def test_from_range(self, model, format, tmp_path): N = np.random.randint(2, 256) c = Colormap.from_range(np.random.rand(3), np.random.rand(3), model=model, N=N) # noqa eval(f'c.save_{format}(tmp_path/"color_out")')
def test_write_filehandle(self, format, name, tmp_path): c = Colormap.from_predefined('Dark2') # noqa fname = tmp_path / name with open(fname, 'w') as f: # noqa eval(f'c.save_{format}(f)') for i in range(10): if fname.exists(): return time.sleep(.5) assert False
def test_eq(self): assert Colormap.from_predefined('strain') == Colormap.from_predefined( 'strain') assert Colormap.from_predefined('strain') != Colormap.from_predefined( 'stress') assert Colormap.from_predefined( 'strain', N=128) != Colormap.from_predefined('strain', N=64) assert not Colormap.from_predefined('strain', N=128) == 1
def test_shade(self, ref_path, update, bounds): data = np.add(*np.indices((10, 11))) img_current = Colormap.from_predefined('orientation').shade( data, bounds=bounds) if update: / f'shade_{bounds}.png') else: img_reference = / f'shade_{bounds}.png') diff = ImageChops.difference(img_reference.convert('RGB'), img_current.convert('RGB')) assert not diff.getbbox()
def test_compare_reference(self, format, ext, tmp_path, ref_path, update): name = 'binary' c = Colormap.from_predefined(name) # noqa if update: os.chdir(ref_path) eval(f'c.save_{format}()') else: os.chdir(tmp_path) eval(f'c.save_{format}()') time.sleep(.5) assert filecmp.cmp(tmp_path / (name + ext), ref_path / (name + ext))
def test_from_range_types(self, low, high): assert Colormap.from_range(low, high) == Colormap.from_range( np.array(low), np.array(high))
def test_conversion(self): specials = np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [1., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]]) rgbs = np.vstack((specials, np.random.rand(100, 3))) for rgb in rgbs: print('rgb', rgb) # rgb2hsv2rgb hsv = Colormap._rgb2hsv(rgb) print('hsv', hsv) assert np.allclose(Colormap._hsv2rgb(hsv), rgb) # rgb2hsl2rgb hsl = Colormap._rgb2hsl(rgb) print('hsl', hsl) assert np.allclose(Colormap._hsl2rgb(hsl), rgb) # rgb2xyz2rgb xyz = Colormap._rgb2xyz(rgb) print('xyz', xyz) assert np.allclose(Colormap._xyz2rgb(xyz), rgb, atol=1.e-6, rtol=0) # xyz2lab2xyz lab = Colormap._xyz2lab(xyz) print('lab', lab) assert np.allclose(Colormap._lab2xyz(lab), xyz) # lab2msh2lab msh = Colormap._lab2msh(lab) print('msh', msh) assert np.allclose(Colormap._msh2lab(msh), lab) # lab2rgb2lab assert np.allclose(Colormap._rgb2lab(Colormap._lab2rgb(lab)), lab, atol=1.e-6, rtol=0) # rgb2msh2rgb assert np.allclose(Colormap._msh2rgb(Colormap._rgb2msh(rgb)), rgb, atol=1.e-6, rtol=0) # hsv2msh assert np.allclose(Colormap._hsv2msh(hsv), msh, atol=1.e-6, rtol=0) # hsl2msh assert np.allclose(Colormap._hsv2msh(hsv), msh, atol=1.e-6, rtol=0) # xyz2msh assert np.allclose(Colormap._xyz2msh(xyz), msh, atol=1.e-6, rtol=0)
def test_repr(self, patch_plt_show): print(Colormap.from_predefined('stress'))
def test_at_value(self, N, cmap, at, result): assert np.allclose(Colormap.from_predefined(cmap, N=N).at(at)[..., :3], result, rtol=0.005)
def test_mul(self): c = o = Colormap.from_predefined('jet') o *= 2 assert c + c == o
def test_add(self): c = Colormap.from_predefined('jet') c += c assert (np.allclose(c.colors[:len(c.colors) // 2], c.colors[len(c.colors) // 2:]))
def test_invert(self): c_1 = Colormap.from_predefined('strain') c_2 = ~c_1 assert (not np.allclose(c_1.colors, c_2.colors)) and \ np.allclose(c_1.colors,(~c_2).colors)
def test_reversed(self): c_1 = Colormap.from_predefined('stress') c_2 = c_1.reversed() assert (not np.allclose(c_1.colors,c_2.colors)) and \ np.allclose(c_1.colors,c_2.reversed().colors)
def test_invalid_color(self, model): with pytest.raises(ValueError): c = Colormap.from_range(-2. + np.random.rand(3), np.random.rand(3), N=10, model=model) # noqa
def test_from_predefined(self, name, format, tmp_path): N = np.random.randint(2, 256) c = Colormap.from_predefined(name, N) # noqa os.chdir(tmp_path) eval(f'c.save_{format}()')
def test_list(self): Colormap.list_predefined()