner detection, window size 7x7
        result = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(band, 7)
        outfile = path + '/' + root + '_corner' + ext
        #      edge detection, window size 7x7
        result = cv.Canny(band, 50, 150)
        outfile = path + '/' + root + '_canny' + ext

#  write to disk
    driver = inDataset.GetDriver()
    outDataset = driver.Create(outfile, cols, rows, 1, GDT_Float32)
    outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(1)
    outBand.WriteArray(result, 0, 0)
    outDataset = None
    inDataset = None
    print 'result written to %s' % outfile
Beispiel #10
def dense_sample(img, points, grid_spacing, quality):
    grid_width = img.shape[1] // grid_spacing
    grid_height = img.shape[0] // grid_spacing
    x_max = grid_width * grid_spacing
    y_max = grid_height * grid_spacing

    eig = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(img, 3, 3)
    max_val = np.amax(eig)  # can use minmaxloc
    T = quality * max_val  # threshold
    # ensure dense coverage verify presence of tracking point at every frame -----IS THIS NEEDED???
    counter = np.zeros(grid_width * grid_height)
    for i in points:
        x = np.floor(i[0])
        y = np.floor(i[1])
        if x >= x_max or y >= y_max:
        x = x // grid_spacing
        y = y // grid_spacing
        index = y * grid_width + x
        counter[int(index)] = counter[int(index)] + 1

    # get densely sampled points
    index = 0
    offset = grid_spacing // 2
    dense_points = []
    for i in range(grid_height):
        for j in range(grid_width):
            if counter[index] > 0:
                index = index + 1
            x = (j * grid_spacing) + offset  # x is width is cols
            y = (i * grid_spacing) + offset  # y is height is rows
            if eig[y][x] > T:
                dense_points.append([x, y])
            index = index + 1
    dense_points_np = np.array(dense_points)
    return dense_points_np
Beispiel #11
# My Harris matrix -- Using cornerEigenValsAndVecs
myHarris_dst = cv.cornerEigenValsAndVecs(src_gray, blockSize, apertureSize)

# calculate Mc
Mc = np.empty(src_gray.shape, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(src_gray.shape[0]):
    for j in range(src_gray.shape[1]):
        lambda_1 = myHarris_dst[i,j,0]
        lambda_2 = myHarris_dst[i,j,1]
        Mc[i,j] = lambda_1*lambda_2 - 0.04*pow( ( lambda_1 + lambda_2 ), 2 )

myHarris_minVal, myHarris_maxVal, _, _ = cv.minMaxLoc(Mc)

# Create Window and Trackbar
cv.createTrackbar('Quality Level:', myHarris_window, myHarris_qualityLevel, max_qualityLevel, myHarris_function)

# My Shi-Tomasi -- Using cornerMinEigenVal
myShiTomasi_dst = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(src_gray, blockSize, apertureSize)

myShiTomasi_minVal, myShiTomasi_maxVal, _, _ = cv.minMaxLoc(myShiTomasi_dst)

# Create Window and Trackbar
cv.createTrackbar('Quality Level:', myShiTomasi_window, myShiTomasi_qualityLevel, max_qualityLevel, myShiTomasi_function)

Beispiel #12
def shi_tomasi(gray, blocksize=3, ksize=3, dilate=True):
    dst = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(gray, blocksize, ksize)

    if dilate:
        return cv2.dilate(dst, None)
    return dst
Beispiel #13
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = np.float32(gray)
displayImage('dst', img)


#Using cv2
#Harris corner detection
img = cv2.imread('house.png')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = np.float32(gray)
harris = cv2.cornerHarris(gray,2,3,0.04)
#result is dilated for marking the corners, not important
harris = cv2.dilate(harris,None)
# Threshold for an optimal value, it may vary depending on the image.
displayImage('dst', img)

#Shi Tomasi detection
img = cv2.imread('house.png')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = np.float32(gray)
shi = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(gray, 10)
shi = cv2.dilate(shi,None)
displayImage('dst', img)
Beispiel #14
# 评价标准 R = min(r1, r2)
# goodFeaturesToTrack(img, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, None, mask, blockSize, useHarrisDetector, k
def goodFeaturesToTrack(img, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance):
    corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(img, maxConners, qualityLevel, minDistance)
    return corners

# 自定义 Harris
# 输出: 每一个像素的 (r1, r2)
# 然后自定义 R = r1r2 - k*((r1+r2)**2)
def cornerEigenValsAndVecs(img, blockSize, ksize):
    return cv2.cornerEigenValsAndVecs(img, blockSize, ksize)
# 输出: 每一个像素的 (r1, r2)
# 然后自定义 R = min(r1, r2)
def cornerMinEigenVal(img, blockSize, ksize)
    return cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(img, blockSize, None, ksize)

# 亚像素
# 所有的角点都不是一个真正准确像素点 如(100.234, 5.789) -> (100, 5)
# 亚像素定位的方法
#   - 插值法
#   - 基于图像矩计算
#   - 曲线拟合方法(高斯曲面,多项式, 椭圆曲面)
def cornerSubPix(img, corners, winSize, zeroZone, criteria):
    corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(img, corners, winSize, zeroZone, criteria)
    return corners

# 特性: 旋转不变性、尺寸不变性
# 尺寸不变性可以通过尺寸空间滤波器实现(尺寸空间滤波器可以使用一些列具有不同方差的高斯卷积构成)
# LOG: 高斯拉普拉斯算子
Beispiel #15
    def compute_trajectory(self,
        u""" Calculating dense trajectories and save them as npy file

        if (force_overwrite):
            getoutput('rm -rf "%s"' % traj_dirname)
            getoutput('rm -rf %s*.csv' % traj_dirname)
            if (os.path.exists(traj_dirname)):
                    'Directory exists! If you want to overwrite the trajectory directory, change force_overwrite option to True.'
                    'Please make sure that force_overwrite=True will execute \'rm -rf %s\' and \'rm -rf %s/csv\'.'
                    % (traj_dirname, traj_dirname))
                return 0
        getoutput('mkdir -p "%s"' % traj_dirname)

        imgs = vread(video_pattern)
        W, H = self.frame_shape
        w_grid, h_grid = np.meshgrid(range(W), range(H))
        p_grid = np.vstack((w_grid.flatten(), h_grid.flatten())).T
        video_dirname = os.path.dirname(video_pattern)

        trajlist = []
        img = cv2.resize(imgs[0], (W, H))
        img_g = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        for t in tqdm(range(len(imgs)), desc='Generating trajectories'):
            prev_img_g = img_g
            img = cv2.resize(imgs[t], (W, H))
            img_g = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)

            flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prev_img_g, img_g, None, 0.5,
                                                3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0)
            flow = cv2.medianBlur(flow, 5)
            p_dst = p_grid + flow.reshape((W * H, 2))
            is_texture = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(prev_img_g, 5) > self.eigen_th

            _, hom = self.__calc_gm(img_g, prev_img_g)
            lm = p_dst - cv2.perspectiveTransform(
                p_grid[np.newaxis].astype('float64'), hom)[0]
            lm[:, 1] *= -1

            # Initializing trajectories
            if (np.mod(t, self.t_step) == 0):
                init_mask = is_texture.copy()
                for x in trajlist:
                    init_mask[(x.last_loc[1] - self.step):(x.last_loc[1] +
                              (x.last_loc[0] - self.step):(x.last_loc[0] +
                                                           self.step)] = False

                w_grid, h_grid = np.meshgrid(range(0, W, self.step),
                                             range(0, H, self.step))
                p0 = np.vstack((w_grid.flatten(), h_grid.flatten())).T
                p0 = p0[init_mask[p0[:, 1], p0[:, 0]], :]
                trajlist += [
                    Trajectory(loc, t, self.min_trajectory_length,
                               self.max_trajectory_length, self.n_piece,
                               self.frame_shape, video_dirname, traj_dirname)
                    for loc in p0

            # Updating trajectories
            is_alive = [
                x.append(p_dst[x.last_loc[0] + x.last_loc[1] * W],
                         img_hsv[x.last_loc[1], x.last_loc[0], :],
                         lm[x.last_loc[0] + x.last_loc[1] * W],
                         is_texture[x.last_loc[1], x.last_loc[0]])
                for x in trajlist
            trajlist = [x for (x, f) in zip(trajlist, is_alive) if f is True]
            if (verbose):
                img_ = img.copy()
                for x in trajlist:
                               3, (255, 0, 0))
                cv2.imshow('Video', img_[:, :, ::-1])

        [x.finalize(x.length >= x.min_trajectory_length) for x in trajlist]
        if (verbose):
Beispiel #16
import cv2
import numpy as np

src = cv2.imread('./data/CornerTest.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(src, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
eigen = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(gray, blockSize=5)
print('eigen.shape=', eigen.shape)

T = 0.2
corners = np.argwhere(eigen > T)
corners[:, [0, 1]] = corners[:, [1, 0]]  # switch x, y
print('len(corners ) =', len(corners))
dst = src.copy()
for x, y in corners:, (x, y), 3, (0, 0, 255), 2)

cv2.imshow('dst', dst)
Height, Width, _ = img.shape

mean = np.mean(img)

var = np.var(img)

std = np.std(img)

threshold_value = thresh

_, otsu = cv.threshold(blur, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY + cv.THRESH_OTSU)

contours, _ = cv.findContours(otsu, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2:]
no_of_contours = len(contours)

dst = cv.cornerMinEigenVal(gray, 2, 3, 0)
total_corner_detect = len(dst)

img_txt = img_name.split('.')[0]
file = open('Features_of_Image_' + img_txt + '.txt', 'w')

file.write('\nHeight          : ' + str(Height))
file.write('\nWidth           : ' + str(Width))
file.write('\nMean            : ' + str(mean))
file.write('\nVariance        : ' + str(var))
file.write('\nStd             : ' + str(std))
file.write('\nThreshold       : ' + str(threshold_value))
file.write('\nNo_of_Regions   : ' + str(no_of_contours))
file.write('\nNo._of_Corner   : ' + str(total_corner_detect))

Beispiel #18
# The Sobel y-axis kernel
sobelY = np.array(([-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]), dtype="float32")

#Read in the image
image = cv2.imread(
    'C:/Users/Virginia Saurer/PycharmProjects/A1/box_in_scene.png', 0)
origImage_window = 'Original Image'
#show the original image in a window
cv2.imshow(origImage_window, image)

# Setting the parameters for the cornerMinEigenVal function
blockSize = 3
apertureSize = 3
#Calculating the minimum Eigenvalue of the image
minEigenValues = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(image, blockSize, apertureSize)
#Calculating the min and max Eigen values of the image
minEigen, maxEigen, _, _ = cv2.minMaxLoc(minEigenValues)

#Naming the 3 corner detection windows that will be shown

#This window displays the original image with the corners being detected and indicated with white dots
HarrisCorner_window = 'Harris Corner Detector '

#This window displays only the corners of the orginal image, indicated with white pixels that passed
# the threshold test
HarrisCorner_window2 = 'The Corners at T = 0.01'

#This window displays the thined corners of the orginal image with non-maximum supression applied to the
# pixels that passed the threshold test
JustCorners_window = 'The Corners w nonMaxSupression'