Beispiel #1
    def fit(self, X, Y):

        # INSERT_CODE

        # Here you have to set the matrices as in the general QP problem
        #P =
        #q =
        #G =
        #h =
        #A =   # hint: this has to be a row vector
        #b =   # hint: this has to be a scalar

        # this is already implemented so you don't have to
        # read throught the cvxopt manual
        alpha = np.array(
            qp(cvxmatrix(P, tc='d'), cvxmatrix(q, tc='d'), cvxmatrix(G,
               cvxmatrix(h, tc='d'), cvxmatrix(A, tc='d'),
               cvxmatrix(b, tc='d'))['x']).flatten()
Beispiel #2
    def fit(self, X, Y):
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        # Compute the Gram matrix
        K = buildKernel(X.T,
        # construct P, q, A, b, G, h matrices for CVXOPT
        P = cvxmatrix(np.outer(Y, Y) * K)  # diag instead?
        q = cvxmatrix(np.ones(n_samples) * -1)

        if self.C is None:
            G = cvxmatrix(np.diag(np.ones(n_samples) * -1))
            h = cvxmatrix(np.zeros(n_samples))
            diag1 = np.diag(np.ones(n_samples) * -1)
            diag2 = np.identity(n_samples)
            G = cvxmatrix(np.vstack((diag1, diag2)))
            zero = np.zeros(n_samples)
            C = np.ones(n_samples) * self.C
            h = cvxmatrix(np.hstack((zero, C)))

        A = cvxmatrix(Y, (1, n_samples))
        b = cvxmatrix(0.0)
        # this is already implemented so you don't have to
        # read throught the cvxopt manual
        alpha = np.array(
            qp(cvxmatrix(P, tc='d'), cvxmatrix(q, tc='d'), cvxmatrix(G,
               cvxmatrix(h, tc='d'), cvxmatrix(A, tc='d'),
               cvxmatrix(b, tc='d'))['x']).flatten()
        # Support vectors have non zero lagrange multipliers
        mask = alpha > 1e-5  # some small threshold
        self.X_sv = X[mask]
        self.Y_sv = Y[mask]
        self.a = alpha[mask]
        indices = np.arange(len(alpha))[mask]
        b = .0
        for n in range(len(self.a)):
            by = self.Y_sv[n]
            bypred = np.sum(self.a * self.Y_sv * K[indices[n], mask])
            b = b + (by - bypred)
        self.b = b / len(self.a)
Beispiel #3
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        if self.display:
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = True
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False

        n = X.shape[0]

        # Step 1: Optimizing the SVDD dual problem.....
        K = kernel(X,
        q = cvxmatrix(-K.diagonal(), tc='d')

        #TODO: make it a separate function call

        labeled_indices = np.where(y != 0)[0]
        anomaly_indices = np.where(y == 1)[0]
        normal_indices = np.where(y == -1)[0]

        if (len(labeled_indices)):
            c_weighted = self.influence(K, y)
            c_weighted = self.C * np.ones(n)

        # solver
        if self.method is 'qp':

            P = cvxmatrix(2 * K, tc='d')
            G = cvxmatrix(np.vstack((-np.eye(n), np.eye(n))),
                          tc='d')  # lhs box constraints
            c_weighted_eps = np.copy(c_weighted)
            c_weighted_eps[normal_indices] -= 2 * self.eps
            h = cvxmatrix(np.concatenate((np.zeros(n), c_weighted_eps)),
                          tc='d')  # zeros for >=0, c_weighted for <=c_i
            # optimize using cvx solver

            Aeq = np.zeros((len(anomaly_indices), n))
            beq = np.zeros(len(anomaly_indices))
            i = 0
            for ind in anomaly_indices:
                Aeq[i, ind] = 1
                beq[i] = c_weighted[ind]
                i += 1

            A = cvxmatrix(Aeq, tc='d')
            b = cvxmatrix(beq, tc='d')
            # optimize using cvx solver
            sol = solvers.qp(P,
                             initvals=cvxmatrix(np.zeros(n), tc='d'))

        if self.method is 'smo':
            #TODO: apply SMO algorithm
            alpha = None

        # setup SVC model
        alpha = np.asarray(sol['x'])

        inx = np.where(alpha > self.eps)[0]
        self.sv_inx = inx
        self.alpha = alpha[inx]
        self.nsv = inx.size
        self.sv_ind = np.where((np.ravel(alpha) > self.eps)
                               & (np.ravel(alpha) < c_weighted - self.eps))[0]

        self.bsv_ind = np.where(np.ravel(alpha) >= c_weighted - self.eps)[0]
        self.inside_ind = np.where(np.ravel(alpha) < c_weighted - self.eps)[0]
        k_inx = K[inx[:, None], inx]  # submatrix of K(sv+bsv, sv+bsv)
        k_sv = K[self.sv_ind[:, None], self.sv_ind]  # submatrix of K(sv,sv)
        k_bsv = K[self.bsv_ind[:, None],
                  self.bsv_ind]  # submatrix of K(bsv,bsv)
        # 2-norm of center a^2
        self.b = self.alpha.reshape(1, self.nsv).dot(k_inx).reshape(
            1, self.nsv).dot(self.alpha.reshape(self.nsv, 1))
        #including both of SV and BSV (bounded support vectors) = X[inx, :]
        d = k_sv.diagonal() - 2 * self.alpha.reshape(1, self.nsv).dot(
            K[inx[:, None], self.sv_ind]) + self.b * np.ones(self.sv_ind.size)
        self.r = d.max()
        self.rid = self.sv_ind[np.argmax(d.ravel())]
        d_bsv = k_bsv.diagonal() - 2 * self.alpha.reshape(1, self.nsv).dot(K[
            inx[:, None], self.bsv_ind]) + self.b * np.ones(self.bsv_ind.size)
        self.fval = self.r + self.C * (d_bsv - self.r).sum()
        if self.cached: self.K = K
        self.y = -1 * np.ones(n)
        self.y[self.bsv_ind] = 1

        if self.labeling:
            #Step 2: Labeling cluster index by using CG

        self.c_weighted = c_weighted
Beispiel #4
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        if self.display:
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = True
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        n = X.shape[0]
        # Step 1: Optimizing the SVDD dual problem.....
        K = kernel(X, metric=self.kernel, n_jobs=1,
                   filter_params=True, gamma=self.gamma,
        q = cvxmatrix(-K.diagonal(), tc='d')

        #TODO: make it a separate function call

        labeled_indices = np.where(y!=0)[0]
        anomaly_indices = np.where(y==1)[0]
        normal_indices = np.where(y==-1)[0]

        if (len(labeled_indices)):
            c_weighted = self.influence(K,y)
            c_weighted = self.C*np.ones(n)

        # solver
        if self.method is 'qp':

            P = cvxmatrix(2*K, tc='d')
            G = cvxmatrix(np.vstack((-np.eye(n), np.eye(n))), tc='d')                   # lhs box constraints
            c_weighted_eps = np.copy(c_weighted)
            h = cvxmatrix(np.concatenate((np.zeros(n), c_weighted_eps)), tc='d') # zeros for >=0, c_weighted for <=c_i
            # optimize using cvx solver

            Aeq = np.zeros((len(anomaly_indices),n))
            beq = np.zeros(len(anomaly_indices))
            for ind in anomaly_indices:

            A = cvxmatrix(Aeq, tc='d')
            b = cvxmatrix(beq, tc='d')
            # optimize using cvx solver
            sol = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h,A,b,initvals=cvxmatrix(np.zeros(n), tc='d'))

        if self.method is 'smo':
            #TODO: apply SMO algorithm
            alpha = None
        # setup SVC model
        alpha = np.asarray(sol['x'])

        inx = np.where(alpha > self.eps)[0]  
        self.sv_inx = inx       
        self.alpha = alpha[inx]
        self.nsv = inx.size
        self.sv_ind = np.where((np.ravel(alpha) > self.eps) & (np.ravel(alpha) < c_weighted-self.eps))[0]

        self.bsv_ind= np.where(np.ravel(alpha) >= c_weighted-self.eps)[0]
        self.inside_ind = np.where(np.ravel(alpha) < c_weighted-self.eps)[0]
        k_inx = K[inx[:,None], inx]                                                     # submatrix of K(sv+bsv, sv+bsv)
        k_sv = K[self.sv_ind[:,None], self.sv_ind]                                      # submatrix of K(sv,sv)
        k_bsv = K[self.bsv_ind[:,None], self.bsv_ind]                                   # submatrix of K(bsv,bsv)
        # 2-norm of center a^2
        self.b = self.alpha.reshape(1,self.nsv).dot(k_inx).reshape(1,self.nsv).dot(self.alpha.reshape(self.nsv,1))
        #including both of SV and BSV (bounded support vectors) X[inx, :]
        d = k_sv.diagonal() - 2*self.alpha.reshape(1,self.nsv).dot(K[inx[:,None], self.sv_ind]) + self.b * np.ones(self.sv_ind.size)
        self.r = d.max()
        self.rid = self.sv_ind[np.argmax(d.ravel())]
        d_bsv = k_bsv.diagonal() - 2*self.alpha.reshape(1,self.nsv).dot(K[inx[:,None], self.bsv_ind]) + self.b * np.ones(self.bsv_ind.size)
        self.fval = self.r+self.C*(d_bsv - self.r).sum()
        if self.cached: self.K = K
        self.y = -1*np.ones(n)
        self.y[self.bsv_ind] = 1

        if self.labeling:
            #Step 2: Labeling cluster index by using CG

        self.c_weighted = c_weighted
Beispiel #5
 def L1(self):
     A = cvxmatrix(self.A)
     Y = cvxmatrix(self.Y)
     X = cvxmatrix(self.X)
     self.L1XX = l1regls(A, Y)
     self.L1err = norm(self.L1XX-X, 2)/norm(self.X,2)
Beispiel #6
def getPOIRobin(sensor_data, misc=None):
    x_, y_, phi_, Nc, T, V = sensor_data
    from cvxopt import matrix as cvxmatrix
    from cvxopt.solvers import lp
    Alpha = np.radians(10.)
    dm = MaxDistance
    DensityList = []
    Density = np.zeros([ScoreSize, ScoreSize])
    Weight = np.ones([Nc, ScoreSize, ScoreSize])
    X = np.empty(T)
    Y = np.empty(T)
    Xo = np.empty(T)
    Yo = np.empty(T)
    S = V**.5  #Standard Deviation!
    XCoordinates = CamTemplY
    YCoordinates = -CamTemplX

    def LineDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y):
        return (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) - (y - y1) * (x2 - x1)

    IndSet = []
    for t in range(T):
        print 't:' + str(t)
        Density *= 0.0
        Weight[:, :, :] = 1.0
        for i in range(Nc):
            phi = phi_[t, i]
            x = x_[t, i]
            y = y_[t, i]
            a = S[t, i]

            theta = np.pi / 2 - phi

            b = a + (dm + 2 * a) * np.tan(Alpha)

            xb = x + a * np.cos(np.pi + theta)
            yb = y + a * np.sin(np.pi + theta)

            xt = x + (a + dm) * np.cos(theta)
            yt = y + (a + dm) * np.sin(theta)

            x1 = xb + a * np.cos(np.pi / 2 + theta)
            y1 = yb + a * np.sin(np.pi / 2 + theta)
            x2 = xb + a * np.cos(3 * np.pi / 2 + theta)
            y2 = yb + a * np.sin(3 * np.pi / 2 + theta)
            x3 = xt + b * np.cos(3 * np.pi / 2 + theta)
            y3 = yt + b * np.sin(3 * np.pi / 2 + theta)
            x4 = xt + b * np.cos(np.pi / 2 + theta)
            y4 = yt + b * np.sin(np.pi / 2 + theta)
            #Line l1l4
            Weight[i][LineDistance(x1, y1, x4, y4, XCoordinates, YCoordinates)
                      < 0] = 0
            #Line l3l2
            Weight[i][LineDistance(x3, y3, x2, y2, XCoordinates, YCoordinates)
                      < 0] = 0
            #Line l2l1
            Weight[i][LineDistance(x2, y2, x1, y1, XCoordinates, YCoordinates)
                      < 0] = 0
            #Line l4l3
            Weight[i][LineDistance(x4, y4, x3, y3, XCoordinates, YCoordinates)
                      < 0] = 0
            Density += Weight[i] / np.sum(Weight[i])

        Max = np.max(Density)

        def GetCentroid(Properties):
            Areas = []
            for props in Properties:
            MaxIndx = np.argmax(np.array(Areas))
            return Properties[MaxIndx].centroid

        BoolDensity = Density * 0.0
        BoolDensity[Density == Max] = 1.0
        LabelDensity = measure.label(BoolDensity, connectivity=1)
        Properties = measure.regionprops(LabelDensity)
        NoRegions = len(Properties)
        if NoRegions == 1:
            row, col = Properties[0].centroid
            row, col = GetCentroid(Properties)
        r = row - ScoreSizeBy2
        c = col - ScoreSizeBy2
        X[t] = c
        Y[t] = -r
        Xo[t] = c
        Yo[t] = -r

        #Creating index set of cameras which will contribute for event location!
        IndSetEntry = []
        row =
        col =
        for i in range(Nc):
            if Weight[i][row, col] == 1.:
    DensityList = map(lambda Density: Density * 250 / np.max(Density),

    Gamma = 1.0
    tList = []
    for t in range(T):
        print 't:', t
        Ind = IndSet[t]
        N = len(Ind)
        P = cvxmatrix(0.0, (3 * N, 3 * N + 2))
        w = 1 / S[t, Ind]
        W = np.diag(w)
        P[:N, 2:2 + N] = W
        P[N:2 * N, 2 + N:2 + 2 * N] = W
        P[2 * N:, 2 + 2 * N:] = Gamma * np.eye(N, N)

        q = cvxmatrix(0.0, (3 * N, 1))
        q[:N] = w * x_[t, Ind]
        q[N:2 * N] = w * y_[t, Ind]

        AA = cvxmatrix(0.0, (N, 3 * N + 2))
        cos = np.cos(phi_[t, Ind])
        sin = np.sin(phi_[t, Ind])
        AA[:, 0] = -cos
        AA[:, 1] = sin
        AA[:, 2:2 + N] = np.diag(cos)
        AA[:, 2 + N:2 + 2 * N] = np.diag(-sin)
        AA[:, 2 + 2 * N:] = -np.eye(N, N)

        c = cvxmatrix(0.0, (6 * N + 2, 1))
        c[3 * N + 2::] = np.ones(3 * N)

        G = cvxmatrix(0.0, (6 * N, 6 * N + 2))
        G[:3 * N, :3 * N + 2] = P
        G[3 * N:, :3 * N + 2] = -P
        G[:3 * N, 3 * N + 2:] = -np.eye(3 * N, 3 * N)
        G[3 * N:, 3 * N + 2:] = -np.eye(3 * N, 3 * N)

        h = cvxmatrix(0.0, (6 * N, 1))
        h[:3 * N] = q
        h[3 * N:] = -q

        A = cvxmatrix(0.0, (N, 6 * N + 2))
        A[:, :3 * N + 2] = AA
        b = cvxmatrix(0.0, (N, 1))

        if N > 1:
            Solution = lp(c, G, h, A, b)
            if not Solution['status'] == 'optimal':
            Sol = Solution['x']
            X[t] = Sol[0]
            Y[t] = Sol[1]
            print 'X,Y:', X[t], Y[t]

    for t in range(T):
        print 't:', t
        c = int(round(X[t] + ScoreSizeBy2))
        r = int(round(-Y[t] + ScoreSizeBy2))
        print 'r,c:', r, c
        EventIndexSet = GetEventIndexSet(int(round(r)), int(round(c)))
        print 'EventIndexSet:', EventIndexSet
        DensityList[t][EventIndexSet] = np.max(
            DensityList[t]) - DensityList[t][EventIndexSet]
    return X, Y
Beispiel #7
    def fit(self, X):
        if self.display:
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = True
            solvers.options['show_progress'] = False

        n = X.shape[0]

        # Step 1: Optimizing the SVDD dual problem.....
        K = kernel(X, metric=self.kernel, n_jobs=1, \
                   filter_params=True, gamma=self.gamma, \
        q = cvxmatrix(-K.diagonal(), tc='d')

        if self.method is 'qp':
            P = cvxmatrix(2 * K, tc='d')
            G = cvxmatrix(np.vstack((-np.eye(n), np.eye(n))),
                          tc='d')  # lhs box constraints
            h = cvxmatrix(np.concatenate((np.zeros(n), self.C * np.ones(n))),
                          tc='d')  # rhs box constraints

            # optimize using cvx solver
            sol = solvers.qp(P,
                             initvals=cvxmatrix(np.zeros(n), tc='d'))

        if self.method is 'smo':
            #TODO: apply SMO algorithm
            alpha = None

        # setup SVC model
        alpha = np.asarray(sol['x'])
        inx = np.where(alpha > self.eps)[0]
        self.sv_inx = inx
        self.alpha = alpha[inx]
        self.nsv = inx.size
        self.sv_ind = np.where((alpha > self.eps)
                               & (alpha < self.C - self.eps))[0]
        self.bsv_ind = np.where(alpha >= self.C - self.eps)[0]
        self.inside_ind = np.where(alpha < self.C - self.eps)[0]
        k_inx = K[inx[:, None], inx]  # submatrix of K(sv+bsv, sv+bsv)
        k_sv = K[self.sv_ind[:, None], self.sv_ind]  # submatrix of K(sv,sv)
        k_bsv = K[self.bsv_ind[:, None],
                  self.bsv_ind]  # submatrix of K(bsv,bsv)
        # 2-norm of center a^2
        self.b = self.alpha.reshape(1, self.nsv).dot(k_inx).reshape(
            1, self.nsv).dot(self.alpha.reshape(self.nsv, 1))
        #including both of SV and BSV (bounded support vectors) = X[inx, :]
        d = k_sv.diagonal() - 2 * self.alpha.reshape(1, self.nsv).dot(
            K[inx[:, None], self.sv_ind]) + self.b * np.ones(self.sv_ind.size)
        self.r = d.max()
        self.rid = self.sv_ind[np.argmax(d.ravel())]
        d_bsv = k_bsv.diagonal() - 2 * self.alpha.reshape(1, self.nsv).dot(K[
            inx[:, None], self.bsv_ind]) + self.b * np.ones(self.bsv_ind.size)
        self.fval = self.r + self.C * (d_bsv - self.r).sum()
        self.K = K
        self.y = -1 * np.ones(n)
        self.y[self.bsv_ind] = 1
        if self.labeling:
            #Step 2: Labeling cluster index by using CG