Beispiel #1
    def test_experiment_tags(self, tmpdir):
        """Test that the tags context manager is working as designed by
        adding tags to the experiment when inside the corresponding with
        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=ExperimentState)
        assert not exp.tags

        with exp.tag("test_tag"):
            assert exp.tags == ["test_tag"]

        assert not exp.tags

        with exp.tag("test_tag"):
            with exp.tag("second_tag"):
                assert exp.tags == ["test_tag", "second_tag"]
            assert exp.tags == ["test_tag"]
Beispiel #2
    def test_save_hooks(self, tmpdir):
        """Test that save pre- and post-hooks are working correctly.
        Note: this should be done with the property `c` which is part of the
        NONHASHED_ATTRIBUTES. If we modified `a` or `B`, the hash would
        change because they contribute to its value, and restoring would fail
        because no corresponding state is found on disk. See below for test of
        that behavior.
        from types import MethodType

        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
        s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp)
        # Set c to 5 to begin with
        s.c = 5

        def change_c(self, value):
            self.c = value

        s.change_c = MethodType(change_c, s)
        # Before saving, set c to 6
        s.save_pre_hooks = [lambda: s.change_c(6)]
        # After saving, set c to 7
        s.save_post_hooks = [lambda: s.change_c(7)]
        # We are after saving, so c should be 7
        assert s.c == 7

        # Deflate and reload the state from disk. The saved version of the
        # state should have the value of c that was set before saving, i.e. 6
        assert s.c == 6
Beispiel #3
    def test_state_lazy_load(self, tmpdir):
        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
        s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp)
        exp.root = s
        # Generate a new child state from state `s`
        r = EmptyState.new_state(s)

        # Reload the two-state experiment
        # By default, slim=True
        exp = Experiment.restore(directory=tmpdir)

        for node, state in exp.graph.node_map.items():
            assert state.slim_loaded  # deflated
            with state.lazy_load():
                assert not state.slim_loaded  # fully loaded
            assert state.slim_loaded  # deflated

        # Check behavior change as slim is set to False when exp is restored
        exp = Experiment.restore(directory=tmpdir, slim=False)

        for node, state in exp.graph.node_map.items():
            assert not state.slim_loaded  # deflated
            with state.lazy_load():
                assert not state.slim_loaded  # fully loaded
            # Note: lazy_load deflates the state even if it was initially
            # fully loaded!
            assert state.slim_loaded  # deflated
Beispiel #4
    def test_spawn_new_tree(self, tmpdir):
        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)

        # The argument 'c' should be ignored, as it is not set from thew
        # constructor in spawn_new_tree
        exp_args = {"a": "first", "B": "second", "c": "shouldnotpropagate"}
        root = exp.spawn_new_tree(**exp_args)

        assert type(root) == ExperimentStatePromise

        root_state = root.get()
        assert exp.root is root_state
        assert isinstance(root_state, EmptyState)
        assert root_state.a == exp_args["a"]
        assert root_state.B == exp_args["B"]
        assert root_state.c is None
Beispiel #5
 def test_state_save(self, tmpdir):
     """Test that a state created within an experiment inherits the right
     directory and gets saved in there upon calling the `save` method. This
     should generate a pickle file with the state and a json file with the
     state info for slim reloading.
     exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
     s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp)  # assign within exp
     assert == tmpdir  # save state to disk
     assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, s.sha()))
     assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, s.sha() + ".slim.json"))
Beispiel #6
    def test_new_state(self, tmpdir):
        """Generating a new state from a previous one using new_state should
        generate the right connection between the two states, which can be
        inspected through the setting of a parent_sha and then in the way
        the experiment graph is drawn when the StaticExperimentTree is
        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
        s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp)
        # Set it as the root of the experiment
        exp.root = s

        # Generate a new child state from state `s`
        r = EmptyState.new_state(s)
        assert r.parent_sha == s.sha()
        assert r.experiment_object == exp
        exp = Experiment.restore(directory=tmpdir)  # reload experiment

        # Test that the graph looks as expected with the connection
        assert len(exp.graph.nodes) == 2
        assert exp.graph.edge_map[s.sha()] == set([r.sha()])
Beispiel #7
    def test_state_sha_save_hook(self, tmpdir):
        """When restoring fails, it returns False. Check that the save post
        hook sets the new value correctly, thus modifying the hash value of
        the state when the property that gets modified is part of PROPERTIES.
        from types import MethodType

        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
        s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp)
        # Set a to 5 to begin with
        s.a = 5

        def change_a(self, value):
            self.a = value

        s.change_a = MethodType(change_a, s)
        # After saving, set a to 7
        s.save_post_hooks = [lambda: s.change_a(7)]
        assert not s.restore()
Beispiel #8
    def test_state_restore(self, tmpdir):
        # Create state and assign some properties
        exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
        s = EmptyState(experiment_object=exp)
        s.a = 5
        s.B = "hello"
        s.c = 12345
        # Save it to disk
        assert not s.from_cache
        # Deflate it to remove all properties and put it in "slim" state
        assert not hasattr(s, "a")
        assert not hasattr(s, "B")
        assert not hasattr(s, "c")

        # Restore it from disk to demonstrate that it was saved correctly and
        # we are able to recover the properties
        assert s.a == 5
        assert s.B == "hello"
        assert s.c == 12345
        assert s.from_cache
Beispiel #9
 def test_spawn_new_tree_error(self, tmpdir):
     exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=EmptyState)
     exp_args = {}
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Beispiel #10
 def test_experiment_init(self, tmpdir):
     """Test that the conditions we expect after the initialization of an
     Experiment are met."""
     exp = Experiment(directory=tmpdir, state_class=ExperimentState)
     assert os.path.isdir(tmpdir)
     assert exp.root is None