Beispiel #1
def _generate_clique_alt(variables, obj, inequalities, equalities):
    n_dim = len(variables)
    rmat = spmatrix(1.0, range(n_dim), range(n_dim))
    for support in get_support(variables, obj):
        nonzeros = np.nonzero(support)[0]
        value = random.random()
        for i in nonzeros:
            for j in nonzeros:
                rmat[i, j] = value
    for polynomial in flatten([inequalities, equalities]):
        support = np.any(get_support(variables, polynomial), axis=0)
        nonzeros = np.nonzero(support)[0]
        value = random.random()
        for i in nonzeros:
            for j in nonzeros:
                rmat[i, j] = value
    rmat = rmat + 5*n_dim*spmatrix(1.0, range(n_dim), range(n_dim))
    # compute symbolic factorization using AMD ordering
    symb = cp.symbolic(rmat, p=amd.order)
    ip = symb.ip
    # symb = cp.symbolic(rmat)
    # ip = range(n_dim)
    cliques = symb.cliques()
    R = np.zeros((len(cliques), n_dim))
    for i, clique in enumerate(cliques):
        for j in range(len(clique)):
            R[i, ip[cliques[i][j]]] = 1
    return R
Beispiel #2
def _l1tf(corr, delta):
        minimize    (1/2) * ||x-corr||_2^2 + delta * sum(y)
        subject to  -y <= D*x <= y

    Variables x (n), y (n-2).

    :param x:

    n = corr.size[0]
    m = n - 2

    D = get_second_derivative_matrix(n)

    P = D * D.T
    q = -D * corr

    G = spmatrix([], [], [], (2*m, m))
    G[:m, :m] = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m))
    G[m:, :m] = -spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m))

    h = matrix(delta, (2*m, 1), tc='d')

    res = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    return corr - D.T * res['x']
Beispiel #3
def test_pcg():
    'Test function for projected CG.'
    n = 10
    m = 4
    H = sprandsym(n,n)
    A = sp_rand(m,n,0.9)
    x0 = matrix(1,(n,1))
    b = A*x0
    c = matrix(1.0,(n,1))

    x_pcg = pcg(H,c,A,b,x0)

    Lhs1 = sparse([H,A])
    Lhs2 = sparse([A.T,spmatrix([],[],[],(m,m))])
    Lhs = sparse([[Lhs1],[Lhs2]])
    rhs = -matrix([c,spmatrix([],[],[],(m,1))])
    rhs2 = copy(rhs)
    #print rhs[:10]

    sol = solvers.qp(H,c,A=A,b=b)
    print ' cvxopt qp|   pCG'
    print matrix([[sol['x']],[x_pcg]])
    print 'Dual variables:'
    print sol['y']
    print 'KKT equation residuals:'
    print H*sol['x'] + c + A.T*sol['y']
def Norm_inf1 (X,W):
    # X, W are two matrix of shape respectively f*n et r*n
    f,n = X.size
    r = W.size[0]
    print f,n,r
    P = matrix(W).trans()
    F = matrix(1.0,(f,r))
    onesn = matrix(1.0,(n,1))
    Idn = spmatrix(1.0, range(n),range(n))
    Idr = spmatrix(1.0, range(r),range(r))
    Zrn = spmatrix(0,[r-1],[n-1])
    Zr = spmatrix(0,[r-1],[0])
    #Zn = spmatrix(0,[n-1],[0])
    A = sparse([ [P,-P,-Idr], [-Idn,-Idn,Zrn] ]) 
    for i in range(f):
        V =  X[i,:].trans()
        C = matrix([[V,-V,Zr]])
        e = matrix([ [Zr, onesn] ])
        solution = solvers.lp(e,A,C)['x']
        F[i,:] = solution[range(r)].trans()
    return F    
Beispiel #5
def solve_robust_subproblem_1d(u, parameters, excess_return):
    b = beta(u, excess_return)
    eab = expected_alpha_beta(u, parameters, excess_return,
    a = alpha(u, parameters, excess_return[0])
    m = 1
    n = len(b)

    g = cvxopt.spmatrix(-1.0, [0,2,3], [0,1,2])
    h = cvxopt.matrix([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

    coeffs = ([0.5] +
              [v for i in range(0, 2) for v in b])
    rows = (range(0, n+1) +
            [0 for i in range(0,n)])
    columns = ([0 for i in range(0, n+1)] +
               range(1, n+1))
    p = cvxopt.spmatrix(coeffs, rows, columns)

    coeffs = [-a] + [mean_weight*v for v in eab]
    q = cvxopt.matrix([coeffs])
    print g
    print h
    print p
    print q
    constraint_dimensions = {'l': 1,
                             'q': [3],
                             's': []}
    return cvxopt.solvers.coneqp(p, q, g, h,
    def constraints(self):
        # construct the constraints for the attack routing problem
        N = self.N
        u = np.tile(range(N), N)
        v = np.repeat(range(N),N)
        w = np.array(range(N*N))
        # build constraint matrix
        A1 = spmatrix(np.repeat(, N), u, w, (N, N*N))
        A2 = -spmatrix(np.repeat( + self.phi, N), v, w, (N, N*N))

        I = np.array(range(N))
        J = I + np.array(range(N)) * N
        A3 = spmatrix(self.phi, I, J, (N, N*N))

        tmp =,
        A4 = matrix(np.repeat(tmp, N, axis=1))
        A5 = -spmatrix(tmp.flatten(), v, np.tile(J, N), (N, N*N))

        A6 = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5

        I = np.array([0]*(N-1))
        J = np.array(range(self.k)+range((self.k+1),N)) + N * self.k
        A7 = spmatrix(1., I, J, (1, N*N))
        A = sparse([[A6, -A6, A7, -A7, -spdiag([1.]*(N*N))]])

        tmp = np.zeros(2*N + 2 + N*N)
        tmp[2*N] = 1.
        tmp[2*N + 1] = -1.
        b = matrix(tmp)
        return b, A
Beispiel #7
def geteq(n,dic):
    'generate the equality constraints.'
    # Equality from the Laplace operator
    AeqL = -Laplace(n,dic)
    h = 1.0/(n-1)

    # Equality from the boundary
    AeqB = spmatrix([],[],[],(0,n**2+4*n))
    for col in range(n):
        y = spmatrix([],[],[],(2,n**2+4*n))
        y[0,dic[-1,col]] = 1
        y[0,dic[1,col]] = -1

        y[1,dic[n-2,col]] = -1
        y[1,dic[n,col]] = 1
        AeqB = sparse([AeqB,y])

    for row in range(n):
        y = spmatrix([],[],[],(2,n**2+4*n))
        y[0,dic[row,-1]] = 1
        y[0,dic[row,1]] = -1

        y[1,dic[row,n-2]] = -1
        y[1,dic[row,n]] = 1
        AeqB = sparse([AeqB,y])
    AeqL = sparse([[AeqL],[spmatrix([],[],[],(n**2,n*4))]])
    AeqB = sparse([[AeqB],[-identity(4*n,h*2)]])

    Aeq = sparse([AeqL,AeqB])
    beq = spmatrix([],[],[],(n**2+4*n,1))
    return (Aeq, beq)
Beispiel #8
def embed_SDP(P,order="AMD",cholmod=False):
    if not isinstance(P,SDP): raise ValueError, "not an SDP object"
    if order=='AMD':
        from cvxopt.amd import order
    elif order=='METIS':
        from cvxopt.metis import order
    else: raise ValueError, "unknown ordering: %s " %(order)
    p = order(P.V)

    if cholmod:
        from cvxopt import cholmod
        V = +P.V + spmatrix([float(i+1) for i in xrange(P.n)],xrange(P.n),xrange(P.n))
        F = cholmod.symbolic(V,p=p)
        f = cholmod.getfactor(F)
        fd = [(j,i) for i,j in enumerate(f[:P.n**2:P.n+1])]
        ip = matrix([j for _,j in fd])
        Ve = chompack.tril(chompack.perm(chompack.symmetrize(f),ip))
        Ie = misc.sub2ind((P.n,P.n),Ve.I,Ve.J)
        #Vc,n = chompack.embed(P.V,p)
        symb = chompack.symbolic(P.V,p)
        #Ve = chompack.sparse(Vc)
        Ve = symb.sparsity_pattern(reordered=False)
        Ie = misc.sub2ind((P.n,P.n),Ve.I,Ve.J)
    Pe = SDP()
    Pe._A = +P.A; Pe._b = +P.b
    Pe._A[:,0] += spmatrix(0.0,Ie,[0 for i in range(len(Ie))],(Pe._A.size[0],1))
    Pe._pname = P._pname + "_embed"
    Pe._ischordal = True; Pe._blockstruct = P._blockstruct
    return Pe      
Beispiel #9
Datei: Projekt: bugra/l1
def _l1(signal, regularizer):
        signal(np.ndarray): Original, volatile signal
        regularizer(float): regularizer to keep the balance between smoothing
            and 'truthfulness' of the signal
        trend(np.ndarray): Trend of the signal extracted from l1 regularization

    Problem Formulation:
        minimize    (1/2) * ||x - signal||_2^2 + regularizer * sum(y)
        subject to  | D*x | <= y


    signal_size = signal.size[0]
    temp = signal_size - 2
    temp_ls = range(temp)

    D = _second_order_derivative_matrix(signal_size)
    P = D * D.T
    q = -D * signal

    G = spmatrix([], [], [], (2 * temp, temp))
    G[:temp, :temp] = spmatrix(1.0, temp_ls, temp_ls)
    G[temp:, :temp] = -spmatrix(1.0, temp_ls, temp_ls)
    h = matrix(regularizer, (2 * temp, 1), tc='d')
    residual = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)
    trend =  signal - D.T * residual['x']

    return trend
Beispiel #10
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            """Oracle for function value, gradient, and Hessian.
            if x is None:
                return rows, big_x
            big_f = cvxopt.matrix(0., (rows, 1))
            big_Df = cvxopt.spmatrix(0., [], [], size=(rows, cols))
            if z:
                big_H = cvxopt.spmatrix(0., [], [], size=(cols, cols))
            offset = 0
            for constr in nonlin_constr:
                constr_entries = constr.size[0]*constr.size[1]
                local_x = constr.extract_variables(x, var_offsets)
                if z:
                    f, Df, H = constr.f(local_x,
                                        z[offset:offset + constr_entries])
                    result = constr.f(local_x)
                    if result:
                        f, Df = result
                        return None
                big_f[offset:offset + constr_entries] = f
                constr.place_Df(big_Df, Df, var_offsets, offset)
                if z:
                    constr.place_H(big_H, H, var_offsets)
                offset += constr_entries

            if z is None:
                return big_f, big_Df
            return big_f, big_Df, big_H
Beispiel #11
    def F(x=None,z=None):
        # Case 1
        if(x is None and z is None):
            x0 = opt.matrix(np.ones((n,1)))*1.0
            return (len(fs),x0)

        # Case 2
        elif(x is not None and z is None):

            in_domain = map(lambda y: y(x),inds)
            if(reduce(lambda v,w: v and w,in_domain)):
                f = opt.matrix(0.0,(len(fs),1))
                for i in range(0,len(fs),1):
                    f[i] = fs[i](x)
                Df = opt.spmatrix(0.0,[],[],(0,n))
                for i in range(0,len(grads),1):
                    Df = opt.sparse([Df,grads[i](x).T])
                return (f,Df)
                return (None,None)

        # Case 3
            f = opt.matrix(0.0,(len(fs),1))
            for i in range(0,len(fs),1):
                f[i] = fs[i](x)
            Df = opt.spmatrix(0.0,[],[],(0,n))
            for i in range(0,len(grads),1):
                Df = opt.sparse([Df,grads[i](x).T])
            H = opt.spmatrix(0.0,[],[],(n,n))
            for i in range(0,len(hess),1):
                H = H + z[i]*hess[i](x)
            return (f,Df,H)
Beispiel #12
    def F(x=None,z=None):
        # Case 1
        if x is None and z is None:
            x0 = opt.matrix(1., (n,1))
            return len(fs),x0

        # Case 2
        elif x is not None and z is None:
            if all(list(map(lambda y: y(x),inds))):
                f = opt.matrix(0.0,(len(fs),1))
                for i in range(0,len(fs),1):
                    f[i] = fs[i](x)
                Df = opt.spmatrix(0.0,[],[],(0,n))
                for i in range(0,len(grads),1):
                    Df = opt.sparse([Df,grads[i](x).T])
                return f,Df
                return None,None

        # Case 3
            f = opt.matrix(0.0,(len(fs),1))
            for i in range(0,len(fs),1):
                f[i] = fs[i](x)
            Df = opt.spmatrix(0.0,[],[],(0,n))
            for i in range(0,len(grads),1):
                Df = opt.sparse([Df,grads[i](x).T])
            H = opt.spmatrix(0.0,[],[],(n,n))
            for i in range(0,len(hess),1):
                H = H + z[i]*hess[i](x)
            return f,Df,H
    def __init__(self, X_linear, X_smooth, train_indices, y, use_l1=False):
        assert(np.array_equal(X_smooth, np.sort(X_smooth, axis=0)))

        feature_size = X_linear.shape[1]
        num_samples = X_smooth.size

        # we want a 1st order trend filtering, so we want D^2, not D^1
        off_diag_D1 = [1] * (num_samples - 1)
        mid_diag_D1 = off_diag_D1 + [0]
        simple_d1 = np.matrix(np.diagflat(off_diag_D1, 1) - np.diagflat(mid_diag_D1))
        mid_diag = [1.0 / (X_smooth[i + 1, 0] - X_smooth[i, 0]) for i in range(0, num_samples - 1)] + [0]
        self.D = sp.sparse.coo_matrix(simple_d1 * np.matrix(np.diagflat(mid_diag)) * simple_d1)
        D_sparse = cvxopt.spmatrix(, self.D.row.tolist(), self.D.col.tolist())

        train_matrix = sp.sparse.coo_matrix(np.matrix(np.eye(num_samples))[train_indices, :])
        train_matrix_sparse = cvxopt.spmatrix(, train_matrix.row.tolist(), train_matrix.col.tolist())
        max_theta_idx = np.amax(np.where(train_indices)) + 1

        self.beta = Variable(feature_size)
        self.theta = Variable(num_samples)
        self.lambdas = [Parameter(sign="positive"), Parameter(sign="positive")]
        objective = 0.5 * sum_squares(y - X_linear * self.beta - train_matrix_sparse * self.theta[0:max_theta_idx]) + self.lambdas[0] * norm(self.beta, 1)
        if use_l1:
            objective += self.lambdas[1] * norm(D_sparse * self.theta, 1)
            objective += 0.5 * self.lambdas[1] * sum_squares(D_sparse * self.theta)

        self.problem = Problem(Minimize(objective), [])
Beispiel #14
def l1_fit(index, y, beta_d2=1.0, beta_d1=1.0, beta_seasonal=1.0,
           beta_step=5.0, period=12, growth=0.0, step_permissives=None):
    assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(index, np.ndarray)
    #x must be integer type for seasonality to make sense
    assert index.dtype.kind == 'i'
    n = len(y)
    m = n-2
    p = period

    ys, y_min, y_max = mu.scale_numpy(y)

    D1 = mu.get_first_derivative_matrix_nes(index)
    D2 = mu.get_second_derivative_matrix_nes(index)
    H = mu.get_step_function_matrix(n)
    T = mu.get_T_matrix(p)
    B = mu.get_B_matrix_nes(index, p)
    Q = B*T

    #define F_matrix from blocks like in paper
    zero = mu.zero_spmatrix
    ident = mu.identity_spmatrix
    gvec = spmatrix(growth, range(m), [0]*m)
    zero_m = spmatrix(0.0, range(m), [0]*m)
    zero_p = spmatrix(0.0, range(p), [0]*p)
    zero_n = spmatrix(0.0, range(n), [0]*n)

    step_reg = mu.get_step_function_reg(n, beta_step, permissives=step_permissives)

    F_matrix = sparse([
        [ident(n), -beta_d1*D1, -beta_d2*D2, zero(p, n), zero(n)],
        [Q, zero(m, p-1), zero(m, p-1), -beta_seasonal*T, zero(n, p-1)],
        [H, zero(m, n), zero(m, n), zero(p, n), step_reg]

    w_vector = sparse([
        mu.np2spmatrix(ys), gvec, zero_m, zero_p, zero_n

    solution_vector = np.asarray(l1.l1(matrix(F_matrix), matrix(w_vector))).squeeze()
    xbase = solution_vector[0:n]
    s = solution_vector[n:n+p-1]
    h = solution_vector[n+p-1:]
    #scale back to original
    if y_max > y_min:
        scaling = y_max - y_min
        scaling = 1.0

    xbase = xbase*scaling + y_min
    s = s*scaling
    h = h*scaling
    seas = np.asarray(Q*matrix(s)).squeeze()
    steps = np.asarray(H*matrix(h)).squeeze()
    x = xbase + seas + steps

    solution = {'xbase': xbase, 'seas': seas, 'steps': steps, 'x': x, 'h': h, 's': s}
    return solution
Beispiel #15
def sp_rand(m,n,a):
    Generates an m-by-n sparse 'd' matrix with round(a*m*n) nonzeros.
    if m == 0 or n == 0: return spmatrix([], [], [], (m,n))
    nnz = min(max(0, int(round(a*m*n))), m*n)
    nz = matrix(random.sample(range(m*n), nnz), tc='i')
    return spmatrix(normal(nnz,1), nz%m, nz/m, (m,n))
Beispiel #16
 def setUp(self):
     n = 31
     nnz = int(round(0.15*n**2))
     nz = matrix(random.sample(range(n**2), nnz), tc='i')
     self.A = cp.tril(spmatrix(matrix(range(1,nnz+1),tc='d')/nnz, nz%n, matrix([int(ii) for ii in nz/n]), (n,n)))\
       + spmatrix(10.0,range(n),range(n))
     self.symb = cp.symbolic(self.A, p = amd.order)
Beispiel #17
def checksol(sol, A, B, C = None, d = None, G = None, h = None): 
    Check optimality conditions

        C * x  + G' * z + A'(Z) + d = 0  
        G * x <= h 
        z >= 0,  || Z || < = 1
        z' * (h - G*x) = 0
        tr (Z' * (A(x) + B)) = || A(x) + B ||_*.


    p, q = B.size
    n = A.size[1]
    if G is None: G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n))
    if h is None: h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
    m = h.size[0]
    if C is None: C = spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (n,n))
    if d is None: d = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))

    if sol['status'] is 'optimal':

        res = +d
        base.symv(C, sol['x'], res, beta = 1.0)
        base.gemv(G, sol['z'], res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
        base.gemv(A, sol['Z'], res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
        print "Dual residual: %e" %blas.nrm2(res)

        if m:
           print "Minimum primal slack (scalar inequalities): %e" \
               %min(h - G*sol['x'])
           print "Minimum dual slack (scalar inequalities): %e" \

        if p:
            s = matrix(0.0, (p,1))
            X = matrix(A*sol['x'], (p, q)) + B
            lapack.gesvd(+X, s)
            nrmX = sum(s)
            lapack.gesvd(+sol['Z'], s)
            nrmZ = max(s)
            print "Norm of Z: %e" %nrmZ
            print "Nuclear norm of A(x) + B: %e" %nrmX
            print "Inner product of Z and A(x) + B: %e" \
      ['Z'], X)
    elif sol['status'] is 'primal infeasible':

        res = matrix(0.0, (n,1))
        base.gemv(G, sol['z'], res, beta = 1.0, trans = 'T')
        print "Dual residual: %e" %blas.nrm2(res)
        print "h' * z = %e", sol['z'])
        print "Minimum dual slack (scalar inequalities): %e" \

Beispiel #18
    def setUp(self):
        I = list(range(17)) + [2,2,3,3,4,14,4,14,8,14,15,8,15,7,8,14,8,14,14,15,10,12,13,16,12,13,16,12,13,15,16,13,15,16,15,16,15,16,16]
        J = list(range(17)) + [0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,14,14,15]
        self.A = spmatrix(matrix(range(len(I)),tc='d'),I,J,(17,17))

        n = 23
        nz = [1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 48, 58, 71, 76, 81, 85, 91, 103, 108, 109, 111, 114, 116, 117, 118, 134, 143, 145, 161, 174, 178, 180, 183, 192, 194, 202, 203, 205, 212, 214, 219, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 235, 240, 241, 243, 247, 255, 256, 260, 269, 273, 275, 279, 280, 314, 315, 320, 321, 328, 340, 342, 344, 345, 349, 350, 357, 359, 370, 372, 375, 384, 385, 394, 399, 402, 411, 412, 419, 420, 422, 433, 439, 441, 447, 452, 454, 458, 460, 474, 476, 479, 481, 483, 485, 497, 506, 517, 519, 523, 526, 527]
        self.A_nc = cp.tril(spmatrix(matrix(range(1,len(nz)+1),tc='d')/len(nz),[ni%n for ni in nz],[int(ii/n) for ii in nz],(n,n)))\
          + spmatrix(10.0,range(n),range(n))
def constraints(sources, adjacency, N):
    print 'build constraints for the min-cost flow problem ...'
    # build the constraint matrix for the problem
    b = matrix(np.concatenate((sources, -sources, np.zeros((N*N,)))))
    # build the constraint matrix
    I, J = np.where(adjacency)
    adj = spmatrix(1., J, J + N*I, (N, N*N)) - spmatrix(1., I, J + N*I, (N, N*N))
    A = sparse([[adj, -adj, spmatrix(-np.ones((N*N,)), range(N*N), range(N*N))]])
    return b, A
Beispiel #20
def sparse_polynomial(X, c=1.0, d=2):
	K = X.T * X
	S = co.spmatrix(0.0, [], [], K.size)
	for i in range(1, d+1):
		cmb = miscs.comb(d, i)
		A = co.spmatrix(K.V**i, K.I, K.J)
		S += cmb * c**(d-i) * A
	return S
Beispiel #21
def get_cvxopt_matrices(c, g, h, a, b):
    a = a if a is None else cvxopt.spmatrix(, a.row.tolist(), a.col.tolist(), size=a.shape)
    g = g if g is None else cvxopt.spmatrix(, g.row.tolist(), g.col.tolist(), size=g.shape)

    b = b if b is None else cvxopt.matrix(b)
    c = cvxopt.matrix(c)
    h = h if h is None else cvxopt.matrix(h)

    return c, g, h, a, b
Beispiel #22
def cheb(A, b, Sigma):

    # Calculates Chebyshev lower bound on Prob(A*x <= b) where
    # x in R^2 has mean zero and covariance Sigma.
    # maximize    1 - tr(Sigma*P) - r
    # subject to  [ P,                    q - (tauk/2)*ak ]
    #             [ (q - (tauk/2)*ak)',   r - 1 + tauk*bk ] >= 0,
    #                                                 k = 0,...,m-1
    #             [ P,   q ]
    #             [ q',  r ] >= 0
    #             tauk >= 0, k=0,...,m-1.
    # variables P[0,0], P[1,0], P[1,1], q[0], q[1], r, tau[0], ..., 
    #     tau[m-1].

    m = A.size[0]
    novars = 3 + 2 + 1 + m

    # Cost function.
    c = matrix(0.0, (novars,1))
    c[0], c[1], c[2] = Sigma[0,0], 2*Sigma[1,0], Sigma[1,1]
    c[5] = 1.0

    Gs = [ spmatrix([],[],[], (9,novars)) for k in range(m+1) ]

    # Coefficients of P, q, r in LMI constraints.
    for k in range(m+1):
        Gs[k][0,0] = -1.0   # P[0,0]
        Gs[k][1,1] = -1.0   # P[1,0]
        Gs[k][4,2] = -1.0   # P[1,1]
        Gs[k][2,3] = -1.0   # q[0]
        Gs[k][5,4] = -1.0   # q[1]
        Gs[k][8,5] = -1.0   # r
    # Coefficients of tau.
    for k in range(m):
        Gs[k][2, 6+k] = 0.5 * A[k,0]   
        Gs[k][5, 6+k] = 0.5 * A[k,1]   
        Gs[k][8, 6+k] = -b[k]   
    hs = [ matrix(8*[0.0] + [-1.0], (3,3)) for k in range(m) ] + \
        [ matrix(0.0, (3,3)) ]

    # Constraints tau >= 0.
    Gl, hl = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(6,6+m)), matrix(0.0, (m,1)) 

    sol = solvers.sdp(c, Gl, hl, Gs, hs)
    P = matrix(sol['x'][[0,1,1,2]], (2,2))  
    q = matrix(sol['x'][[3,4]], (2,1))  
    r = sol['x'][5]
    bound = 1.0 - Sigma[0]*P[0] - 2*Sigma[1]*P[1] - Sigma[3]*P[3] - r

    # Worst-case distribution from dual solution.
    X = [ Z[2,:2].T / Z[2,2] for Z in sol['zs'] if Z[2,2] > 1e-5 ]

    return bound, P, q, r, X
Beispiel #23
def symsparsmatrix(size, dens):
    den = size**2*dens*0.5
    Dx = np.random.random_integers(0,size-1,den)    # generates random x coordinates
    Dy = np.random.random_integers(0,size-1,den)    # generates random y coordinates
    De = np.random.random_integers(0,100,den)       # generates random matrix entries for coordinate (x,y)

    D = cv.spmatrix(De,Dx,Dy,(size,size)) 
    D += D.trans() + cv.spmatrix(np.random.random_integers(0,50,size),range(size),range(size))

    return D    # matrix D is a symmetric sparse matrix of dimension (size,size) with density approx. dens
def dual1prox2(Lip, L, oldLambda):
    k, q = L.shape
    P = Lip * spdiag(list(hstack((zeros(k), ones(q)))))
    Q = matrix(-hstack((ones(k), zeros(q))))
    rows = arange(k * q)
    leftG = [spmatrix([1.] * q * k, range(q * k), [r % k for r in range(q * k)], (k * q, k))]
    rightG = [spmatrix([- 1. / k] * (k * q), range(q * k), [r / k for r in range(k * q)], (k * q, q))]
    G = sparse([leftG, rightG])
    resDict = coneqp(P, Q, G=G, h=matrix((L + (oldLambda / k)).T.flatten(), tc='d'))
    return array(resDict['x'])[k:].flatten() + oldLambda
Beispiel #25
def sp_rand(m,n,a):
     Generates an mxn sparse 'd' matrix with round(a*m*n) nonzeros.
     Provided by cvxopt.
     if m == 0 or n == 0: return spmatrix([], [], [], (m,n))
     nnz = min(max(0, int(round(a*m*n))), m*n)
     nz = matrix(random.sample(range(m*n), nnz), tc='i')
     J = matrix([k//m for k in nz])
     return spmatrix(normal(nnz,1), nz%m, J, (m,n))
def main():
    data = [[6.0,7,1], [7,7,1], [3,5,-1], [4,5,-1]]
    Q = spmatrix(2.0, range(3), range(3))
    print "EX Ma"
    EX = spmatrix(-1.0, range(5), range(5))
    print EX
    # print EX[1,1]
    for i in range(len(EX)):
        for j in range(len(EX)):
            print EX[i,j]

    print "Q mattix"
    Q[2,2] = 0
    print Q
    p = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], (3,1))
    G = []
    h = []

    print "G : [[-6.0, -7, -1], [-7, -7, -1], [3, 5, 1], [4, 5, 1]]"
    for items in data:
        row = []
        if items[2] == 1:
            row.extend([-1 * item for item in items[:2]])
            # for i in range(len(EX)):
            #     for j in range(len(EX)):
            #         # print EX[0,i]
            #         row.append(EX[i,j])
            # G.append((EX[:5]))
            # for i in range(len(EX)):
            #     print EX[0,i]
            #     row.append(EX[0,i])
    print G
    for i in range(len(G)):
        for j in range(len(EX)):

    G = matrix(G).trans()
    print "After transpsoe" 
    print G
Beispiel #27
def project(A,r,G = None, fA = None):
    'Project r to null(A) by solving the normal equation AA.t v = Ar.'
    m,n = A.size
    if G is None:
        G = spmatrix([1]*n,range(n),range(n))
    Lhs1 = sparse([G,A])
    Lhs2 = sparse([A.T, spmatrix([],[],[],(m,m))])
    Lhs = sparse([[Lhs1],[Lhs2]])
    rhs = matrix([r,spmatrix([],[],[],(m,1))])
    return rhs[:n]
Beispiel #28
 def F(x=None, z=None):  
     if x is None:  return 5, matrix(17*[0.0] + 5*[1.0])  
     if min(x[17:]) <= 0.0:  return None  
     f = -x[12:17] + div(Amin, x[17:])  
     Df = matrix(0.0, (5,22))  
     Df[:,12:17] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(5), range(5))  
     Df[:,17:] = spmatrix(-div(Amin, x[17:]**2), range(5), range(5))  
     if z is None: return f, Df  
     H = spmatrix( 2.0* mul(z, div(Amin, x[17::]**3)), range(17,22), 
         range(17,22) )  
     return f, Df, H  
def get_feasibility_cvx(A, b, prune=True):
        Solves a pair of primal and dual LPs
            minimize    c'*x
            subject to  G*x + s = h
                        A*x = b
                        s >= 0
            maximize    -h'*z - b'*y
            subject to  G'*z + A'*y + c = 0
                        z >= 0.
        Input arguments.
            c is n x 1, G is m x n, h is m x 1, A is p x n, b is p x 1.  G and
            A must be dense or sparse 'd' matrices.  c, h and b are dense 'd'
            matrices with one column.  The default values for A and b are
            empty matrices with zero rows.
            solver is None, 'glpk' or 'mosek'.  The default solver (None)
            uses the cvxopt conelp() function.  The 'glpk' solver is the
            simplex LP solver from GLPK.  The 'mosek' solver is the LP solver
            from MOSEK.
    print("A, b shapes", A.shape, b.shape)
    if prune:
        A, b = pre_process(A, b)
    print("A, b shapes", A.shape, b.shape)
    # if in coo format:
    if A.getformat() is not 'coo':
        A = A.tocoo()
    # print(A.row)
    # print(A.col)
    # print(
    # assert(False)

    x_size = A.shape[1]
    cvx_A = cvx.spmatrix(1.0, A.row, A.col, size=A.shape, tc='d')
    cvx_c = cvx.matrix(np.ones(x_size))
    cvx_G = cvx.spmatrix(-1.0, range(x_size), range(x_size), tc='d')
    cvx_h = cvx.matrix(np.zeros(x_size))
    cvx_b = cvx.matrix(b)
    res = cvx.solvers.lp(c=cvx_c,G=cvx_G,h=cvx_h,A=cvx_A,b=cvx_b,
        # solver=None,
        # solver='glpk',
    if res['x']:
        x_solution = res['x']
        Ax =
        bT = b[:,np.newaxis]
        verified = not np.any(Ax - bT) and \
                   np.all(np.array(x_solution) >= 0) and \
                   abs(np.sum(np.array(x_solution)) - 1.0) <= 1e-5
        res['verified'] = verified
    return res
Beispiel #30
def solver_kernal_path(graph, lpmtx, pflow=None, algorithm='Dijkstra', output='dense'):
    nnode = len(graph.nodes.keys())
    npair = len(graph.ODs.keys())
    nlink = len(graph.links.keys())
    if pflow is not None:
        flow = lpmtx*pflow

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.add_edges_from([(key[0],key[1]) for key in graph.links.keys()])
    for u,v in G.edges():
        link = graph.links[(u,v,1)]
        if pflow is None:
            G[u][v]['cost'] = 0.
            G[u][v]['cost'] += link.delayfunc.compute_delay(link.flow)
            G[u][v]['cost'] = 0.
            indx = graph.indlinks[(u,v,1)]
            G[u][v]['cost'] += link.delayfunc.compute_delay(flow[indx])

    iod = 0
    odentries, pathfentries, Iod, Ipath = [], [], [], []
    for odID, OD in graph.ODs.iteritems():
        npath = 0
        for nodes_on_path in nx.all_shortest_paths(G, OD.o, OD.d, weight='cost'):
            indpath = graph.indpaths[tuple(nodes_on_path)]
            npath += 1
        for x in xrange(npath): pathfentries.append(OD.flow/npath)
        cost = 0.
        for indx in xrange(len(nodes_on_path)-1):
            u = nodes_on_path[indx]
            v = nodes_on_path[indx+1]
            cost += G[u][v]['cost']
    odcost = spmatrix(odentries, Iod, len(Iod)*[0], (npair, 1))
    npath = len(graph.paths)
    pathf = spmatrix(pathfentries, Ipath, len(Ipath)*[0], (npath, 1))

    pathcost = matrix(0., (npath,1))
    for nodes_on_path in graph.paths.iterkeys():
        indpath = graph.indpaths[nodes_on_path]
        cost = 0.
        for indx in xrange(len(nodes_on_path)-1):
            u = nodes_on_path[indx]
            v = nodes_on_path[indx+1]
            cost += G[u][v]['cost']
        pathcost[indpath] = cost

    return pathf, pathcost, odcost
Beispiel #31
    def fit(self, check_psd_eigs=False):
        # number of training examples
        N = self.samples

        # generate the label kernel
        Y =

        # generate the final PDS kernel
        P = matrix(self.kernel * Y)

        # check for PSD
        if check_psd_eigs:
            eigs = np.linalg.eigvalsh(np.array(P))
            if eigs[0] < 0.0:
                print('Smallest eigenvalue is {0}'.format(eigs[0]))
                P += spdiag([-eigs[0] for i in range(N)])

        # there is no linear part of the objective
        q = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))

        # sum_i y_i alpha_i = A alpha = b = 1.0
        A = matrix(, (1, self.samples), 'd')
        b = matrix(1.0, (1, 1))

        # inequality constraints: G alpha <= h
        # 1) alpha_i  <= C_i
        # 2) -alpha_i <= 0
        G12 = spmatrix(1.0, range(N), range(N))
        h1 = matrix(self.cC)
        h2 = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
        G = sparse([G12, -G12])
        h = matrix([h1, h2])
        if self.labeled > 0:
            # 3) kappa <= \sum_i labeled_i alpha_i -> -cl' alpha <= -kappa
            print('Labeled data found.')
            G3 = -matrix(, (1,, 'd')
            h3 = -matrix(self.kappa, (1, 1))
            G = sparse([G12, -G12, G3])
            h = matrix([h1, h2, h3])

        # solve the quadratic programm
        sol = qp(P, -q, G, h, A, b)

        # store solution
        self.alphas = np.array(sol['x'])

        # 1. find all support vectors, i.e. 0 < alpha_i <= C
        # 2. store all support vector with alpha_i < C in 'margins'
        self.svs = np.where(self.alphas >= ConvexSSAD.PRECISION)[0]

        # these should sum to one
        print('Validate solution:')
        print('- found {0} support vectors'.format(len(self.svs)))
        print('0 <= alpha_i : {0} of {1}'.format(np.sum(0. <= self.alphas), N))
        print('- sum_(i) alpha_i cy_i = {0} = 1.0'.format(
            np.sum(self.alphas *
        print('- sum_(i in sv) alpha_i cy_i = {0} ~ 1.0 (approx error)'.format(
            np.sum(self.alphas[self.svs] *[self.svs])))
        print('- sum_(i in labeled) alpha_i = {0} >= {1} = kappa'.format(
            np.sum(self.alphas[ == 1]), self.kappa))
        print('- sum_(i in unlabeled) alpha_i = {0}'.format(
            np.sum(self.alphas[self.y == 0])))
        print('- sum_(i in positives) alpha_i = {0}'.format(
            np.sum(self.alphas[self.y == 1])))
        print('- sum_(i in negatives) alpha_i = {0}'.format(
            np.sum(self.alphas[self.y == -1])))

        # infer threshold (rho)
        psvs = np.where(self.y[self.svs] == 0)[0]
        # case 1: unlabeled support vectors available
        self.threshold = 0.
        unl_threshold = -1e12
        lbl_threshold = -1e12
        if psvs.size > 0:
            k = self.kernel[:, self.svs]
            k = k[self.svs[psvs], :]
            unl_threshold = np.max(self.apply(k))

        if np.sum( > 1e-12:
            # case 2: only labeled examples available
            k = self.kernel[:, self.svs]
            k = k[self.svs, :]
            thres = self.apply(k)
            pinds = np.where(self.y[self.svs] == +1)[0]
            ninds = np.where(self.y[self.svs] == -1)[0]
            # only negatives is not possible
            if ninds.size > 0 and pinds.size == 0:
                print('ERROR: Check pre-defined PRECISION.')
                lbl_threshold = np.max(thres[ninds])
            elif ninds.size == 0:
                lbl_threshold = np.max(thres[pinds])
                # smallest negative + largest positive
                p = np.max(thres[pinds])
                n = np.min(thres[ninds])
                lbl_threshold = (n + p) / 2.
        self.threshold = np.max((unl_threshold, lbl_threshold))
Beispiel #32
# Support vector classifier.
# minimize    t  + gamma*(1'*u + 1'*v)
# subject to  a'*X - b >= 1 - u
#             a'*Y - b <= -1 + v
#             u >= 0, v >= 0
#             [t*I a; a' t] >= 0

gamma = 0.1
nv = n + 2 + N + M  # variables (a, b, t, u, v)
ni = 2 * (N + M)

c = matrix(0.0, (nv, 1))
c[3], c[4:] = 1.0, gamma

IN = spmatrix(1.0, range(N), range(N))
IM = spmatrix(1.0, range(M), range(M))
Gl = matrix(0.0, (ni, nv))
hl = matrix(0.0, (ni, 1))
Gl[:N, :n] = -X.T
Gl[:N, n] = 1.0
Gl[:N, n + 2:n + 2 + N] = -IN
hl[:N] = -1.0
Gl[N:N + M, :n] = Y.T
Gl[N:N + M, n] = -1.0
Gl[N:N + M, -M:] = -IM
hl[N:N + M] = -1.0
Gl[N + M:N + M + N, n + 2:n + 2 + N] = -IN
Gl[N + M + N:, -M:] = -IM

Gs = [spmatrix(0.0, [], [], (9, nv))]
Beispiel #33
    def invert(self, G, d, wgt=None):
        Perform inversion.

        G: (M,N) np.ndarray
            Input design matrix.
        d: (M,) np.ndarray
            Input data.
        wgt: (M,) np.ndarray, optional
            Optional weights for the data.

        status: int
            Integer flag for failure or success.
        m: (N,) np.ndarray
            Output parameter vector.
        m_wgt: (N,) np.ndarray, optional
            Weights for parameters.
        # Indices for finite data
        mask = np.isfinite(d).nonzero()[0]
        if mask.size < self.n_min:
            warnings.warn('Not enough data for inversion. Returning None.')
            return FAIL, None, None
        Gf, df, wgt = self.apply_mask(mask, G, d, wgt=wgt)

        arrflag = isinstance(self.penalty, np.ndarray)
        weightingFunc = self.weightingFunc

        # Cache design matrix and data vector
        G_input = Gf.copy()
        d_input = df.copy()

        # If weight array provided, pre-multiply design matrix and data
        if wgt is not None:
            Gf = dmultl(wgt, Gf)
            df = wgt * df

        # If a regularization matrix (prior covariance matrix) has been provided
        # convert G -> GtG and d -> Gtd (Gram products)
        if self.regMat is not None:
            df =, df)
            Gf =, Gf) + self.regMat

        # Convert Numpy arrays to CVXOPT matrices
        A = matrix(Gf.T.tolist())
        b = matrix(df.tolist())
        m, n = A.size
        reg_indices_n = (self.reg_indices + n).tolist()

        # Fill q (will modify for re-weighting)
        q = matrix(0.0, (2 * n, 1))
        q[:n] = -A.T * b
        q[reg_indices_n] = self.penalty

        # Fill h
        h = matrix(0.0, (2 * n, 1))

        # Fill P
        P = matrix(0.0, (2 * n, 2 * n))
        P[:n, :n] = A.T * A
        # Add small constant to diagonal for numerical conditioning
        P[list(range(n)), list(range(n))] += 1.0e-8

        # Fill G
        G = matrix(0.0, (2 * n, 2 * n))
        eye = spmatrix(1.0, range(n), range(n))
        G[:n, :n] = eye
        G[:n, n:] = -1.0 * eye
        G[n:, :n] = -1.0 * eye
        G[n:, n:] = -1.0 * eye
        G = sparse(G)

        # Perform re-weighting by calling solvers.coneqp()
        for iters in range(self.rwiter):
            soln = solvers.coneqp(P, q, G=G, h=h)
            status, x = soln['status'], soln['x'][:n]
            if status != 'optimal':
                x = np.nan * np.ones((n, ))
            xspl = x[self.reg_indices.tolist()]
            wnew = weightingFunc(xspl)
            if arrflag:  # if outputting array, use only 1 re-weight iteration
                q[reg_indices_n] = wnew
                q[reg_indices_n] = self.penalty * wnew
        x = np.array(x).squeeze()
        q = np.array(q[n:]).squeeze()

        # Estimate uncertainty or set to identity
        if self.estimate_uncertainty:
            # Get indices for variance reduction
            best_ind = self._selectBestBasis(G_input, x, d_input)
            Gsub = G_input[:, best_ind]
            dsub = d_input
            # Compute new linear algebra arrays
            if wgt is not None:
                Gsub = dmultl(wgt, Gsub)
                dsub = d_input * wgt
            if self.regMat is not None:
                regMat = self.regMat[best_ind, :][:, best_ind]
                GtG =, Gsub) + regMat
                GtG =, Gsub)
            Gtd =, dsub)
            # Inverse and least squares
            iGtG = self.inv_func(GtG)
            m =, Gtd)
            # Place in original locations
            x = np.zeros(n)
            Cm = np.zeros((n, n))
            x[best_ind] = m
            row, col = np.meshgrid(best_ind, best_ind)
            Cm[row, col] = iGtG
            Cm = np.eye(n)

        return SUCCESS, x, Cm
Beispiel #34
 def incidence(self):
     """Build incidence matrix into self.C"""
     self.C = spmatrix(self.u, range(self.n), self.a1, (self.n, self.nb), 'd') -\
              spmatrix(self.u, range(self.n), self.a2, (self.n, self.nb), 'd')
Beispiel #35
def cvxEDA(y, delta, tau0=2., tau1=0.7, delta_knot=10., alpha=8e-4, gamma=1e-2,
           solver=None, options={'reltol':1e-9}):
    """CVXEDA Convex optimization approach to electrodermal activity processing

    This function implements the cvxEDA algorithm described in "cvxEDA: a
    Convex Optimization Approach to Electrodermal Activity Processing"
    (, also available from the
    authors' homepages).

       y: observed EDA signal (we recommend normalizing it: y = zscore(y))
       delta: sampling interval (in seconds) of y
       tau0: slow time constant of the Bateman function
       tau1: fast time constant of the Bateman function
       delta_knot: time between knots of the tonic spline function
       alpha: penalization for the sparse SMNA driver
       gamma: penalization for the tonic spline coefficients
       solver: sparse QP solver to be used, see cvxopt.solvers.qp
       options: solver options, see:

    The function calculates these values (see paper for details):
       r: phasic component
       p: sparse SMNA driver of phasic component
       t: tonic component
       l: coefficients of tonic spline
       d: offset and slope of the linear drift term
       e: model residuals
       obj: value of objective function being minimized (eq 15 of paper)
    The function returns
      df: dataframe with two component
          -phasic: phasic component
          -tonic: tonic component
    n = len(y)
    y = cv.matrix(y)

    # bateman ARMA model
    a1 = 1./min(tau1, tau0) # a1 > a0
    a0 = 1./max(tau1, tau0)
    ar = np.array([(a1*delta + 2.) * (a0*delta + 2.), 2.*a1*a0*delta**2 - 8.,
        (a1*delta - 2.) * (a0*delta - 2.)]) / ((a1 - a0) * delta**2)
    ma = np.array([1., 2., 1.])

    # matrices for ARMA model
    i = np.arange(2, n)
    A = cv.spmatrix(np.tile(ar, (n-2,1)), np.c_[i,i,i], np.c_[i,i-1,i-2], (n,n))
    M = cv.spmatrix(np.tile(ma, (n-2,1)), np.c_[i,i,i], np.c_[i,i-1,i-2], (n,n))

    # spline
    delta_knot_s = int(round(delta_knot / delta))
    spl = np.r_[np.arange(1.,delta_knot_s), np.arange(delta_knot_s, 0., -1.)] # order 1
    spl = np.convolve(spl, spl, 'full')
    spl /= max(spl)
    # matrix of spline regressors
    i = np.c_[np.arange(-(len(spl)//2), (len(spl)+1)//2)] + np.r_[np.arange(0, n, delta_knot_s)]
    nB = i.shape[1]
    j = np.tile(np.arange(nB), (len(spl),1))
    p = np.tile(spl, (nB,1)).T
    valid = (i >= 0) & (i < n)
    B = cv.spmatrix(p[valid], i[valid], j[valid])

    # trend
    C = cv.matrix(np.c_[np.ones(n), np.arange(1., n+1.)/n])
    nC = C.size[1]

    # Solve the problem:
    # .5*(M*q + B*l + C*d - y)^2 + alpha*sum(A,1)*p + .5*gamma*l'*l
    # s.t. A*q >= 0

    #old_options = cv.solvers.options.copy()
    #options["show_progress"] = False
    if solver == 'conelp':
        # Use conelp
        z = lambda m,n: cv.spmatrix([],[],[],(m,n))
        G = cv.sparse([[-A,z(2,n),M,z(nB+2,n)],[z(n+2,nC),C,z(nB+2,nC)],
                    [z(n+2,nB),B,z(2,nB),cv.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))]])
        h = cv.matrix([z(n,1),.5,.5,y,.5,.5,z(nB,1)])
        c = cv.matrix([(cv.matrix(alpha, (1,n)) * A).T,z(nC,1),1,gamma,z(nB,1)])
        res = cv.solvers.conelp(c, G, h, dims={'l':n,'q':[n+2,nB+2],'s':[]})
        obj = res['primal objective']
        # Use qp
        Mt, Ct, Bt = M.T, C.T, B.T
        H = cv.sparse([[Mt*M, Ct*M, Bt*M], [Mt*C, Ct*C, Bt*C], 
                    [Mt*B, Ct*B, Bt*B+gamma*cv.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))]])
        f = cv.matrix([(cv.matrix(alpha, (1,n)) * A).T - Mt*y,  -(Ct*y), -(Bt*y)])
        res = cvxopt.solvers.qp(H, f, cv.spmatrix(-A.V, A.I, A.J, (n,len(f))),
                            cv.matrix(0., (n,1)), solver= solver)
        obj = res['primal objective'] + .5 * (y.T * y)

    l = res['x'][-nB:]
    d = res['x'][n:n+nC]
    t = B*l + C*d
    q = res['x'][:n]
    p = A * q
    r = M * q
    e = y - r - t
    data = {'phasic': np.array(r).ravel() ,'tonic': np.array(t).ravel()}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    return (df)
Beispiel #36
def scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(A):
    coo = A.tocoo()
    SP = spmatrix(, coo.row.tolist(), coo.col.tolist())
    return SP
Beispiel #37
 def _cvx(m, n):
     return cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], (m, n))
Beispiel #38
def GetHomProp2D_PlaneStress(MetaDesign, E1, nu1, E2, nu2, Amat=np.eye(2)):
    # Get unit cell full stiffness matrix Kuc - assume plane Strain, thickness = 1
    # 1 for stiff material;  0 for soft material
    nelx = MetaDesign.shape[1]
    nely = MetaDesign.shape[0]
    ndof = 2 * (nelx + 1) * (nely + 1)

    KA = np.array([[12., 3., -6., -3., -6., -3., 0., 3.],
                   [3., 12., 3., 0., -3., -6., -3., -6.],
                   [-6., 3., 12., -3., 0., -3., -6., 3.],
                   [-3., 0., -3., 12., 3., -6., 3., -6.],
                   [-6., -3., 0., 3., 12., 3., -6., -3.],
                   [-3., -6., -3., -6., 3., 12., 3., 0.],
                   [0., -3., -6., 3., -6., 3., 12., -3.],
                   [3., -6., 3., -6., -3., 0., -3., 12.]])
    KB = np.array([[-4., 3., -2., 9., 2., -3., 4., -9.],
                   [3., -4., -9., 4., -3., 2., 9., -2.],
                   [-2., -9., -4., -3., 4., 9., 2., 3.],
                   [9., 4., -3., -4., -9., -2., 3., 2.],
                   [2., -3., 4., -9., -4., 3., -2., 9.],
                   [-3., 2., 9., -2., 3., -4., -9., 4.],
                   [4., 9., 2., 3., -2., -9., -4., -3.],
                   [-9., -2., 3., 2., 9., 4., -3., -4.]])

    KE1 = E1 / (1 - nu1**2) / 24 * (KA + nu1 * KB)
    KE2 = E2 / (1 - nu2**2) / 24 * (KA + nu2 * KB)

    # FE: Build the index vectors for the for coo matrix format.
    edofMat = np.zeros((nelx * nely, 8),
    for elx in range(nelx):
        for ely in range(nely):
            el = ely + elx * nely
            n1 = (nely + 1) * elx + ely
            n2 = (nely + 1) * (elx + 1) + ely
            edofMat[el, :] = np.array([
                2 * n1 + 2, 2 * n1 + 3, 2 * n2 + 2, 2 * n2 + 3, 2 * n2,
                2 * n2 + 1, 2 * n1, 2 * n1 + 1

    # Construct the index pointers for the coo format
    iK = np.kron(edofMat, np.ones((8, 1))).flatten()
    jK = np.kron(edofMat, np.ones((1, 8))).flatten()
    sK = (
        (KE1.flatten()[np.newaxis]).T * MetaDesign.flatten()).flatten('F') + (
            (KE2.flatten()[np.newaxis]).T *
            (1 - MetaDesign).flatten()).flatten('F')
    Kuc = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((sK, (iK, jK)), shape=(ndof, ndof)).tocsr()
    #     Kuc = 0.5 * (Kuc.T+Kuc)
    #     Kuc = cvxopt.spmatrix(sK,iK,jK,(ndof,ndof))

    # Get unit cell periodic topology
    M = np.eye((nelx + 1) * (nely + 1))
    M[0, [nely, (nely + 1) * nelx, (nelx + 1) * (nely + 1) - 1]] = 1
    M[1:nely, range(1 + (nely + 1) * nelx, nely +
                    (nely + 1) * nelx)] = np.eye(nely - 1)
    M[np.arange((nely + 1), (nely + 1) * nelx, (nely + 1)),
      np.arange(2 * nely + 1, (nely + 1) * nelx, (nely + 1))] = 1
    M = M[np.sum(M, axis=0) < 2, :].T
    # Compute homogenized elasticity tensor
    B0 = sp.sparse.kron(M, np.eye(2))
    #     print(B0)
    Bep = np.array([[Amat[0, 0], 0., Amat[1, 0] / 2],
                    [0., Amat[1, 0], Amat[0, 0] / 2],
                    [Amat[0, 1], 0., Amat[1, 1] / 2],
                    [0., Amat[1, 1], Amat[0, 1] / 2]])
    BaTop = np.zeros(((nelx + 1) * (nely + 1), 2), dtype=np.single)
    BaTop[(nely + 1) * nelx + np.arange(0, nely + 1), 0] = 1
    BaTop[np.arange(nely, (nely + 1) * (nelx + 1), (nely + 1)), 1] = -1
    Ba = np.kron(BaTop, np.eye(2, dtype=float))

    TikReg = sp.sparse.eye(B0.shape[1]) * 1e-8
    F = (
    Kg = ( + TikReg
    Kg = (0.5 * (Kg.T + Kg)).tocoo()
    #     Kgc, lower = sp.linalg.cho_factor(0.5 * (Kg.T + Kg))
    #     D0 = sp.linalg.cho_solve((Kgc,lower),F)
    #     D0 = np.linalg.solve(0.5*(Kg.T + Kg),F)
    Ksp = cvxopt.spmatrix(, Kg.row.astype(,
    Fsp = cvxopt.matrix(F)
    cvxopt.cholmod.linsolve(Ksp, Fsp)
    #     D0 = sp.sparse.linalg.spsolve(0.5*(Kg.T + Kg), F)
    D0 = np.array(Fsp)
    Da = + Ba
    Kda = (
    Chom = ( / LA.det(Amat)
    Modes =

    # Chris said to replace the output with this:
    # Chom = sp.linalg.inv(Chom)
    # nueff = -0.5 * (Chom[1,0]/Chom[0,0] + Chom[0,1]/Chom[1,1])
    # Eeff = 0.5*(1/Chom[0,0]+1/Chom[1,1])  # Avg young mod

    return Chom  # change this to nueff, Eeff and optimize both (very stiff?, very negative poisson)
Beispiel #39
 def gcall(self, dae):
     dae.g += spmatrix(div(mul(self.u, self.P), self.v12), self.v1,
                       [0] * self.n, (dae.m, 1), 'd')
     dae.g += spmatrix(-div(mul(self.u, self.P), self.v12), self.v2,
                       [0] * self.n, (dae.m, 1), 'd')
Beispiel #40
def cvxopt_foopsi(fluor, b, c1, g, sn, p, bas_nonneg, verbosity):
    """Solve the deconvolution problem using cvxopt and picos packages
        from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, spdiag, solvers
        import picos
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            'Constrained Foopsi requires cvxopt and picos packages.')

    T = len(fluor)

    # construct deconvolution matrix  (sp = G*c)
    G = spmatrix(1., list(range(T)), list(range(T)), (T, T))

    for i in range(p):
        G = G + spmatrix(-g[i], np.arange(i + 1, T), np.arange(T - i - 1),
                         (T, T))

    gr = np.roots(np.concatenate([np.array([1]), -g.flatten()]))
    gd_vec = np.max(gr)**np.arange(T)  # decay vector for initial fluorescence
    gen_vec = G * matrix(np.ones(fluor.size))

    # Initialize variables in our problem
    prob = picos.Problem()

    # Define variables
    calcium_fit = prob.add_variable('calcium_fit', fluor.size)
    cnt = 0
    if b is None:
        flag_b = True
        cnt += 1
        b = prob.add_variable('b', 1)
        if bas_nonneg:
            b_lb = 0
            b_lb = np.min(fluor)

        prob.add_constraint(b >= b_lb)
        flag_b = False

    if c1 is None:
        flag_c1 = True
        cnt += 1
        c1 = prob.add_variable('c1', 1)
        prob.add_constraint(c1 >= 0)
        flag_c1 = False

    # Add constraints
    prob.add_constraint(G * calcium_fit >= 0)
    res = abs(
        matrix(fluor.astype(float)) - calcium_fit -
        b * matrix(np.ones(fluor.size)) - matrix(gd_vec) * c1)
    prob.add_constraint(res < sn * np.sqrt(fluor.size))
    prob.set_objective('min', calcium_fit.T * gen_vec)

    # solve problem
        prob.solve(solver='mosek', verbose=verbosity)

    except ImportError:
        warn('MOSEK is not installed. Spike inference may be VERY slow!')

    # if problem in infeasible due to low noise value then project onto the
    # cone of linear constraints with cvxopt
    if prob.status == 'prim_infeas_cer' or prob.status == 'dual_infeas_cer' or prob.status == 'primal infeasible':
            'Original problem infeasible. Adjusting noise level and re-solving'
        # setup quadratic problem with cvxopt
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = verbosity
        ind_rows = list(range(T))
        ind_cols = list(range(T))
        vals = np.ones(T)
        if flag_b:
            ind_rows = ind_rows + list(range(T))
            ind_cols = ind_cols + [T] * T
            vals = np.concatenate((vals, np.ones(T)))
        if flag_c1:
            ind_rows = ind_rows + list(range(T))
            ind_cols = ind_cols + [T + cnt - 1] * T
            vals = np.concatenate((vals, np.squeeze(gd_vec)))
        P = spmatrix(vals, ind_rows, ind_cols, (T, T + cnt))
        H = P.T * P
        Py = P.T * matrix(fluor.astype(float))
        sol = solvers.qp(
            H, -Py,
            spdiag([-G, -spmatrix(1., list(range(cnt)), list(range(cnt)))]),
            matrix(0., (T + cnt, 1)))
        xx = sol['x']
        c = np.array(xx[:T])
        sp = np.array(G * matrix(c))
        c = np.squeeze(c)
        if flag_b:
            b = np.array(xx[T + 1]) + b_lb
        if flag_c1:
            c1 = np.array(xx[-1])
        sn = old_div(np.linalg.norm(fluor - c - c1 * gd_vec - b), np.sqrt(T))
    else:  # readout picos solution
        c = np.squeeze(calcium_fit.value)
        sp = np.squeeze(np.asarray(G * calcium_fit.value))
        if flag_b:
            b = np.squeeze(b.value)
        if flag_c1:
            c1 = np.squeeze(c1.value)

    return c, b, c1, g, sn, sp
Beispiel #41
def edmcompletion(A, reordered = True, **kwargs):
    Euclidean distance matrix completion. The routine takes an EDM-completable
    cspmatrix :math:`A` and returns a dense EDM :math:`X`
    that satisfies

    .. math::
         P( X ) = A
    :param A:                 :py:class:`cspmatrix`
    :param reordered:         boolean
    assert isinstance(A, cspmatrix) and A.is_factor is False, "A must be a cspmatrix"
    tol = kwargs.get('tol',1e-15)
    X = matrix(A.spmatrix(reordered = True, symmetric = True))

    symb = A.symb
    n = symb.n
    snptr = symb.snptr
    sncolptr = symb.sncolptr
    snrowidx = symb.snrowidx

    # visit supernodes in reverse (descending) order
    for k in range(symb.Nsn-1,-1,-1):

        nn = snptr[k+1]-snptr[k]
        beta = snrowidx[sncolptr[k]:sncolptr[k+1]]
        nj = len(beta)
        if nj-nn == 0: continue
        alpha = beta[nn:]
        nu = beta[:nn]
        eta = matrix([matrix(range(beta[kk]+1,beta[kk+1])) for kk in range(nj-1)] + [matrix(range(beta[-1]+1,n))])
        ne = len(eta)

        # Compute Yaa, Yan, Yea, Ynn, Yee
        Yaa = -0.5*X[alpha,alpha] - 0.5*X[alpha[0],alpha[0]]
        blas.syr2(X[alpha,alpha[0]], matrix(1.0,(nj-nn,1)), Yaa, alpha = 0.5)        

        Ynn = -0.5*X[nu,nu] - 0.5*X[alpha[0],alpha[0]]
        blas.syr2(X[nu,alpha[0]], matrix(1.0,(nn,1)), Ynn, alpha = 0.5)        

        Yee = -0.5*X[eta,eta] - 0.5*X[alpha[0],alpha[0]]
        blas.syr2(X[eta,alpha[0]], matrix(1.0,(ne,1)), Yee, alpha = 0.5)        
        Yan = -0.5*X[alpha,nu] - 0.5*X[alpha[0],alpha[0]]
        Yan += 0.5*matrix(1.0,(nj-nn,1))*X[alpha[0],nu]
        Yan += 0.5*X[alpha,alpha[0]]*matrix(1.0,(1,nn))

        Yea = -0.5*X[eta,alpha] - 0.5*X[alpha[0],alpha[0]]
        Yea += 0.5*matrix(1.0,(ne,1))*X[alpha[0],alpha]
        Yea += 0.5*X[eta,alpha[0]]*matrix(1.0,(1,nj-nn))
        # EVD: Yaa = Z*diag(w)*Z.T            
        w = matrix(0.0,(Yaa.size[0],1))
        Z = matrix(0.0,Yaa.size)
        lapack.syevr(Yaa, w, jobz='V', range='A', uplo='L', Z=Z)

        # Pseudo-inverse: Yp = pinv(Yaa)
        lambda_max = max(w)
        Yp = Z*spmatrix([1.0/wi if wi > lambda_max*tol else 0.0 for wi in w],range(len(w)),range(len(w)))*Z.T
        # Compute update
        tmp = -2.0*Yea*Yp*Yan + matrix(1.0,(ne,1))*Ynn[::nn+1].T + Yee[::ne+1]*matrix(1.0,(1,nn))
        X[eta,nu] = tmp
        X[nu,eta] = tmp.T

    if reordered:
        return X
        return X[symb.ip,symb.ip]
Beispiel #42
    def setUp(self):
        # Use cvxopt to get ground truth values
        from cvxopt import solvers, lapack, matrix, spmatrix
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0
        solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-9
        solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-9
        solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-8

        data = load(open_resource('huber.bin', 'rb'))
        u, v = data['u'], data['v']
        m, n = len(u), 2

        A = matrix([m * [1.0], [u]])
        b = +v
        self.m, self.n, self.A, self.b = m, n, A, b

        # Robust least squares.
        # minimize  sum( h( A*x-b ))
        # where h(u) = u^2           if |u| <= 1.0
        #            = 2*(|u| - 1.0) if |u| > 1.0.
        # Solve as a QP (see exercise 4.5):
        # minimize    (1/2) * u'*u + 1'*v
        # subject to  -u - v <= A*x-b <= u + v
        #             0 <= u <= 1
        #             v >= 0
        # Variables  x (n), u (m), v(m)
        novars = n + 2 * m
        P = spmatrix([], [], [], (novars, novars))
        P[n:n + m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m))
        q = matrix(0.0, (novars, 1))
        q[-m:] = 1.0

        G = spmatrix([], [], [], (5 * m, novars))
        h = matrix(0.0, (5 * m, 1))

        # A*x - b <= u+v
        G[:m, :n] = A
        G[:m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
        G[:m, n + m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
        h[:m] = b

        # -u - v <= A*x - b
        G[m:2 * m, :n] = -A
        G[m:2 * m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
        G[m:2 * m, n + m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))
        h[m:2 * m] = -b

        # u >= 0
        G[2 * m:3 * m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))

        # u <= 1
        G[3 * m:4 * m, n:n + m] = spmatrix(1.0, range(m), range(m))
        h[3 * m:4 * m] = 1.0

        # v >= 0
        G[4 * m:, n + m:] = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m))

        self.xh = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x'][:n]
Beispiel #43
def scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(A):
    """Efficient conversion from scipy sparse matrix to cvxopt sparse matrix"""
    coo = A.tocoo()
    SP = spmatrix(, coo.row.tolist(), coo.col.tolist(), size=A.shape)
    return SP
Beispiel #44
    def F(W):
        Custom solver for the system

        [  It  0   0    Xt'     0     At1' ...  Atk' ][ dwt  ]   [ rwt ]
        [  0   0   0    -d'     0      0   ...   0   ][ db   ]   [ rb  ]
        [  0   0   0    -I     -I      0   ...   0   ][ dv   ]   [ rv  ]
        [  Xt -d  -I  -Wl1^-2                        ][ dzl1 ]   [ rl1 ]
        [  0   0  -I         -Wl2^-2                 ][ dzl2 ] = [ rl2 ]
        [ At1  0   0                -W1^-2           ][ dz1  ]   [ r1  ] 
        [  |   |   |                       .         ][  |   ]   [  |  ]
        [ Atk  0   0                          -Wk^-2 ][ dzk  ]   [ rk  ]


        It = [ I 0 ]  Xt = [ -D*X E ]  Ati = [ 0   -e_i' ]  
             [ 0 0 ]                         [ -Pi   0   ] 

        dwt = [ dw ]  rwt = [ rw ]
              [ dt ]        [ rt ].


        # scalings and 'intermediate' vectors
        # db = inv(Wl1)^2 + inv(Wl2)^2
        db = W['di'][:m]**2 + W['di'][m:2 * m]**2
        dbi = div(1.0, db)

        # dt = I - inv(Wl1)*Dbi*inv(Wl1)
        dt = 1.0 - mul(W['di'][:m]**2, dbi)
        dtsqrt = sqrt(dt)

        # lam = Dt*inv(Wl1)*d
        lam = mul(dt, mul(W['di'][:m], d))

        # lt = E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        lt = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
        base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m], lam), lt, trans='T')

        # Xs = sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*X
        tmp = mul(dtsqrt, W['di'][:m])
        Xs = spmatrix(tmp, range(m), range(m)) * X

        # Es = D*sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*E
        Es = spmatrix(mul(d, tmp), range(m), range(m)) * E

        # form Ab = I + sum((1/bi)^2*(Pi'*Pi + 4*(v'*v + 1)*Pi'*y*y'*Pi)) + Xs'*Xs
        #  and Bb = -sum((1/bi)^2*(4*ui*v'*v*Pi'*y*ei')) - Xs'*Es
        #  and D2 = Es'*Es + sum((1/bi)^2*(1+4*ui^2*(v'*v - 1))
        Ab = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        Ab[::n + 1] = 1.0
        base.syrk(Xs, Ab, trans='T', beta=1.0)
        Bb = matrix(0.0, (n, k))
        Bb = -Xs.T * Es  # inefficient!?
        D2 = spmatrix(0.0, range(k), range(k))
        base.syrk(Es, D2, trans='T', partial=True)
        d2 = +D2.V
        del D2
        py = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
        for i in range(k):
            binvsq = (1.0 / W['beta'][i])**2
            Ab += binvsq * Pt[i]
            dvv =['v'][i], W['v'][i])
            blas.gemv(P[i], W['v'][i][1:], py, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=0.0)
            blas.syrk(py, Ab, alpha=4 * binvsq * (dvv + 1), beta=1.0)
            Bb[:, i] -= 4 * binvsq * W['v'][i][0] * dvv * py
            d2[i] += binvsq * (1 + 4 * (W['v'][i][0]**2) * (dvv - 1))

        d2i = div(1.0, d2)
        d2isqrt = sqrt(d2i)

        # compute a = alpha - lam'*inv(Wl1)*E*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        alpha =, mul(W['di'][:m], d))
        tmp = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
        base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m], lam), tmp, trans='T')
        tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt)  #tmp = inv(D2)^(1/2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        a = alpha -, tmp)

        # compute M12 = X'*D*inv(Wl1)*lam + Bb*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt)
        M12 = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
        blas.gemv(Bb, tmp, M12, alpha=1.0)
        tmp = mul(d, mul(W['di'][:m], lam))
        blas.gemv(X, tmp, M12, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)

        # form and factor M
        sBb = Bb * spmatrix(d2isqrt, range(k), range(k))
        base.syrk(sBb, Ab, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        M = matrix([[Ab, M12.T], [M12, a]])

        def f(x, y, z):

            # residuals
            rwt = x[:n + k]
            rb = x[n + k]
            rv = x[n + k + 1:n + k + 1 + m]
            iw_rl1 = mul(W['di'][:m], z[:m])
            iw_rl2 = mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], z[m:2 * m])
            ri = [
                z[2 * m + i * (n + 1):2 * m + (i + 1) * (n + 1)]
                for i in range(k)

            # compute 'derived' residuals
            # rbwt = rwt + sum(Ai'*inv(Wi)^2*ri) + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            rbwt = +rwt
            for i in range(k):
                tmp = +ri[i]
                qscal(tmp, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True)
                qscal(tmp, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True)
                rbwt[n + i] -= tmp[0]
                blas.gemv(P[i], tmp[1:], rbwt, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            tmp = mul(W['di'][:m], iw_rl1)
            tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
            base.gemv(E, tmp, tmp2, trans='T')
            rbwt[n:] += tmp2
            tmp = mul(d, tmp)  # tmp = D*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            blas.gemv(X, tmp, rbwt, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

            # rbb = rb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            rbb = rb - sum(tmp)

            # rbv = rv - inv(Wl2)*rl2 - inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            rbv = rv - mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], iw_rl2) - mul(W['di'][:m], iw_rl1)

            # [rtw;rtt] = rbwt + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv
            tmp = mul(W['di'][:m]**2, mul(dbi, rbv))
            rtt = +rbwt[n:]
            base.gemv(E, tmp, rtt, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
            rtw = +rbwt[:n]
            tmp = mul(d, tmp)
            blas.gemv(X, tmp, rtw, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

            # rtb = rbb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv
            rtb = rbb - sum(tmp)

            # solve M*[dw;db] = [rtw - Bb*inv(D2)*rtt; rtb + lt'*inv(D2)*rtt]
            tmp = mul(d2i, rtt)
            tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            blas.gemv(Bb, tmp, tmp2)
            dwdb = matrix([rtw - tmp2, rtb +, lt), rtt)])
            lapack.potrs(M, dwdb)

            # compute dt = inv(D2)*(rtt - Bb'*dw + lt*db)
            tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
            blas.gemv(Bb, dwdb[:n], tmp2, trans='T')
            dt = mul(d2i, rtt - tmp2 + lt * dwdb[-1])

            # compute dv = inv(Db)*(rbv + inv(Wl1)^2*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db))
            dv = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
            blas.gemv(X, dwdb[:n], dv, alpha=-1.0)
            dv = mul(d, dv) - d * dwdb[-1]
            base.gemv(E, dt, dv, beta=1.0)
            tmp = +dv  # tmp = E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db
            dv = mul(dbi, rbv + mul(W['di'][:m]**2, dv))

            # compute wdz1 = inv(Wl1)*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db - dv - rl1)
            wdz1 = mul(W['di'][:m], tmp - dv) - iw_rl1

            # compute wdz2 = - inv(Wl2)*(dv + rl2)
            wdz2 = -mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], dv) - iw_rl2

            # compute wdzi = inv(Wi)*([-ei'*dt; -Pi*dw] - ri)
            wdzi = []
            tmp = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            for i in range(k):
                blas.gemv(P[i], dwdb[:n], tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=0.0)
                tmp1 = matrix([-dt[i], tmp])
                blas.axpy(ri[i], tmp1, alpha=-1.0)
                qscal(tmp1, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True)

            # solution
            x[:n] = dwdb[:n]
            x[n:n + k] = dt
            x[n + k] = dwdb[-1]
            x[n + k + 1:] = dv
            z[:m] = wdz1
            z[m:2 * m] = wdz2
            for i in range(k):
                z[2 * m + i * (n + 1):2 * m + (i + 1) * (n + 1)] = wdzi[i]

        return f
def compute_cp_matrices(n_rows,n_cols,T,lam_t,lam_s,lh_trend=True,
    This computes the matrices used in cp optimization.
    if grid_size>200:
        print(ctime()+'...computing optimization matrices...')

    if wrapAround:#no. of spatial constraints
    r_t=n_rows*n_cols*(T-2);#no. of temporal constraints
    #===form matrix D===
    #---spatial penalty---

    for c in range(n_cols):
        for r in range(n_rows):
            #---determine the neighbors of the current point---
            if ((r<(n_rows-1)) & (c<(n_cols-1))):
            elif ((r==(n_rows-1)) & (c<(n_cols-1))):
            elif (c==(n_cols-1)):
                if wrapAround:
                if (r==(n_rows-1)):

            #---determine the neighbors of the current point---
            #---add indices corresponding to current point and its neighbors---
            for i in idx_n:

            #---add indices corresponding to current point and its neighbors---           
    #---spatial penalty---

    #---temporal penalty---   
    #-long-horizon penalty-
    if lh_trend:
        for i in range(n_year-2):
    #-long-horizon penalty-
    for pp in range(p-1):
        if lh_trend:
    #---temporal penalty---
    if lh_trend:
        r_lh=(n_year-2)*p#this is used in computing h below
    #===form matrix D===
    #===form matrix G,h===
    if ifCompute_Gh:
        if grid_size>200:
            print('\t'+ctime()+'...computing G...')    
        return D,G,h
        return D
Beispiel #46
def cvxEDA(eda,
           options={'reltol': 1e-9}):
    A convex optimization approach to electrodermal activity processing (CVXEDA).

    This function implements the cvxEDA algorithm described in "cvxEDA: a
    Convex Optimization Approach to Electrodermal Activity Processing" (Greco et al., 2015).

       eda : list or array
           raw EDA signal array.
       sampling_rate : int
           Sampling rate (samples/second).
       tau0 : float
           Slow time constant of the Bateman function.
       tau1 : float
           Fast time constant of the Bateman function.
       delta_knot : float
           Time between knots of the tonic spline function.
       alpha : float
           Penalization for the sparse SMNA driver.
       gamma : float
           Penalization for the tonic spline coefficients.
       solver : bool
           Sparse QP solver to be used, see cvxopt.solvers.qp
       verbose : bool
           Print progress?
       options : dict
           Solver options, see

        phasic : numpy.array
            The phasic component.


    - Luca Citi (
    - Alberto Greco


    - cvxopt
    - numpy

    *See Also*

    - cvxEDA:

    - Greco, A., Valenza, G., & Scilingo, E. P. (2016). Evaluation of CDA and CvxEDA Models. In Advances in Electrodermal Activity Processing with Applications for Mental Health (pp. 35-43). Springer International Publishing.
    - Greco, A., Valenza, G., Lanata, A., Scilingo, E. P., & Citi, L. (2016). cvxEDA: A convex optimization approach to electrodermal activity processing. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63(4), 797-804.
    frequency = 1 / sampling_rate

    # Normalizing signal
    eda = z_score(eda)
    eda = np.array(eda)[:, 0]

    n = len(eda)
    eda = eda.astype('double')
    eda = cv.matrix(eda)

    # bateman ARMA model
    a1 = 1. / min(tau1, tau0)  # a1 > a0
    a0 = 1. / max(tau1, tau0)
    ar = np.array([(a1 * frequency + 2.) *
                   (a0 * frequency + 2.), 2. * a1 * a0 * frequency**2 - 8.,
                   (a1 * frequency - 2.) *
                   (a0 * frequency - 2.)]) / ((a1 - a0) * frequency**2)
    ma = np.array([1., 2., 1.])

    # matrices for ARMA model
    i = np.arange(2, n)
    A = cv.spmatrix(np.tile(ar, (n - 2, 1)), np.c_[i, i, i],
                    np.c_[i, i - 1, i - 2], (n, n))
    M = cv.spmatrix(np.tile(ma, (n - 2, 1)), np.c_[i, i, i],
                    np.c_[i, i - 1, i - 2], (n, n))

    # spline
    delta_knot_s = int(round(delta_knot / frequency))
    spl = np.r_[np.arange(1., delta_knot_s),
                np.arange(delta_knot_s, 0., -1.)]  # order 1
    spl = np.convolve(spl, spl, 'full')
    spl /= max(spl)
    # matrix of spline regressors
    i = np.c_[np.arange(-(len(spl) // 2),
                        (len(spl) + 1) // 2)] + np.r_[np.arange(
                            0, n, delta_knot_s)]
    nB = i.shape[1]
    j = np.tile(np.arange(nB), (len(spl), 1))
    p = np.tile(spl, (nB, 1)).T
    valid = (i >= 0) & (i < n)
    B = cv.spmatrix(p[valid], i[valid], j[valid])

    # trend
    C = cv.matrix(np.c_[np.ones(n), np.arange(1., n + 1.) / n])
    nC = C.size[1]

    # Solve the problem:
    # .5*(M*q + B*l + C*d - eda)^2 + alpha*sum(A,1)*p + .5*gamma*l'*l
    # s.t. A*q >= 0

    if verbose is False:
        options["show_progress"] = False
    old_options = cv.solvers.options.copy()
    if solver == 'conelp':
        # Use conelp
        z = lambda m, n: cv.spmatrix([], [], [], (m, n))
        G = cv.sparse([[-A, z(2, n), M, z(nB + 2, n)],
                       [z(n + 2, nC), C, z(nB + 2, nC)],
                       [z(n, 1), -1, 1, z(n + nB + 2, 1)],
                       [z(2 * n + 2, 1), -1, 1,
                        z(nB, 1)],
                           z(n + 2, nB), B,
                           z(2, nB),
                           cv.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))
        h = cv.matrix([z(n, 1), .5, .5, eda, .5, .5, z(nB, 1)])
        c = cv.matrix([(cv.matrix(alpha, (1, n)) * A).T,
                       z(nC, 1), 1, gamma,
                       z(nB, 1)])
        res = cv.solvers.conelp(c,
                                    'l': n,
                                    'q': [n + 2, nB + 2],
                                    's': []
        obj = res['primal objective']
        # Use qp
        Mt, Ct, Bt = M.T, C.T, B.T
        H = cv.sparse([[Mt * M, Ct * M, Bt * M], [Mt * C, Ct * C, Bt * C],
                           Mt * B, Ct * B, Bt * B +
                           gamma * cv.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))
        f = cv.matrix([(cv.matrix(alpha, (1, n)) * A).T - Mt * eda,
                       -(Ct * eda), -(Bt * eda)])
        res = cv.solvers.qp(H,
                            cv.spmatrix(-A.V, A.I, A.J, (n, len(f))),
                            cv.matrix(0., (n, 1)),
        obj = res['primal objective'] + .5 * (eda.T * eda)

    l = res['x'][-nB:]
    d = res['x'][n:n + nC]
    tonic = B * l + C * d
    q = res['x'][:n]
    p = A * q
    phasic = M * q
    e = eda - phasic - tonic

    phasic = np.array(phasic)[:, 0]
    #    results = (np.array(a).ravel() for a in (r, t, p, l, d, e, obj))

    return (tonic, phasic)
def ComputeLocToGlobVarTransform(n_rows,n_cols,T,n_r,n_c):
    This function computes a matrix :math:`A` which specifies the relationship
    between the local variables :math:`x_i` and the global variable :math:`z` 
    for a problem in which the data on a grid are devided into several 
    sub-grids. Specifically we have: :math:`z=Ax`, where 
    :math:`x=(x_1,...,x_K)^T` and each :math:`x_i` is the collection of the
    local variables corresponding to the sub-grid :math:`i`.
    n_rows : integer
        number of rows in the oroginal grid.
    n_cols : integer
        number of columns in the oroginal grid.
    n_r : integer
        number of rows in each sub-grid. 
    n_c : integer
        number of columns in each sub-grid.
    A : sparse
        The transformation matrix.
    n_x_blk=n_r*n_c*T#no. of x variables in each block

    #===determine block===
    def determineBlock(r,c):
        This function determines the block :math:`x_i` to which
        a given entity of z belongs. It also returns what row and col
        in that block, the entity is.
        blk=n2*(n_boundary_rows+1)+n1#block number
        return (blk,r_b,c_b)
    #===determine block===    
    #===corner points===
    #these are the conrner points. So they are always the
    #(n_r,n_c) entery of one block, and the (0,n_c) entry of the block below,
    #(n_r,0) entery of block ont the right,
    #and the (0,0) entry of the block diagonal to the first block.
    for i,idx in enumerate(idx1):


    #===corner points===
    #===row boundary points===
    #these are the points on the row boundaries. So they are always the
    #(n_r,c) entery of one block and the (0,c) entry of the block below.
    for i,idx in enumerate(idx2):
    #===row boundary points===
    #===column boundary points===    
    #these are the points on the col boundaries. So they are always the
    #(r,n_c) entery of one block and the (r,0) entry of the block to the right.
    for i,idx in enumerate(idx3):
    #===column boundary points===
    #===non-boundary points===
    for i,idx in enumerate(idx4):
    #===non-boundary points===
    return A
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h", ["help"])
        except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
            raise Usage(msg) 

            #inputDir = argv[1] # Directory for dist and nodes text files.
            #outputDir=argv[2] #Directory for output shapefile
        except IndexError:
            raise Error("Not enough arguments provided to script.")


        numNodes= len(nodes)
        variablesFile2 = outputDir + os.sep + "variables_deneme.txt"
        for node in nodes.values():
            b.append(-1*node.getDemand())# SHOULD BE MULTIPLIED BY -1
        for node in nodes.values():
            solar, wind,geo,hydro=node.getSupplyAmounts()

        for i in range(0,numNodes*numType):

        for i in range(0,(numNodes*numNodes-numNodes)*numType+numType*numNodes):
        print len(b)


        #First n constraints
        for ID in range(0,numNodes):
            for i in range(0,numNodes):
                for j in range(0, numNodes):
                    if i==j:
                    for k in range(1,numType+1):
                        if i==ID:
                            #print "ONE"
                        if j==ID:
                            #print "MINUS"
                        if i!=ID and j!=ID:
                            #  print "ZERO"

            for l in range(0,numNodes):
            	for k in range(1,numType+1):
                    if l==ID:

        #print "LEN", len(consts[4])

        #4n Constraints for all xil<=Sil
        for ID in range(numNodes,(numType+1)*numNodes): # su an 2. 4 olacak aslinda

            for i in range(0,numNodes):
                for j in range(0, numNodes):
                    if i==j:
                    for k in range(1,numType+1):
            for l in range(0,numNodes*numType):
                 if l==count:

        #print "A"

        #4n Constraints for all Sumj(Yijk)<=Xik      
        for ID in range((numType+1)*numNodes,2*numType*numNodes+numNodes): 
            for i in range(0,numNodes):
                for j in range(0,numNodes):
                    if i==j:
                    for k in range(1,numType+1):
                        if count/numType==i and count%numType==(k-1):
            for l in range(0,numNodes*numType):
                if l==count:

	# variables should be positive constraints
        I= spmatrix(-1, range((numNodes*numNodes-numNodes)*numType+numType*numNodes), range((numNodes*numNodes-numNodes)*numType+numType*numNodes))

        for i in range(0,numNodes*(2*numType+1)): # *2 vardi ilk halinde
            if len(consts[i])!=(numNodes*numNodes-numNodes)*numType+numType*numNodes:
                print "ERROR in MATRIX CONSTRUCTION"

        print len(AList)
        print A.size, "SIZE A"

        # Built cost array (c)
        for i in range(0,numNodes):
               for j in range(0, numNodes):
                   if i==j:
                   for k in range(1,numType+1):
                       if k==1:
                       if k==2:
                       if k==3:
                       if k==4:
        for i in range(0,numNodes):
             	for k in range(1,numType+1):
       		    if k==1:
                    if k==2:
                    if k==3:
                    if k==4:
        print B.size       
        C2=matrix(C,((numNodes*numNodes-numNodes)*numType+numType*numNodes, 1),'d')
        variablesFile = outputDir + os.sep + "variables_march21.txt"
    	writeSolutionToTxt(sol, variablesFile)
        print sol['status']
        print sol['x']
        ofile = open(indexFile, "w")
    	for i in range(0,numNodes):
    		for k in range(1,numType+1):
    	        	ofile.write(" %(i)i %(k)i\n" %vars())
        for i in c:
        	ofile.write(" %(i)f \n" %vars())
        for i in range(0,len(c)):
        	for l in range(0,len(sol['x'])):
        		if l==i:
        print "OBJECTIVE VALUE", sum
Beispiel #49
    def test_numpy_scalars(self):
        n = 6
        eps = 1e-6
        P0 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        eye = cvxopt.spmatrix(1.0, range(n), range(n))
        P0 = P0.T * P0 + eps * eye

        print P0

        P1 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        P1 = P1.T * P1
        P2 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        P2 = P2.T * P2
        P3 = cvxopt.normal(n, n)
        P3 = P3.T * P3

        q0 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
        q1 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
        q2 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)
        q3 = cvxopt.normal(n, 1)

        r0 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)
        r1 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)
        r2 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)
        r3 = cvxopt.normal(1, 1)

        slack = Variable()
        # Form the problem
        x = Variable(n)
        objective = Minimize(0.5 * quad_form(x, P0) + q0.T * x + r0 + slack)
        constraints = [
            0.5 * quad_form(x, P1) + q1.T * x + r1 <= slack,
            0.5 * quad_form(x, P2) + q2.T * x + r2 <= slack,
            0.5 * quad_form(x, P3) + q3.T * x + r3 <= slack,

        # We now find the primal result and compare it to the dual result
        # to check if strong duality holds i.e. the duality gap is effectively zero
        p = Problem(objective, constraints)
        primal_result = p.solve(solver=SCS_MAT_FREE,

        # Note that since our data is random, we may need to run this program multiple times to get a feasible primal
        # When feasible, we can print out the following values
        print x.value  # solution
        lam1 = constraints[0].dual_value
        lam2 = constraints[1].dual_value
        lam3 = constraints[2].dual_value
        print type(lam1)

        P_lam = P0 + lam1 * P1 + lam2 * P2 + lam3 * P3
        q_lam = q0 + lam1 * q1 + lam2 * q2 + lam3 * q3
        r_lam = r0 + lam1 * r1 + lam2 * r2 + lam3 * r3
        dual_result = -0.5 * + r_lam
        print dual_result.shape
        self.assertEquals(intf.size(dual_result), (1, 1))
Beispiel #50
def robsvm(X, d, gamma, P, e):
    Solves the following robust SVM training problem:
       minimize    (1/2) w'*w + gamma*sum(v)
       subject to  diag(d)*(X*w + b*1) >= 1 - v + E*u
                   || S_j*w ||_2 <= u_j,  j = 1...t
                   v >= 0

    The variables are w, b, v, and u. The matrix E is a selector
    matrix with zeros and one '1' per row.  E_ij = 1 means that the
    i'th training vector is associated with the j'th uncertainty

    A custom KKT solver that exploits low-rank structure is used, and
    a positive definite system of equations of order n is
    formed and solved at each iteration.

    X             m-by-n matrix with training vectors as rows

    d             m-vector with training labels (-1,+1)

    P             list of t symmetric matrices of order n

    e             m-vector where e[i] is the index of the uncertainty 
                  ellipsoid associated with the i'th training vector


    w        n-vector
    b        scalar
    u        t-vector
    v        m-vector

    iters    number of interior-point iterations

    m, n = X.size
    assert type(
    ) is list, "P must be a list of t symmtric positive definite matrices of order n."
    k = len(P)
    if k > 0:
        assert e.size == (m, 1), "e must be an m-vector."
        assert max(e) < k and min(e) >= 0, "e[i] must be in {0,1,...,k-1}."

    E = spmatrix(1., e, range(m), (k, m)).T
    d = matrix(d, tc='d')
    q = matrix(0.0, (n + k + 1 + m, 1))
    q[n + k + 1:] = gamma
    h = matrix(0.0, (2 * m + k * (n + 1), 1))
    h[:m] = -1.0

    # linear operators Q and G
    def Q(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        y[:n] = alpha * x[:n] + beta * y[:n]

    def G(x, y, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0, trans='N'):
        Implements the linear operator

               [ -DX    E   -d   -I ]  
               [  0     0    0   -I ]  
               [  0   -e_1'  0    0 ]
          G =  [ -P_1'  0    0    0 ]     
               [  .     .    .    . ]    
               [  0   -e_k'  0    0 ]        
               [ -P_k'  0    0    0 ]       

        and its adjoint G'.

        if trans == 'N':
            tmp = +y[:m]
            # y[:m] = alpha*(-DXw + Et - d*b - v) + beta*y[:m]
            base.gemv(E, x[n:n + k], tmp, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
            blas.axpy(x[n + k + 1:], tmp, alpha=-alpha)
            blas.axpy(d, tmp, alpha=-alpha * x[n + k])
            y[:m] = tmp

            base.gemv(X, x[:n], tmp, alpha=alpha, beta=0.0)
            tmp = mul(d, tmp)
            y[:m] -= tmp

            # y[m:2*m] = -v
            y[m:2 * m] = -alpha * x[n + k + 1:] + beta * y[m:2 * m]

            # SOC 1,...,k
            for i in range(k):
                l = 2 * m + i * (n + 1)
                y[l] = -alpha * x[n + i] + beta * y[l]
                y[l + 1:l + 1 +
                  n] = -alpha * P[i] * x[:n] + beta * y[l + 1:l + 1 + n]

            tmp1 = mul(d, x[:m])
            tmp2 = y[:n]
            blas.gemv(X, tmp1, tmp2, trans='T', alpha=-alpha, beta=beta)
            for i in range(k):
                l = 2 * m + 1 + i * (n + 1)
                          x[l:l + n],
            y[:n] = tmp2

            tmp2 = y[n:n + k]
            base.gemv(E, x[:m], tmp2, trans='T', alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
            blas.axpy(x[2 * m:2 * m + k * (1 + n):n + 1], tmp2, alpha=-alpha)
            y[n:n + k] = tmp2

            y[n + k] = -alpha *, x[:m]) + beta * y[n + k]
            y[n + k +
              1:] = -alpha * (x[:m] + x[m:2 * m]) + beta * y[n + k + 1:]

    # precompute products Pi'*Pi
    Pt = []
    for p in P:
        y = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        blas.syrk(p, y, trans='T')

    # scaled hyperbolic Householder transformations
    def qscal(u, beta, v, inv=False):
        Transforms the vector u as
           u := beta * (2*v*v' - J) * u
        if 'inv' is False and as
           u := (1/beta) * (2*J*v*v'*J - J) * u
        if 'inv' is True.
        if not inv:
            tmp =, v)
            u[0] *= -1
            u += 2 * v * tmp
            u *= beta
            u[0] *= -1.0
            tmp =, u)
            u[0] -= 2 * v[0] * tmp
            u[1:] += 2 * v[1:] * tmp
            u /= beta

    # custom KKT solver
    def F(W):
        Custom solver for the system

        [  It  0   0    Xt'     0     At1' ...  Atk' ][ dwt  ]   [ rwt ]
        [  0   0   0    -d'     0      0   ...   0   ][ db   ]   [ rb  ]
        [  0   0   0    -I     -I      0   ...   0   ][ dv   ]   [ rv  ]
        [  Xt -d  -I  -Wl1^-2                        ][ dzl1 ]   [ rl1 ]
        [  0   0  -I         -Wl2^-2                 ][ dzl2 ] = [ rl2 ]
        [ At1  0   0                -W1^-2           ][ dz1  ]   [ r1  ] 
        [  |   |   |                       .         ][  |   ]   [  |  ]
        [ Atk  0   0                          -Wk^-2 ][ dzk  ]   [ rk  ]


        It = [ I 0 ]  Xt = [ -D*X E ]  Ati = [ 0   -e_i' ]  
             [ 0 0 ]                         [ -Pi   0   ] 

        dwt = [ dw ]  rwt = [ rw ]
              [ dt ]        [ rt ].


        # scalings and 'intermediate' vectors
        # db = inv(Wl1)^2 + inv(Wl2)^2
        db = W['di'][:m]**2 + W['di'][m:2 * m]**2
        dbi = div(1.0, db)

        # dt = I - inv(Wl1)*Dbi*inv(Wl1)
        dt = 1.0 - mul(W['di'][:m]**2, dbi)
        dtsqrt = sqrt(dt)

        # lam = Dt*inv(Wl1)*d
        lam = mul(dt, mul(W['di'][:m], d))

        # lt = E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        lt = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
        base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m], lam), lt, trans='T')

        # Xs = sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*X
        tmp = mul(dtsqrt, W['di'][:m])
        Xs = spmatrix(tmp, range(m), range(m)) * X

        # Es = D*sqrt(Dt)*inv(Wl1)*E
        Es = spmatrix(mul(d, tmp), range(m), range(m)) * E

        # form Ab = I + sum((1/bi)^2*(Pi'*Pi + 4*(v'*v + 1)*Pi'*y*y'*Pi)) + Xs'*Xs
        #  and Bb = -sum((1/bi)^2*(4*ui*v'*v*Pi'*y*ei')) - Xs'*Es
        #  and D2 = Es'*Es + sum((1/bi)^2*(1+4*ui^2*(v'*v - 1))
        Ab = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
        Ab[::n + 1] = 1.0
        base.syrk(Xs, Ab, trans='T', beta=1.0)
        Bb = matrix(0.0, (n, k))
        Bb = -Xs.T * Es  # inefficient!?
        D2 = spmatrix(0.0, range(k), range(k))
        base.syrk(Es, D2, trans='T', partial=True)
        d2 = +D2.V
        del D2
        py = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
        for i in range(k):
            binvsq = (1.0 / W['beta'][i])**2
            Ab += binvsq * Pt[i]
            dvv =['v'][i], W['v'][i])
            blas.gemv(P[i], W['v'][i][1:], py, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=0.0)
            blas.syrk(py, Ab, alpha=4 * binvsq * (dvv + 1), beta=1.0)
            Bb[:, i] -= 4 * binvsq * W['v'][i][0] * dvv * py
            d2[i] += binvsq * (1 + 4 * (W['v'][i][0]**2) * (dvv - 1))

        d2i = div(1.0, d2)
        d2isqrt = sqrt(d2i)

        # compute a = alpha - lam'*inv(Wl1)*E*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        alpha =, mul(W['di'][:m], d))
        tmp = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
        base.gemv(E, mul(W['di'][:m], lam), tmp, trans='T')
        tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt)  #tmp = inv(D2)^(1/2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        a = alpha -, tmp)

        # compute M12 = X'*D*inv(Wl1)*lam + Bb*inv(D2)*E'*inv(Wl1)*lam
        tmp = mul(tmp, d2isqrt)
        M12 = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
        blas.gemv(Bb, tmp, M12, alpha=1.0)
        tmp = mul(d, mul(W['di'][:m], lam))
        blas.gemv(X, tmp, M12, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)

        # form and factor M
        sBb = Bb * spmatrix(d2isqrt, range(k), range(k))
        base.syrk(sBb, Ab, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
        M = matrix([[Ab, M12.T], [M12, a]])

        def f(x, y, z):

            # residuals
            rwt = x[:n + k]
            rb = x[n + k]
            rv = x[n + k + 1:n + k + 1 + m]
            iw_rl1 = mul(W['di'][:m], z[:m])
            iw_rl2 = mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], z[m:2 * m])
            ri = [
                z[2 * m + i * (n + 1):2 * m + (i + 1) * (n + 1)]
                for i in range(k)

            # compute 'derived' residuals
            # rbwt = rwt + sum(Ai'*inv(Wi)^2*ri) + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            rbwt = +rwt
            for i in range(k):
                tmp = +ri[i]
                qscal(tmp, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True)
                qscal(tmp, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True)
                rbwt[n + i] -= tmp[0]
                blas.gemv(P[i], tmp[1:], rbwt, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            tmp = mul(W['di'][:m], iw_rl1)
            tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
            base.gemv(E, tmp, tmp2, trans='T')
            rbwt[n:] += tmp2
            tmp = mul(d, tmp)  # tmp = D*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            blas.gemv(X, tmp, rbwt, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

            # rbb = rb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            rbb = rb - sum(tmp)

            # rbv = rv - inv(Wl2)*rl2 - inv(Wl1)^2*rl1
            rbv = rv - mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], iw_rl2) - mul(W['di'][:m], iw_rl1)

            # [rtw;rtt] = rbwt + [-X'*D; E']*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv
            tmp = mul(W['di'][:m]**2, mul(dbi, rbv))
            rtt = +rbwt[n:]
            base.gemv(E, tmp, rtt, trans='T', alpha=1.0, beta=1.0)
            rtw = +rbwt[:n]
            tmp = mul(d, tmp)
            blas.gemv(X, tmp, rtw, trans='T', alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)

            # rtb = rbb - d'*inv(Wl1)^2*inv(Db)*rbv
            rtb = rbb - sum(tmp)

            # solve M*[dw;db] = [rtw - Bb*inv(D2)*rtt; rtb + lt'*inv(D2)*rtt]
            tmp = mul(d2i, rtt)
            tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            blas.gemv(Bb, tmp, tmp2)
            dwdb = matrix([rtw - tmp2, rtb +, lt), rtt)])
            lapack.potrs(M, dwdb)

            # compute dt = inv(D2)*(rtt - Bb'*dw + lt*db)
            tmp2 = matrix(0.0, (k, 1))
            blas.gemv(Bb, dwdb[:n], tmp2, trans='T')
            dt = mul(d2i, rtt - tmp2 + lt * dwdb[-1])

            # compute dv = inv(Db)*(rbv + inv(Wl1)^2*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db))
            dv = matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
            blas.gemv(X, dwdb[:n], dv, alpha=-1.0)
            dv = mul(d, dv) - d * dwdb[-1]
            base.gemv(E, dt, dv, beta=1.0)
            tmp = +dv  # tmp = E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db
            dv = mul(dbi, rbv + mul(W['di'][:m]**2, dv))

            # compute wdz1 = inv(Wl1)*(E*dt - D*X*dw - d*db - dv - rl1)
            wdz1 = mul(W['di'][:m], tmp - dv) - iw_rl1

            # compute wdz2 = - inv(Wl2)*(dv + rl2)
            wdz2 = -mul(W['di'][m:2 * m], dv) - iw_rl2

            # compute wdzi = inv(Wi)*([-ei'*dt; -Pi*dw] - ri)
            wdzi = []
            tmp = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            for i in range(k):
                blas.gemv(P[i], dwdb[:n], tmp, alpha=-1.0, beta=0.0)
                tmp1 = matrix([-dt[i], tmp])
                blas.axpy(ri[i], tmp1, alpha=-1.0)
                qscal(tmp1, W['beta'][i], W['v'][i], inv=True)

            # solution
            x[:n] = dwdb[:n]
            x[n:n + k] = dt
            x[n + k] = dwdb[-1]
            x[n + k + 1:] = dv
            z[:m] = wdz1
            z[m:2 * m] = wdz2
            for i in range(k):
                z[2 * m + i * (n + 1):2 * m + (i + 1) * (n + 1)] = wdzi[i]

        return f

    # solve cone QP and return solution
    sol = solvers.coneqp(Q,
                             'l': 2 * m,
                             'q': [n + 1 for i in range(k)],
                             's': []
    return sol['x'][:n], sol['x'][
        n + k], sol['x'][n:n + k], sol['x'][n + k + 1:], sol['iterations']
Beispiel #51
 def gcall(self, dae):
     dae.g[self.Idc] = dae.x[self.IL] + dae.y[self.Idc]
     dae.g -= spmatrix(dae.y[self.Idc], self.v1, [0] * self.n, (dae.m, 1),
     dae.g += spmatrix(dae.y[self.Idc], self.v2, [0] * self.n, (dae.m, 1),
Beispiel #52
def ilp(c, G, h, A=None, b=None, I=None, taskfile=None, **kwargs):
    Solves the mixed integer LP

        minimize    c'*x
        subject to  G*x + s = h
                    A*x = b
                    s >= 0
                    xi integer, forall i in I

    using MOSEK 8.

    solsta, x = ilp(c, G, h, A=None, b=None, I=None, taskfile=None).

    Input arguments

        G is m x n, h is m x 1, A is p x n, b is p x 1.  G and A must be
        dense or sparse 'd' matrices.   h and b are dense 'd' matrices
        with one column.  The default values for A and b are empty
        matrices with zero rows.

        I is a Python set with indices of integer elements of x.  By
        default all elements in x are constrained to be integer, i.e.,
        the default value of I is I = set(range(n))

        Dual variables are not returned for MOSEK.

        Optionally, the interface can write a .task file, required for
        support questions on the MOSEK solver.

    Return values

        solsta is a MOSEK solution status key.

            If solsta is mosek.solsta.integer_optimal, then x contains
                the solution.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown, then x is None.

            Other return values for solsta include:
            in which case the x value may not be well-defined,
            c.f., section 17.48 of the MOSEK Python API manual.

        x is the solution

    Options are passed to MOSEK solvers via the msk.options dictionary,
    e.g., the following turns off output from the MOSEK solvers

    >>> msk.options = {mosek.iparam.log: 0}

    see the MOSEK Python API manual.

    with mosek.Env() as env:

        if type(c) is not matrix or c.typecode != 'd' or c.size[1] != 1:
            raise TypeError("'c' must be a dense column matrix")
        n = c.size[0]
        if n < 1: raise ValueError("number of variables must be at least 1")

        if (type(G) is not matrix and type(G) is not spmatrix) or \
            G.typecode != 'd' or G.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'G' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)
        m = G.size[0]
        if m is 0: raise ValueError("m cannot be 0")

        if type(h) is not matrix or h.typecode != 'd' or h.size != (m, 1):
            raise TypeError("'h' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d,1)" % m)

        if A is None: A = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n), 'd')
        if (type(A) is not matrix and type(A) is not spmatrix) or \
            A.typecode != 'd' or A.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'A' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)
        p = A.size[0]
        if b is None: b = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
        if type(b) is not matrix or b.typecode != 'd' or b.size != (p, 1):
            raise TypeError("'b' must be a dense matrix of size (%d,1)" % p)

        if I is None: I = set(range(n))

        if type(I) is not set:
            raise TypeError("invalid argument for integer index set")

        for i in I:
            if type(i) is not int:
                raise TypeError("invalid integer index set I")

        if len(I) > 0 and min(I) < 0:
            raise IndexError("negative element in integer index set I")
        if len(I) > 0 and max(I) > n - 1:
            raise IndexError(
                "maximum element in in integer index set I is larger than n-1")

        bkc = m * [mosek.boundkey.up] + p * [mosek.boundkey.fx]
        blc = m * [-inf] + [bi for bi in b]
        buc = list(h) + list(b)

        bkx = n * []
        blx = n * [-inf]
        bux = n * [+inf]

        colptr, asub, acof = sparse([G, A]).CCS
        aptrb, aptre = colptr[:-1], colptr[1:]

        with env.Task(0, 0) as task:
            task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter)

            # set MOSEK options
            options = kwargs.get('options', globals()['options'])
            for (param, val) in options.items():
                if str(param)[:6] == "iparam":
                    task.putintparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "dparam":
                    task.putdouparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "sparam":
                    task.putstrparam(param, val)
                    raise ValueError("invalid MOSEK parameter: " + str(param))

                m + p,  # number of constraints
                n,  # number of variables
                list(c),  # linear objective coefficients
                0.0,  # objective fixed value


            # Define integer variables
            if len(I) > 0:
                                    len(I) * [mosek.variabletype.type_int])

            task.putintparam(mosek.iparam.mio_mode, mosek.miomode.satisfied)

            if taskfile:



            if len(I) > 0:
                solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itg)
                solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.bas)

            x = n * [0.0]
            if len(I) > 0:
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itg, mosek.solitem.xx, 0,
                                      n, x)
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.bas, mosek.solitem.xx, 0,
                                      n, x)
            x = matrix(x)

    if (solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown):
        return (solsta, None)
        return (solsta, x)
Beispiel #53
        print('netD_epoch_{}_Giter_{}.pth loaded!'.format(epoch, Giter))
                checkpoint_path, epoch, Giter)))
        print('netG_epoch_{}_Giter_{}.pth loaded!'.format(epoch, Giter))
        Giter += 1

    return epoch, Giter

###################### Prepare linear programming solver ######################
solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
solvers.options['glpk'] = {'msg_lev': 'GLP_MSG_OFF'}

A = spmatrix(1.0, range(batchSize), [0] * batchSize, (batchSize, batchSize))
for i in range(1, batchSize):
    Ai = spmatrix(1.0, range(batchSize), [i] * batchSize,
                  (batchSize, batchSize))
    A = sparse([A, Ai])

D = spmatrix(-1.0, range(batchSize), range(batchSize), (batchSize, batchSize))
DM = D
for i in range(1, batchSize):
    DM = sparse([DM, D])

A = sparse([[A], [DM]])

cr = matrix([-1.0 / batchSize] * batchSize)
cf = matrix([1.0 / batchSize] * batchSize)
c = matrix([cr, cf])
Beispiel #54
def qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, taskfile=None, **kwargs):
    Solves a quadratic program

        minimize    (1/2)*x'*P*x + q'*x
        subject to  G*x <= h
                    A*x = b.

    using MOSEK 8.

    solsta, x, z, y = qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, taskfile=None)

    Return values

        solsta is a MOSEK solution status key.

            If solsta is mosek.solsta.optimal,
                then (x, y, z) contains the primal-dual solution.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer,
                then (x, y, z) is a certificate of primal infeasibility.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer,
                then (x, y, z) is a certificate of dual infeasibility.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown, then (x, y, z) are all None.

            Other return values for solsta include:
            in which case the (x,y,z) value may not be well-defined.

        x, z, y  the primal-dual solution.

    Options are passed to MOSEK solvers via the msk.options dictionary,
    e.g., the following turns off output from the MOSEK solvers

        >>> msk.options = {mosek.iparam.log: 0}

    see the MOSEK Python API manual.

    Optionally, the interface can write a .task file, required for
    support questions on the MOSEK solver.

    with mosek.Env() as env:

        if (type(P) is not matrix and type(P) is not spmatrix) or \
            P.typecode != 'd' or P.size[0] != P.size[1]:
            raise TypeError("'P' must be a square dense or sparse 'd' matrix ")
        n = P.size[0]

        if n < 1: raise ValueError("number of variables must be at least 1")

        if type(q) is not matrix or q.typecode != 'd' or q.size != (n, 1):
            raise TypeError("'q' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d,1)" % n)

        if G is None: G = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n), 'd')
        if (type(G) is not matrix and type(G) is not spmatrix) or \
            G.typecode != 'd' or G.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'G' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)

        m = G.size[0]
        if h is None: h = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
        if type(h) is not matrix or h.typecode != 'd' or h.size != (m, 1):
            raise TypeError("'h' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d,1)" % m)

        if A is None: A = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n), 'd')
        if (type(A) is not matrix and type(A) is not spmatrix) or \
            A.typecode != 'd' or A.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'A' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)
        p = A.size[0]
        if b is None: b = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
        if type(b) is not matrix or b.typecode != 'd' or b.size != (p, 1):
            raise TypeError("'b' must be a dense matrix of size (%d,1)" % p)

        if m + p is 0: raise ValueError("m + p must be greater than 0")

        c = list(q)

        bkc = m * [mosek.boundkey.up] + p * [mosek.boundkey.fx]
        blc = m * [-inf] + [bi for bi in b]
        buc = list(h) + list(b)

        bkx = n * []
        blx = n * [-inf]
        bux = n * [+inf]

        colptr, asub, acof = sparse([G, A]).CCS
        aptrb, aptre = colptr[:-1], colptr[1:]

        with env.Task(0, 0) as task:
            task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter)

            # set MOSEK options
            options = kwargs.get('options', globals()['options'])
            for (param, val) in options.items():
                if str(param)[:6] == "iparam":
                    task.putintparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "dparam":
                    task.putdouparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "sparam":
                    task.putstrparam(param, val)
                    raise ValueError("invalid MOSEK parameter: " + str(param))

                m + p,  # number of constraints
                n,  # number of variables
                c,  # linear objective coefficients
                0.0,  # objective fixed value

            Ps = sparse(P)
            I, J = Ps.I, Ps.J
            tril = [k for k in range(len(I)) if I[k] >= J[k]]
            task.putqobj(list(I[tril]), list(J[tril]), list(Ps.V[tril]))


            if taskfile:



            solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr)

            x = n * [0.0]
            task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.xx, 0, n, x)
            x = matrix(x)

            if m is not 0:
                z = m * [0.0]
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.suc, 0,
                                      m, z)
                z = matrix(z)
                z = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))

            if p is not 0:
                yu, yl = p * [0.0], p * [0.0]
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.suc, m,
                                      m + p, yu)
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.slc, m,
                                      m + p, yl)
                y = matrix(yu) - matrix(yl)
                y = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))

    if (solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown):
        return (solsta, None, None, None)
        return (solsta, x, z, y)
Beispiel #55
def cnls_vrs(x, y, solver):

    # Number of the input(s)
    m = np.shape(x)[1]

    # Number of the DMUs
    n = len(y)

    # Number of the variables
    nvars = n * (m + 1)

    # Define the matrix P
    P = spmatrix(1.0, range(n), range(n), (nvars, nvars))

    # define the matrix q
    q = matrix(0.0, (nvars, 1))
    q[:n] = -y

    # Define the matrix G
    G = spmatrix([], [], [], (n**2 + m * n, nvars))
    I = spmatrix(-1.0, range(n), range(n))

    # FIRST CONSTAINT: Afriat inequalities
    for i in range(n):
        # coefficients of yhat[i]
        G[list(range(i * n, (i + 1) * n)), i] = -1.0

        # coefficients of yhat[j]
        G[list(range(i * n, (i + 1) * n)), list(range(n))] -= I

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            # coefficients of beta[i,j]
            G[list(range(i * n, (i + 1) * n)),
              (j + 1) * n + i] = x[i, j] - x[:, j]

            # SECOND CONSTAINT: monotonicity
            # coefficients of beta
            G[n**2 + i + n * j, (j + 1) * n + i] = -1.0

    # Define the matrix h
    h = matrix(0.0, (n**2 + m * n, 1))

    if (solver == 'CVXOPT'):
        # default solver
        sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)

    if (solver == 'MOSEK'):
        # Alternative solver
        cvxopt.solvers.options['mosek'] = {
            mosek.dparam.optimizer_max_time: 100.0,
            mosek.iparam.intpnt_solve_form: mosek.solveform.dual

        cvxopt.solvers.options['verbose'] = False

        sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, solver='mosek')

    # store yhat and g estimates in 'res'
    res = sol['x']

    return res
Beispiel #56
def socp(c, Gl=None, hl=None, Gq=None, hq=None, taskfile=None, **kwargs):
    Solves a pair of primal and dual SOCPs

        minimize    c'*x
        subject to  Gl*x + sl = hl
                    Gq[k]*x + sq[k] = hq[k],  k = 0, ..., N-1
                    sl >= 0,
                    sq[k] >= 0, k = 0, ..., N-1

        maximize    -hl'*zl - sum_k hq[k]'*zq[k]
        subject to  Gl'*zl + sum_k Gq[k]'*zq[k] + c = 0
                    zl >= 0,  zq[k] >= 0, k = 0, ..., N-1.

    using MOSEK 8.

    solsta, x, zl, zq = socp(c, Gl = None, hl = None, Gq = None, hq = None, taskfile=None)

    Return values

        solsta is a MOSEK solution status key.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.optimal,
                then (x, zl, zq) contains the primal-dual solution.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer,
                then (x, zl, zq) is a certificate of dual infeasibility.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer,
                then (x, zl, zq) is a certificate of primal infeasibility.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown,
                then (x, zl, zq) are all None

            Other return values for solsta include:
             in which case the (x,y,z) value may not be well-defined.

        x, zl, zq  the primal-dual solution.

    Options are passed to MOSEK solvers via the msk.options dictionary,
    e.g., the following turns off output from the MOSEK solvers

        >>> msk.options = {mosek.iparam.log: 0}

    see the MOSEK Python API manual.

    Optionally, the interface can write a .task file, required for
    support questions on the MOSEK solver.

    with mosek.Env() as env:

        if type(c) is not matrix or c.typecode != 'd' or c.size[1] != 1:
            raise TypeError("'c' must be a dense column matrix")
        n = c.size[0]
        if n < 1: raise ValueError("number of variables must be at least 1")

        if Gl is None: Gl = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n), tc='d')
        if (type(Gl) is not matrix and type(Gl) is not spmatrix) or \
            Gl.typecode != 'd' or Gl.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'Gl' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)
        ml = Gl.size[0]
        if hl is None: hl = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
        if type(hl) is not matrix or hl.typecode != 'd' or \
            hl.size != (ml,1):
            raise TypeError("'hl' must be a dense 'd' matrix of " \
                "size (%d,1)" %ml)

        if Gq is None: Gq = []
        if type(Gq) is not list or [
                G for G in Gq
                if (type(G) is not matrix and type(G) is not spmatrix)
                or G.typecode != 'd' or G.size[1] != n
            raise TypeError("'Gq' must be a list of sparse or dense 'd' "\
                "matrices with %d columns" %n)
        mq = [G.size[0] for G in Gq]
        a = [k for k in range(len(mq)) if mq[k] == 0]
        if a: raise TypeError("the number of rows of Gq[%d] is zero" % a[0])
        if hq is None: hq = []
        if type(hq) is not list or len(hq) != len(mq) or [
                h for h in hq
                if (type(h) is not matrix and type(h) is not spmatrix)
                or h.typecode != 'd'
            raise TypeError("'hq' must be a list of %d dense or sparse "\
                "'d' matrices" %len(mq))
        a = [k for k in range(len(mq)) if hq[k].size != (mq[k], 1)]
        if a:
            k = a[0]
            raise TypeError("'hq[%d]' has size (%d,%d).  Expected size "\
                "is (%d,1)." %(k, hq[k].size[0], hq[k].size[1], mq[k]))

        N = ml + sum(mq)
        h = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
        if type(Gl) is matrix or [Gk for Gk in Gq if type(Gk) is matrix]:
            G = matrix(0.0, (N, n))
            G = spmatrix([], [], [], (N, n), 'd')
        h[:ml] = hl
        G[:ml, :] = Gl
        ind = ml
        for k in range(len(mq)):
            h[ind:ind + mq[k]] = hq[k]
            G[ind:ind + mq[k], :] = Gq[k]
            ind += mq[k]

        bkc = n * [mosek.boundkey.fx]
        blc = list(-c)
        buc = list(-c)

        bkx = ml * [mosek.boundkey.lo] + sum(mq) * []
        blx = ml * [0.0] + sum(mq) * [-inf]
        bux = N * [+inf]

        c = -h

        colptr, asub, acof = sparse([G.T]).CCS
        aptrb, aptre = colptr[:-1], colptr[1:]

        with env.Task(0, 0) as task:
            task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter)

            # set MOSEK options
            options = kwargs.get('options', globals()['options'])
            for (param, val) in options.items():
                if str(param)[:6] == "iparam":
                    task.putintparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "dparam":
                    task.putdouparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "sparam":
                    task.putstrparam(param, val)
                    raise ValueError("invalid MOSEK parameter: " + str(param))

                n,  # number of constraints
                N,  # number of variables
                list(c),  # linear objective coefficients
                0.0,  # objective fixed value


            for k in range(len(mq)):
                    mosek.conetype.quad, 0.0,
                    list(range(ml + sum(mq[:k]), ml + sum(mq[:k + 1]))))

            if taskfile:



            solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.itr)

            xu, xl, zq = n * [0.0], n * [0.0], sum(mq) * [0.0]
            task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.slc, 0, n,
            task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.suc, 0, n,
            task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.xx, ml, N,
            x = matrix(xu) - matrix(xl)

            zq = [
                matrix(zq[sum(mq[:k]):sum(mq[:k + 1])]) for k in range(len(mq))

            if ml:
                zl = ml * [0.0]
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.itr, mosek.solitem.xx, 0,
                                      ml, zl)
                zl = matrix(zl)
                zl = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))

    if (solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown):
        return (solsta, None, None, None)
        return (solsta, x, zl, zq)
Beispiel #57
def _LMPC_BuildMatIneqConst(LMPC):
    N = LMPC.N
    n = LMPC.n
    numSS_Points = LMPC.numSS_Points
    # Buil the matrices for the state constraint in each region. In the region i we want Fx[i]x <= bx[b]
    Fx = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1.]])

    bx = np.array([
        [LMPC.halfWidth],  # max ey
    ])  # max ey

    # Buil the matrices for the input constraint in each region. In the region i we want Fx[i]x <= bx[b]
    Fu = np.array([[1., 0.], [-1., 0.], [0., 1.], [0., -1.]])

    bu = np.array([
        [0.5],  # Max Steering
        [0.5],  # Max Steering
        [1.],  # Max Acceleration
    ])  # Max Acceleration

    # Now stuck the constraint matrices to express them in the form Fz<=b. Note that z collects states and inputs
    # Let's start by computing the submatrix of F relates with the state
    rep_a = [Fx] * (N)
    Mat = linalg.block_diag(*rep_a)
    NoTerminalConstr = np.zeros(
        (np.shape(Mat)[0], n))  # No need to constraint also the terminal point
    Fxtot = np.hstack((Mat, NoTerminalConstr))
    bxtot = np.tile(np.squeeze(bx), N)

    # Let's start by computing the submatrix of F relates with the input
    rep_b = [Fu] * (N)
    Futot = linalg.block_diag(*rep_b)
    butot = np.tile(np.squeeze(bu), N)

    # Let's stack all together
    rFxtot, cFxtot = np.shape(Fxtot)
    rFutot, cFutot = np.shape(Futot)
    Dummy1 = np.hstack((Fxtot, np.zeros((rFxtot, cFutot))))
    Dummy2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((rFutot, cFxtot)), Futot))

    FDummy = np.vstack((Dummy1, Dummy2))
    I = -np.eye(numSS_Points)
    FDummy2 = linalg.block_diag(FDummy, I)
    Fslack = np.zeros((FDummy2.shape[0], n))
    F_hard = np.hstack((FDummy2, Fslack))

    LaneSlack = np.zeros((F_hard.shape[0], 2 * N))
    colIndex = range(2 * N)
    rowIndex = []
    for i in range(0, N):
        rowIndex.append(i * Fx.shape[0] + 0)  # Slack on second element of Fx
        rowIndex.append(i * Fx.shape[0] + 1)  # Slack on third element of Fx
    LaneSlack[rowIndex, colIndex] = 1.0

    F = np.hstack((F_hard, LaneSlack))
    # np.savetxt('F.csv', F, delimiter=',', fmt='%f')
    # pdb.set_trace()

    # np.savetxt('F.csv', F, delimiter=',', fmt='%f')
    b = np.hstack((bxtot, butot, np.zeros(numSS_Points)))
    if LMPC.Solver == "CVX":
        F_sparse = spmatrix(F[np.nonzero(F)],
                            np.nonzero(F)[1].astype(int), F.shape)
        F_return = F_sparse
        F_return = F

    return F_return, b
Beispiel #58
def lp(c, G, h, A=None, b=None, taskfile=None, **kwargs):
    Solves a pair of primal and dual LPs

        minimize    c'*x             maximize    -h'*z - b'*y
        subject to  G*x + s = h      subject to  G'*z + A'*y + c = 0
                    A*x = b                      z >= 0.
                    s >= 0

    using MOSEK 8.

    (solsta, x, z, y) = lp(c, G, h, A=None, b=None).

    Input arguments

        c is n x 1, G is m x n, h is m x 1, A is p x n, b is p x 1.  G and
        A must be dense or sparse 'd' matrices.  c, h and b are dense 'd'
        matrices with one column.  The default values for A and b are
        empty matrices with zero rows.

        Optionally, the interface can write a .task file, required for
        support questions on the MOSEK solver.

    Return values

        solsta is a MOSEK solution status key.

            If solsta is mosek.solsta.optimal, then (x, y, z) contains the
                primal-dual solution.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.prim_infeas_cer, then (x, y, z) is a
                certificate of primal infeasibility.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.dual_infeas_cer, then (x, y, z) is a
                certificate of dual infeasibility.
            If solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown, then (x, y, z) are all None.

            Other return values for solsta include:
             in which case the (x,y,z) value may not be well-defined.

        x, y, z  the primal-dual solution.

    Options are passed to MOSEK solvers via the msk.options dictionary.
    For example, the following turns off output from the MOSEK solvers

        >>> msk.options = {mosek.iparam.log: 0}

    see the MOSEK Python API manual.

    with mosek.Env() as env:

        if type(c) is not matrix or c.typecode != 'd' or c.size[1] != 1:
            raise TypeError("'c' must be a dense column matrix")
        n = c.size[0]
        if n < 1: raise ValueError("number of variables must be at least 1")

        if (type(G) is not matrix and type(G) is not spmatrix) or \
            G.typecode != 'd' or G.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'G' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)
        m = G.size[0]
        if m is 0: raise ValueError("m cannot be 0")

        if type(h) is not matrix or h.typecode != 'd' or h.size != (m, 1):
            raise TypeError("'h' must be a 'd' matrix of size (%d,1)" % m)

        if A is None: A = spmatrix([], [], [], (0, n), 'd')
        if (type(A) is not matrix and type(A) is not spmatrix) or \
            A.typecode != 'd' or A.size[1] != n:
            raise TypeError("'A' must be a dense or sparse 'd' matrix "\
                "with %d columns" %n)
        p = A.size[0]
        if b is None: b = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))
        if type(b) is not matrix or b.typecode != 'd' or b.size != (p, 1):
            raise TypeError("'b' must be a dense matrix of size (%d,1)" % p)

        bkc = m * [mosek.boundkey.up] + p * [mosek.boundkey.fx]
        blc = m * [-inf] + [bi for bi in b]
        buc = list(h) + list(b)

        bkx = n * []
        blx = n * [-inf]
        bux = n * [+inf]

        colptr, asub, acof = sparse([G, A]).CCS
        aptrb, aptre = colptr[:-1], colptr[1:]

        with env.Task(0, 0) as task:
            task.set_Stream(mosek.streamtype.log, streamprinter)

            # set MOSEK options
            options = kwargs.get('options', globals()['options'])
            for (param, val) in options.items():
                if str(param)[:6] == "iparam":
                    task.putintparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "dparam":
                    task.putdouparam(param, val)
                elif str(param)[:6] == "sparam":
                    task.putstrparam(param, val)
                    raise ValueError("invalid MOSEK parameter: " + str(param))

                m + p,  # number of constraints
                n,  # number of variables
                list(c),  # linear objective coefficients
                0.0,  # objective fixed value


            if taskfile:



            solsta = task.getsolsta(mosek.soltype.bas)

            x, z = n * [0.0], m * [0.0]
            task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.bas, mosek.solitem.xx, 0, n, x)
            task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.bas, mosek.solitem.suc, 0, m,
            x, z = matrix(x), matrix(z)

            if p is not 0:
                yu, yl = p * [0.0], p * [0.0]
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.bas, mosek.solitem.suc, m,
                                      m + p, yu)
                task.getsolutionslice(mosek.soltype.bas, mosek.solitem.slc, m,
                                      m + p, yl)
                y = matrix(yu) - matrix(yl)
                y = matrix(0.0, (0, 1))

    if (solsta is mosek.solsta.unknown):
        return (solsta, None, None, None)
        return (solsta, x, z, y)
Beispiel #59
def _eda_phasic_cvxeda(eda_signal,
    A convex optimization approach to electrodermal activity processing (CVXEDA).

    This function implements the cvxEDA algorithm described in "cvxEDA: a
    Convex Optimization Approach to Electrodermal Activity Processing" (Greco et al., 2015).

       eda : list or array
           raw EDA signal array.
       sampling_rate : int
           Sampling rate (samples/second).
       tau0 : float
           Slow time constant of the Bateman function.
       tau1 : float
           Fast time constant of the Bateman function.
       delta_knot : float
           Time between knots of the tonic spline function.
       alpha : float
           Penalization for the sparse SMNA driver.
       gamma : float
           Penalization for the tonic spline coefficients.
       solver : bool
           Sparse QP solver to be used, see cvxopt.solvers.qp
       reltol : float
           Solver options, see
    # Try loading cvx
        import cvxopt
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            "NeuroKit error: eda_decompose(): the 'cvxopt' "
            "module is required for this method to run. ",
            "Please install it first (`pip install cvxopt`).")

    # Internal functions
    def _cvx(m, n):
        return cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], (m, n))

    frequency = 1 / sampling_rate

    n = len(eda_signal)
    eda = cvxopt.matrix(eda_signal)

    # bateman ARMA model
    a1 = 1. / min(tau1, tau0)  # a1 > a0
    a0 = 1. / max(tau1, tau0)
    ar = np.array([(a1 * frequency + 2.) *
                   (a0 * frequency + 2.), 2. * a1 * a0 * frequency**2 - 8.,
                   (a1 * frequency - 2.) *
                   (a0 * frequency - 2.)]) / ((a1 - a0) * frequency**2)
    ma = np.array([1., 2., 1.])

    # matrices for ARMA model
    i = np.arange(2, n)
    A = cvxopt.spmatrix(np.tile(ar, (n - 2, 1)), np.c_[i, i, i],
                        np.c_[i, i - 1, i - 2], (n, n))
    M = cvxopt.spmatrix(np.tile(ma, (n - 2, 1)), np.c_[i, i, i],
                        np.c_[i, i - 1, i - 2], (n, n))

    # spline
    delta_knot_s = int(round(delta_knot / frequency))
    spl = np.r_[np.arange(1., delta_knot_s),
                np.arange(delta_knot_s, 0., -1.)]  # order 1
    spl = np.convolve(spl, spl, 'full')
    spl /= max(spl)
    # matrix of spline regressors
    i = np.c_[np.arange(-(len(spl) // 2),
                        (len(spl) + 1) // 2)] + np.r_[np.arange(
                            0, n, delta_knot_s)]
    nB = i.shape[1]
    j = np.tile(np.arange(nB), (len(spl), 1))
    p = np.tile(spl, (nB, 1)).T
    valid = (i >= 0) & (i < n)
    B = cvxopt.spmatrix(p[valid], i[valid], j[valid])

    # trend
    C = cvxopt.matrix(np.c_[np.ones(n), np.arange(1., n + 1.) / n])
    nC = C.size[1]

    # Solve the problem:
    # .5*(M*q + B*l + C*d - eda)^2 + alpha*sum(A, 1)*p + .5*gamma*l'*l
    # s.t. A*q >= 0

    old_options = cvxopt.solvers.options.copy()
    cvxopt.solvers.options.update({'reltol': reltol, 'show_progress': False})
    if solver == 'conelp':
        # Use conelp
        G = cvxopt.sparse([[-A, _cvx(2, n), M,
                            _cvx(nB + 2, n)],
                           [_cvx(n + 2, nC), C,
                            _cvx(nB + 2, nC)],
                           [_cvx(n, 1), -1, 1,
                            _cvx(n + nB + 2, 1)],
                           [_cvx(2 * n + 2, 1), -1, 1,
                            _cvx(nB, 1)],
                               _cvx(n + 2, nB), B,
                               _cvx(2, nB),
                               cvxopt.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))
        h = cvxopt.matrix([_cvx(n, 1), .5, .5, eda, .5, .5, _cvx(nB, 1)])
        c = cvxopt.matrix([(cvxopt.matrix(alpha, (1, n)) * A).T,
                           _cvx(nC, 1), 1, gamma,
                           _cvx(nB, 1)])
        res = cvxopt.solvers.conelp(c,
                                        'l': n,
                                        'q': [n + 2, nB + 2],
                                        's': []
        obj = res['primal objective']
        # Use qp
        Mt, Ct, Bt = M.T, C.T, B.T
        H = cvxopt.sparse(
            [[Mt * M, Ct * M, Bt * M], [Mt * C, Ct * C, Bt * C],
                 Mt * B, Ct * B,
                 Bt * B + gamma * cvxopt.spmatrix(1.0, range(nB), range(nB))
        f = cvxopt.matrix([(cvxopt.matrix(alpha, (1, n)) * A).T - Mt * eda,
                           -(Ct * eda), -(Bt * eda)])
        res = cvxopt.solvers.qp(H,
                                cvxopt.spmatrix(-A.V, A.I, A.J, (n, len(f))),
                                cvxopt.matrix(0., (n, 1)),
        obj = res['primal objective'] + .5 * (eda.T * eda)

    tonic_splines = res['x'][-nB:]
    drift = res['x'][n:n + nC]
    tonic = B * tonic_splines + C * drift
    q = res['x'][:n]
    smna_driver = A * q
    phasic = M * q
    residuals = eda - phasic - tonic

    out = pd.DataFrame({
        "EDA_Tonic": np.array(tonic)[:, 0],
        "EDA_Phasic": np.array(phasic)[:, 0]

    return out
Beispiel #60
    def fit(self, X, max_iter=-1):
        :param X: Data matrix is assumed to be feats x samples.
        :param max_iter: *ignored*, just for compatibility.
        :return: Alphas and threshold for dual SVDDs.
        self.X = X.copy()
        dims, self.samples = X.shape
        if self.samples < 1:
            print('Invalid training data.')
            return -1

        # number of training examples
        N = self.samples

        kernel = get_kernel(X, X, self.kernel, self.kparam)
        norms = np.diag(kernel).copy()

        if >= 1.0:
            print("Center-of-mass solution.")
            self.alphas = np.ones(self.samples) / float(self.samples)
            self.radius2 = 0.0
            self.svs = np.array(range(self.samples), dtype='i')
            self.pobj = 0.0  # TODO: calculate real primal objective
            self.cTc = self.alphas[self.svs][self.svs, :][:, self.svs].dot(self.alphas[self.svs]))
            return self.alphas, self.radius2

        C = 1. / np.float(self.samples*

        # generate a kernel matrix
        P = 2.0*matrix(kernel)

        # this is the diagonal of the kernel matrix
        q = -matrix(norms)

        # sum_i alpha_i = A alpha = b = 1.0
        A = matrix(1.0, (1, N))
        b = matrix(1.0, (1, 1))

        # 0 <= alpha_i <= h = C
        G1 = spmatrix(1.0, range(N), range(N))
        G = sparse([G1, -G1])
        h1 = matrix(C, (N, 1))
        h2 = matrix(0.0, (N, 1))
        h = matrix([h1, h2])

        sol = qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)

        # store solution
        self.alphas = np.array(sol['x'], dtype=np.float)
        self.pobj = -sol['primal objective']

        # find support vectors
        self.svs = np.where(self.alphas > self.PRECISION)[0]
        # self.cTc = self.alphas[self.svs][self.svs, :][:, self.svs].dot(self.alphas[self.svs]))
        self.cTc =

        # find support vectors with alpha < C for threshold calculation
        self.radius2 = 0.
        thres = self.predict(X[:, self.svs])
        self.radius2 = np.min(thres)
        return self.alphas, thres