Beispiel #1
    def _validate_post_request(self, req_devprof):
        NAME = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$"
        keys = '|'.join(["resources:", "trait:", "accel:"])
        GROUP_KEYS = "^(%s)" % keys
        TRAIT_VALUES = ["required", "forbidden"]

        name = req_devprof.get("name")
        if not name:
            raise exception.DeviceProfileNameNeeded()
        elif not re.match(NAME, name):
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                err="Device profile name must be of the form %s" % NAME)

        groups = req_devprof.get("groups")
        if not groups:
            raise exception.DeviceProfileGroupsExpected()
            for group in groups:
                for key, value in group.items():
                    if not re.match(GROUP_KEYS, key):
                        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                            err="Device profile group keys must be of "
                            " the form %s" % GROUP_KEYS)
                    if key.startswith("trait:") and value not in TRAIT_VALUES:
                        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                            err="Device profile trait values must be one "
                            "among %s" % TRAIT_VALUES)
Beispiel #2
    def _needs_programming(self, context, deployable):
        bs_id = self._get_bitstream_id()
        fun_id = self._get_function_id()
        if all([bs_id, fun_id]):
            self.update_check_state(context, constants.ARQ_BIND_FAILED)
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                'In device profile {0}, only one among bitstream_id '
                'and function_id must be set, but both are set')
        # TODO(Shaohe) Optimize: check if deployable already has
        # bitstream/function
        if any([bs_id, fun_id]):
                '[arqs:objs] bind. Programming needed. '
                'bitstream: (%s) function: (%s) Deployable UUID: (%s)', bs_id
                or '', fun_id or '', deployable.uuid)
            # One situation is that fun_id is zero and device_profile
            # has't bitstream. We should return False.
  'No programming is required. ')
            return False
        if bs_id and deployable.bitstream_id == bs_id:
                'Deployable %s already has the needed '
                'bitstream %s. Skipping programming.', deployable.uuid, bs_id)
            return False

        return True
Beispiel #3
    def post(self, req_devprof_list):
        """Create one or more device_profiles.

        NOTE: Only one device profile supported in Train.

        :param devprof: a list of device_profiles.
         [{ "name": <string>,
           "groups": [ {"key1: "value1", "key2": "value2"} ]
           "uuid": <uuid> # optional
         :returns: The list of created device profiles
        # TODO(Sundar) Support more than one devprof per request, if needed"[device_profiles] POST request = (%s)", req_devprof_list)
        if len(req_devprof_list) != 1:
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                err="Only one device profile allowed "
                "per POST request for now.")
        req_devprof = req_devprof_list[0]

        context = pecan.request.context
        obj_devprof = objects.DeviceProfile(context, **req_devprof)

        new_devprof = pecan.request.conductor_api.device_profile_create(
            context, obj_devprof)
        ret = DeviceProfile.get_api_obj(new_devprof)
        return wsme.api.Response(ret,
Beispiel #4
    def post(self, req_devprof_list):
        """Create one or more device_profiles.

        NOTE: Only one device profile supported in Train.

        :param devprof: a list of device_profiles.
         [{ "name": <string>,
           "groups": [ {"key1: "value1", "key2": "value2"} ]
           "uuid": <uuid> # optional
           "description": <description> # optional
         :returns: The list of created device profiles
        # TODO(Sundar) Support more than one devprof per request, if needed"[device_profiles] POST request = (%s)", req_devprof_list)
        if len(req_devprof_list) != 1:
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                err="Only one device profile allowed "
                "per POST request for now.")
        req_devprof = req_devprof_list[0]

        context = pecan.request.context
        obj_devprof = objects.DeviceProfile(context, **req_devprof)

        new_devprof = pecan.request.conductor_api.device_profile_create(
            context, obj_devprof)
        return DeviceProfile.convert_with_links(new_devprof)
Beispiel #5
    def deployable_update(self, context, uuid, values):
        if 'uuid' in values:
            msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Deployable.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

            return self._do_update_deployable(context, uuid, values)
        except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
            if 'name' in e.columns:
                raise exception.DuplicateDeployableName(name=values['name'])
Beispiel #6
    def accelerator_update(self, context, uuid, values):
        if 'uuid' in values:
            msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing Accelerator.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

            return self._do_update_accelerator(context, uuid, values)
        except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
            if 'name' in e.columns:
                raise exception.DuplicateAcceleratorName(name=values['name'])
Beispiel #7
    def port_update(self, context, uuid, values):
        if 'uuid' in values:
            msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for existing Port.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

            return self._do_update_port(context, uuid, values)
        except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
            if 'name' in e.columns:
                raise exception.PortDuplicateName(name=values['name'])
Beispiel #8
 def get_resources_from_device_profile_group(self):
     """parser device profile group."""
     group = self.device_profile_group
     # example: {"resources:CUSTOM_ACCELERATOR_FPGA": "1"}
     resources = [(k.lstrip(constants.RESOURCES_PREFIX), v)
                  for k, v in group.items()
                  if k.startswith(constants.RESOURCES_PREFIX)]
     if not resources:
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
             'No resources in device_profile_group: %s' % group)
     res_type = resources[0][0]
     return res_type
Beispiel #9
    def _validate_post_request(self, req_devprof):
        NAME = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$"
        keys = '|'.join(["resources:", "trait:", "accel:"])
        GROUP_KEYS = "^(%s)" % keys
        TRAIT_VALUES = ["required", "forbidden"]

        name = req_devprof.get("name")
        if not name:
            raise exception.DeviceProfileNameNeeded()
        elif not re.match(NAME, name):
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                err="Device profile name must be of the form %s" % NAME)

        groups = req_devprof.get("groups")
        if not groups:
            raise exception.DeviceProfileGroupsExpected()

        for group in groups:
            tmp_group = copy.deepcopy(group)
            for key, value in tmp_group.items():
                # check resource and trait prefix format
                if not re.match(GROUP_KEYS, key):
                    raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                        err="Device profile group keys must be of "
                            " the form %s" % GROUP_KEYS)
                # check trait name and it's value
                if key.startswith("trait:"):
                    inner_origin_trait = ":".join(key.split(":")[1:])
                    inner_trait = inner_origin_trait.strip(" ")
                    if not inner_trait.startswith('CUSTOM_'):
                        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                            err="Unsupported trait name format %s, should "
                                "start with CUSTOM_" % inner_trait)
                    if value not in TRAIT_VALUES:
                        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                            err="Unsupported trait value %s, the value must"
                                " be one among %s" % TRAIT_VALUES)
                    # strip " " and update old group key.
                    if inner_origin_trait != inner_trait:
                        del group[key]
                        standard_key = "trait:" + inner_trait
                        group[standard_key] = value
                # check rc name and it's value
                if key.startswith("resources:"):
                    inner_origin_rc = ":".join(key.split(":")[1:])
                    inner_rc = inner_origin_rc.strip(" ")
                    if inner_rc not in constants.SUPPORT_RESOURCES and \
                        not inner_rc.startswith('CUSTOM_'):
                        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                            err="Unsupported resource class %s" % inner_rc)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
                            err="Resources nummber %s is invalid" % value)
                    # strip " " and update old group key.
                    if inner_origin_rc != inner_rc:
                        del group[key]
                        standard_key = "resources:" + inner_rc
                        group[standard_key] = value
Beispiel #10
def _paginate_query(context, model, limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, query):
    sort_keys = ['id']
    if sort_key and sort_key not in sort_keys:
        sort_keys.insert(0, sort_key)
        query = sqlalchemyutils.paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys,
    except db_exc.InvalidSortKey:
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
            _('The sort_key value "%(key)s" is an invalid field for sorting')
            % {'key': sort_key})
    return query.all()
Beispiel #11
 def get_resources_from_device_profile_group(self):
     """parser device profile group."""
     group = self.device_profile_group
     # example: {"resources:CUSTOM_ACCELERATOR_FPGA": "1"}
     resources = [
         (k.lstrip(constants.RESOURCES_PREFIX), v) for k, v in group.items()
         if k.startswith(constants.RESOURCES_PREFIX)]
     if not resources:
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
             'No resources in device_profile_group: %s' % group)
     res_type, res_num = resources[0]
     # TODO(Sundar): this should be caught in ARQ create, not bind.
     if res_type not in constants.SUPPORT_RESOURCES:
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
             'Unsupport resources %s from device_profile_group: %s' %
             (res_type, group))
         res_num = int(res_num)
     except ValueError:
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
             'Resources nummber is a invalid in'
             'device_profile_group: %s' % group)
     return res_type, res_num
Beispiel #12
 def extarq_update(self, context, uuid, values):
     if 'uuid' in values:
         msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing ExtArq.")
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
     return self._do_update_extarq(context, uuid, values)
Beispiel #13
 def control_path_update(self, context, uuid, values):
     if 'uuid' in values:
         msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing ControlpathID.")
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
     return self._do_update_control_path(context, uuid, values)
Beispiel #14
 def attach_handle_update(self, context, uuid, values):
     if 'uuid' in values:
         msg = _("Cannot overwrite UUID for an existing AttachHandle.")
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
     return self._do_update_attach_handle(context, uuid, values)