def __create_cybox_headers(self, msg):
        """ Returns a CybOX EmailHeaderType object """
        if self.__verbose_output:
            sys.stderr.write("** parsing headers\n")

        headers = EmailHeader()

        if 'received' in self.headers:
            headers.received_lines = self._parse_received_headers(msg)
        if 'to' in self.headers:
   = _get_email_recipients(msg['to'])
            if msg['delivered-to'] and not
       = _get_email_recipients(msg['delivered-to'])
        if 'cc' in self.headers:
   = _get_email_recipients(msg['cc'])
        if 'bcc' in self.headers:
            headers.bcc = _get_email_recipients(msg['bcc'])
        if 'from' in self.headers:
            headers.from_ = _get_single_email_address(msg['from'])
        if 'sender' in self.headers:
            headers.sender = _get_single_email_address(msg['sender'])
        if 'reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.reply_to = _get_single_email_address(msg['reply-to'])
        if 'subject' in self.headers:
            headers.subject = String(msg['subject'])
        if 'in-reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.in_reply_to = String(msg['in-reply-to'])
        if 'errors-to' in self.headers:
            headers.errors_to = String(msg['errors-to'])
        if 'date' in self.headers:
   = DateTime(msg['date'])
        if 'message-id' in self.headers:
            headers.message_id = String(msg['message-id'])
        if 'boundary' in self.headers:
            headers.boundary = String(msg['boundary'])
        if 'content-type' in self.headers:
            headers.content_type = String(msg['content-type'])
        if 'mime-version' in self.headers:
            headers.mime_version = String(msg['mime-version'])
        if 'precedence' in self.headers:
            headers.precedence = String(msg['precedence'])
        if 'user-agent' in self.headers:
            headers.user_agent = String(msg['user-agent'])
        if 'x-mailer' in self.headers:
            headers.x_mailer = String(msg['x-mailer'])
        if 'x-originating-ip' in self.headers:
            headers.x_originating_ip = Address(msg['x-originating-ip'],
        if 'x-priority' in self.headers and 'x-priority' in msg:
            #Must be a digit - pull one out of anything that could be a string such as 3 (Normal)
            import re
            priority = ''
            for p in re.findall(r'\d+',msg['x-priority']):
                if p.isdigit():
                    priority = p
            if priority:
                headers.x_priority = String(priority)

        return headers
Beispiel #2
    def __create_cybox_headers(self, msg):
        """ Returns a CybOX EmailHeaderType object """
        if self.__verbose_output:
            sys.stderr.write("** parsing headers\n")

        headers = EmailHeader()

        if 'received' in self.headers:
            headers.received_lines = self._parse_received_headers(msg)
        if 'to' in self.headers:
   = _get_email_recipients(msg['to'])
        if 'cc' in self.headers:
   = _get_email_recipients(msg['cc'])
        if 'bcc' in self.headers:
            headers.bcc = _get_email_recipients(msg['bcc'])
        if 'from' in self.headers:
            headers.from_ = _get_single_email_address(msg['from'])
        if 'sender' in self.headers:
            headers.sender = _get_single_email_address(msg['sender'])
        if 'reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.reply_to = _get_single_email_address(msg['reply-to'])
        if 'subject' in self.headers:
            headers.subject = String(msg['subject'])
        if 'in-reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.in_reply_to = String(msg['in-reply-to'])
        if 'errors-to' in self.headers:
            headers.errors_to = String(msg['errors-to'])
        if 'date' in self.headers:
   = DateTime(msg['date'])
        if 'message-id' in self.headers:
            headers.message_id = String(msg['message-id'])
        if 'boundary' in self.headers:
            headers.boundary = String(msg['boundary'])
        if 'content-type' in self.headers:
            headers.content_type = String(msg['content-type'])
        if 'mime-version' in self.headers:
            headers.mime_version = String(msg['mime-version'])
        if 'precedence' in self.headers:
            headers.precedence = String(msg['precedence'])
        if 'user-agent' in self.headers:
            headers.user_agent = String(msg['user-agent'])
        if 'x-mailer' in self.headers:
            headers.x_mailer = String(msg['x-mailer'])
        if 'x-originating-ip' in self.headers:
            headers.x_originating_ip = Address(msg['x-originating-ip'],
        if 'x-priority' in self.headers:
            headers.x_priority = String(msg['x-priority'])

        return headers
Beispiel #3
    def __create_cybox_headers(self, msg):
        """ Returns a CybOX EmailHeaderType object """
        if self.__verbose_output:
            sys.stderr.write("** parsing headers\n")

        headers = EmailHeader()

        if 'received' in self.headers:
            lines = self._parse_received_headers(msg)
            if lines:
                headers.received_lines = lines
        if 'to' in self.headers:
   = _get_email_recipients(msg['to'])
            if msg['delivered-to'] and not
       = _get_email_recipients(msg['delivered-to'])
        if 'cc' in self.headers:
   = _get_email_recipients(msg['cc'])
        if 'bcc' in self.headers:
            headers.bcc = _get_email_recipients(msg['bcc'])
        if 'from' in self.headers:
            headers.from_ = _get_single_email_address(msg['from'])
        if 'sender' in self.headers:
            headers.sender = _get_single_email_address(msg['sender'])
        if 'reply-to' in self.headers:
            headers.reply_to = _get_single_email_address(msg['reply-to'])
        if 'subject' in self.headers and 'subject' in msg:
            headers.subject = String(msg['subject'])
        if 'in-reply-to' in self.headers and 'in-reply-to' in msg:
            headers.in_reply_to = String(msg['in-reply-to'])
        if 'errors-to' in self.headers and 'errors-to' in msg:
            headers.errors_to = String(msg['errors-to'])
        if 'date' in self.headers and 'date' in msg:
   = DateTime(msg['date'])
        if 'message-id' in self.headers and 'message-id' in msg:
            headers.message_id = String(msg['message-id'])
        if 'boundary' in self.headers and 'boundary' in msg:
            headers.boundary = String(msg['boundary'])
        if 'content-type' in self.headers and 'content-type' in msg:
            headers.content_type = String(msg['content-type'])
        if 'mime-version' in self.headers and 'mime-version' in msg:
            headers.mime_version = String(msg['mime-version'])
        if 'precedence' in self.headers and 'precedence' in msg:
            headers.precedence = String(msg['precedence'])
        if 'user-agent' in self.headers and 'user-agent' in msg:
            headers.user_agent = String(msg['user-agent'])
        if 'x-mailer' in self.headers and 'x-mailer' in msg:
            headers.x_mailer = String(msg['x-mailer'])
        if 'x-originating-ip' in self.headers and msg['x-originating-ip']:
            headers.x_originating_ip = Address(msg['x-originating-ip'],
        if 'x-priority' in self.headers and 'x-priority' in msg:
            #Must be a digit - pull one out of anything that could be a string such as 3 (Normal)
            import re
            priority = ''
            for p in re.findall(r'\d+',msg['x-priority']):
                if p.isdigit():
                    priority = p
            if priority:
                headers.x_priority = String(priority)

        return headers
Beispiel #4
    def execute(self, device_info, extracted_data_dir_path):
        original_app_path = '/data/data/'
        headers_db_rel_file_path = os.path.join('databases', 'EmailProvider.db')
        bodies_db_rel_file_path = os.path.join('databases', 'EmailProviderBody.db')

        original_headers_db_file_path = os.path.join(original_app_path, headers_db_rel_file_path)
        original_bodies_db_file_path = os.path.join(original_app_path, bodies_db_rel_file_path)
        headers_db_file_path = os.path.join(extracted_data_dir_path, headers_db_rel_file_path)
        bodies_db_file_path = os.path.join(extracted_data_dir_path, bodies_db_rel_file_path)

        source_objects = [
            create_file_object(headers_db_file_path, original_headers_db_file_path),
            create_file_object(bodies_db_file_path, original_bodies_db_file_path)
        inspected_objects = {}

        cursor, conn = execute_query(headers_db_file_path, 'SELECT * FROM message')
        for row in cursor:
            header = EmailHeader()
   = row['toList']
   = row['ccList']
            header.bcc = row['bccList']
            header.from_ = row['fromList']
            header.subject = row['subject']
            header.in_reply_to = row['replyToList']
   = datetime.fromtimestamp(row['timeStamp'] / 1000)  # Convert from milliseconds to seconds
            header.message_id = row['messageId']

            email = EmailMessage()
            email.header = header
            email.add_related(source_objects[0], ObjectRelationship.TERM_EXTRACTED_FROM, inline=False)

            # Add the email to the inspected_objects dict using its _id value as key.
            email_id = row['_id']
            inspected_objects[email_id] = email

        # Add full raw body to emails.
        cursor, conn = execute_query(bodies_db_file_path, 'SELECT _id, htmlContent, textContent FROM body')
        for row in cursor:
            email_id = row['_id']
            email = inspected_objects.get(email_id)
            if email is not None:
                if row['htmlContent'] != '':
                    email.raw_body = row['htmlContent']
                    email.header.content_type = 'text/html'
                    email.raw_body = row['textContent']
                    email.header.content_type = 'text/plain'
                email.add_related(source_objects[1], ObjectRelationship.TERM_EXTRACTED_FROM, inline=False)

        # Add attachments to emails.
        cursor, conn = execute_query(headers_db_file_path,
                                     'SELECT messageKey, contentUri FROM attachment')

        # Iteration over attachments
        for row in cursor:
            # Get current attachment email_id.
            email_id = row['messageKey']
            # Find email in inspected_objects.
            email = inspected_objects.get(email_id)

            # If email has non attachments, initialize them.
            if email.attachments is None:
                email.attachments = Attachments()

            # Using contentUri, get attachment folder_prefix and file_name.
            attachment_rel_path_dirs ='.*//.*/(.*)/(.*)/.*', row['contentUri'])

            # Group(1): contains attachment folder.
            # Group(2): contains attachment file_name.
            attachment_rel_file_path = os.path.join('databases', + '.db_att',

            # Build attachment absolute file path in extracted_data.
            attachment_file_path = os.path.join(extracted_data_dir_path, attachment_rel_file_path)

            # Build attachment original file_path in device.
            original_attachment_file_path = os.path.join(original_app_path, attachment_rel_file_path)

            # Create attachment source_file.
            attachment = create_file_object(attachment_file_path, original_attachment_file_path)

            # Add attachment to email's attachments.

            # Add relation between attachment and it's email.
            attachment.add_related(email, ObjectRelationship.TERM_CONTAINED_WITHIN, inline=False)



        return inspected_objects.values(), source_objects