def test_load_data(tBeg, tEnd, SrcId): """tests whether data exists for the given time range to avoid IndexError issue.""" try: src = das2.get_source(SrcId) dQuery = {'time':(tBeg, tEnd), 'hfr_i':True} dsReal = src.get(dQuery)[0] except (IndexError): return False else: return True
def getIQ(sSrcId, sBeg, sEnd): "Returns the tuple (dataset I, dataset Q)""" src = das2.get_source(sSrcId) print("Getting Reals from %s to %s"%(sBeg, sEnd)) dQuery = {'time':(sBeg, sEnd), 'hfr_i':True} dsReal = src.get(dQuery)[0] print(dsReal) print("Getting Imaginary from %s to %s"%(sBeg, sEnd)) dQuery = {'time':(sBeg, sEnd), 'hfr_q':True} dsImg = src.get(dQuery)[0] #print(dsImg) return (dsReal, dsImg, src)
# No she-bang here because we want the test target to pick the python version import sys import das2 #src = das2.get_source('site:/uiowa/juno/wav/survey/das2') src = das2.get_source('site:/uiowa/cassini/rpws/survey_keyparam/das2') lDs = src.httpGet({'start_time':'2016-10-02T11:00', 'end_time':'2016-10-02T12:00'}) for i in range(len(lDs)): print("Dataset 1:") print(lDs[i].info) lDs = src.httpGet({'start_time':'2016-10-02T11:00', 'end_time':'2016-10-02T12:00'}) sys.exit(117) src = das2.get_source('site:/uiowa/cassini/rpws/survey_keyparam/das2') lDs = src.get(time=('2010-001','2010-002'), magnetic_specdens=1) ## For data items we want to be able to change units and to enable or ## disable various entries # lDs = src.get(time=('2014-08-31', '2014-09-01', 43.2), amp={'units':'DN'}) #
import numpy import das2 import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot import matplotlib.colors as colors import matplotlib.ticker as ticker # Use the federated das2 catalog to find and download data given a source ID sSourceId = ",2012:site:/uiowa/cassini/rpws/survey/das2" src = das2.get_source(sSourceId) lDatasets = src.get() # Combining multiple table datasets into a single homogeneous scatter dataset # (most datasets are homogeneous and will not require this step) lX = [] lY = [] lZ = [] for dataset in lDatasets: # As of numpy version 1.15, the numpy histogram routines won't work # with datetime64, and timedelta64 data types. To Working around a # this problem time data are cast to the int64 type giving time values # as integer nanoseconds since 1970. lX.append(dataset.coords['time']['center'][:,:].flatten().astype("int64")) lY.append(dataset.coords['frequency']['center'][:,:].flatten() ) lZ.append(['amplitude']['center'][:,:].flatten() ) aX = aY = aZ =
import das2 import das2.mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot import matplotlib.colors as colors import matplotlib.ticker as ticker # The Cassini RPWS Survey data source is one of the most complicated das2 data # sources at U. Iowa. Data consist of multiple frequency sets from multiple # recivers all attempting to cover the maximum parameter space within a limited # telemetry alotment and on-board computing power. This example collapses # all the provided datasets to a single scatter set for plotting sId = "site:/uiowa/cassini/rpws/survey/das2" print("Getting data source definition for %s" % sId) src = das2.get_source(sId) print("Reading default example Cassini RPWS E-Survey data...") lDs = src.get() # Combining multiple spectra into one overall array set print("Combining arrays...") lX = [] lY = [] lZ = [] for ds in lDs: # As of numpy version 1.15, the numpy histogram routines won't work # with datetime64, and timedelta64 data types. To Working around a # this problem time data are cast to the int64 type lX.append(ds['time']['center'].array.flatten().astype("int64"))
def main(): # get a datasource, use it to download data sId = "test:/uiowa/mars_express/marsis/ne-density-planetographic/das2" src = das2.get_source(sId) print( beg = '2014-01-01' end = '2016-01-01' r_alt_max = 2000 theta_sza_max = 135 #query = {'alt':(0, 2000), 'sza':(0, theta_sza_max), 'time':(beg, end)} query = {'alt': (0, 2000), 'time': (beg, end)} datasets = src.get(query, verbose=True) ds = datasets[0] print(ds) # access the physical dimensions and numpy arrays in the dataset alt_dim = ds['alt'] # The altitude dimension alt_ary = ds.array('alt') # equavalent to: ds['alt']['center'].array sza_dim = ds['sza'] # The solar zenith angle dimension sza_ary = ds.array('sza') * (np.pi / 180.0) # scale to radians Ne_dim = ds['dens'] # The plasma density dimension Ne_ary = ds.array('dens') # Plotting... fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) loc_in_fig = [0.03, 0.0, 0.9, 0.9] r_offset = 1000 title = "MARSIS - Plasma Density by Solar Zenith Angle and Altitude" sub_title = "%s to %s, SZA max %d$^\\circ$, expanded altitude scale" % ( beg, end, theta_sza_max) theta_label = das2.mpl.label(sza_dim.props['label']) rad_label = das2.mpl.label(alt_dim.props['label']) cart_ax, pol_ax = make_axes(fig, loc_in_fig, r_alt_max, r_offset, title, sub_title, theta_label, rad_label) # HexBin doesn't seem to work in polar space, use the cartesian axes x_ary, y_ary = to_cartesian(sza_ary, alt_ary, r_offset) color_scale = colors.LogNorm(10, 20000) hb = cart_ax.hexbin(x_ary, y_ary, Ne_ary, gridsize=120, mincnt=1, norm=color_scale, bins=None, cmap='jet') # Colorbar axis density_label = "$\mathregular{N_{e}\\ (cm^{-3})}$" color_ax = fig.add_axes([0.87, 0.225, 0.02, 0.425]) color_ax.text(3.0, 0.5, density_label, ha='center', va='center', transform=color_ax.transAxes, rotation=90) fig.colorbar(hb, cax=color_ax)