digits = len(sys.argv[1]) i = 0 name = "" while i < (4 - digits): name += "0" name += sys.argv[1] # glob the raw mock files mock_rdzs = glob("dat/mocks/ngc/*{0}*.rdz".format(name)) for i in range(len(mock_rdzs)): mock_rdz = mock_rdzs[i] # get the mock number name = mock_rdz.split(".")[1].split("_")[-1] # get the location to put the hdf5 of the mock mock_hier_fn = "dat/out/{0}/mocks_hierarchical/{1}.hdf5".format(survey_cap, name) mk_h5(mock_rdz, mock_hier_fn, "radecz", mode='w') # the location for the transformed coordinates of the mock galaxies cart_coords_fn = "dat/out/{0}/{1}/mocks/cart_coords/ascii/{2}.dat".format(survey_cap, cosmo, name) mk_mock_coords(mock_hier_fn, cart_coords_fn, cosmo) # mock_vpf(cart_coords_fn, spheresfile, cosmo)
# CMASS # - NGC sdss_dir = "./dat/in/sdss3" CMASS_dir = "./dat/in/CMASS_DATA" out_dir = "./dat/out/CMASS/NGC" if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) # Get RA, Dec, and redshifts from the fits file into a HDF5 file fits2h5("{0}/cmass-dr11v1-N-Anderson.dat.fits".format(sdss_dir), 1, ["RA", "DEC", "Z"], "{0}/full_radecz.hdf5".format(out_dir), "radecz") # create HDF5 of the random search RA, Dec values mk_h5("{0}/randoms_1E6_cmass_N_dr11v1.dat".format(CMASS_dir), "{0}/srch_radec.hdf5".format(out_dir), "good_pts", skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 1)) # Make a unified hdf5 veto file out of the bad points files catfiles = glob("{0}/north_block_*".format(CMASS_dir)) with open("{0}/full_veto.dat".format(out_dir), 'w') as outfile: for fname in catfiles: with open(fname) as infile: for line in infile: outfile.write(line) mk_h5("{0}/full_veto.dat".format(out_dir), "{0}/veto.hdf5".format(out_dir), "bad_pts", usecols=(0, 1)) # Generate the data for specific cosmologies