def smoke_test_3opt(self):
     N, points, _, _, D, _, _ = generate_CVRP(50, 40, 10, 5)
     current_sol = range(N)
     while True:
         sol = self.move_op(current_sol, D)
         if sol:
             current_sol = sol
def _random_cvrp():
    size = randint(5, 8)
    C = 50
    K = randint(2, max(3, int(size / 3)))
    muC = K * C / size
    sdC = randint(2, max(3, int(C / K)))
    N, points, _, d, D, C, _ = generate_CVRP(size, C, muC, sdC)
    if randint(1, 5) != 1:
        d = [int(e) for e in d]
    if randint(1, 2) != 1:
        D = D.astype(int)
    return N, points, d, D, C
 def setUp(self):
     N = TestRandomStressOn3OptStarSolutionOperator.problem_size
     problem = generate_CVRP(N, 50, 10, 5)
     aN,pts,d,D,C = (problem.size, problem.coordinate_points,
                     problem.customer_demands, problem.distance_matrix,
     pts = None
     d = [int(dv) for dv in d]
     D = D.astype(int)
     problem = aN,pts,d,D,C
     self.naive_sol = routes2sol( [[n] for n in range(1,aN+1)] )
     self.nn_sol = nearest_neighbor_init(D, d, C)
     self.L = max( calculate_objective(r,D) for r in sol2routes(self.nn_sol) )
     self.N = aN
     self.problem = (aN,pts,d,D,C)
Beispiel #4
def cli(init_name, init_desc, init_f):
    ## Simple command line interface
    single = False  # ask to run only single iteration of the algorithm
    measure_time = False
    minimize_K = False
    output_logfilepath = None
    best_of_n = 1
    interrupted = False

    for i in range(0, len(sys.argv) - 1):
        if sys.argv[i] == "-v" and sys.argv[i + 1].isdigit():
            verbosity = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
        if sys.argv[i] == "-n" and sys.argv[i + 1].isdigit():
            best_of_n = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
        if sys.argv[i] == "-1":
            single = True
        if sys.argv[i] == "-t":
            measure_time = True
        if sys.argv[i] == "-l":
            output_logfilepath = sys.argv[i + 1]
        if sys.argv[i] == "-b":
            otarget = sys.argv[i + 1].lower()
            if otarget == "cost" or otarget == "c":
                minimize_K = False
            elif otarget == "vehicles" or otarget == "k":
                minimize_K = True
                print("WARNING: Ignoring unknown optimization target %s" %

    if verbosity >= 0:
        set_logger_level(verbosity, logfile=output_logfilepath)

    if sys.argv[-1].isdigit():
        N = int(sys.argv[-1])
        problem_name = "random " + str(N) + " point problem"
        N, points, _, d, D, C, _ = cvrp_io.generate_CVRP(N, 100, 20, 5)
        d = [int(de) for de in d]
        D_c = D
        L, st = None, None
        wtt = "EXACT_2D"

        best_sol = None
        best_f = float('inf')
        best_K = len(D)
        for i in range(best_of_n):
            sol, sol_f, sol_K = None, float('inf'), float('inf')
                sol = init_f(points, D_c, d, C, L, st, wtt, single, minimize_K)
            except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
                print("WARNING: Solving was interrupted, returning " +
                      "intermediate solution",
                interrupted = True
                # if interrupted on initial sol gen, return the best of those
                if len(e.args) > 0 and type(e.args[0]) is list:
                    sol = e.args[0]
            if sol:
                sol = cvrp_ops.normalize_solution(sol)
                sol_f = objf(sol, D_c)
                sol_K = sol.count(0) - 1

                if is_better_sol(best_f, best_K, sol_f, sol_K, minimize_K):
                    best_sol = sol
                    best_f = sol_f
                    best_K = sol_K

            if interrupted:


    problem_file_list = get_a_problem_file_list([sys.argv[-1]])
    if not problem_file_list or "-h" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv:
        print ("Please give a TSPLIB file to solve with "+\
          " OR give N (integer) to generate a random problem of N customers."+\
          " OR give a path to a folder with .vrp files."+\
          "\n\nOptions (before the file name):\n"+\
          "  -v <int> to set the verbosity level (default %d)\n"%DEFAULT_DEBUG_VERBOSITY+\
          "  -n <int> run the algorithm this many times and return only the best solution\n"+\
          "  -1 to run only one iteration (if applicable)\n"+\
          "  -t to print elapsed wall time\n"+\
          "  -l <file_path> to store the debug output to a file\n"+\
          "  -b <'cost'|'vehicles'> or <c|K> sets the primary optimization oBjective (default is cost)",
    elif problem_file_list:
        for problem_path in problem_file_list:
            problem_name = path.basename(problem_path)
            print("Solve", problem_name, "with", init_name)
            read_and_solve_a_problem(problem_path, init_f, minimize_K,
                                     best_of_n, verbosity, single,