def interior_point(X, y, lam): """ solve lasso using an interior point method requires cvxmod (Jacob Mattingley and Stephen Boyd) """ import cvxmod as cvx n, m = X.shape X_cvx = cvx.matrix(np.array(X)) y_cvx = cvx.matrix(np.array(y)) theta = cvx.optvar('theta', m) p = cvx.problem(cvx.minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.atoms.power(X_cvx*theta - y_cvx, 2)) + (2*lam)*cvx.norm1(theta))) p.solve() return np.array(cvx.value(theta))
def compute_combinaison_safe(self,target,rcond = 0.0,regul = None): """ Computes the combination of base targets allowing to reproduce 'target' (or giving the best approximation), while keeping coefficients between 0 and 1. arguments : - target : target to fit - rcond : cut off on the singular values as a fraction of the biggest one. Only base vectors corresponding to singular values bigger than rcond*largest_singular_value - regul : regularisation factor for least square fitting. This force the algorithm to use fewer targets. """ from cvxmod import optvar,param,norm2,norm1,problem,matrix,minimize if type(target) is str or type(target) is unicode : target = read_target(target) cond = self.s>= rcond*self.s[0] u = self.u[ : , cond ] vt = self.vt[ cond ] s = self.s[cond] t = target.flatten() dim,ntargets = self.vt.shape nvert = target.shape[0] pt =,t.reshape(nvert*3,1)) A = param('A',value = matrix(s.reshape(dim,1)*vt)) b = param('b',value = matrix(pt)) x = optvar('x',ntargets) if regul is None : prob = problem(minimize(norm2(A*x-b)),[x>=0.,x<=1.]) else : prob = problem(minimize(norm2(A*x-b) + regul * norm1(x)),[x>=0.,x<=1.]) prob.solve() bs = np.array(x.value).flatten() # Body setting files have a precision of at most 1.e-3 return bs*(bs>=1e-3)
def reconstruct_target(target_file,base_prefix,regul = None): """ Reconstruct the target in 'target_file' using constrained, and optionally regularized, least square optimisation. arguments : target_file : file contaiing the target to fit base_prefix : prefix for the files of the base. """ vlist = read_vertex_list(base_prefix+'_vertices.dat') t = read_target(target_file,vlist) U = load(base_prefix+"_U.npy").astype('float') S = load(base_prefix+"_S.npy").astype('float') V = load(base_prefix+"_V.npy").astype('float') ntargets,dim = V.shape nvert = len(t) pt = dot(U.T,t.reshape(nvert*3,1)) pbase = S[:dim].reshape(dim,1)*V.T A = param('A',value = matrix(pbase)) b = param('b',value = matrix(pt)) x = optvar('x',ntargets) if regul is None : prob = problem(minimize(norm2(A*x-b)),[x>=0.,x<=1.]) else : prob = problem(minimize(norm2(A*x-b) + regul * norm1(x)),[x>=0.,x<=1.]) prob.solve() targ_names_file = base_prefix+"_names.txt" with open(targ_names_file) as f : tnames = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() ] tnames.sort() base,ext = os.path.splitext(target_file) bs_name = base+".bs" with open(bs_name,"w") as f : for tn,v in zip(tnames,x.value): if v >= 1e-3 : f.write("%s %0.3f\n"%(tn,v))
def fit_ellipse_stack_abs(dx, dy, dz, di): """ fit ellipoid using squared loss idea to learn all stacks together including smoothness """ # sanity check assert len(dx) == len(dy) assert len(dx) == len(dz) assert len(dx) == len(di) # unique zs dat = defaultdict(list) # resort data for idx in range(len(dx)): dat[dz[idx]].append( [dx[idx], dy[idx], di[idx]] ) # init ret ellipse_stack = [] for idx in range(max(dz)): ellipse_stack.append(Ellipse(0, 0, idx, 1, 1, 0)) total_N = len(dx) M = len(dat.keys()) D = 5 X_matrix = [] thetas = [] slacks = [] eps_slacks = [] mean_di = float(numpy.mean(di)) for z in dat.keys(): x = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,0] y = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,1] # intensities i = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,2] # log intensities i = numpy.log(i) # create matrix ity = numpy.diag(i)# / mean_di # dimensionality N = len(x) d = numpy.zeros((N, D)) d[:,0] = x*x d[:,1] = y*y #d[:,2] = x*y d[:,2] = x d[:,3] = y d[:,4] = numpy.ones(N) #d[:,0] = x*x #d[:,1] = y*y #d[:,2] = x*y #d[:,3] = x #d[:,4] = y #d[:,5] = numpy.ones(N) print "old", d # consider intensities old_shape = d.shape d =, d) print "new", d assert d.shape == old_shape print d.shape d = cvxmod.matrix(d) #### parameters # da X = cvxmod.param("X" + str(z), N, D) X.value = d X_matrix.append(X) #### varibales # parameter vector theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta" + str(z), D) thetas.append(theta) # construct obj objective = 0 # loss term for i in xrange(M): objective += cvxmod.atoms.norm1(X_matrix[i] * thetas[i]) # add smoothness regularization reg_const = 5 * float(total_N) / float(M-1) for i in xrange(M-1): objective += reg_const * cvxmod.norm1(thetas[i] - thetas[i+1]) # create problem prob = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective)) # add constraints """ for (i,X) in enumerate(X_matrix): p.constr.append(X*thetas[i] <= slacks[i]) p.constr.append(-X*thetas[i] <= slacks[i]) #eps = 0.5 #p.constr.append(slacks[i] - eps <= eps_slacks[i]) #p.constr.append(0 <= eps_slacks[i]) """ # add non-degeneracy constraints for i in xrange(1, M-1): prob.constr.append(thetas[i][0] + thetas[i][1] == 1.0) # A + C = 1 # pinch ends prob.constr.append(cvxmod.sum(thetas[0]) >= -0.01) prob.constr.append(cvxmod.sum(thetas[-1]) >= -0.01) print prob ###### set values from cvxopt import solvers solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-1 solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-1 print solvers.options prob.solve() # wrap up result ellipse_stack = {} active_layers = dat.keys() assert len(active_layers) == M # reconstruct original parameterization for i in xrange(M): theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(thetas[i])) z_layer = active_layers[i] ellipse_stack[z_layer] = conic_to_ellipse(theta_) ellipse_stack[z_layer].cz = z_layer return ellipse_stack