def get_summary(oid, dr, different_filter, different_field, radius_ids, radius_values): if None in radius_values: raise PreventUpdate radii = { id['index']: float(value) for id, value in zip(radius_ids, radius_values) } ra, dec = find_ztf_oid.get_coord(oid, dr) coord = find_ztf_oid.get_sky_coord(oid, dr) elements = {} for catalog, query in catalog_query_objects().items(): try: table = query.find(ra, dec, radii[catalog]) except (NotFound, CatalogUnavailable, KeyError): continue row = table[np.argmin(table['separation'])] for table_field, display_name in SUMMARY_FIELDS.items(): try: value = to_str(row[table_field]).strip() except KeyError: continue if value == '': continue bra = '' cket = '' if table_field == '__distance' and '__redshift' in row.columns: cket = f' z={to_str(row["__redshift"])}' values = elements.setdefault(display_name, []) values.append( html.Div( [ f'{value} ({bra}{row["separation"]:.3f}″ ', html.A( query.query_name, href=f'#{catalog}', style={ 'border-bottom': '1px dashed', 'text-decoration': 'none' }, ), f'{cket})', ], style={'display': 'inline'}, )) try: features = light_curve_features(oid, dr) el = elements.setdefault('Period, days', []) el.insert( 0, html.Div( [ f'{features["period_0"]:.3f} (', html.A( 'periodogram', href='#features', style={ 'border-bottom': '1px dashed', 'text-decoration': 'none' }, ), f' S/N={features["period_s_to_n_0"]:.3f})' ], style={'display': 'inline'}, )) except NotFound: pass other_oids = neighbour_oids(different_filter, different_field) lcs = get_plot_data(oid, dr, other_oids=other_oids) mags = {} for obs in chain.from_iterable(lcs.values()): mags.setdefault(obs['filter'], []).append(obs['mag']) mean_mag = {fltr: np.mean(m) for fltr, m in mags.items()} elements['Average mag (including neighbourhood)'] = [ f'{fltr} {mean_mag[fltr]: .2f}' for fltr in ZTF_FILTERS if fltr in mean_mag ] if 'zg' in mean_mag and 'zr' in mean_mag: elements['Average mag (including neighbourhood)'].append( f'(zg–zr) {mean_mag["zg"] - mean_mag["zr"]: .2f}') elements['Extinction'] = [f'SFD E(B-V) = {sfd.ebv(coord):.2f}'] try: table = get_catalog_query('Gaia EDR3 Distances').find(ra, dec, 1) row = QTable(table[np.argmin(table['separation'])]) import logging distance = row['__distance'] af = bayestar(SkyCoord(coord, distance=distance)) elements['Extinction'].append( f'Bayestar & Gaia EDR distance Ag = {af["zg"]:.2f} Ar = {af["zr"]:.2f} Ai = {af["zi"]:.2f}' ) except (NotFound, CatalogUnavailable): pass elements['Search in brokers'] = [ brokers.alerce_tag(ra, dec), brokers.antares_tag(ra, dec, oid=oid), brokers.fink_tag(ra, dec), brokers.mars_tag(ra, dec), ] elements['Coordinates'] = [ f'Eq {find_ztf_oid.get_coord_string(oid, dr, frame=None)}', f'Gal {find_ztf_oid.get_coord_string(oid, dr, frame="galactic")}', ] div = html.Div( html.Ul( [ html.Li([html.B(k), ': '] + list(joiner(', ', v))) for k, v in elements.items() ], style={'list-style-type': 'none'}, ), ) return div
"type": "bar", "name": u"Montréal", }, ], "layout": { "title": "Dash Data Visualization" }, }, ), dcc.Upload( id="upload-image", children=html.Div([ "Drag and Drop or ", html.A("Select Files"), " of ", html.B("Reference Sequnece(*.gb)"), ]), style={ "width": "100%", "height": "60px", "lineHeight": "60px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderStyle": "dashed", "borderRadius": "5px", "textAlign": "center", "margin": "10px", }, # Allow multiple files to be uploaded multiple=True, ), html.Div(id="output-image-upload"),
def update_output(cnt_trees): return html.B('{:,}'.format(int(cnt_trees * CO2_SEQUESTRATION_YEAR_KG)), id='co2-sequestered')
def showDetails(name): """ Create tabular view of additional data Positional arguments: name -- Gene name for initialization. """ if cfg.advancedDesc is not None: try: df = cfg.advancedDesc[cfg.advancedDesc['gene_ids'].str.contains( name)] except TypeError: df = pandas.DataFrame() else: df = pandas.DataFrame() columns = list(df.columns.values) rowCounter = 1 # Keep track of the row number to alternate coloring usedColumns = [ ] # Keeps track of preset columns already added, needed later usedColumns.append('gene_ids') content = [] # Table content to be displayed generalColumns = [ 'symbol', 'brief_description', 'is_obsolete', 'computational_description', 'curator_summary', 'name' ] tableRows = [] # Will contain the table rows for i in generalColumns: if i in columns: if str(df.iloc[0][i]) not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append( html.Tr(children=[ html.Td(html.B(i.replace('_', ' ').title())), html.Td(str(df.iloc[0][i]).strip()) ], style={ 'background-color': tableColors[rowCounter % 2] })) usedColumns.append(i) rowCounter += 1 # Go through a number of predefined columns if 'synonyms' in columns: synonyms = str(df.iloc[0]['synonyms']) usedColumns.append('synonyms') if synonyms not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append(createDetailRow(synonyms, 'synonyms', rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 if 'publications' in columns: usedColumns.append('publications') publications = str(df.iloc[0]['publications']) if publications not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append( createDetailRow(publications, 'publications', rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 if 'proteins' in columns: usedColumns.append('proteins') proteins = str(df.iloc[0]['proteins']) if publications not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append(createDetailRow(proteins, 'proteins', rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 if 'gene_ontology' in columns: usedColumns.append('gene_ontology') geneOntology = str(df.iloc[0]['gene_ontology']) if geneOntology not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append( createDetailRow(geneOntology, 'gene_ontology', rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 if 'pathways' in columns: usedColumns.append('pathways') pathways = str(df.iloc[0]['pathways']) if pathways not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append(createDetailRow(pathways, 'pathways', rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 if 'plant_ontology' in columns: usedColumns.append('plant_ontology') plantOntology = str(df.iloc[0]['plant_ontology']) if plantOntology not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append( createDetailRow(plantOntology, 'plant_ontology', rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 # Go through all remaining columns using formatting standard remainingColumns = [x for x in columns if x not in usedColumns] for i in remainingColumns: value = str(df.iloc[0][i]) if value not in ['nan', ';""']: tableRows.append(createDetailRow(value, i, rowCounter)) rowCounter += 1 if len(tableRows) >= 1: content.append(html.Table(tableRows)) else: content.append( html. B('No additional information available for the currently selected gene' )) return content
# app layout app.layout = html.Div([ html.Div([html.H2('Taxation of Sigmoidal Token Bonding Curves')]), html.Div([ html.P([ 'This interactive dashboard refers to the different fundraising scenarios outlined in our ', html. A('Medium Post', href= '' ), ' about Sigmoidal Token Bonding Curves. Please refer to the article for more details about the mathematical functions used for plotting.', ]), html.P([ 'Select a ', html.B('Token Supply'), ', choose a ', html.B('Scenario'), ' and use the sliders to see how the different parameters influence the curves.', ]), html.P([ 'The parameters control the following properties:', html.Ul([ html.Li([html.B('a'), ': Maximum Token Price'], style={'margin': '10px 5px 0 0'}), html.Li([html.B('b'), ': Curve Inflection Point'], style={'margin': '0 5px 0 0'}), html.Li([html.B('c'), ': Curve Slope'], style={'margin': '0 5px 0 0'}), html.Li([html.B('k'), ': Vertical Displacement'], style={'margin': '0 5px 0 0'}),
html.P("Valor Exportado")], id="valor-exportado", className="mini_container", ) ]), # Coluna Direita html.Div( id="coluna-direita", className="eight columns", children=[ # Grafico de barra html.Div(id="grafico1", children=[ html.B("Valor Financeira"), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="grafico-valor-financeiro-mensal") ]), # Grafico de pizza html.Div(id="grafico2", children=[ html.B("Segmentação por VIA"), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="grafico-via") ]), # Tabela html.B("Comparação por Estado"), html.Hr(),
dbc.Label("Description ", html_for="sell_game_desc"), dbc.Input( type="text", id="sell_game_desc", placeholder="Enter a short description", ), ]) layout = html.Div([ dbc.Navbar( [ dbc.Col( dbc.Row( html.A( html.B( dbc.NavbarBrand("<"), # html.I(className="fa fa-arrow-left"), className="padding-small"), href="/buy_sell_rent", ), justify="center"), width="auto"), dbc.Col( dbc.Row( # html.A( dbc.NavbarBrand("Sell a Game"), # href="/large", # ), justify="center")), dbc.Col( dbc.Row( html.B(
'font-weight': 'bold', 'padding-left': '140px', 'padding-top': '10px' }, children='NBA Players since 1950') ]), html.Br(), dcc.Tabs(id='tabs', children=[ dcc.Tab( label='Player Stats', children=[ html.Div(id='filtros', style={'width': '50%'}, children=[ html.B(children='Select a player'), dcc.Dropdown(id='player-select', options=[{ 'label': p, 'value': p } for p in players], multi=False) ]), html.Div(style={'width': '50%'}), html.Div(id='photo_area', style={ 'float': 'left', 'width': '100%', 'textAlign': 'center', 'marginTop': '50px' },
"label": "Essence", "value": "F" }, { "label": "Diesel", "value": "D" }, ], ) layout = html.Div( [ # Cards row dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.B("", id="selected-odrive-vehicle_type"), dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody([ html.H3("Filtres"), html.Br(), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label("Selectionner Type véhicule"), select_odrive_vehicle_type ]), ]), className="pretty_container", ), dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody([ html.H3("Exporter les données"), html.Br(),
], className="row"), # including some markdown text html.Div([ html.Div([ dcc.Markdown(''' ''') ], className="col-md-12") ], className="row"), # box for filtering tweets html.Div([ html.Div([ html.P([ html.B("Filter the tweets: "), dcc.Input( placeholder="Try 'Modi'", id="tweet-filter", value="") ]), ], className="col-md-12"), ], className="row"), # row: line chart + donut chart html.Div([ html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id="tweet-by-date") ], className="col-md-8"), html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id="tweet-class")
className="four columns", children=[generate_control_card()] + [ html.Div(["initial child"], id="output-clientside", style={"display": "none"}) ], ), # Right column html.Div( id="right-column", className="eight columns", children=[ # Series Volume Heatmap html.Div(id="imdb_ratings_card", children=[ html.B(""), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="series_hm"), ]) ], ), ], ) @app.callback( Output("series_hm", "figure"), [ Input("title-input", "value"), Input("series_hm", "clickData"), ],
def parse_contents(contents, filename): content_type, content_string = contents.split(',') decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string) try: if 'csv' in filename: # Assume that the user uploaded a CSV file df = pd.read_csv( io.StringIO(decoded.decode('utf-8'))) global original_df original_df=df elif 'xls' in filename: # Assume that the user uploaded an excel file df = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(decoded)) original_df=df except Exception as e: print(e) return html.Div([ 'There was an error processing this file.' ]) df=df.head(5) return html.Div([ html.Div([html.A('Lets go',id='visualize',className='btn btn-primary',href='statistics'), html.Div(['Please note that the following are only the first 5 rows of your uploaded file: ',html.B(filename)]) ]), dash_table.DataTable( data=df.to_dict('records'), columns=[{'name': i, 'id': i} for i in df.columns] ), ],style={"overflow-x": "scroll"})
children=[ html.Div(style={"height": "90%"}, className="col-sm-1"), dcc.Graph(style={ "height": "90%", "margin": "auto" }, id="graph-with-slider4", className="col-10"), html.Div(style={"height": "90%"}, className="col-sm-1") ]), html.Div(style={"font-size": "15px"}, className="row", children=[ html.B("Select Date: ", className="col-2"), dcc.Slider(id="day-slider2", min=min(df.index), max=len(df.Datetime), value=2, className="col-8"), html.B(id="html-date2", className="col-2") ]), html. P("""The Bullet graph listed above represents real time changes in pressure drop, salt passage and product flow rate. On the Flow Rate Graph the grey indicates the current flow rate at reference pressure, the blue is current product flow rate, and the red line is what the flow rate could be given a new membrane. For Salt Passage which is affected differently by conditions and fouling, the blue once again represents real-time Salt Passage, the grey is Salt Passage as reference temp but otherwise current conditions and the red line is salt passage with a new membrane at the current conditions. For Differential Pressure or Pressure Drop, the blue is real-
generate_control_card()] + [ html.Div(["initial child"], id="output-clientside", style={"display": "none"}) ], ), # Right column html.Div( id="right-column", className="eight columns", children=[ # Barrels Heatmap html.Div( id="barrel_heatmap_card", #todo update children=[ html.B("Barrels (# of BusObservations)"), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="barrel_heatmap"), #todo update ], ), # Patient Wait time by Department html.Div( id="shipment_heatmap_card", children=[ html.B("Shipments (# of Buses)"), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="shipment_heatmap"), #todo update ], ), ],
def generate_table_row_helper(department): """Helper function. :param: department (string): Name of department. :return: Table row. """ return generate_table_row( department, {}, { "id": department + "_department", "children": html.B(department) }, { "id": department + "wait_time", "children": dcc.Graph( id=department + "_wait_time_graph", style={ "height": "100%", "width": "100%" }, className="wait_time_graph", config={ "staticPlot": False, "editable": False, "displayModeBar": False, }, figure={ "layout": dict( margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0, pad=0), xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False, ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False, ), paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", ) }, ), }, { "id": department + "_patient_score", "children": dcc.Graph( id=department + "_score_graph", style={ "height": "100%", "width": "100%" }, className="patient_score_graph", config={ "staticPlot": False, "editable": False, "displayModeBar": False, }, figure={ "layout": dict( margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0, pad=0), xaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False, ), yaxis=dict( showgrid=False, showline=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False, ), paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", ) }, ), }, )
def update_data(region_filter, start_date, end_date, btn_cloud): df2 = df.copy() df2 = df2[df2['regpark'] == region_filter] df2 = df2[df2['TotalParkings'] != 0] start_date_converted = pd.to_datetime(start_date).date() end_date_converted = pd.to_datetime(end_date).date() # Apply Date Range date_mask = ( >= start_date_converted) & ( <= end_date_converted) df2 = df2.loc[date_mask] # GroupBy Hour df3 = df2.copy() df3 = df3.groupby(by=['hour']).mean() df3_dif = [] is_first = True for index in range(0, len(df3)): if not is_first: dif_math = round( (100 - ((df3.iloc[index - 1][3] * 100) / df3.iloc[index][3])), 2) res = '+' if dif_math < 0: res = "" df3_dif.append(res + str(dif_math) + "%") else: is_first = False df3_dif.append("0%") df3['dif'] = df3_dif # Apply Legend adv1_mainchart = px.line(df3, x=df3.index, y="TotalParkings", custom_data=['dif'], height=250) adv1_mainchart.update_layout( title="Total Parkings grouped by Hour of Day", xaxis_title="Hour", yaxis_title="Total Parkings", ) adv1_mainchart.update_traces(hoverinfo='skip', mode='lines+markers', hovertemplate='Hour: <b>%{x}</b><br>' + 'Total Parkings: <b>%{y}</b><br><br>' + 'Difference: <b>%{customdata[0]}</b>' + '<extra></extra>') # Only Rain df4 = df2.copy() df_rain0 = df4[df4['isRain'] == 0].groupby(by=['hour']).mean() df_rain1 = df4[df4['isRain'] == 1].groupby(by=['hour']).mean() adv2_mainchart = go.Figure() adv2_mainchart.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df_rain0.index, y=df_rain0["TotalParkings"], mode='lines+markers', name='False')) adv2_mainchart.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df_rain1.index, y=df_rain1["TotalParkings"], mode='lines+markers', name='True')) adv2_mainchart.update_layout( title="Total Parkings grouped by Hour of Day (isRain)", xaxis_title="Hour", yaxis_title="Total Parkings", legend_title='isRain', ) adv2_mainchart.layout.update( height=250, hovermode='x unified', margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=40, b=5), ) # Only Holiday df5 = df2.copy() df_holy0 = df5[df5['isHoliday'] == 0].groupby(by=['hour']).mean() df_holy1 = df5[df5['isHoliday'] == 1].groupby(by=['hour']).mean() adv3_mainchart = go.Figure() adv3_mainchart.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df_holy0.index, y=df_holy0["TotalParkings"], mode='lines+markers', name='False')) adv3_mainchart.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df_holy1.index, y=df_holy1["TotalParkings"], mode='lines+markers', name='True')) adv3_mainchart.update_layout( title="Total Parkings grouped by Hour of Day (Holiday)", xaxis_title="Hour", yaxis_title="Total Parkings", legend_title="isHoliday", ) adv3_mainchart.layout.update( height=250, hovermode='x unified', margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=40, b=5), ) # Only WeekDays df5 = df2.copy() df_week0 = df5[df5['isWeekday'] == 0].groupby(by=['hour']).mean() df_week1 = df5[df5['isWeekday'] == 1].groupby(by=['hour']).mean() adv4_mainchart = go.Figure() adv4_mainchart.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df_week0.index, y=df_week0["TotalParkings"], mode='lines+markers', name='False')) adv4_mainchart.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df_week1.index, y=df_week1["TotalParkings"], mode='lines+markers', name='True')) adv4_mainchart.update_layout( title="Total Parkings grouped by Hour of Day (Week Days)", xaxis_title="Hour", yaxis_title="Total Parkings", legend_title="isWeekday", ) adv4_mainchart.layout.update( height=250, hovermode='x unified', margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=40, b=5), ) # Total Records total_records = len(df2) # Statistics statistics = pd.DataFrame({ "Statistic": [ 'Total Records (H)', 'Total Records (D)', '', 'Rainy Weather Records', 'Sunny Weather Records', '', 'Total Holidays', 'Total Non-Holidays' ], "Value": [ str(total_records) + ' hours', str(round(total_records / len(df3), 0)) + ' days', '', str(len(df2[df2['isRain'] == 0])) + ' hours', str(len(df2[df2['isRain'] == 1])) + ' hours', '', str(round(len(df2[df2['isHoliday'] == 1]) / len(df3), 0)) + ' day(s)', str(round(len(df2[df2['isHoliday'] == 0]) / len(df3), 0)) + ' day(s)', ] }) adv1_table_statistics = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(statistics, bordered=True, dark=True, hover=True, responsive=True, striped=True) stats_label0 = [ 'The highest daily flow occurs at ', ' hours', ' and has an average flow ', '% higher', ' than the general average' ] stats_label0_v = round( ((df3['TotalParkings'].max() * 100) / df3['TotalParkings'].mean()) - 100, 2) stats_label0_h = df3[df3['TotalParkings'] == df3['TotalParkings'].max()].index.values[0] stats_label1 = [ 'The lowest daily flow occurs at ', ' hours', ' and has an average flow ', '% lower', ' than the general average' ] stats_label1_v = round( (df3['TotalParkings'].min() * 100) / df3['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) stats_label1_h = df3[df3['TotalParkings'] == df3['TotalParkings'].min()].index.values[0] stats_label2 = [ 'Rainy', 'Sunny', ' hours have an average of ', '% more flow than ', ' hours' ] stats_label2_v = '-' if len(df_rain0) > 0 and len(df_rain1) > 0: if df_rain0['TotalParkings'].mean() > df_rain1['TotalParkings'].mean(): stats_label2 = [ 'Sunny', 'Rainy', ' days have an average of ', '% more flow than ', ' days' ] stats_label2_v = round( df_rain1['TotalParkings'].mean() * 100 / df_rain0['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) else: stats_label2_v = round( df_rain0['TotalParkings'].mean() * 100 / df_rain1['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) stats_label3 = [ 'Holidays', 'Non-Holidays', ' have an average of ', '% more flow than ' ] stats_label3_v = '-' if len(df_holy0) > 0 and len(df_holy1) > 0: if df_holy0['TotalParkings'].mean() > df_holy1['TotalParkings'].mean(): stats_label3 = [ 'Non-Holidays', 'Holidays', ' have an average of ', '% more flow than ' ] stats_label3_v = round( df_holy1['TotalParkings'].mean() * 100 / df_holy0['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) else: stats_label3_v = round( df_holy0['TotalParkings'].mean() * 100 / df_holy1['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) stats_label4 = [ 'Weekdays', 'Weekend days', ' have an average of ', '% more flow than ' ] stats_label4_v = '-' if len(df_week0) > 0 and len(df_week1) > 0: if df_week0['TotalParkings'].mean() > df_week1['TotalParkings'].mean(): stats_label4 = [ 'Weekend days', 'Weekdays', ' have an average of ', '% more flow than ' ] stats_label4_v = round( df_week1['TotalParkings'].mean() * 100 / df_week0['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) else: stats_label4_v = round( df_week0['TotalParkings'].mean() * 100 / df_week1['TotalParkings'].mean(), 2) adv1_stats_div = html.Div([ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H4('Parking Characteristics:'), html.Br(), html.Div([ stats_label0[0], html.B([stats_label0_h, stats_label0[1]]), stats_label0[2], html.B([stats_label0_v, stats_label0[3]]), stats_label0[4], '.' ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ stats_label1[0], html.B([stats_label1_h, stats_label1[1]]), stats_label1[2], html.B([stats_label1_v, stats_label1[3]]), stats_label1[4], '.' ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ html.B([stats_label2[0]]), stats_label2[2], html.B([stats_label2_v]), stats_label2[3], html.B([stats_label2[1]]), stats_label2[4], '.' ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ html.B([stats_label3[0]]), stats_label3[2], html.B([stats_label3_v]), stats_label3[3], html.B([stats_label3[1]]), '.' ]), html.Br(), html.Div([ html.B([stats_label4[0]]), stats_label4[2], html.B([stats_label4_v]), stats_label4[3], html.B([stats_label4[1]]), '.' ]), html.Br(), ]) card_content_1 = [ dbc.CardHeader("Daily Flow"), dbc.CardBody([ html.H6([ html.B(["+", stats_label0_v, "%"]), " at ", html.B([stats_label0_h, stats_label0[1]]), " (Highest)" ], className="card-title"), html.H6([ html.B(["-", stats_label1_v, "%"]), " at ", html.B([stats_label1_h, stats_label1[1]]), " (Lowest)" ], className="card-title"), ]), ] card_content_2 = [ dbc.CardHeader("Weather Impact"), dbc.CardBody([ html.H5([ html.B(["+", stats_label2_v, "%"]), " in ", html.B([stats_label2[0], " Hours"]) ], className="card-title") ]), ] card_content_3 = [ dbc.CardHeader("Holidays Impact"), dbc.CardBody([ html.H5([ html.B(["+", stats_label3_v, "%"]), " in ", html.B([stats_label3[0]]) ], className="card-title") ]), ] card_content_4 = [ dbc.CardHeader("Weekdays Impact"), dbc.CardBody([ html.H5([ html.B(["+", stats_label4_v, "%"]), " in ", html.B([stats_label4[0]]) ], className="card-title") ]), ] adv1_stats_div = html.Div([ dbc.Card(card_content_1, color="info", inverse=True), html.Br(), dbc.Card(card_content_2, color="info", inverse=True), html.Br(), dbc.Card(card_content_3, color="info", inverse=True), html.Br(), dbc.Card(card_content_4, color="info", inverse=True), ]) # Check if UpdateSync Cloud Button has fired changed_id = [p['prop_id'] for p in callback_context.triggered][0] if 'adv1_btn_cloud' in changed_id: print("---------") db = firestore.client() if region_filter == 'IPB - Cantina': parking_ref = db.collection(u'Parkings').document(u'IPB') else: parking_ref = db.collection(u'Parkings').document(u'Continente') if stats_label2[0] == "Sunny": isRain = round((100 - stats_label2_v) / 100, 2) else: isRain = round((100 + stats_label2_v) / 100, 2) if stats_label3[0] == "Non-Holidays": isHoliday = round((100 - stats_label3_v) / 100, 2) else: isHoliday = round((100 + stats_label3_v) / 100, 2) if stats_label4[0] == "Weekdays": isWeekend = round((100 - stats_label4_v) / 100, 2) else: isWeekend = round((100 + stats_label4_v) / 100, 2) parking_ref.set( { u'statistics': { u'isRainy': isRain, u'isHoliday': isHoliday, u'isWeekend': isWeekend, } }, merge=True) print("Finished") return no_update return (adv1_mainchart, adv2_mainchart, adv3_mainchart, adv4_mainchart, adv1_table_statistics, adv1_stats_div)
def generate_patient_table(figure_list, departments, wait_time_xrange, score_xrange): """ :param score_xrange: score plot xrange [min, max]. :param wait_time_xrange: wait time plot xrange [min, max]. :param figure_list: A list of figures from current selected metrix. :param departments: List of departments for making table. :return: Patient table. """ # header_row header = [ generate_table_row( "header", {"height": "50px"}, { "id": "header_department", "children": html.B("Department") }, { "id": "header_wait_time_min", "children": html.B("Wait Time Minutes") }, { "id": "header_care_score", "children": html.B("Care Score") }, ) ] # department_row rows = [ generate_table_row_helper(department) for department in departments ] # empty_row empty_departments = [ item for item in all_departments if item not in departments ] empty_rows = [ generate_table_row_helper(department) for department in empty_departments ] # fill figures into row contents and hide empty rows for ind, department in enumerate(departments): rows[ind].children[1].children.figure = figure_list[ind] rows[ind].children[2].children.figure = figure_list[ind + len(departments)] for row in empty_rows[1:]: = {"display": "none"} # convert empty row[0] to axis row empty_rows[0].children[0].children = html.B("graph_ax", style={"visibility": "hidden"}) empty_rows[0].children[1].children.figure["layout"].update( dict(margin=dict(t=-70, b=50, l=0, r=0, pad=0))) empty_rows[0].children[1].children.config["staticPlot"] = True empty_rows[0].children[1].children.figure["layout"]["xaxis"].update( dict( showline=True, showticklabels=True, tick0=0, dtick=20, range=wait_time_xrange, )) empty_rows[0].children[2].children.figure["layout"].update( dict(margin=dict(t=-70, b=50, l=0, r=0, pad=0))) empty_rows[0].children[2].children.config["staticPlot"] = True empty_rows[0].children[2].children.figure["layout"]["xaxis"].update( dict(showline=True, showticklabels=True, tick0=0, dtick=0.5, range=score_xrange)) header.extend(rows) header.extend(empty_rows) return header
def render_main_section_part1(camp, profile): mr, profile_df, params, report = get_model_result(camp, profile) prevalence = prevalence_all_table(report) peak_critical_care_demand = prevalence[ prevalence['Outcome'] == 'Critical Care Demand']['Peak Number IQR'].iloc[0] prevalence_age = prevalence_age_table(report).reset_index() prevalence_age = prevalence_age.rename(columns={"level_1": "Age"}) return [ dcc.Markdown( textwrap.dedent(f''' ## 2. Base COVID-19 Epidemic Trajectory for profile "{profile}" Following parameters were used during modelling ''')), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.Div(html.B(f'{profile} profile details')), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(render_profile_df(profile_df, params), bordered=True, hover=True, striped=True), ], width=4) ]), dcc.Markdown( textwrap.dedent(f''' Here we assume the epidemic spreads through the camp without any non-pharmaceutical intervention in place and the peak incidence (number of cases), the timing and the cumulative case counts are all presented by interquartile range values (25%-75% quantiles) and they respectively represent the optimistic and pessimistic estimates of the spread of the virus given the uncertainty in parameters estimated from epidemiological studies. In the simulations, we explore a range of reproduction numbers, pre-symptomatic duration, rate of recovery, rate of severe infections and death rates based on estimates in the European and Asian settings to nearly what is estimated from a high population density location like a cruise ship. ''')), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.Div( html. B(f'Peak day and peak number for prevalences of different disease states of COVID-19' )), dbc.Table.from_dataframe( prevalence, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4) ]), dcc.Markdown( textwrap.dedent(f''' The death estimate is based on the fact the patients require critical care will receive appropriate treatment from the {params.icu_count} ICU beds that are currently available in {}. The prevalence of death could be as high as the peak critical care demand ({peak_critical_care_demand}) if camp residents are denied treatment at the ICU facility on the island. ''')), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.Div([ html. B(f'Peak day and peak prevalences of different disease states of COVID-19 breakdown by age' ), ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Incident Cases'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe( prevalence_age[prevalence_age['level_0'] == 'Incident Cases'].drop(columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4), dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Hospital Demand'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(prevalence_age[ prevalence_age['level_0'] == 'Hospital Demand'].drop( columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4), dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Critical Demand'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(prevalence_age[ prevalence_age['level_0'] == 'Critical Demand'].drop( columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4), ]) ]
nav_bar = html.Nav( className='menu', style={ # "background-color": "#6699ff", "background-color": "#3366cc", "height": "10%" }, children=[ html.Ul( children=[ html.Li( className='', children=[ html.B( "Global Terrorism Database - Top 5 Group", style={ "font-size": "30px", } ) ], style={ "display": "inline-block", "vertical-align": "middle", "padding-top": "10px", "padding-left": "20px", } ), html.Li( className='', children=[ html.A( id='github_link',
def render_main_section_part2(camp, profile): mr, profile_df, params, report = get_model_result(camp, profile) t_sim = params.control_dict['t_sim'] cumulative_all = cumulative_all_table(report, params.population) cumulative_age = cumulative_age_table(report).reset_index() cumulative_age = cumulative_age.rename(columns={"level_1": "Age"}) return [ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html. B(f'Cumulative case counts of different disease states of COVID-19 spanning {t_sim} days' ), dbc.Table.from_dataframe( cumulative_all, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4), ]), dcc.Markdown( textwrap.dedent( f'''Table above show cumulative counts, hospital-person days can be translated into projected medical costs or time required from medical staff if the medical cost and time taken is known for treating one patient for a day.''')), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.Div([ html. B(f'Cumulative case counts of different disease states of COVID-19 breakdown by age' ), ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Symptomatic Cases'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(cumulative_age[ cumulative_age['level_0'] == 'Symptomatic Cases'].drop( columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4), dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Hospital Person-Days'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(cumulative_age[ cumulative_age['level_0'] == 'Hospital Person-Days'].drop( columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Critical Person-days'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(cumulative_age[ cumulative_age['level_0'] == 'Critical Person-days'].drop( columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4), dbc.Col([ html.B(f'Deaths'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe( cumulative_age[cumulative_age['level_0'] == 'Deaths'].drop( columns=['level_0']), striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True) ], width=4) ]) ]
def createDetailRow(content, name, rowNumber): """ Returns a single row for the details table Positional arguments: content -- The attribute data as String. name -- Name for the attribute. rowNumber -- Used for odd/even coloring. """ # Check subtable information try: headerLine = [cfg.subTables['column_id'].str.contains(name)] except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError): headerLine = None try: headers = str(headerLine.iloc[0]['columns']).split(';') except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError): headers = None if content == None or name == None: return None subRows = [] # Holds elements for multivalue attributes subTable = [] # Holds elements for subtables if headers != None: # We have subtable information, so try and create one headerRow = [] for k in headers: # Build table header line headerRow.append(html.Th(k)) subTable.append(html.Tr(children=headerRow)) tableError = False for i in content.split( ';'): # Build subtable rows dictated by ; delimitation subSubRow = [] if len(i.split(',')) == len(headers): for j in i.split( ',' ): # Build subtable columns dictated by , delimitation if j != '': if j[0] == '?': subSubRow.append( html.Td( html.A(j[1:], href=j[1:].strip(), target='_blank'))) else: subSubRow.append(html.Td(j.strip())) subTable.append(html.Tr(children=subSubRow)) else: tableError = True if tableError == True: # Column numbers didn't match, default display print( 'Warning: Number of columns specified in subtable file do not match number of columns in description file' ) subTable = [] for l in content.split(';'): if l != '': if l[0] == '?': # Create hyperlinks subRows.append( html.Tr( html.Td( html.A(l[1:], href=l[1:].strip(), target='_blank')))) else: subRows.append(html.Tr(html.Td(l.strip()))) else: # No subtable information for i in content.split(';'): if i != '': if i[0] == '?': subRows.append( html.Tr( html.Td( html.A(i[1:], href=i[1:].strip(), target='_blank')))) else: subRows.append(html.Tr(html.Td(i.strip()))) if len(subRows ) > 5: # Hide values in details element if more than 5 values tableRow = html.Tr(children=[ html.Td(html.B(name.replace('_', ' ').title())), html.Td( html.Details(title=str(len(subRows)) + ' values', children=[ html.Summary(str(len(subRows)) + ' values'), html.Table(children=subRows) ])) ], style={ 'background-color': tableColors[rowNumber % 2] }) else: tableRow = html.Tr( children=[ html.Td(html.B(name.replace('_', ' ').title())), html.Td(html.Table(children=subRows)) ], style={'background-color': tableColors[rowNumber % 2]}) if len(subTable) > 0: return html.Tr(children=[ html.Td(html.B(name.replace('_', ' ').title())), html.Td(html.Table(children=subTable)) ], style={'background-color': tableColors[rowNumber % 2]}) else: return tableRow
def create_layouts(self): self.page_content = html.Div([ dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False), html.Div(id='page-content') ]) link_bar_dict = {'Aggregated': '/aggregated'} markout_cols = self._util_func.flatten_list_of_lists([ 'Date', 'exec not', 'not cur', 'side', [ str(x) + constants.markout_unit_of_measure for x in constants.markout_windows ], 'markout' ]) # Main page for detailed analysing of (eg. over the course of a few days) ######################################################################################################################## # Secondary page for analysing aggregated statistics over long periods of time, eg. who is the best broker? self.pages['aggregated'] = html.Div( [ self.header_bar('FX: Aggregated - Trader Analysis'), self.link_bar(link_bar_dict), self.width_cel(html.B("Status: ok", id='aggregated-status'), margin_left=5), self.horizontal_bar(), # dropdown selection boxes html.Div([ self.drop_down( caption='Market Data', id='market-data-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_market_data), ]), self.horizontal_bar(), self.uploadbox(caption='Aggregated trade CSV', id='csv-uploadbox', prefix_id='aggregated'), self.horizontal_bar(), self.button(caption='Calculate', id='calculation-button', prefix_id='aggregated'), # , msg_id='aggregated-status'), self.horizontal_bar(), # self.date_picker_range(caption='Start/Finish Dates', id='aggregated-date-val', offset=[-7,-1]), self.plot(caption='Aggregated Trader: Summary', id=[ 'execution-by-ticker-bar-plot', 'execution-by-venue-bar-plot', 'execution-by-broker_id-bar-plot' ], prefix_id='aggregated'), self.horizontal_bar(), self.plot(caption='Aggregated Trader: Timeline', id='execution-by-ticker-timeline-plot', prefix_id='aggregated'), self.horizontal_bar(), self.plot(caption='Aggregated Trader: PDF fit (' + constants.reporting_currency + ' notional)', id=[ 'execution-by-ticker-dist-plot', 'execution-by-broker_id-dist-plot', 'execution-by-venue-dist-plot' ], prefix_id='aggregated'), self.horizontal_bar(), self.table( caption='Executions: Markout Table', id='execution-table', prefix_id='aggregated', columns=markout_cols, downloadplot_caption=['Markout CSV', 'Full execution CSV'], downloadplot_tag=[ 'execution-markout-download-link', 'execution-full-download-link' ], download_file=[ 'download_execution_markout.csv', 'download_execution_full.csv' ]), ], style={ 'width': '1000px', 'marginRight': 'auto', 'marginLeft': 'auto' }) # ID flags self.id_flags = { # aggregated trader page 'aggregated_bar_trade_order': { 'execution-by-ticker': 'bar_trade_df_by/mean/ticker', 'execution-by-broker_id': 'bar_trade_df_by/mean/broker_id', 'execution-by-venue': 'bar_trade_df_by/mean/venue' }, 'aggregated_timeline_trade_order': { 'execution-by-ticker': 'timeline_trade_df_by/mean_date/ticker' }, 'aggregated_dist_trade_order': { 'execution-by-ticker': 'dist_trade_df_by/pdf/ticker', 'execution-by-broker_id': 'dist_trade_df_by/pdf/broker_id', 'execution-by-venue': 'dist_trade_df_by/pdf/venue' }, 'aggregated_table_trade_order': { 'execution': 'table_trade_df_markout_by_all' }, 'aggregated_download_link_trade_order': { 'execution-full': 'trade_df', 'execution-markout': 'table_trade_df_markout_by_all' }, }
# # ), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( dbc.Jumbotron( [ html.H6( id='publication-name', className='text-muted', style={"font-variant": 'small-caps'} ), html.H1( html.B(id='headline'), className="display-3", ), html.P( className="lead", id='description' ), # html.Hr(className="my-2"), dbc.Card([dbc.CardImg(id='image-url')], style={"margin": "1.5vh 3.37vh 1.5vh 0.57vh"}), html.P(className='article-content', id='article-content'), ], style={"padding": "20px"},
modeBarButtonsToRemove = [ 'lasso2d', 'select2d', 'hoverClosestGeo', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'autoScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines', 'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian' ] modeBarButtonsToAdd = [ 'drawline', 'drawopenpath', 'drawcircle', 'drawrect', 'eraseshape' ] app.layout = dbc.Container([ html.Br(), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.H2(html.B('My Gold Dashboard'), style={'color': '#A29061'}), ]), ], style={'text-align': 'center'}), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(lg=1), dbc.Col([ html.Div(id='slider_output_quarter'), dcc.Slider(id='quarter', included=False, marks={ i: str(periods[i]) for i in range(0, len(periods) - 1, 16) }, min=0,
map_div = html.Div(html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='graph-map'), className='my-auto'), className='shadow bg-light rounded') bar_chart_div = html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='bar-chart'), id='bar-chart-div', className='shadow bg-light rounded') card_title = [ 'Total Crimes', 'Average Crimes', 'Top Crime', 'Top Criminal Area', 'Percentage Arrests' ] card_div = html.Div([ html.Div([ html.Div(title, className='text-center', style={'fontSize': '14px'}), html.Div(html.B(id='card-{}'.format(n + 1)), className='text-center', style={'fontSize': '24px'}) ], className='shadow bg-light rounded mb-4 mt-4') for n, title in enumerate(card_title) ], className='mr-2') app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_css) server = app.server app.layout = html.Div([ html.Div(html.H1('Crime in Chicago'), className='row justify-content-center', style={'color': css_color_light}),
# Dash layout app.layout = dbc.Container([ dbc.Row(html.H3(' ')), #dbc.Row(html.H5('ATP Explorer')), dbc.Row(html.H5('Top Player Rank and Rank Points by Year')), dbc.Row( html.P(''' Select a year and number of top players and see how their rank and ranking points changed over this time period. Below see the matches played between these top players. ''')), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(top_player_card, width=12), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ html.B("Rank and Ranking Points"), html.Hr(), dcc.Loading( dcc.Graph(id='ranking-graph', #config={"displayModeBar":False} #responsive=True )) ] #, style={"height": "90vh"} ) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( id="player--heatmap", children=[ html.B("Player Match Results"), html.P("Click on a square to see the match details"),
def update_output(value): return html.Span( children=[ 'Planted ', html.B(children=[value]), ' trees' ] )
generate_control_card()] + [ html.Div(["initial child"], id="output-clientside", style={"display": "none"}) ], ), # Right column html.Div( id="right-column", className="eight columns", children=[ # Patient Volume Heatmap html.Div( id="patient_volume_card", children=[ html.B("Patient Volume"), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="patient_volume_hm"), ], ), # Patient Wait time by Department html.Div( id="wait_time_card", children=[ html.B("Patient Wait Time and Satisfactory Scores"), html.Hr(), html.Div(id="wait_time_table", children=initialize_table()), ], ), ],
def update_output(cnt_trees): return html.B('{:,}'.format(int(self.bus_df_co2['co2_per_year'].sum())), id='co2-produced')
id="right-column1", className="nine columns", children=[ html.Div( id="Figure1", children=[dcc.Loading( id="loading-1", type="default", fullscreen=False, children=[ # Plot of model forecast html.Div( id="model_forecasts1", children=[ html.B("Model Forecasts. Exponential and Quadratic models run quickly." + " Other models are more intensive and may take several seconds."), html.Hr(), dcc.Graph(id="model_forecasts_plot1"), ], style={'border-radius': '15px', 'box-shadow': '1px 1px 1px grey', 'background-color': '#f0f0f0', 'padding': '10px', 'margin-bottom': '10px', 'fontSize':16 }, ), ], ),],),