Beispiel #1
                            xMean[j] = Xprev[i, j, row - 1, col]
                        elif ind == 3:
                            xMean[j] = Xprev[i, j, row, col + 1]
                        elif ind == 4:
                            xMean[j] = Xprev[i, j, row + 1, col]
                    Xcur[i, :, row, col] = xMean + np.random.normal(size=M)

                    # Weight
                    logW = logPhi(Xcur[i, :, row, col], y[t, row, col])
                    maxLogW = np.max(logW)
                    w = np.exp(logW - maxLogW)
                    logZ[i] += maxLogW + np.log(np.sum(w)) - np.log(M)
                    w /= np.sum(w)

                    # Resample
                    ancestors = res.resampling(w, scheme='systematic')
                    Xprev[i, :, :, :] = Xprev[i, ancestors, :, :]
                    Xcur[i, :, :row, col] = Xcur[i, ancestors, :row, col]
                    Xcur[i, :, :, :col] = Xcur[i, ancestors, :, :col]
                    Xcur[i, :, row, col] = Xcur[i, ancestors, row, col]

        # Outer resampling
        maxLogZ = np.max(logZ)
        outerW = np.exp(logZ - maxLogZ)
        outerW /= np.sum(outerW)
        outerAncestors = res.resampling(outerW, scheme='systematic')
        Xprev = Xcur[outerAncestors, :, :, :]

        ESS[t] = 1 / np.sum(outerW**2)
        f = open(filename, 'a')
        tmpVec = np.r_[
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, t, N, xCond=None):
        def phi(x, y, sig2, mu_ab, mu_norm):
            return np.exp(-0.5 * (y - mu_ab * x.astype('float') - mu_norm *
                                  (1. - x.astype('float')))**2 / sig2)

        def rho(xp, x):
            return np.exp(
                C2 * (xp.astype('bool') == x.astype('bool')).astype('float'))

        def psi(xp, x):
            return np.exp(C1 * (xp == x).astype('float'))

        C1 = 0.5
        C2 = 3.

        # Model init
        xDomain = np.arange(2)
        psiMat = np.array([
            np.exp(C1 * (xDomain.astype('bool') == False).astype('float')),
            np.exp(C1 * (xDomain.astype('bool') == True).astype('float'))

        # Load parameters
        #region = 'dustBowl'
        region = 'sahel'
        filename = 'parameters/' + region + 'Sigma2_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv'
        sigma2 = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
        filename = 'parameters/' + region + 'MuAb_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv'
        muAb = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
        filename = 'parameters/' + region + 'MuNorm_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv'
        muNorm = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
        filename = 'processedData/' + region + 'Yt' + str(
            t) + '_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv'

        Y = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
        I = Y.shape[0]
        J = Y.shape[1]

        # SMC init
        X = np.zeros((N, I, J), dtype=bool)
        ancestors = np.zeros(N)
        logZ = 0.
        logW = np.zeros(N)
        w = np.zeros(N)
        ESS = np.zeros(J)
        msg = np.zeros((N, I, 2))
        c = np.zeros((N, I))
        # ---------------
        #      SMC
        # ---------------

        # SMC first iteration, j = 0

        # Forward filtering
        unaryFactor = np.ones((N, I, 2))
        for n in range(N):
            unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[0, 0], sigma2[0, 0],
                                        muAb[0, 0], muNorm[0, 0])
            unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[0, 0])
            msg[n, 0, :] =, unaryFactor[n, 0, :])
            c[n, 0] = np.sum(msg[n, 0, :])
            msg[n, 0, :] /= c[n, 0]

            for i in np.arange(1, I - 1):
                unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[i, 0], sigma2[i, 0],
                                            muAb[i, 0], muNorm[i, 0])
                unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[i, 0])
                msg[n, i, :] =,
                                      unaryFactor[n, i, :] * msg[n, i - 1, :])
                c[n, i] = np.sum(msg[n, i, :])
                msg[n, i, :] /= c[n, i]
            unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[I - 1, 0], sigma2[I - 1,
                                            muAb[I - 1, 0], muNorm[I - 1, 0])
            unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[I - 1, 0])

        # Backward sampling
        for n in range(N):
            tempDist = unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] * msg[n, I - 2, :]
            tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
            X[n, I - 1, 0] = hlp.discreteSampling(tempDist, xDomain, 1)

            for i in np.arange(2, I - 1)[::-1]:
                tempDist = unaryFactor[n, i, :] * msg[n, i - 1, :]
                tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
                X[n, i, 0] = hlp.discreteSampling(
                    tempDist * psiMat[:, X[n, i + 1, 0]], xDomain, 1)

        logW = np.sum(np.log(c[:, :I - 1]), axis=1) + np.log(
            np.sum(unaryFactor[:, I - 1, :] * msg[:, I - 2, :], axis=1))
        maxLogW = np.max(logW)
        w = np.exp(logW - maxLogW)
        logZ += maxLogW + np.log(np.sum(w)) - np.log(N)

        # SMC iteration j = 1 to J
        for j in np.arange(1, J):
            # Forward filtering
            unaryFactor = np.ones((N, I, 2))
            for n in range(N):
                unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[0, j], sigma2[0, j],
                                            muAb[0, j], muNorm[0, j])
                unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[0, j])
                unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= psi(xDomain, X[n, 0, j - 1])
                msg[n, 0, :] =, unaryFactor[n, 0, :])
                c[n, 0] = np.sum(msg[n, 0, :])
                msg[n, 0, :] /= c[n, 0]

                for i in np.arange(1, I - 1):
                    unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[i, j], sigma2[i, j],
                                                muAb[i, j], muNorm[i, j])
                    unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[i, j])
                    unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= psi(xDomain, X[n, i, j - 1])
                        i, :] =,
                                       unaryFactor[n, i, :] * msg[n, i - 1, :])
                    c[n, i] = np.sum(msg[n, i, :])
                    msg[n, i, :] /= c[n, i]

                            I - 1, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[I - 1,
                                                        j], sigma2[I - 1, j],
                                             muAb[I - 1, j], muNorm[I - 1, j])
                unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[I - 1, j])
                unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= psi(xDomain, X[n, I - 1, j - 1])

            logW = np.sum(np.log(c[:, :I - 1]), axis=1) + np.log(
                np.sum(unaryFactor[:, I - 1, :] * msg[:, I - 2, :], axis=1))
            maxLogW = np.max(logW)
            w = np.exp(logW - maxLogW)
            logZ += maxLogW + np.log(np.sum(w)) - np.log(N)
            ancestors = res.resampling(w, 'stratified')

            # Backward sampling
            for n in range(N):
                tempDist = unaryFactor[ancestors[n],
                                       I - 1, :] * msg[ancestors[n], I - 2, :]
                tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
                X[n, I - 1, j] = hlp.discreteSampling(tempDist, xDomain, 1)

                for i in np.arange(2, I - 1)[::-1]:
                    tempDist = unaryFactor[ancestors[n],
                                           i, :] * msg[ancestors[n], i - 1, :]
                    tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
                    X[n, i, j] = hlp.discreteSampling(
                        tempDist * psiMat[:, X[n, i + 1, j]], xDomain, 1)

        ## Save init to class object
        self.N = N
        self.J = J
        self.I = I
        self.X = X
        self.logZ = logZ
        self.w = w
        self.xCond = xCond
        self.ESS = ESS
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, t, N, xCond=None):
        def phi(x, y, sig2, mu_ab, mu_norm):
            return np.exp(-0.5 * (y - mu_ab * x.astype("float") - mu_norm * (1.0 - x.astype("float"))) ** 2 / sig2)

        def rho(xp, x):
            return np.exp(C2 * (xp.astype("bool") == x.astype("bool")).astype("float"))

        def psi(xp, x):
            return np.exp(C1 * (xp == x).astype("float"))

        C1 = 0.5
        C2 = 3.0

        # Model init
        xDomain = np.arange(2)
        psiMat = np.array(
                np.exp(C1 * (xDomain.astype("bool") == False).astype("float")),
                np.exp(C1 * (xDomain.astype("bool") == True).astype("float")),

        # Load parameters
        # region = 'dustBowl'
        region = "sahel"
        filename = "parameters/" + region + "Sigma2_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv"
        sigma2 = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",")
        filename = "parameters/" + region + "MuAb_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv"
        muAb = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",")
        filename = "parameters/" + region + "MuNorm_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv"
        muNorm = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",")
        filename = "processedData/" + region + "Yt" + str(t) + "_N35-55_W90-120_downsampled.csv"

        Y = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",")
        I = Y.shape[0]
        J = Y.shape[1]

        # SMC init
        X = np.zeros((N, I, J), dtype=bool)
        ancestors = np.zeros(N)
        logZ = 0.0
        logW = np.zeros(N)
        w = np.zeros(N)
        ESS = np.zeros(J)
        msg = np.zeros((N, I, 2))
        c = np.zeros((N, I))
        # ---------------
        #      SMC
        # ---------------

        # SMC first iteration, j = 0

        # Forward filtering
        unaryFactor = np.ones((N, I, 2))
        for n in range(N):
            unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[0, 0], sigma2[0, 0], muAb[0, 0], muNorm[0, 0])
            unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[0, 0])
            msg[n, 0, :] =, unaryFactor[n, 0, :])
            c[n, 0] = np.sum(msg[n, 0, :])
            msg[n, 0, :] /= c[n, 0]

            for i in np.arange(1, I - 1):
                unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[i, 0], sigma2[i, 0], muAb[i, 0], muNorm[i, 0])
                unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[i, 0])
                msg[n, i, :] =, unaryFactor[n, i, :] * msg[n, i - 1, :])
                c[n, i] = np.sum(msg[n, i, :])
                msg[n, i, :] /= c[n, i]
            unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[I - 1, 0], sigma2[I - 1, 0], muAb[I - 1, 0], muNorm[I - 1, 0])
            unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[I - 1, 0])

        # Backward sampling
        for n in range(N):
            tempDist = unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] * msg[n, I - 2, :]
            tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
            X[n, I - 1, 0] = hlp.discreteSampling(tempDist, xDomain, 1)

            for i in np.arange(2, I - 1)[::-1]:
                tempDist = unaryFactor[n, i, :] * msg[n, i - 1, :]
                tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
                X[n, i, 0] = hlp.discreteSampling(tempDist * psiMat[:, X[n, i + 1, 0]], xDomain, 1)

        logW = np.sum(np.log(c[:, : I - 1]), axis=1) + np.log(
            np.sum(unaryFactor[:, I - 1, :] * msg[:, I - 2, :], axis=1)
        maxLogW = np.max(logW)
        w = np.exp(logW - maxLogW)
        logZ += maxLogW + np.log(np.sum(w)) - np.log(N)

        # SMC iteration j = 1 to J
        for j in np.arange(1, J):
            # Forward filtering
            unaryFactor = np.ones((N, I, 2))
            for n in range(N):
                unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[0, j], sigma2[0, j], muAb[0, j], muNorm[0, j])
                unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[0, j])
                unaryFactor[n, 0, :] *= psi(xDomain, X[n, 0, j - 1])
                msg[n, 0, :] =, unaryFactor[n, 0, :])
                c[n, 0] = np.sum(msg[n, 0, :])
                msg[n, 0, :] /= c[n, 0]

                for i in np.arange(1, I - 1):
                    unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= phi(xDomain, Y[i, j], sigma2[i, j], muAb[i, j], muNorm[i, j])
                    unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[i, j])
                    unaryFactor[n, i, :] *= psi(xDomain, X[n, i, j - 1])
                    msg[n, i, :] =, unaryFactor[n, i, :] * msg[n, i - 1, :])
                    c[n, i] = np.sum(msg[n, i, :])
                    msg[n, i, :] /= c[n, i]

                unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= phi(
                    xDomain, Y[I - 1, j], sigma2[I - 1, j], muAb[I - 1, j], muNorm[I - 1, j]
                unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= rho(xDomain, xCond[I - 1, j])
                unaryFactor[n, I - 1, :] *= psi(xDomain, X[n, I - 1, j - 1])

            logW = np.sum(np.log(c[:, : I - 1]), axis=1) + np.log(
                np.sum(unaryFactor[:, I - 1, :] * msg[:, I - 2, :], axis=1)
            maxLogW = np.max(logW)
            w = np.exp(logW - maxLogW)
            logZ += maxLogW + np.log(np.sum(w)) - np.log(N)
            ancestors = res.resampling(w, "stratified")

            # Backward sampling
            for n in range(N):
                tempDist = unaryFactor[ancestors[n], I - 1, :] * msg[ancestors[n], I - 2, :]
                tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
                X[n, I - 1, j] = hlp.discreteSampling(tempDist, xDomain, 1)

                for i in np.arange(2, I - 1)[::-1]:
                    tempDist = unaryFactor[ancestors[n], i, :] * msg[ancestors[n], i - 1, :]
                    tempDist /= np.sum(tempDist)
                    X[n, i, j] = hlp.discreteSampling(tempDist * psiMat[:, X[n, i + 1, j]], xDomain, 1)

        ## Save init to class object
        self.N = N
        self.J = J
        self.I = I
        self.X = X
        self.logZ = logZ
        self.w = w
        self.xCond = xCond
        self.ESS = ESS
Beispiel #4
                     xMean[j] = Xprev[i,j,row-1,col]
                 elif ind == 3:
                     xMean[j] = Xprev[i,j,row,col+1]
                 elif ind == 4:
                     xMean[j] = Xprev[i,j,row+1,col]
             Xcur[i,:,row,col] = xMean + np.random.normal(size=M)
             # Weight
             logW = logPhi(Xcur[i,:,row,col],y[t,row,col])
             maxLogW = np.max(logW)
             w = np.exp(logW - maxLogW)
             logZ[i] += maxLogW + np.log(np.sum(w)) - np.log(M)
             w /= np.sum(w)
             # Resample
             ancestors = res.resampling(w, scheme='systematic')
             Xprev[i,:,:,:] = Xprev[i,ancestors,:,:]
             Xcur[i,:,:row,col] = Xcur[i,ancestors,:row,col]
             Xcur[i,:,:,:col] = Xcur[i,ancestors,:,:col]
             Xcur[i,:,row,col] = Xcur[i,ancestors,row,col]
 # Outer resampling
 maxLogZ = np.max(logZ)
 outerW = np.exp(logZ - maxLogZ)
 outerW /= np.sum(outerW)
 outerAncestors = res.resampling(outerW, scheme='systematic')
 Xprev = Xcur[outerAncestors,:,:,:]
 ESS[t] = 1/np.sum(outerW**2)
 f = open(filename, 'a')
 tmpVec = np.r_[t+1, ESS[t], np.mean(np.mean(Xprev,axis=0),axis=0).reshape(d**2), np.mean(np.mean(Xprev**2,axis=0),axis=0).reshape(d**2)]