# want the distributed scheduler

# In[ ]:


# The trouble with this approach is that Dask is meant for the execution of large datasets/computations - you probably can't simply run the whole thing
# in one local thread, else you wouldn't have used Dask in the first place. So the code above should only be used on a small part of the data that also exchibits the error.
# Furthermore, the method will not work when you are dealing with futures (such as `f`, above, or after persisting) instead of delayed-based computations.
# As alternative, you can ask the scheduler to analyze your calculation and find the specific sub-task responsible for the error, and pull only it and its dependnecies locally for execution.

# In[17]:


# In[ ]:


# Finally, there are errors other than exceptions, when we need to look at the state of the scheduler/workers. In the standard "LocalCluster" we started, we
# have direct access to these.

# In[19]:


# Or we could start ipython processed in remote workers/schedulers to enable examining their states from an interactive session.
def main(args):
    Initialising launch sequence.
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # Print some stuff to show that the code is running:
        "printf 'A demonstration of a \033[5mDPrepB/DPrepC\033[m SDP pipeline\n'"
    # Set the directory for the moment images:
    MOMENTS_DIR = args.outputs + '/MOMENTS'
    # Check that the output directories exist, if not then create:
    os.makedirs(args.outputs, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(MOMENTS_DIR, exist_ok=True)
    # Set the polarisation definition of the instrument:
    POLDEF = init_inst(args.inst)

    # Setup Variables for SIP services
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the Queue Producer settings:
    if args.queues:
        queue_settings = {
            'bootstrap.servers': 'scheduler:9092',
            'message.max.bytes': 100000000
        }  #

    # Setup the Confluent Kafka Queue
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    if args.queues:
        from confluent_kafka import Producer
        import pickle
        # Create an SDP queue:
        sip_queue = Producer(queue_settings)

    # Define a Data Array Format
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    def gen_data(channel):
        return np.array([
            vis1[channel], vis2[channel], channel, None, None, False, False,
            float(args.pixels), POLDEF, args.outputs,
            float(args.angres), None, None, None, None, None, None, args.twod,
            npixel_advice, cell_advice

    # Setup the Dask Cluster
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    starttime = t.time()

    client = Client(
        args.daskaddress)  # scheduler for Docker container, localhost for P3.

    print("Dask Client details:")

    # Define channel range for 1 subband, each containing 40 channels:
    channel_range = np.array(range(int(args.channels)))

    # Load the data into memory:
    The input data should be interfaced with Buffer Management.
    print("Loading data:")
    vis1 = [
        load('%s/%s' % (args.inputs, args.ms1), range(channel, channel + 1),
             POLDEF) for channel in range(0, int(args.channels))
    vis2 = [
        load('%s/%s' % (args.inputs, args.ms2), range(channel, channel + 1),
             POLDEF) for channel in range(0, int(args.channels))

    # Prepare Measurement Set
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # Combine MSSS snapshots:
    vis_advice = append_visibility(vis1[0], vis2[0])

    # Apply a uv-distance cut to the data:
    vis_advice = uv_cut(vis_advice, float(args.uvcut))
    npixel_advice, cell_advice = uv_advice(vis_advice, float(args.uvcut),

    # Begin imaging via the Dask cluster
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # Submit data for each channel to the client, and return an image:

    # Scatter all the data in advance to all the workers:
    The data here could be passed via Data Queues.
    Queues may not be ideal. Data throughput challenges.
    Need to think more about the optimum approach.
    print("Scatter data to workers:")
    big_job = [client.scatter(gen_data(channel)) for channel in channel_range]

    # Submit jobs to the cluster and create a list of futures:
    futures = [
        client.submit(dprepb_imaging, big_job[channel], pure=False, retries=3)
        for channel in channel_range
    The dprepb_imaging function could generate QA, logging, and pass this information via Data Queues.
    Queues work well for this.
    Python logging calls are preferable. Send them to a text file on the node.
    Run another service that watches that file. Or just read from standard out.
    The Dockerisation will assist with logs.

    print("Imaging on workers:")
    # Watch progress:

    # Wait until all futures are complete:

    # Check that no futures have errors, if so resubmit:
    for future in futures:
        if future.status == 'error':
            print("ERROR: Future", future, "has 'error' status, as:")
            index = futures.index(future)
            futures[index] = client.submit(dprepb_imaging,

    # Wait until all futures are complete:

    # Gather results from the futures:
    results = client.gather(futures, errors='raise')

    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
        print("Adding QA to queue:")
        for result in results:
            sip_queue.produce('qa', pickle.dumps(qa_image(result), protocol=2))


    # Return the data element of each ARL object, as a Dask future:
    futures = [
        client.submit(arl_data_future, result, pure=False, retries=3)
        for result in results



    # Calculate the Moment images
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # Now use 'distributed Dask arrays' in order to parallelise the Moment image calculation:
    # Construct a small Dask array for every future:
    print("Calculating Moment images:")
    arrays = [
                        shape=(1, 4, 512, 512)) for future in futures

    # Stack all small Dask arrays into one:
    stack = da.stack(arrays, axis=0)

    # Combine chunks to reduce overhead - is initially (40, 1, 4, 512, 512):
    stack = stack.rechunk((1, 1, 4, 64, 64))

    # Spread the data around on the cluster:
    stack = client.persist(stack)
    # Data is now coordinated by the single logical Dask array, 'stack'.

    # Save the Moment images:
    The output moment images should be interfaced with Buffer Management.
    Need to know more about the Buffer specification.
    Related to initial data distribution also/staging.
    print("Saving Moment images to disk:")
    # First generate a template:
    image_template = import_image_from_fits('%s/imaging_dirty_WStack-%s.fits' %
                                            (args.outputs, 0))

    # Output mean images:
    # I:
    image_template.data = stack[:, :, 0, :, :].mean(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
                         '%s/Mean-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'I'))

    # Q:
    image_template.data = stack[:, :, 1, :, :].mean(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
                         '%s/Mean-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'Q'))

    # U:
    image_template.data = stack[:, :, 2, :, :].mean(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
                         '%s/Mean-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'U'))

    # P:
    image_template.data = da.sqrt(
        (da.square(stack[:, :, 1, :, :]) +
         da.square(stack[:, :, 2, :, :]))).mean(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
                         '%s/Mean-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'P'))

    # Output standard deviation images:
    # I:
    image_template.data = stack[:, :, 0, :, :].std(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
    export_image_to_fits(image_template, '%s/Std-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'I'))

    # Q:
    image_template.data = stack[:, :, 1, :, :].std(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
    export_image_to_fits(image_template, '%s/Std-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'Q'))

    # U:
    image_template.data = stack[:, :, 2, :, :].std(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
    export_image_to_fits(image_template, '%s/Std-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'U'))

    # P:
    image_template.data = da.sqrt(
        (da.square(stack[:, :, 1, :, :]) +
         da.square(stack[:, :, 2, :, :]))).std(axis=0).compute()
    # Run QA on ARL objects and produce to queue:
    if args.queues:
                          pickle.dumps(qa_image(image_template), protocol=2))
    # Export the data to disk:
    export_image_to_fits(image_template, '%s/Std-%s.fits' % (MOMENTS_DIR, 'P'))

    # Flush queue:
    if args.queues:

    # Make a tarball of moment images:
        'tar', '-cvf',
        '%s/moment.tar' % (MOMENTS_DIR),
        '%s/' % (MOMENTS_DIR)
    subprocess.call(['gzip', '-9f', '%s/moment.tar' % (MOMENTS_DIR)])

    endtime = t.time()
    print(endtime - starttime)