def process(process_kwargs, *args):
        """Combine data, filling in nodata values."""
        data_list = []
        no_data_values = []
        for data in args:
            if data is None:
            elif "time" in data or "meta" in data:
                # return the time / meta right away. assumes there are no
                # mixed requests and that time is aligned
                return data
            elif "values" in data and "no_data_value" in data:

        dtype = process_kwargs["dtype"]
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(dtype)

        if not data_list:

        # initialize values array
        values = np.full(data_list[0].shape, fillvalue, dtype=dtype)

        # populate values array
        for data, no_data_value in zip(data_list, no_data_values):
            # index is where the source has data
            index = get_index(data, no_data_value)
            values[index] = data[index]

        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
Beispiel #2
    def _merge_vals_by_time(multi, times, kwargs):
        """ Merge chunks using indices. """
        # determine the unique times and assign result bands
        sorted_times = Group._unique_times(times)
        bands = dict((y, x) for x, y in enumerate(sorted_times))
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(kwargs["dtype"])

        # initialize values array
        shape = (len(sorted_times), ) + multi[0]["values"].shape[1:]
        values = np.full(shape, fillvalue, dtype=kwargs["dtype"])

        # populate values array
        for data, time in zip(multi, times):
            # source_index is the index into the source array
            for source_index, datetime in enumerate(time["time"]):
                source_band = data["values"][source_index]
                # determine data index
                index = get_index(values=source_band,
                # find corresponding target band by source datetime
                target_band = values[bands[datetime]]
                # paste source into target provided there is data
                target_band[index] = source_band[index]

        # check if single band result required
        start, stop = kwargs["start"], kwargs["stop"]
        if stop is None and len(sorted_times) > 1:
            index = Group._nearest_index(sorted_times, start)
            values = values[index:index + 1]

        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
    def preprocess(*args):
        data_list = []
        no_data_values = []
        for data in args:
            if data is None:
            elif "time" in data or "meta" in data:
                # return the time / meta right away. assumes there are no
                # mixed requests and that time is aligned
                return data
            elif "values" in data and "no_data_value" in data:

        dtype = np.result_type(*data_list)
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(dtype)

        # initialize values array
        values = np.full(data_list[0].shape, fillvalue, dtype=dtype)
        # populate values array
        multivalues = []
        for data, no_data_value in zip(data_list, no_data_values):
            # initialize values array
            array_values = np.full(data_list[0].shape, np.nan, dtype=dtype)
            # index is where the source has data
            index = get_index(data, no_data_value)
            array_values[index] = data[index]
        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}, multivalues
Beispiel #4
    def process(data, bins, right):
        if data is None or "values" not in data:
            return data

        values = data["values"]
        dtype = utils.get_uint_dtype(len(bins) + 2)
        fillvalue = utils.get_dtype_max(dtype)

        result_values = np.digitize(values, bins, right).astype(dtype)
        result_values[values == data["no_data_value"]] = fillvalue

        return {"values": result_values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
Beispiel #5
    def _merge_vals_by_bands(multi, bands, dtype):
        """ Merge chunks using slices. """
        # analyze band structure
        starts, stops = zip(*bands)
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(dtype)

        # initialize values array
        shape = (max(stops), ) + multi[0]["values"].shape[1:]
        values = np.full(shape, fillvalue, dtype=dtype)

        # populate values array
        for data, (a, b) in zip(multi, bands):
            # index is where the source has data
            index = get_index(values=data["values"],
            values[a:b][index] = data["values"][index]

        return {"values": values, "no_data_value": fillvalue}
Beispiel #6
    def process(process_kwargs, time_data=None, data=None):
        mode = process_kwargs["mode"]
        # handle empty data
        if process_kwargs.get("empty"):
            return None if mode == "vals" else {mode: []}
        if mode == "time":
            return time_data
        if time_data is None or not time_data.get("time"):
            return None if mode == "vals" else {mode: []}

        start = process_kwargs["start"]
        stop = process_kwargs["stop"]
        frequency = process_kwargs["frequency"]
        timezone = process_kwargs["timezone"]
        closed = process_kwargs["closed"]
        label = process_kwargs["label"]
        times = (pd.Series(

        if frequency is None:
            # the first (and only label) will be the statistic of all frames
            indices = {None: range(len(times))}
            # construct a pandas Resampler object to map labels to frames
            resampler = times.resample(frequency, closed=closed, label=label)
            # get the frame indices belonging to each bin
            indices = resampler.indices

        start_ts = _dt_to_ts(start, timezone)
        stop_ts = _dt_to_ts(stop, timezone)

        if mode == "meta":
            if data is None or "meta" not in data:
                return {"meta": []}
            meta = data["meta"]
            result = []
            for indices_in_bin in indices.values():  # [0, 1], [2, 3], ...
                for length in range(1, len(indices_in_bin) + 1):
                    indices_for_cumulative = indices_in_bin[:length]
                    ts = times.index[indices_for_cumulative[-1]]
                    if ts < start_ts or (stop_ts is not None and ts > stop_ts):
                    result.append([meta[i] for i in indices_for_cumulative])
            return {"meta": result}

        # mode == 'vals'
        if data is None or "values" not in data:

        values = data["values"]
        if values.shape[0] != len(times):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Shape of raster does not match number of timestamps")
        statistic = process_kwargs["statistic"]
        percentile = parse_percentile_statistic(statistic)
        if percentile:
            extensive = False
            agg_func = partial(np.nanpercentile, q=percentile)
            extensive = Cumulative.STATISTICS[statistic]["extensive"]
            agg_func = Cumulative.STATISTICS[statistic]["func"]

        dtype = process_kwargs["dtype"]
        fillvalue = 0 if extensive else get_dtype_max(dtype)

        # cast to at least float32 so that we can fit in NaN (and make copy)
        values = values.astype(np.result_type(np.float32, dtype))
        # put NaN for no data
        values[data["values"] == data["no_data_value"]] = np.nan

        output_mask = (times.index >= start_ts) & (times.index <= stop_ts)
        output_offset = np.where(output_mask)[0][0]
        n_frames = output_mask.sum()
        result = np.full(
            shape=(n_frames, values.shape[1], values.shape[2]),

        for indices_in_bin in indices.values():
            mask = output_mask[indices_in_bin]
            data = values[indices_in_bin]
            accumulated = agg_func(data, axis=0)[mask]
            # keep track of NaN or inf values before casting to target dtype
            no_data_mask = ~np.isfinite(accumulated)
            # cast to target dtype
            if dtype != accumulated.dtype:
                accumulated = accumulated.astype(dtype)
            # set fillvalue to NaN values
            accumulated[no_data_mask] = fillvalue
            indices_in_result = np.array(indices_in_bin)[mask] - output_offset
            result[indices_in_result] = accumulated

        return {"values": result, "no_data_value": get_dtype_max(dtype)}
Beispiel #7
 def fillvalue(self):
     return get_dtype_max(self.dtype)
Beispiel #8
    def process(process_kwargs, time_data=None, data=None):
        mode = process_kwargs["mode"]
        # handle empty data
        if process_kwargs.get("empty"):
            return None if mode == "vals" else {mode: []}
        start = process_kwargs["start"]
        stop = process_kwargs["stop"]
        frequency = process_kwargs["frequency"]
        if frequency is None:
            labels = pd.DatetimeIndex([start])
            labels = pd.date_range(start, stop or start, freq=frequency)
        if mode == "time":
            return {"time": labels.to_pydatetime().tolist()}

        if time_data is None or not time_data.get("time"):
            return None if mode == "vals" else {mode: []}

        timezone = process_kwargs["timezone"]
        closed = process_kwargs["closed"]
        label = process_kwargs["label"]
        times = time_data["time"]

        # convert times to a pandas series
        series = pd.Series(index=times).tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(timezone)

        # localize the labels so we can use it as an index
        labels = labels.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(timezone)

        if frequency is None:
            # the first (and only label) will be the statistic of all frames
            indices = {labels[0]: range(len(times))}
            # construct a pandas Resampler object to map labels to frames
            resampler = series.resample(frequency, closed=closed, label=label)
            # get the frame indices belonging to each bin
            indices = resampler.indices

        if mode == "meta":
            if data is None or "meta" not in data:
                return {"meta": []}
            meta = data["meta"]
            return {"meta": [[meta[i] for i in indices[ts]] for ts in labels]}

        # mode == 'vals'
        if data is None or "values" not in data:

        values = data["values"]
        if values.shape[0] != len(times):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Shape of raster does not match number of timestamps")
        statistic = process_kwargs["statistic"]
        percentile = parse_percentile_statistic(statistic)
        if percentile:
            extensive = False
            agg_func = partial(np.nanpercentile, q=percentile)
            extensive = TemporalAggregate.STATISTICS[statistic]["extensive"]
            agg_func = TemporalAggregate.STATISTICS[statistic]["func"]

        dtype = process_kwargs["dtype"]
        fillvalue = 0 if extensive else get_dtype_max(dtype)

        # cast to at least float32 so that we can fit in NaN (and make copy)
        values = values.astype(np.result_type(np.float32, dtype))
        # put NaN for no data
        values[data["values"] == data["no_data_value"]] = np.nan

        result = np.full(
            shape=(len(labels), values.shape[1], values.shape[2]),

        for i, timestamp in enumerate(labels):
            inds = indices[timestamp]
            if len(inds) == 0:
            aggregated = agg_func(values[inds], axis=0)
            # keep track of NaN or inf values before casting to target dtype
            no_data_mask = ~np.isfinite(aggregated)
            # cast to target dtype
            if dtype != aggregated.dtype:
                aggregated = aggregated.astype(dtype)
            # set fillvalue to NaN values
            aggregated[no_data_mask] = fillvalue
            result[i] = aggregated

        return {"values": result, "no_data_value": get_dtype_max(dtype)}
Beispiel #9
 def fillvalue(self):
     return None if self.dtype == np.bool else utils.get_dtype_max(
Beispiel #10
 def test_get_dtype_max(self):
     self.assertIsInstance(utils.get_dtype_max("f4"), float)
     self.assertIsInstance(utils.get_dtype_max("u4"), int)
 def fillvalue(self):
     dtype = self.dtype
     if dtype == np.bool:
         return get_dtype_max(dtype)
    def process(args, request):
        origin, timedelta, bands, value, src_projection = args
        if origin is None or timedelta is None or bands is None:
        td_seconds = timedelta.total_seconds()
        lo = origin
        start = request.get("start", None)
        stop = request.get("stop", None)

        if start is None:
            # take the latest
            bands_lo = bands - 1
            bands_hi = bands
        elif stop is None:
            # take the nearest to start
            start_band = (request["start"] - lo).total_seconds() / td_seconds
            bands_lo = min(max(int(round(start_band)), 0), bands - 1)
            bands_hi = bands_lo + 1
            bands_lo = (request["start"] - lo).total_seconds() / td_seconds
            bands_hi = (request["stop"] - lo).total_seconds() / td_seconds
            bands_lo = max(int(math.ceil(bands_lo)), 0)
            bands_hi = min(int(math.floor(bands_hi)) + 1, bands)

        depth = bands_hi - bands_lo

        if depth <= 0:

        if request["mode"] == "time":
            return {"time": [origin + i * timedelta for i in range(bands_lo, bands_hi)]}
        if request["mode"] == "meta":
            return {
                "meta": [
                    "Testmeta for band {}".format(i) for i in range(bands_lo, bands_hi)
        if request["mode"] != "vals":
            raise ValueError('Invalid mode "{}"'.format(request["mode"]))

        height = request.get("height", 1)
        width = request.get("width", 1)
        shape = (depth, height, width)

        # simple mode: return a filled value with type uint8
        if not hasattr(value, "shape"):
            fillvalue = 255
            result = np.full(shape, value, dtype=np.uint8)
            return {"values": result, "no_data_value": fillvalue}

        # there is an actual data array
        fillvalue = get_dtype_max(value.dtype)
        bbox = request.get("bbox", (0, 0, width, height))
        projection = request.get("projection", "EPSG:3857")
        if projection != src_projection:
            extent = Extent(bbox, get_sr(projection))
            bbox = extent.transformed(get_sr(src_projection)).bbox
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(round(x)) for x in bbox]

        if x1 == x2 or y1 == y2:  # point request
            if x1 < 0 or x1 >= value.shape[1] or y1 < 0 or y1 >= value.shape[0]:
                result = np.array([[255]], dtype=np.uint8)
                result = value[y1 : y1 + 1, x1 : x1 + 1]
            _x1 = max(x1, 0)
            _y1 = max(y1, 0)
            _x2 = min(x2, value.shape[1])
            _y2 = min(y2, value.shape[0])
            result = value[_y1:_y2, _x1:_x2]
            result = np.pad(
                ((_y1 - y1, y2 - _y2), (_x1 - x1, x2 - _x2)),
            if result.shape != (height, width):
                zoom = (height / result.shape[0], width / result.shape[1])
                mask = ndimage.zoom((result == fillvalue).astype(np.float), zoom) > 0.5
                result[result == fillvalue] = 0
                result = ndimage.zoom(result, zoom)
                result[mask] = fillvalue
        result = np.repeat(result[np.newaxis], depth, axis=0)

        # fill nan values
        result[~np.isfinite(result)] = fillvalue
        return {"values": result, "no_data_value": fillvalue}