Beispiel #1
        def dyHeII_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            if chi - xHeII(yHeII) < 1e-6 and rs < 100:
                # At this point, leave at 1 - 1e-6
                return 0

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            ne = xe * nH
            xHI = 1 - xHII(yHII)
            xHeI = chi - xHeII(yHeII) - xHeIII(yHeIII)

            return 2 / chi * np.cosh(yHeII)**2 * phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                # Photoionization of HeI into HeII.
                xHeI * photoion_rate_HeI(rs)
                # Collisional ionization of HeI to HeII.
                + xHeI * ne * reion.coll_ion_rate('HeI', T_m)
                # Recombination of HeIII to HeII.
                + xHeIII(yHeIII) * ne * reion.alphaA_recomb('HeIII', T_m)
                # Photoionization of HeII to HeIII.
                - xHeII(yHeII) * photoion_rate_HeII(rs)
                # Collisional ionization of HeII to HeIII.
                - xHeII(yHeII) * ne * reion.coll_ion_rate('HeII', T_m)
                # Recombination of HeII into HeI.
                - xHeII(yHeII) * ne * reion.alphaA_recomb('HeII', T_m)
                # DM contribution
                + _f_He_ion(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate /
                (phys.He_ion_eng * nH))
Beispiel #2
        def dyHII_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            if 1 - xHII(yHII) < 1e-6 and rs < 100:
                # At this point, leave at 1 - 1e-6
                return 0

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            ne = xe * nH
            xHI = 1 - xHII(yHII)
            xHeI = chi - xHeII(yHeII) - xHeIII(yHeIII)

            return 2 * np.cosh(yHII)**2 * phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                # DM injection. Note that C = 1 at late times.
                +_f_H_ion(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) *
                (inj_rate /
                 (phys.rydberg * nH)) + (1 - phys.peebles_C(xHII(yHII), rs)) *
                (_f_H_exc(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate /
                 (phys.lya_eng * nH))
                # Reionization rates.
                + (
                    # Photoionization.
                    xHI * photoion_rate_HI(rs)
                    # Collisional ionization.
                    + xHI * ne * reion.coll_ion_rate('HI', T_m)
                    # Recombination.
                    - xHII(yHII) * ne * reion.alphaA_recomb('HII', T_m)))
Beispiel #3
        def dlogTb_dz(yHII, log_Tb, rs):

            Tb = np.exp(log_Tb)

            xHII = get_x(yHII)
            xHI = 1 - xHII

            adia = 2 / rs
            denom = 3 / 2 * Tb * nH * (1 + chi + xe)
            comp = phys.dtdz(rs) * compton_cooling_rate(xHII, Tb, rs) / denom

            return adia + comp
Beispiel #4
        def dyHeII_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            if not helium_TLA:

                return 0

            if chi - xHeII(yHeII) < 1e-6 and rs < 100:
                # At this point, leave at 1 - 1e-6
                return 0

            # Stop the solver from reaching these extremes.
            if yHeII > 14 or yHeII < -14:
                return 0

            # # Use the Saha values at high ionization.
            # if xHeII(yHeII) > 0.995*chi:

            #     # print(phys.d_xe_Saha_dz(rs, 'HeI'))

            #     return (
            #         2/chi * np.cosh(yHeII)**2 * phys.d_xe_Saha_dz(rs, 'HeI')
            #     )

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            ne = xe * nH
            xHI = 1 - xHII(yHII)
            xHeI = chi - xHeII(yHeII) - xHeIII(yHeIII)

            term_recomb_singlet = (xHeII(yHeII) * xe * nH *
                                   phys.alpha_recomb(T_m, 'HeI_21s'))
            term_ion_singlet = (
                phys.beta_ion(phys.TCMB(rs), 'HeI_21s') *
                (chi - xHeII(yHeII)) *
                np.exp(-phys.He_exc_eng['21s'] / phys.TCMB(rs)))

            term_recomb_triplet = (xHeII(yHeII) * xe * nH *
                                   phys.alpha_recomb(T_m, 'HeI_23s'))
            term_ion_triplet = (
                3 * phys.beta_ion(phys.TCMB(rs), 'HeI_23s') *
                (chi - xHeII(yHeII)) *
                np.exp(-phys.He_exc_eng['23s'] / phys.TCMB(rs)))

            return 2 / chi * np.cosh(yHeII)**2 * phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                -phys.C_He(xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII), rs, 'singlet') *
                (term_recomb_singlet - term_ion_singlet) -
                phys.C_He(xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII), rs, 'triplet') *
                (term_recomb_triplet - term_ion_triplet) +
                _f_He_ion(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate /
                (phys.He_ion_eng * nH))
Beispiel #5
        def dlogT_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            xHI = 1 - xHII(yHII)
            xHeI = chi - xHeII(yHeII) - xHeIII(yHeIII)

            # This rate is temperature loss per redshift.
            adiabatic_cooling_rate = 2 * T_m / rs

            # The reionization rates and the Compton rate
            # are expressed in *energy loss* *per second*.

            photoheat_total_rate = nH * (
                xHI * photoheat_rate_HI(rs) + xHeI * photoheat_rate_HeI(rs) +
                xHeII(yHeII) * photoheat_rate_HeII(rs))

            compton_rate = phys.dtdz(rs) * (compton_cooling_rate(
                xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII), xHeIII(yHeIII), T_m,
                rs)) / (3 / 2 * nH * (1 + chi + xe))

            dm_heating_rate = phys.dtdz(rs) * (_f_heating(
                rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate) / (3 / 2 * nH *
                                                            (1 + chi + xe))

            reion_rate = phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                +photoheat_total_rate + reion.recomb_cooling_rate(
                    xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII), xHeIII(yHeIII), T_m, rs) +
                reion.coll_ion_cooling_rate(xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII),
                                            xHeIII(yHeIII), T_m, rs) +
                reion.coll_exc_cooling_rate(xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII),
                                            xHeIII(yHeIII), T_m, rs) +
                reion.brem_cooling_rate(xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII), xHeIII(
                    yHeIII), T_m, rs)) / (3 / 2 * nH * (1 + chi + xe))

            return 1 / T_m * (adiabatic_cooling_rate + compton_rate +
                              dm_heating_rate + reion_rate)
Beispiel #6
        def dlogTDM_dz(y_be, log_TDM, rs):
            #rs = np.exp(logrs)

            T_DM = np.exp(log_TDM)
            x_be = get_x(y_be)
            eps = 1 - T_DM / T_D

            # Cooling rate due to adiabatic expansion
            adia = 2 / rs

            comp = phys.dtdz(rs) * norm_compton_cooling_rate(
                x_be, T_DM, rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi) * (T_D / T_DM - 1.)

            Rayl = phys.dtdz(rs) * Gam_R(x_be, T_DM, rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp,
                                         xi) * (T_D / T_DM - 1)

            #brem heating + ion heating - recomb cooling
            ff_pi_pr = phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                Gam_ff(x_be, T_DM, rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi) * eps +
                Gam_pi(x_be, T_DM, rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi) -
                Gam_pr(x_be, T_DM, rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi) - 0)

            deriv = Rayl + comp + adia + ff_pi_pr

            #Baryon-DM energy exchange
            V_pec = 0
            fDM = 2 * x_be
            xsec = None  #DM baryon scattering cross-section
            #baryon = phys.dtdz(rs) * DM_IGM_cooling_rate(
            #    m_be, m_bp, phys.TCMB(rs), T_DM, V_pec, x_be, rs,
            #    fDM, particle_type='DM', eps=eps
            #)/(3/2 * n_D * (1 + x_be))

            return deriv
Beispiel #7
        def dybe_dz(y_be, log_T, rs):
            #rs = np.exp(logrs)
            T = np.exp(log_T)
            x_be = get_x(y_be)
            xD = 1 - x_be

            if x_be > 0.999 and rs > 2000:
                # Use the Saha value.
                dxdz = d_x_be_Saha_dz(rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi)
                return 2 * np.cosh(y_be)**2 * dxdz

            peeb_C = dark_peebles_C(x_be, rs, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi)
            alpha = dark_alpha_recomb(T, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi)
            beta = dark_beta_ion(T_D, alphaD, m_be, m_bp, xi)
            return 2 * np.cosh(y_be)**2 * phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                -peeb_C *
                (alpha * x_be**2 * n_D - 4 * beta * xD * np.exp(-Lya_D / T_D)))
Beispiel #8
        def dlogT_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            xHI = 1 - xHII(yHII)
            xHeI = chi - xHeII(yHeII) - xHeIII(yHeIII)

            # This rate is temperature loss per redshift.
            adiabatic_cooling_rate = 2 * T_m / rs

            return 1 / T_m * adiabatic_cooling_rate + 1 / T_m * (
                phys.dtdz(rs) *
                (compton_cooling_rate(xHII(yHII), xHeII(yHeII), xHeIII(yHeIII),
                                      T_m, rs) +
                 _f_heating(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate)) / (
                     3 / 2 * nH * (1 + chi + xe))
Beispiel #9
        def dyHeIII_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            if chi - xHeIII(yHeIII) < 1e-6 and rs < 100:
                # At this point, leave at 1 - 1e-6
                return 0

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            ne = xe * nH

            return 2 / chi * np.cosh(yHeIII)**2 * phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                # Photoionization of HeII into HeIII.
                xHeII(yHeII) * photoion_rate_HeII(rs)
                # Collisional ionization of HeII into HeIII.
                + xHeII(yHeII) * ne * reion.coll_ion_rate('HeII', T_m)
                # Recombination of HeIII into HeII.
                - xHeIII(yHeIII) * ne * reion.alphaA_recomb('HeIII', T_m))
Beispiel #10
        def dlogT_dz(log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            xe = xe_reion_func(rs)
            xHII = xe * (1. / (1. + chi))
            xHeII = xe * (chi / (1. + chi))
            xHI = 1. - xHII
            xHeI = chi - xHeII

            # This is the temperature loss per redshift.
            adiabatic_cooling_rate = 2 * T_m / rs

            return 1 / T_m * (
                adiabatic_cooling_rate +
                (phys.dtdz(rs) *
                 (compton_cooling_rate(xHII, xHeII, 0, T_m, rs) +
                  _f_heating(rs, xHI, xHeI, 0) * _injection_rate(rs))) /
                (3 / 2 * phys.nH * rs**3 * (1 + chi + xe)))
Beispiel #11
        def dyHII_dz(yHII, yHeII, yHeIII, log_T_m, rs):

            T_m = np.exp(log_T_m)

            if 1 - xHII(yHII) < 1e-6 and rs < 100:
                # At this point, leave at 1 - 1e-6
                return 0
            # if yHII > 14. or yHII < -14.:
            #     # Stops the solver from wandering too far.
            #     return 0
            if xHeII(yHeII) > 0.99 * chi and rs > 1500:
                # This is prior to helium recombination.
                # Assume H completely ionized.
                return 0

            if helium_TLA and xHII(yHII) > 0.999 and rs > 1500:
                # Use the Saha value.
                return 2 * np.cosh(yHII)**2 * phys.d_xe_Saha_dz(rs, 'HI')

            if not helium_TLA and xHII(yHII) > 0.99 and rs > 1500:
                # Use the Saha value.
                return 2 * np.cosh(yHII)**2 * phys.d_xe_Saha_dz(rs, 'HI')

            xe = xHII(yHII) + xHeII(yHeII) + 2 * xHeIII(yHeIII)
            ne = xe * nH
            xHI = 1 - xHII(yHII)
            xHeI = chi - xHeII(yHeII) - xHeIII(yHeIII)

            return 2 * np.cosh(yHII)**2 * phys.dtdz(rs) * (
                # Recombination processes.
                # Boltzmann factor is T_r, agrees with HyREC paper.
                -phys.peebles_C(xHII(yHII), rs) *
                (phys.alpha_recomb(T_m, 'HI') * xHII(yHII) * xe * nH -
                 4 * phys.beta_ion(phys.TCMB(rs), 'HI') * xHI *
                 np.exp(-phys.lya_eng / phys.TCMB(rs)))
                # DM injection. Note that C = 1 at late times.
                + _f_H_ion(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate /
                (phys.rydberg * nH) + (1 - phys.peebles_C(xHII(yHII), rs)) *
                (_f_H_exc(rs, xHI, xHeI, xHeII(yHeII)) * inj_rate /
                 (phys.lya_eng * nH)))
Beispiel #12
def ics_spec(
    eleckineng, photeng, T, as_pairs=False, inf_upp_bound=True,
    thomson_tf=None, rel_tf=None, T_ref=None
    """ ICS spectrum of secondary photons.

    Switches between `thomson_spec` and `rel_spec`. 

    eleckineng : ndarray
        Incoming electron energy. 
    photeng : ndarray
        Outgoing photon energy. 
    T : float
        CMB temperature. 
    as_pairs : bool, optional
        If True, treats eleckineng and photeng as a paired list: produces eleckineng.size == photeng.size values. Otherwise, gets the spectrum at each photeng for each eleckineng, returning an array of length eleckineng.size*photeng.size. 
    inf_upp_bound : bool
        If True, calculates the approximate relativistic spectrum that is used for fast interpolation over different values of T. See Notes for more details. Default is True.  
    thomson_tf : TransFuncAtRedshift, optional
        Reference Thomson ICS transfer function. If specified, calculation is done by interpolating over the transfer function. 
    rel_tf : TransFuncAtRedshift, optional
        Reference relativistic ICS transfer function. If specified, calculation is done by interpolating over the transfer function. 
    T_ref : float, optional
        The reference temperature at which the reference transfer functions is evaluated. If not specified, defaults to phys.TCMB(400).

        dN/(dt dE) of the outgoing photons, dt = 1 s, with `self.in_eng = eleckineng` and `self.eng = photeng`. `` is determined from `T`, and `self.dlnz` is normalized to 1 second. 

    Insert note on the suitability of the method. 

    if not inf_upp_bound and (thomson_tf is not None or rel_tf is not None):

        raise ValueError('inf_upp_bound must be True in order to use an interpolation over reference transfer functions.')

    gamma = eleckineng/ + 1
    eleceng = eleckineng +

    if as_pairs:
        if eleceng.size != photeng.size:
            raise TypeError('Photon and electron energy arrays must have the same length for pairwise computation.')
        gamma_mask = gamma
        eleceng_mask = eleceng
        eleckineng_mask = eleckineng
        photeng_mask = photeng
        spec = np.zeros(gamma)
        gamma_mask = np.outer(gamma, np.ones(photeng.size))
        eleceng_mask = np.outer(eleceng, np.ones(photeng.size))
        eleckineng_mask = np.outer(eleckineng, np.ones(photeng.size))
        photeng_mask = np.outer(np.ones(eleceng.size), photeng)
        spec = np.zeros((eleceng.size, photeng.size), dtype='float128')

    rel_bound = 20

    rel = (gamma_mask > rel_bound)

    if T_ref is None:
        T_ref = phys.TCMB(400)

    y = T/T_ref

    if rel_tf != None:
        if as_pairs:
            raise TypeError('When reading from file, the keyword as_pairs is not supported.')
        # If the electron energy at which interpolation is to be taken is outside rel_tf, then an error should be returned, since the file has not gone up to high enough energies. 
        # Note relativistic spectrum is indexed by TOTAL electron energy.
        # rel_tf = rel_tf.at_in_eng(y*eleceng[gamma > rel_bound])
        # If the photon energy at which interpolation is to be taken is outside rel_tf, then for large photon energies, we set it to zero, since the spectrum should already be zero long before. If it is below, nan is returned, and the results should not be used.

        rel_tf_interp = np.transpose(
                np.log(y*eleceng[gamma > rel_bound]), np.log(y*photeng)

        spec[rel] = y**4*rel_tf_interp.flatten()

        spec[rel] = rel_spec(
            eleceng_mask[rel], photeng_mask[rel], T, 
            inf_upp_bound=inf_upp_bound, as_pairs=True

    if thomson_tf != None:

        thomson_tf_interp = np.transpose(
                np.log(eleckineng[gamma <= rel_bound]), np.log(photeng/y)

        spec[~rel] = y**2*thomson_tf_interp.flatten()

        spec[~rel] = thomson_spec(
            eleckineng_mask[~rel], photeng_mask[~rel], 
            T, as_pairs=True

    # Zero out spec values that are too small (clearly no scatters within the age of the universe), and numerical errors. Non-zero to take log interpolations later.
    spec[spec < 1e-100] = 1e-100

    if as_pairs:
        return spec

        rs = T/phys.TCMB(1)
        dlnz = -1./(phys.dtdz(rs)*rs)

        return TransFuncAtRedshift(
            spec, in_eng = eleckineng, eng = photeng, 
            rs = np.ones_like(eleckineng)*rs, dlnz=dlnz,
            spec_type = 'dNdE'
Beispiel #13
def rel_spec(eleceng, photeng, T, inf_upp_bound=False, as_pairs=False):
    """ Relativistic ICS spectrum of secondary photons.

    eleceng : ndarray
        Incoming electron energy. 
    photeng : ndarray
        Outgoing photon energy. 
    T : float
        CMB temperature. 
    inf_upp_bound : bool
        If True, calculates the approximate spectrum that is used for fast interpolation over different values of T. See Notes for more details. Default is False. 
    as_pairs : bool
        If true, treats eleceng and photeng as a paired list: produces eleceng.size == photeng.size values. Otherwise, gets the spectrum at each photeng for each eleceng, returning an array of length eleceng.size*photeng.size. 

    TransFuncAtRedshift or ndarray
        dN/(dt dE) of the outgoing photons (dt = 1 s). If as_pairs == False, returns a TransFuncAtRedshift, with abscissa given by (eleceng, photeng). Otherwise, returns an ndarray, with abscissa given by each pair of (eleceng, photeng). 

    This function accepts the *energy* of the electron as one of the arguments and not the kinetic energy, unlike the other related ICS functions.

    The flag ``inf_upp_bound`` determines whether an approximation is taken that only gets the shape of the spectrum correct for :math:`E_{\\gamma,\\text{final}} \\gtrsim T_\\text{CMB}`. This is sufficient from an energy conservation perspective, and is used for building a table that can be interpolated over different values of T quickly.

    If ``inf_upp_bound == False``,  the spectrum up to :math:`\\mathcal{O}(1/\\gamma^2)` corrections is given. This is a combination of the spectrum derived in Eq. (2.48) of Ref. [1]_ and Eq. (9) of Ref. [2]_, which assumes that electrons only lose energy, and Eq. (8) of Ref. [2]_, which contains the spectrum of photons produced electrons getting upscattered. 

    See Also


    gamma = eleceng/

    if as_pairs:
        if eleceng.size != photeng.size:
            raise TypeError('Photon and electron energy arrays must have the same length for pairwise computation.')
        Gamma_eps_q = (
                1 - photeng/eleceng,
                out = np.zeros_like(photeng),
                where = 1 - photeng/eleceng != 0
        B =*gamma)*Gamma_eps_q
        lowlim = B/T
        if inf_upp_bound:
            upplim = np.inf*np.ones_like(gamma)
            upplim = photeng/T
            # upplim = 4*(gamma**2)*B/T
        photeng_to_eleceng = np.outer(1/eleceng, photeng)
        Gamma_eps_q = (
                1 - photeng_to_eleceng,
                out = np.zeros_like(photeng_to_eleceng),
                where = 1 - photeng_to_eleceng != 0
        B = np.transpose(
        lowlim = B/T
        if inf_upp_bound:
            upplim = np.inf*np.ones_like(photeng_to_eleceng)
            upplim = np.outer(np.ones_like(eleceng), photeng)/T
            # upplim = np.transpose(
            #     4*gamma**2*np.transpose(B)/T
            # )
    spec = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    F1_int = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    F0_int = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    F_inv_int = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    F_log_int = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)

    term_1 = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    term_2 = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    term_3 = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)
    term_4 = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)

    good = (lowlim > 0)

    Q = np.zeros_like(Gamma_eps_q)

    Q[good] = (1/2)*Gamma_eps_q[good]**2/(1 + Gamma_eps_q[good])

    prefac = np.float128( 

    print('Computing series 1/4...')
    F1_int[good] = F1(lowlim[good], upplim[good])
    print('Computing series 2/4...')
    F0_int[good] = F0(lowlim[good], upplim[good])
    print('Computing series 3/4...')
    F_inv_int[good] = F_inv(lowlim[good], upplim[good])[0]
    print('Computing series 4/4...')
    F_log_int[good] = F_log(lowlim[good], upplim[good])[0]

    term_1[good] = (1 + Q[good])*T*F1_int[good]
    term_2[good] = (
        (1 + 2*np.log(B[good]/T) - Q[good])*B[good]*F0_int[good]
    term_3[good] = -2*B[good]*F_log_int[good]
    term_4[good] = -2*B[good]**2/T*F_inv_int[good]

    testing = False
    if testing:
        print('***** Diagnostics *****')
        print('gamma: ', gamma)
        print('lowlim: ', lowlim)
        print('lowlim*T: ', lowlim*T)
        print('upplim: ', upplim)
        print('upplim*T: ', upplim*T)
        print('Gamma_eps_q: ', Gamma_eps_q)
        print('Q: ', Q)
        print('B: ', B)

        print('***** Integrals *****')
        print('term_1: ', term_1)
        print('term_2: ', term_2)
        print('term_3: ', term_3)
        print('term_4: ', term_4)
        print('Sum of terms: ', term_1+term_2+term_3+term_4)

        print('Final answer: ', 
                    term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4
        print('***** End Diagnostics *****')

    print('Relativistic Computation Complete!')

    spec[good] = (
        term_1[good] + term_2[good] + term_3[good] + term_4[good]

    spec = np.transpose(prefac*np.transpose(spec))

    # Get the downscattering correction if requested. 
    if not inf_upp_bound:
        downscatter_spec = rel_spec_Jones_corr(
            eleceng, photeng, T, as_pairs=as_pairs

        spec += downscatter_spec

    # Zero out spec values that are too small (clearly no scatters within the age of the universe), and numerical errors. 
    spec[spec < 1e-100] = 0.

    if as_pairs:
        return spec 
        rs = T/phys.TCMB(1)
        dlnz = -1./(phys.dtdz(rs)*rs)
        spec_arr = [
            Spectrum(photeng, s, rs=rs, in_eng=in_eng) 
            for s, in_eng in zip(spec, eleceng)

        spec_tf = TransFuncAtRedshift(
            spec_arr, dlnz=dlnz, 
            in_eng = eleceng, eng = photeng,
            with_interp_func = True

        return spec_tf 
Beispiel #14
def thomson_spec(eleckineng, photeng, T, as_pairs=False):
    """ Thomson ICS spectrum of secondary photons.

    Switches between `thomson_spec_diff` and `thomson_spec_series`. 

    eleckineng : ndarray
        Incoming electron kinetic energy. 
    photeng : ndarray
        Outgoing photon energy. 
    T : float
        CMB temperature. 
    as_pairs : bool
        If true, treats eleckineng and photeng as a paired list: produces eleckineng.size == photeng.size values. Otherwise, gets the spectrum at each photeng for each eleckineng, returning an array of length eleckineng.size*photeng.size.

    TransFuncAtRedshift or ndarray
        dN/(dt dE) of the outgoing photons (dt = 1 s). If as_pairs == False, returns a TransFuncAtRedshift, with abscissa given by (eleckineng, photeng). Otherwise, returns an ndarray, with abscissa given by each pair of (eleckineng, photeng).  

    Insert note on the suitability of the method. 


    gamma = eleckineng/ + 1
    # Most accurate way of finding beta when beta is small, I think.
    beta = np.sqrt(eleckineng/*(gamma+1)/gamma**2)
    eta = photeng/T 

    # Masks, dimensions (eleckineng, photeng) if as_pairs == False.
    if as_pairs:
        if eleckineng.size != photeng.size:
            raise TypeError('Photon and electron energy arrays must have the same length for pairwise computation.')
        beta_mask = beta
        eta_mask = eta
        eleckineng_mask = eleckineng
        photeng_mask = photeng
        beta_mask = np.outer(beta, np.ones(eta.size))
        eta_mask = np.outer(np.ones(beta.size), eta)
        eleckineng_mask = np.outer(eleckineng, np.ones(photeng.size))
        photeng_mask = np.outer(np.ones(eleckineng.size), photeng)

    # Boolean arrays. Depending on as_pairs, can be 1- or 2-D. 
    beta_small = (beta_mask < 0.01)
    eta_small  = (eta_mask < 0.1/beta_mask)

    where_diff = (beta_small & eta_small)

    testing = False

    if testing:
        print('where_diff on (eleckineng, photeng) grid: ')

    if as_pairs:
        spec = np.zeros_like(eleckineng)
        epsrel = np.zeros_like(eleckineng)
        spec = np.zeros((eleckineng.size, photeng.size), dtype='float128')
        epsrel = np.zeros((eleckineng.size, photeng.size), dtype='float128')

    spec[where_diff], err_with_diff = thomson_spec_diff(
        T, as_pairs=True

    epsrel[where_diff] = np.abs(
            out = np.zeros_like(err_with_diff),
            where = (spec[where_diff] != 0)
    if testing:
        print('spec from thomson_spec_diff: ')
        print('epsrel from thomson_spec_diff: ')

    where_series = (~where_diff) | (epsrel > 1e-3)

    if testing:
        print('where_series on (eleckineng, photeng) grid: ')

    spec[where_series] = thomson_spec_series(
        T, as_pairs=True

    if testing:
        spec_with_series = np.array(spec)
        spec_with_series[~where_series] = 0
        print('spec from thomson_spec_series: ')
        print('Final Result: ')

    print('########### Spectrum computed! ###########')

    # Zero out spec values that are too small (clearly no scatters within the age of the universe), and numerical errors. Non-zero so that we can take log interpolations later.
    spec[spec < 1e-100] = 0.

    if as_pairs:
        return spec
        rs = T/phys.TCMB(1)
        dlnz = -1./(phys.dtdz(rs)*rs)

        spec_arr = [
            Spectrum(photeng, s, rs=rs, in_eng=in_eng) 
            for s, in_eng in zip(spec, eleckineng)

        # Injection energy is kinetic energy of the electron.
        spec_tf = TransFuncAtRedshift(
            spec_arr, dlnz=dlnz, 
            in_eng = eleckineng, eng = photeng,
            with_interp_func = True

        return spec_tf
Beispiel #15
def engloss_spec(
    eleckineng, delta, T, 
    as_pairs=False, thomson_only=False, thomson_tf=None, rel_tf=None,
    """ Thomson ICS scattered electron energy loss spectrum. 

    Switches between :func:`.engloss_spec_series` and :func:`.engloss_spec_diff` in the Thomson regime. Also switches between Thomson and relativistic regimes automatically.

    eleckineng : ndarray
        Incoming electron kinetic energy. 
    delta : ndarray
        Energy gained by photon after upscattering (only positive values). 
    T : float
        CMB temperature.
    as_pairs : bool, optional
        If true, treats eleckineng and photeng as a paired list: produces eleckineng.size == photeng.size values. Otherwise, gets the spectrum at each photeng for each eleckineng, returning an array of length eleckineng.size*photeng.size. 
    thomson_only : bool, optional
        If true, only returns the Thomson energy loss spectrum, and never switches to the relativistic case. 
    thomson_tf : TransFuncAtRedshift, optional
        Reference Thomson energy loss ICS spectrum. If specified, calculation is done by interpolating over the transfer function. 
    rel_tf : TransFuncAtRedshift, optional
        Reference relativistic energy loss ICS spectrum. If specified, calculation is done by interpolating over the transfer function. 

    TransFuncAtRedshift or ndarray
        dN/(dt d Delta) of the outgoing photons (dt = 1 s). If as_pairs == False, returns a TransFuncAtRedshift, with abscissa given by (eleckineng, delta). Otherwise, returns an ndarray, with abscissa given by each pair of (eleckineng, delta). 

    gamma = eleckineng/ + 1
    eleceng = eleckineng +
    beta = np.sqrt(eleckineng/*(gamma+1)/gamma**2)
    eta = delta/T

    # where to switch between Thomson and relativistic treatments.
    if thomson_only:
        rel_bound = np.inf 
        rel_bound = 20

    # 2D masks have dimensions (eleceng, delta).

    if as_pairs:
        if eleckineng.size != delta.size:
            raise TypeError('delta and electron energy arrays must have the same length for pairwise computation.')
        gamma_mask = gamma
        beta_mask = beta
        eleckineng_mask = eleckineng 
        eleceng_mask = eleceng
        delta_mask = delta
        spec = np.zeros_like(gamma)
        gamma_mask = np.outer(gamma, np.ones_like(eta))
        beta_mask = np.outer(beta, np.ones_like(eta))
        eleckineng_mask = np.outer(eleckineng, np.ones_like(eta))
        eleceng_mask = np.outer(eleceng, np.ones_like(eta))
        delta_mask = np.outer(np.ones_like(eleckineng), delta)
        spec = np.zeros(
            (eleckineng.size, delta.size), dtype='float128'

    beta_small = beta_mask < 0.1
    rel = gamma_mask > rel_bound

    y = T/phys.TCMB(400)

    if not thomson_only:
        if rel_tf != None:
            if as_pairs:
                raise TypeError('When reading from file, the keyword as_pairs is not supported.')
            # If the electron energy at which interpolation is to be taken is outside rel_tf, then an error should be returned, since the file has not gone up to high enough energies.
            #rel_tf = rel_tf.at_in_eng(y*eleceng[gamma > rel_bound])
            # If the photon energy at which interpolation is to be taken is outside rel_tf, then for large photon energies, we set it to zero, since the spectrum should already be zero long before. If it is below, nan is returned, and the results should not be used.

            rel_tf_interp = np.transpose(
                    np.log(y*eleceng[gamma > rel_bound]), np.log(y*delta)

            spec[rel] = y**4*rel_tf_interp.flatten()


                '###### RELATIVISTIC ENERGY LOSS SPECTRUM ######'

            spec[rel] = ics_spectrum.rel_spec(
                T, inf_upp_bound=True, as_pairs=True 

            print('###### COMPLETE! ######')

    if thomson_tf != None:
        thomson_tf_interp = np.transpose(
                np.log(eleckineng[gamma <= rel_bound]), np.log(delta/y)

        spec[~rel] = y**2*thomson_tf_interp.flatten()

        print('###### THOMSON ENERGY LOSS SPECTRUM ######')
        # beta_small obviously doesn't intersect with rel. 
        spec[beta_small] = engloss_spec_diff(
            delta_mask[beta_small], T, as_pairs=True

        spec[~beta_small & ~rel] = engloss_spec_series(
            eleckineng_mask[~beta_small & ~rel],
            delta_mask[~beta_small & ~rel], T, as_pairs=True
        print('###### COMPLETE! ######')

    # Zero out spec values that are too small (clearly no scatters within the age of the universe), and numerical errors. Non-zero to take log interpolation later. 
    spec[spec < 1e-100] = 1e-100
    if as_pairs:
        return spec 

        rs = T/phys.TCMB(1)
        dlnz = -1./(phys.dtdz(rs)*rs)

        return TransFuncAtRedshift(
            spec, in_eng = eleckineng, eng = delta, 
            rs = np.ones_like(eleckineng)*rs, dlnz=dlnz,
            spec_type = 'dNdE', with_interp_func=True