def data_load(): """ Anropas varhelst vi vill komma åt databasen (inte enbart en gång) """ # Skickar användaren till felmeddelande if data.load("data.json") == None: abort(400) # Om det inte strular return data.load("data.json")
def create_panels(self): """ Build game panels that move around and show at various model states. """ score_panel = Panel(SCORE_BOX.size, DRAW_AREA) score_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('puzzle_info_bg.png')).convert() score_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('puzzle_info.png')).convert() score_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) score_panel.show_position = SCORE_BOX.topleft score_panel.hide_position = (- SCORE_BOX.width, 0) score_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['score'] = score_panel puzzle_panel = Panel(PUZZLE_POS.size, DRAW_AREA) puzzle_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('puzzle_bg.png')).convert() puzzle_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('puzzle.png')).convert() puzzle_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) puzzle_panel.show_position = PUZZLE_POS.topleft puzzle_panel.hide_position = DRAW_AREA.bottomright puzzle_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['puzzle'] = puzzle_panel arcade_panel = Panel(ARCADE_POS.size, DRAW_AREA) arcade_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('arcade_bg.png')).convert() arcade_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('arcade.png')).convert() arcade_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) earth = pygame.image.load(data.load('earth.png')).convert() earth.set_colorkey(color.magenta) somewhere_over_the_rainbow = (random.randint(0, ARCADE_POS.width), random.randint(0, ARCADE_POS.height)) arcade_panel.background_image.blit(earth, somewhere_over_the_rainbow) arcade_panel.hide_position = (0, ARCADE_POS.height) arcade_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['arcade'] = arcade_panel results_screen = pygame.image.load(data.load('results.png')).convert() results_panel = Panel(results_screen.get_size(), DRAW_AREA) results_panel.background_image = results_screen results_panel.show_position = ( (DRAW_AREA.width - results_panel.rect.width) / 2, (DRAW_AREA.height - results_panel.rect.height) / 2) results_panel.hide_position = (DRAW_AREA.width, 0) results_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['results'] = results_panel msg_panel = Panel(MESSAGE_POS.size, DRAW_AREA) msg_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('messages_bg.png')).convert() msg_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load(data.load('messages.png')).convert() msg_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) msg_panel.show_position = MESSAGE_POS.topleft msg_panel.hide_position = DRAW_AREA.topright msg_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['messages'] = msg_panel
def __init__(self, fadin=False, showCredits=True): try: self.list = data.load("ranking") except:[], "ranking") self.list = data.load("ranking") self.ranking_list = graphics.userInterface.Interface() self.ranking_list.addButton(0, "arrow_back.png", data.config.WIDTH * 0.1, data.config.HEIGHT * 0.1, mask="arrow_leftMask.png") self.ranking_list.addSlider(1, "slider.png", "slidermask.png", (0, 1000), 0, data.config.WIDTH * 0.75 + 180, data.config.HEIGHT * 0.55, vertical=True, visible=len(self.list) > 5) self.fadin = 256 if fadin else -1 self.showCredits = showCredits
def main(): print "Hello from your game's main()" print data.load("sample.txt").read() # setup window pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.DOUBLEBUF) # rabbyt.set_viewport((0, 0, 640, 480), (0, 0, 640, 480)) # rabbyt.set_default_attribs() screen_buf = pygame.surface.Surface((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) bg = pygame.surface.Surface((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() print "Loading tile map..." # tiledmap = json.loads(data.load("level_map.json").read()) # print json.dumps(tiledmap, indent=2) # sys.exit(0) p = player.Player() level_map = tiledmap.TiledRenderer() level_map.render(bg) # the gameloop keepRunning = True while keepRunning: clock.tick() events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == QUIT: keepRunning = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: keepRunning = False key_downs = [e for e in events if e.type == KEYDOWN] keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() p.handle_input(key_downs, keys_pressed) p.update(level_map.platforms) screen_buf.blit(bg, (0, 0)) p.render(screen_buf) screen.blit(screen_buf, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # flip the buffers
def init(game_type): assert type(game_type) is str # Store scene (when ready) scene.set('game') # Store mode (when ready) mode.set(game_type) # Load the data data.load() # Not yet loaded if not GAME_IMAGES: # Main layers GAME_IMAGES['delay'] = pyglet.image.load('./data/img/backgrounds/') GAME_IMAGES['pause'] = pyglet.image.load('./data/img/backgrounds/') GAME_IMAGES['win'] = pyglet.image.load('./data/img/backgrounds/') GAME_IMAGES['loose'] = pyglet.image.load('./data/img/backgrounds/') # Sprites GAME_IMAGES['projectile'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('projectile')) GAME_IMAGES['bacteria'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('bacteria')) GAME_IMAGES['virus'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image("virus")) GAME_IMAGES['cell'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('cellule')) GAME_IMAGES['cell1'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('cellule1')) GAME_IMAGES['cell2'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('cellule2')) GAME_IMAGES['cell3'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('cellule3')) GAME_IMAGES['phagocyte'] = pyglet.image.load(data.get_image('Phagocyte')) # Faster backgrounds background.scene_speed('game') # No game cursor cursor.disable() # Game music if game_type is 'bacteria': else:'04') # Launch the game launch() # Process first update animer(0) return True
def start_level(self): global text_overlay text_overlay.text = '' global world_index, world, world_map, world_offset world = json.load(data.load(worlds[world_index])) world_map = world['tiles'] world_offset = [0, 0] global map_width, map_height, map_batch map_width = world['width'] map_height = len(world_map) / map_width map_batch = music_file =['music']) music_player.queue(music_file) global tiles tiles = [] for index, material in enumerate(world_map): if material and material > 0: tile = Tile(material, (index % map_width) * TILE_SIZE, (index / map_width) * TILE_SIZE) tiles.append(tile)
def respondToUserInput(self, event): if self.transitionTimer < 64: return self for e in self.menu_list.handle(event): if e.type == graphics.userInterface.BUTTONCLICKED \ or (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN \ and self.menu_list.buttons[0].active == True): transitionTimer = 0 display = pygame.display.get_surface() static = display.copy() blackness = pygame.Surface((data.config.WIDTH, data.config.HEIGHT)) blackness.fill(0x000000) while transitionTimer <= 255: display.blit(static, (0, 0)) blackness.set_alpha(transitionTimer, pygame.RLEACCEL) display.blit(blackness, (0, 0)) transitionTimer += 1 pygame.display.flip() ranking = data.load("ranking") ranking.append((self.menu_list.getText("name"), self.score)) ranking = sorted(ranking, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0:10], "ranking") return screen.Ranking(fadin=True, showCredits=self.color == 0x262626) return self
def load_test(self): self.y_test = np.load(self.test_pred_file).astype(np.float32) self.images_test = data.load('test') image_shapes_test = np.asarray([img.shape for img in self.images_test]).astype(np.float32) moments_test = np.load("data/image_moment_stats_v1_test.pkl") centroid_distance = np.abs(moments_test["centroids"][:, [1, 0]] - image_shapes_test / 2) self.info_test = np.concatenate((centroid_distance, image_shapes_test, moments_test["angles"][:, None], moments_test["minor_axes"][:, None], moments_test["major_axes"][:, None]), 1).astype(np.float32)
def MTL(filename): contents = {} mtl = None for line in data.load(filename, "r"): if line.startswith('#'): continue values = line.split() if not values: continue if values[0] == 'newmtl': mtl = contents[values[1]] = {} elif mtl is None: raise ValueError, "mtl file doesn't start with newmtl stmt" elif values[0] == 'map_Kd': # load the texture referred to by this declaration mtl[values[0]] = values[1] surf = pygame.image.load(data.filepath(mtl['map_Kd'])) image = pygame.image.tostring(surf, 'RGBA', 1) ix, iy = surf.get_rect().size texid = mtl['texture_Kd'] = glGenTextures(1) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, ix, iy, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image) else: mtl[values[0]] = map(float, values[1:]) return contents
def win(graphics): f = data.load("img7.png") img = load_img(f, graphics) i=0 menu_quit = 2 ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() t = 0 key_pressed = 1 next = "quit" while menu_quit != 1: pygame.event.pump() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if(keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] == 1 and key_pressed == 0): menu_quit = 1 if( keys[pygame.K_LEFT] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_UP] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_DOWN] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_RETURN] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_1] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_2] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_3] == 0 and keys[pygame.K_LCTRL] == 0): key_pressed = 0 if((keys[pygame.K_RETURN] == 1 or keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] == 1 or keys[pygame.K_LCTRL] == 1) and key_pressed == 0): menu_quit = 1 graphics.screen.blit(img, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.wait(1) t = pygame.time.get_ticks() - ticks ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() i += 1 return next
def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title = MainWindow.TITLE, style = wx.NO_BORDER) aBitmap = wx.Image(name = SplashScreen.SPLASH_PATH).ConvertToBitmap() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) pic = wx.StaticBitmap(self, wx.ID_ANY, aBitmap) self.text = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, size = (pic.GetSize()[0], -1), style = wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) self.progress = wx.Gauge(self, wx.ID_ANY) sizer.Add (pic, 1, wx.ALIGN_TOP | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.SHAPED) sizer.Add (self.text, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add (self.progress, 0, wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND) self.text.SetFont(wx.Font(20, wx.FONTFAMILY_SCRIPT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)) self.SetIcon(utils_gui.make_icon(wx.Image(name = SplashScreen.ICON_PATH))) self.SetSizerAndFit (sizer) self.CenterOnScreen ( ) self.Show ( ) wx.Yield ( ) import data self.__application_loaded(*data.load(self))
def demo(): cube = data.load(['SPY', 'QQQ'], '20100101', '20130204') spy_px = [[('SPY', 'adjclose')][dt] for dt in cube.get_dates()] qqq_px = [[('QQQ', 'adjclose')][dt] for dt in cube.get_dates()] minspy = min(spy_px) maxspy = max(spy_px) minqqq = min(qqq_px) maxqqq = max(qqq_px) spy_px = [(px - minspy) / (maxspy - minspy) for px in spy_px] qqq_px = [(px - minqqq) / (maxqqq - minqqq) for px in qqq_px] spy_inp = [[spy_px[j-i] for i in range(10, 0, -1)] for j in range(10, len(spy_px))] spy_tar = [spy_px[i] for i in range(10, len(spy_px))] qqq_inp = [[qqq_px[j-i] for i in range(10, 0, -1)] for j in range(10, len(qqq_px))] qqq_tar = [qqq_px[i] for i in range(10, len(qqq_px))] inp = np.array([z[0] + z[1] for z in zip(spy_inp, qqq_inp)]) tar = np.array([[z[0]] + [z[1]] for z in zip(spy_tar, qqq_tar)]) net =[[0,1]]*20, [41,40,2]) #inp = np.array(spy_inp) #tar = np.array([spy_tar]).reshape(len(inp), 1) #net =[[0,1]]*10, [51,2,1]) error = net.train(inp,tar,epochs=500, show=100, goal=0.02) returns = {} for dt in cube.get_dates()[1:]: yesterday = cube.go_back(dt, 1) px_T =[('SPY', 'adjclose')][dt] px_Tm1 =[('SPY', 'adjclose')][yesterday] r = px_T / px_Tm1 returns[dt] = px_T maxreturn = max(returns.values()) minreturn = min(returns.values()) for k, v in returns.items(): returns[k] = (v - minreturn) / (maxreturn - minreturn) xs = [] ys = [] pat = [] dates = cube.get_dates() for dt in dates[11:]: contents = [returns[cube.go_back(dt, x)] for x in range(10, 0, -1)] target = returns[dt] xs.append(contents) ys.append([target]) pat.append([contents, [target]]) import neurolab as nl import numpy as np inp = np.array(xs) tar = np.array(ys) net =[[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1],[-1,1]],1) error = net.train(inp, tar, epochs=500, show=100) print 'error', error out = net.sim([inp[-1]]) print 'out', out
def run(): test_data = data.load()["actives"].values() # active abilities # fail test if test_data is empty if test_data is None: print ("Fail: No test data loaded") return 0 al = AbilityList() # loop through data creating an ability from each 'name' for ability in test_data: if al.populate({'test_ability': ability}, ABILITY_TYPE.ACTIVE): print("\nAdded: %s" % ability["name"]) print() print("Print object: \n") try: print(al.collections[ABILITY_TYPE.ACTIVE][ability["name"]]) except KeyError: print("Invalid data, printing debug info...") print(al.collections[ABILITY_TYPE.ACTIVE]) print() else: print("Failed!\n") # TODO Add debug info as to why this test failed. return 0 return 1
def run(): # List of all abilities test_data = data.load() # For each list in the test_data loaded. for d in test_data.values(): # turn each result into a list l = list(d.values()) print("Number of Abilities Loaded: %s" % len(l)) print() print("Raw Data: \n") print(d.values()) print() print("Printing random ability name: \n") print(l[0]["name"]) print() try: provides = l[0]['provides'] for k,v in provides.items(): print("\nDisplay formatted provides tree: \n") print(k) print(v) print() except KeyError as e: print("Fail: Ability selected does not have a provides attribute") # line for readibility print() return 1 # pass
def mail_task(task, note): """ Mails a task to '*****@*****.**'. Args: task: The task you wish to have mailed as a string value. note: The note you wish associated with the task, as a string value. """ try:"Loading user data.") user_data = data.load() if user_data.password_prompt: user_data.password = getpass.getpass("Please enter your password: "******"Error mailing task: {error}".format(error=e)) logging.error("Stacktrace: {st}".format(st=traceback.format_exc())) print "There was an error sending your task: {error}".format(error=e) except data.WLTaskUserDataException:"User data not found. Run with --config.") print "No configuration found! Please run \"wltask --config\" to setup your account." sys.exit(0) except IOError: logging.error("There was a problem loading user data. The file exists but it could not be read.") print "There was an error reading your configuration file. Try again or delete your" print "configuration file and rerun with -config." sys.exit(0)
def model_selection(): file = 'data/n228_bcdefgh.mat' dat = data.load(file) X, y =, range(0, 96), 'fr1', 17) filter = SelectKBest(chi2, k=5) clf = PoissonNB() poisson = Pipeline([('filter',filter),('pois',clf)]) #poisson.set_params(filter__k=10).fit(X,y) param_grid = [{'filter__score_func': [chi2], 'filter__k': range(1, 96)}, {'filter__score_func': [f_classif], 'filter__k': range(1,96)}] grid = GridSearchCV(poisson, param_grid, n_jobs=-1, scoring=make_scorer(error_distance, greater_is_better=False)).fit(X,y) print "Best Params" print grid.best_params_ print("Grid scores on development set:") print() for params, mean_score, scores in grid.grid_scores_: print("%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r" % (mean_score, scores.std() * 2, params)) print()
def project_page(id): """ Using the data layer, Jinja2, and the project.html template this function returns a page containing information regarding the project that in the database has the specified id. If the specified project does not exist, it returns the "404" page. This function is called when the URL '/project/<int:id>' is requested. :return: The specified projects page """ db = data.load("data.json") project = data.get_project(db, id) pprint(project) if project is not None: return render_template( "elements/project.html", page_name="Project", project_data=project, stylesheets=["full-project.css"] ) else: return render_template( "status_codes/404.html", page_name="Project", non_existent_url=request.path, stylesheets=["status_codes/404.css"], )
def test_permutation(self): #test permutation function for dn in self.datasets: D = data.load(os.path.join(self.dir_name,dn)) perm = SP.random.permutation(D['X'].shape[0]) #1. set permuattion lmm = limix.CLMM() lmm.setK(D['K']) lmm.setSNPs(D['X']) lmm.setCovs(D['Cov']) lmm.setPheno(D['Y']) if 1: #pdb.set_trace() perm = SP.array(perm,dtype='int32')#Windows needs int32 as long -> fix interface to accept int64 types lmm.setPermutation(perm) lmm.process() pv_perm1 = lmm.getPv().ravel() #2. do by hand lmm = limix.CLMM() lmm.setK(D['K']) lmm.setSNPs(D['X'][perm]) lmm.setCovs(D['Cov']) lmm.setPheno(D['Y']) lmm.process() pv_perm2 = lmm.getPv().ravel() D2 = (SP.log10(pv_perm1)-SP.log10(pv_perm2))**2 RV = SP.sqrt(D2.mean()) self.assertTrue(RV<1E-6)
def main_json(cache=[None, 0]): """ Lazy loading main.json """ mtime = os.path.getmtime(static_path("main.json")) if mtime != cache[1]: cache[1] = mtime cache[0] = data.load(static_path("main.json")) return cache[0]
def list_page(): """ Using the data layer, Jinja2, and the list.html template this function EITHER returns the default list page (containing all the projects) OR if it has been requested using a POST it instead returns the list page containing a list of projects that fit the search parameters contained in the POST. This function is called when the URL '/list' is requested. :return: The list page of our portfolio(containing all or some projects from the data layer). """ db = data.load("data.json") full_list = techniques = data.get_technique_stats(db) if request.method == "POST": requested_technique_list = request.form.getlist("technique") requested_search_fields_list = request.form.getlist("search_fields") if not requested_search_fields_list: requested_search_fields_list = None requested_order = request.form["sort_order"] requested_sort_field = request.form["sort_field"] requested_text_search = request.form["text_search"] if requested_text_search == "": requested_text_search = None search_results = full_list, techniques=requested_technique_list, search_fields=requested_search_fields_list, sort_order=requested_order, sort_by=requested_sort_field, search=requested_text_search, ) return render_template( "list.html", page_name="List Page", sortable_fields=sortable_fields, searchable_fields=searchable_fields, project_list=search_results, previous_search_fields=requested_search_fields_list or [], previous_text_search=requested_text_search or "", previous_techniques=requested_technique_list, previous_sort_field=requested_sort_field, techniques=sorted(techniques.keys()), stylesheets=["list.css", "project-item.css", "search-box.css"], ) else: return render_template( "list.html", page_name="List Page", sortable_fields=sortable_fields, searchable_fields=searchable_fields or [], project_list=full_list, techniques=sorted(techniques.keys()), stylesheets=["list.css", "project-item.css", "search-box.css"], )
def projects(): projects = data.load("data.json") if request.method == "GET": return render_template('list.html', projectlist=projects, listlength=len(projects)) elif request.method == "POST": searchedlist =, search=request.form["searchstr"]) return render_template('list.html', projectlist=searchedlist, listlength=len(searchedlist))
def setUp(self): #check: do we have a csv File? self.dir_name = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.dataset = os.path.join(self.dir_name,'varDecomp') if (not os.path.exists(self.dataset)) or 'recalc' in sys.argv: if not os.path.exists(self.dataset): os.makedirs(self.dataset) SP.random.seed(1) self.N = 200 self.S = 1000 self.P = 2 self.D = {} self.genGeno() self.genPheno() self.generate = True else: self.generate=False #self.D = data.load(os.path.join(self.dir_name,self.dataset)) self.D = data.load(self.dataset) self.N = self.D['X'].shape[0] self.S = self.D['X'].shape[1] self.P = self.D['Y'].shape[1] self.Kg =['X'],self.D['X'].T) self.Kg = self.Kg/self.Kg.diagonal().mean() = VAR.VarianceDecomposition(self.D['Y']),jitter=0),jitter=0)
def index(): db=load() Pname=db[0]['project_name'] Stext=db[0]['short_description'] Simage=db[0]['small_image'] Ltext=db[0]['long_description'] Bimage=db[0]['big_image'] return render_template('index.html', Stext=Stext, Ltext=Ltext, Simage=Simage, Pname=Pname, Bimage=Bimage)
def __init__(self, levelname): filename = levelname + ".txt" self.mapdata = [] for line in data.load(filename, 'r').readlines(): temp = [] for char in line.strip(): temp.append(int(char)) self.mapdata.append(temp)
def show_project(pid): try: db = data.load('data.json') project_var =, search=str(pid), search_fields=['project_no']) print(project_var) return render_template("project.html", title="project <pid>", projectid = pid, project = project_var) except: abort(404) #give error 404
def listPage(): if request.method == 'GET': db=load() srch=True techniques=get_techniques(db) projects=search(db, sort_by='start_date',sort_order='desc',techniques=None,search=None,search_fields=None) field=get_fields(db) return render_template('list.html',srch=srch,projects=projects, field=field, techniques=techniques)
def sys_call(self, name, arguments): n = intmask(runpack('>Q', expected_name = n = intmask(runpack('>Q', expected_arguments = [data.load(self.fd) for i in xrange(n)] n = intmask(runpack('>Q', return_values = [data.load(self.fd) for i in xrange(n)] assert expected_name == name assert len(expected_arguments) == len(arguments) for i in xrange(len(expected_arguments)): expected = expected_arguments[i] arg = arguments[i] if not expected.eq(arg): raise Exception('expected %s to equal %s' % (expected, arg)) return return_values
def main(): print "Hello from your game's main()" print data.load('sample.txt').read() # director init takes the same arguments as pyglet.window cocos.director.director.init(320, 480) # if['userdata']['IsFirstRun']: # #TODO: take them through the story. # # else: # We create a new layer, an instance of HelloWorld hello_layer = mainmenu.MainMenu() #gameplay.GamePlay() # A scene that contains the layer hello_layer main_scene = cocos.scene.Scene (hello_layer) # And now, start the application, starting with main_scene (main_scene)
def load_font(file, size): "loads a font" file = load(file) try: font = pygame.font.Font(file, size) except pygame.error: raise SystemExit('Could not load font "%s" %s' % (file, pygame.get_error())) return font
def load_image(file): "loads an image" file = load(file) try: surface = pygame.image.load(file) except pygame.error: raise SystemExit('Could not load image "%s" %s' % (file, pygame.get_error())) return surface.convert_alpha()
from sklearn.neighbors import RadiusNeighborsClassifier import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn import random_projection dataName = 'multimnist' batchSize = 32 learnRate = 0.001 positive_ratio = 0.003 maxEpochs = 201 repeat = 5 hop = 3 K = 30 P_X, U_X, N_list, N_list1, N_list2, A_list, testX, testY = data.load(dataName) A_X = P_X[0:int(positive_ratio * len(N_list))] U_shuffle_list = [x for x in range(len(U_X))] N_shuffle_list = [x for x in range(len(N_list))] A_shuffle_list = [x for x in range(len(A_X))] dim_list = [784, 128, 64, 32] final_auc_history = [] final_pr_history = [] best_auc_history = [] trainX = np.concatenate((U_X, A_X), 0) for rep in range(repeat): tf.reset_default_graph()
help='Minimum categorical bin size', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('-ct', '--cat_trans', help='Category transformation method', type=str, default='tgtrate') parser.add_argument('-cv', '--cv', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-codetest', '--codetest', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-getcached', '--getcached', action='store_true') m_params = vars(parser.parse_args()) # Load data X, y, X_sub, ids = data.load(m_params) xgb_param = { 'silent': 1, 'eta': 0.1, 'objective': 'count:poisson', 'min_child_weight': 3, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9 } # do cross validation scoring kf = KFold(X.shape[0], n_folds=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1) scr = np.zeros([len(kf)]) oob_pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) sub_pred = np.zeros((X_sub.shape[0], 5)) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_sub)
import time import tensorflow as tf import config import data import model parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train song embeddings.') parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', required=True, help='Config file') parser.add_argument('--data', '-d', required=True, help='Training data directory') parser.add_argument('--max_steps', type=int, default=1000000, help='Number of steps to train for') args = parser.parse_args() config = config.load(args.config) (train_songs, train_examples) = data.load( print("Model configuration: ") pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint(config) input_song_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) target_feature_sequences = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, config['sequence_length'], config['num_features']], ) feature_outputs =, len(train_songs), input_song_ids, target_feature_sequences) loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(target_feature_sequences, feature_outputs) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(config['learning_rate']) global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
"weights_L": -0.1, "weights_H": 0.1, "save": False, #haven't implement this one yet "loss": network.CrossEntropyLoss, "learning_C": [], "testing_C": [] } def replace_value_with_definition(key_to_find, definition): for key in initial_setting.keys(): if key == key_to_find: initial_setting[key] = definition dataset = data.load() features = dataset["train_data"] targets = dataset["train_labels"] test_features = dataset["test_data"] test_targets = dataset["test_labels"] m, n = features.shape replace_value_with_definition("inputs_N", n) replace_value_with_definition("weights_L", -1.0 / n) replace_value_with_definition("weights_H", 1.0 / n) print initial_setting NN = network.NetworkFrame(initial_setting) features_normalized, mean, std = data.normalize(features) test_normalized, _, _ = data.normalize(test_features, mean, std) NN.Train(features_normalized, targets, test_normalized, test_targets, 10e-5, 100, 200, 0.001) learning_record = NN.GetLearingRecord()
parser.add_argument('--attention_out_dim', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4) parser.add_argument('--replay_size', type=int, default=100000) parser.add_argument('--learn_start', type=int, default=1000) parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=0.95) parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.001) parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=1250) args = parser.parse_args() ################################# ############## Data ############# ################################# train_data, test_data = data.load(args.mode, args.annotations, args.max_train, args.max_test) layout_vocab_size, object_vocab_size, text_vocab_size, text_vocab = data.get_statistics( train_data, test_data) print '\n<Main> Converting to tensors' train_layouts, train_objects, train_rewards, train_terminal, \ train_instructions, train_indices, train_values, train_goals = data.to_tensor(train_data, text_vocab, args.annotations) test_layouts, test_objects, test_rewards, test_terminal, \ test_instructions, test_indices, test_values, test_goals = data.to_tensor(test_data, text_vocab, args.annotations) # pdb.set_trace() print '<Main> Training:', train_layouts.size(), 'x', train_objects.size( ), 'x', train_indices.size()
Dense) import config model = tf.keras.Sequential([ Embedding(input_dim=config.VOCAB_SIZE, output_dim=config.EMBEDDING_DIM, input_length=config.MAX_LENGTH), Bidirectional(LSTM(128)), Dropout(0.5), Dense(64, activation="relu"), Dense(1, activation="sigmoid"), ]) model.compile( loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'], ) if __name__ == "__main__": import data import preprocessing df = preprocessing.preprocess(data.load("twitter")) train_df, validation_df = preprocessing.train_val_split(df) tokenizer = preprocessing.get_tokenizer(train_df) train_padded, validation_padded = preprocessing.tokenize( tokenizer, train_df, validation_df) history =, y=train_df.label.to_numpy(), epochs=2) eval_loss, eval_acc = model.evaluate(x=validation_padded, y=validation_df.label.to_numpy())
import discord,os,json,re,asyncio,data from mcrcon import MCRcon from discord.ext import commands from mcstatus import MinecraftServer from discord.ext.commands import is_owner from bot import adminOrOwner,logOutput from discord_slash import cog_ext,SlashContext save = data.load('save') serverStarted = False sizes={2:'MBs',3:'GBs'} mainDirectory = os.getcwd() serverQuery=os.getenv('serverQuery') servers=data.load('servers') mc=MCRcon(os.getenv('mcRconHost'),os.getenv('mcRconPassword'),int(os.getenv('mcRconPort'))) class serverMcstarter(commands.Cog): def __init__(self,client): self.client = client @cog_ext.cog_subcommand(base='minecraft',name='start',description='starts a minecraft server.') async def start(self,ctx:SlashContext,server:str): if serverStarted: return try: os.chdir(servers([server,'directory'])) except: await ctx.send('server name error') os.startfile('botStart.bat') os.chdir(mainDirectory) await ctx.send('okay, it\'s starting.') for i in range(['servers',str(,'config','maxServerStartTime'])): try: MinecraftServer.lookup(serverQuery).query(); break except: asyncio.sleep(1) else: await ctx.send('error starting server.'); return
image_size=(10, 10)): data -= data.min() data /= data.max() # force the number of filters to be square n = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(data.shape[0]))) padding = ((0, n**2 - data.shape[0]), (0, padsize), (0, padsize)) + ((0, 0), ) * (data.ndim - 3) data = np.pad(data, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=(padval, padval)) # tile the filters into an image data = data.reshape((n, n) + data.shape[1:]).transpose( (0, 2, 1, 3) + tuple(range(4, data.ndim + 1))) data = data.reshape((n * data.shape[1], n * data.shape[3]) + data.shape[4:]) #plt.figure(figsize=image_size) plt.imshow(data, cmap=cmap) plt.axis('off') if __name__ == "__main__": train_X, _, _, _, _, _, _ = data.load() random_idxs = np.random.randint(0, train_X.shape[0], 16) visualize_data(train_X[random_idxs].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
filemode="w", encoding="utf-8") root_logger = logging.getLogger() stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) stderr_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(fmt='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')) root_logger.addHandler(stderr_handler) if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='A Magic: the Gathering parser.') # TODO argparser.add_argument("-t", "--test", help="Run tests then exit", action="store_true") argparser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="Enable debug logs on stderr.", action="store_true") argparser.add_argument( "-n", "--nodownload", help= "Disable downloading new data file. Only works if there is already an existing data file.", action="store_true") args = argparser.parse_args() if args.debug: stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.nodownload: data.no_download = True card.load_cards(data.load())
def create_panels(self): """ Build game panels that move around and show at various model states. """ score_panel = Panel(SCORE_BOX.size, DRAW_AREA) score_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('puzzle_info_bg.png')).convert() score_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('puzzle_info.png')).convert() score_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) score_panel.show_position = SCORE_BOX.topleft score_panel.hide_position = (-SCORE_BOX.width, 0) score_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['score'] = score_panel puzzle_panel = Panel(PUZZLE_POS.size, DRAW_AREA) puzzle_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('puzzle_bg.png')).convert() puzzle_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('puzzle.png')).convert() puzzle_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) puzzle_panel.show_position = PUZZLE_POS.topleft puzzle_panel.hide_position = DRAW_AREA.bottomright puzzle_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['puzzle'] = puzzle_panel arcade_panel = Panel(ARCADE_POS.size, DRAW_AREA) arcade_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('arcade_bg.png')).convert() arcade_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('arcade.png')).convert() arcade_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) earth = pygame.image.load(data.load('earth.png')).convert() earth.set_colorkey(color.magenta) somewhere_over_the_rainbow = (random.randint(0, ARCADE_POS.width), random.randint(0, ARCADE_POS.height)) arcade_panel.background_image.blit(earth, somewhere_over_the_rainbow) arcade_panel.hide_position = (0, ARCADE_POS.height) arcade_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['arcade'] = arcade_panel results_screen = pygame.image.load(data.load('results.png')).convert() results_panel = Panel(results_screen.get_size(), DRAW_AREA) results_panel.background_image = results_screen results_panel.show_position = ( (DRAW_AREA.width - results_panel.rect.width) / 2, (DRAW_AREA.height - results_panel.rect.height) / 2) results_panel.hide_position = (DRAW_AREA.width, 0) results_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['results'] = results_panel msg_panel = Panel(MESSAGE_POS.size, DRAW_AREA) msg_panel.background_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('messages_bg.png')).convert() msg_panel.border_image = pygame.image.load( data.load('messages.png')).convert() msg_panel.border_image.set_colorkey(color.magenta) msg_panel.show_position = MESSAGE_POS.topleft msg_panel.hide_position = DRAW_AREA.topright msg_panel.hide(instant=True) self.panels['messages'] = msg_panel
import numpy as np seed = 666 torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) # Constant definition device = torch.device("cuda:0") embedding_size = 300 hidden_size = 100 num_layers = 1 bidirectional = True # Le probleme vient du count vectorizer qui vire certains mots print("Load Dataset") dataset = load(torch_dataset=True)["torch"] def embedding_collate_decorator(collate_fn): def wrapper(batch): x, y, id_ = collate_fn(batch) return x, y return wrapper collate_fn = embedding_collate_decorator(sequence_collate_fn) indices = list(range(len(dataset))) random.shuffle(indices) for i, (trainindices, testindices) in enumerate(all_but_one(indices, k=10)):
thresholds['456.hmmer'] = None thresholds['453.povray'] = None thresholds['445.gobmk'] = 0.65 thresholds['403.gcc'] = 0.505 thresholds['444.namd'] = 0.257 thresholds['429.mcf'] = 0.65 thresholds['458.sjeng'] = None thresholds['483.xalancbmk'] = 0.69 if __name__ == '__main__': #device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") device = torch.device("cpu") print('Loading data') print('Including:', [sys.argv[2]]) lang, entries = data.load(sys.argv[1], include=[sys.argv[2]], cache=False) #n_iters = 250000 #dataset = data.balanced(entries, n_iters) dataset = entries print('Testing') #encoder1 = torch.load('') #classifier1 = torch.load('') encoder1 = torch.load('/home/rodrigo/ml/deepopt/test-4/' + sys.argv[2] + '/') classifier1 = torch.load('/home/rodrigo/ml/deepopt/test-4/' + sys.argv[2] + '/') evaluateAll(dataset, encoder1, classifier1, thresholds[sys.argv[2]],
plot_loss_total = 0 return plot_losses if __name__ == '__main__': devname = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" device = torch.device(devname) #device = torch.device("cpu") if devname == "cpu": torch.set_num_threads(16) print('Loading data') print(device) #print('Ignoring:',sys.argv[2:]) #lang, entries = data.load(sys.argv[1],exclude=sys.argv[2:],cache=False) lang, entries = data.load(sys.argv[1], cache=False) #lang, entries = data.load(sys.argv[1],include="473.astar 462.libquantum ".split(),cache=False) #n_iters = 30000 #dataset = data.balanced(entries, n_iters) print(len(entries)) dataset = entries print('Training') embedded_size = 64 hidden_size = 128 encoder1 = model.Encoder(lang.n_words, embedded_size, hidden_size, 3).to(device) classifier1 = model.Classifier(hidden_size, 2).to(device)
buffer = self._enc_uttr(word_tokens) act_tail = self._action_nn.initial_state() stack_tail = self._stack_nn.initial_state() return self._trans_run(w_tokens, buffer, stack_tail, act_tail) def save_mdl(self, fpath): def load_mdl(self, fpath): self._pc.populate(fpath) if __name__ == '__main__': data.load() lr = ast.LogicRep( 'answer(count(intersection(city(cityid(\'austin\', _)), loc_2(countryid(\'usa\')))))' ) # lr=LogicRep('answer(state(loc_2(countryid(CountryName))))') # print(lr.tokens) # print(lr.reconvert()) nlst = lr.parse() # print nlst ast = ast.Tree(nlst) # print ast.get_nlves_and_lves() gp_predicates = data.gp_predicates terms, acts = ast.get_terms_and_acts(gp_predicates) print terms print acts
def train_oneparamset(self, indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_tra, fid_lst_val, params_savefile, trialstr='', cont=None): print('Loading all validation data at once ...') # X_val, Y_val = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1) X_vals = data.load(indir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Context labels: ') Y_vals = data.load(outdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Output features: ') X_vals, Y_vals = data.croplen([X_vals, Y_vals]) print(' {} validation files'.format(len(fid_lst_val))) print(' number of validation files / train files: {:.2f}%'.format(100.0*float(len(fid_lst_val))/len(fid_lst_tra))) print('Model initial status before training') worst_val = data.cost_0pred_rmse(Y_vals) print(" 0-pred validation RMSE = {} (100%)".format(worst_val)) init_pred_rms = data.prediction_rms(self._model, [X_vals]) print(' initial RMS of prediction = {}'.format(init_pred_rms)) init_val = data.cost_model_prediction_rmse(self._model, [X_vals], Y_vals) best_val = None print(" initial validation RMSE = {} ({:.4f}%)".format(init_val, 100.0*init_val/worst_val)) nbbatches = int(len(fid_lst_tra)/self.cfg.train_batch_size) print(' using {} batches of {} sentences each'.format(nbbatches, self.cfg.train_batch_size)) print(' model #parameters={}'.format(self._model.count_params())) nbtrainframes = 0 for fid in fid_lst_tra: X = data.loadfile(outdir, fid) nbtrainframes += X.shape[0] print(' Training set: {} sentences, #frames={} ({})'.format(len(fid_lst_tra), nbtrainframes, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime((nbtrainframes*self._model.vocoder.shift))))) print(' #parameters/#frames={:.2f}'.format(float(self._model.count_params())/nbtrainframes)) if self.cfg.train_nbepochs_scalewdata and not self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax is None: # During an epoch, the whole data is _not_ seen by the training since cfg.train_batch_lengthmax is limited and smaller to the sentence size. # To compensate for it and make the config below less depedent on the data, the min ans max nbepochs are scaled according to the missing number of frames seen. # TODO Should consider only non-silent frames, many recordings have a lot of pre and post silences epochcoef = nbtrainframes/float((self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax*len(fid_lst_tra))) print(' scale number of epochs wrt number of frames') self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs = int(self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs*epochcoef) self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs = int(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs*epochcoef) print(' train_min_nbepochs={}'.format(self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs)) print(' train_max_nbepochs={}'.format(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs)) self.prepare() # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes costs = defaultdict(list) epochs_modelssaved = [] epochs_durs = [] nbnodecepochs = 0 generator_updates = 0 epochstart = 1 if cont and len(glob.glob(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5*'))>0: print(' reloading previous training state ...') savedcfg, extras, rngstate = self.loadTrainingState(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5') np.random.set_state(rngstate) cost_val = extras['cost_val'] # Restoring some local variables costs = extras['costs'] epochs_modelssaved = extras['epochs_modelssaved'] epochs_durs = extras['epochs_durs'] generator_updates = extras['generator_updates'] epochstart = extras['epoch']+1 # Restore the saving criteria if only none of those 3 cfg values changed: if (savedcfg.train_min_nbepochs==self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs) and (savedcfg.train_max_nbepochs==self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs) and (savedcfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs==self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs): best_val = extras['best_val'] nbnodecepochs = extras['nbnodecepochs'] print_log(" start training ...") epoch = -1 for epoch in range(epochstart,1+self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs): timeepochstart = time.time() rndidx = np.arange(int(nbbatches*self.cfg.train_batch_size)) # Need to restart from ordered state to make the shuffling repeatable after reloading training state, the shuffling will be different anyway np.random.shuffle(rndidx) rndidxb = np.split(rndidx, nbbatches) cost_tra = None costs_tra_batches = [] costs_tra_gen_wgan_lse_ratios = [] load_times = [] train_times = [] for batchid in xrange(nbbatches): timeloadstart = time.time() print_tty('\r Training batch {}/{}'.format(1+batchid, nbbatches)) # Load training data online, because data is often too heavy to hold in memory fid_lst_trab = [fid_lst_tra[bidx] for bidx in rndidxb[batchid]] X_trab, Y_trab, W_trab = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_trab, length=self.cfg.train_batch_length, lengthmax=self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax, maskpadtype=self.cfg.train_batch_padtype, cropmode=self.cfg.train_batch_cropmode) if 0: # Plot batch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.imshow(Y_trab[0,].T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap='jet') from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb; Pdb().set_trace() load_times.append(time.time()-timeloadstart) print_tty(' (iter load: {:.6f}s); training '.format(load_times[-1])) timetrainstart = time.time() cost_tra = self.train_on_batch(batchid, X_trab, Y_trab) # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes train_times.append(time.time()-timetrainstart) if not cost_tra is None: print_tty('err={:.4f} (iter train: {:.4f}s) '.format(cost_tra,train_times[-1])) if np.isnan(cost_tra): # pragma: no cover print_log(' previous costs: {}'.format(costs_tra_batches)) print_log(' E{} Batch {}/{} train cost = {}'.format(epoch, 1+batchid, nbbatches, cost_tra)) raise ValueError('ERROR: Training cost is nan!') costs_tra_batches.append(cost_tra) print_tty('\r \r') costs['model_training'].append(np.mean(costs_tra_batches)) cost_val = self.update_validation_cost(costs, X_vals, Y_vals) # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes print_log(" E{}/{} {} cost_tra={:.6f} (load:{}s train:{}s) cost_val={:.6f} ({:.4f}% RMSE) {} MiB GPU {} MiB RAM".format(epoch, self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs, trialstr, costs['model_training'][-1], time2str(np.sum(load_times)), time2str(np.sum(train_times)), cost_val, 100*costs['model_rmse_validation'][-1]/worst_val, tf_gpu_memused(), proc_memresident())) sys.stdout.flush() if np.isnan(cost_val): raise ValueError('ERROR: Validation cost is nan!') # if (self._errtype=='LSE') and (cost_val>=self.cfg.train_cancel_validthresh*worst_val): raise ValueError('ERROR: Validation cost blew up! It is higher than {} times the worst possible values'.format(self.cfg.train_cancel_validthresh)) # TODO[0]+'-last.h5', printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val}) # Save model parameters if epoch>=self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs: # Assume no model is good enough before self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs if ((best_val is None) or (cost_val<best_val)): # Among all trials of hyper-parameter optimisation best_val = cost_val, printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val}, infostr='(E{} C{:.4f})'.format(epoch, best_val)) epochs_modelssaved.append(epoch) nbnodecepochs = 0 else: nbnodecepochs += 1 if self.cfg.train_log_plot: print_log(' saving plots') log_plot_costs(costs, worst_val, fname=os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-fig_costs_'+trialstr+'.svg', epochs_modelssaved=epochs_modelssaved) nbsamples = 2 nbsamples = min(nbsamples, len(X_vals)) Y_preds = [] for sampli in xrange(nbsamples): Y_preds.append(self._model.predict(np.reshape(X_vals[sampli],[1]+[s for s in X_vals[sampli].shape]))[0,]) plotsuffix = '' if len(epochs_modelssaved)>0 and epochs_modelssaved[-1]==epoch: plotsuffix='_best' else: plotsuffix='_last' log_plot_samples(Y_vals, Y_preds, nbsamples=nbsamples, fname=os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-fig_samples_'+trialstr+plotsuffix+'.png', vocoder=self._model.vocoder, title='E{}'.format(epoch)) epochs_durs.append(time.time()-timeepochstart) print_log(' ET: {} max TT: {}s train ~time left: {}'.format(time2str(epochs_durs[-1]), time2str(np.median(epochs_durs[-10:])*self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs), time2str(np.median(epochs_durs[-10:])*(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs-epoch)))) self.saveTrainingState(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5', printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val, 'best_val':best_val, 'costs':costs, 'epochs_modelssaved':epochs_modelssaved, 'epochs_durs':epochs_durs, 'nbnodecepochs':nbnodecepochs, 'generator_updates':generator_updates, 'epoch':epoch}) if nbnodecepochs>=self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs: # pragma: no cover print_log('WARNING: validation error did not decrease for {} epochs. Early stop!'.format(self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs)) break if best_val is None: raise ValueError('No model has been saved during training!') return {'epoch_stopped':epoch, 'worst_val':worst_val, 'best_epoch':epochs_modelssaved[-1] if len(epochs_modelssaved)>0 else -1, 'best_val':best_val}
if iter % record_loss_every == 0: plot_loss_avg = plot_loss_total / record_loss_every plot_losses.append(plot_loss_avg) plot_loss_total = 0 return plot_losses if __name__ == '__main__': #device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") device = torch.device("cpu") print('Loading data') print(device) print('Ignoring:', sys.argv[2:]) entries = data.load(sys.argv[1], exclude=sys.argv[2:]) n_iters = 30000 dataset = data.balanced(entries, n_iters) #dataset=entries print('Training') embedded_size = 64 hidden_size = 128 encoder1 = model.Encoder(hidden_size, 3).to(device) classifier1 = model.Classifier(hidden_size, 2).to(device) train(dataset, encoder1, classifier1, device=device, print_every=2000) print('Caching trained model')
import logging, data save = data.load('save') def setupLogger(name, log_file, level=logging.WARNING): logger = logging.getLogger(name) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] %(message)s', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, mode='a', encoding='utf-8') fileHandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(fileHandler) return logger outputLog = setupLogger('output log', 'logs/output.log') def logOutput(log, ctx): try: log = f'{log} in {} by {}' except: log = f'{log} in DMs with {}' outputLog.warning(log) if['botConfig', 'outputToConsole']): print(log)
############# # 最適なクラスタ数を考える ############# # picpath = './elbow.png' # vectors = data.load(vecpath) # elbow(vectors, picpath) # for i in range(2, 7): # silhouette(vectors, i) ############# # k-means ############# n_cluster = 4 print('n_cluster:', n_cluster) mwelist = data.load(mwepath) vectors = data.load(vecpath) km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_cluster, random_state=43, n_jobs=-1) cluster_labels = km.labels_ cluster_to_words = defaultdict(list) for cluster_id, word in zip(cluster_labels, mwelist): cluster_to_words[cluster_id].append(word) for i, cluslist in cluster_to_words.items(): cluspath = './result/clusterlist_' + str(i + 1) + '.pickle', cluslist) print('-------------------') print(len(cluslist)) # for clus in cluslist:
from NTM import * import data import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #use_gpu(2) lr = 0.001 drop_rate = 0. batch_size = 20 hidden_size = 500 latent_size = 50 # try: sgd, momentum, rmsprop, adagrad, adadelta, adam, nesterov_momentum optimizer = "adam" continuous = False train_idx, valid_idx, test_idx, other_data = data.load( "./data/news_ap.txt") #movie.txt, yelp.txt [docs, dic, w2i, i2w, bg] = other_data #for key, value in sorted(dic.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k)): # print "%s: %s" % (key, value) dim_x = len(dic) dim_y = dim_x print "#features = ", dim_x, "#labels = ", dim_y print "compiling..." model = NTM(dim_x, dim_x, hidden_size, latent_size, bg, continuous, optimizer) print "training..." start = time.time() for i in xrange(100):
var_list=tf.trainable_variables(), colocate_gradients_with_ops=True, global_step=global_step) train_merge = [ tf.summary.scalar('train loss/' + 'classification_loss', train_cost), tf.summary.scalar('train loss/' + 'regularization_loss', regularization_loss), tf.summary.scalar('train loss/' + 'total_loss', total_loss) ] test_merge = [tf.summary.scalar('test accuracy/' + 'accuracy', total_accuracy)] train_merge_op = tf.summary.merge(train_merge) test_merge_op = tf.summary.merge(test_merge) # Dataset iterator train_gen_adc = data.load(TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, data_dir_1=DATA_DIR_ADC_POSITIVE, data_dir_2=DATA_DIR_ADC_NEGATIVE, name_list_path=TRAIN_IMAGE_LIST_PATH, size=(IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE)) train_gen_t2 = data.load(TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, data_dir_1=DATA_DIR_T2_POSITIVE, data_dir_2=DATA_DIR_T2_NEGATIVE, name_list_path=TRAIN_IMAGE_LIST_PATH, size=(IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE)) test_gen_adc = data.load(TEST_BATCH_SIZE, data_dir_1=DATA_DIR_ADC_TEST, name_list_path=TEST_IMAGE_LIST_PATH, size=(IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE)) test_gen_t2 = data.load(TEST_BATCH_SIZE, data_dir_1=DATA_DIR_T2_TEST, name_list_path=TEST_IMAGE_LIST_PATH, size=(IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE))
loss_D += opt.gradlambda * loss_D_grad # ------ optimizer ------ varsD = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if "discrim" in] lrD_PH = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[]) with tf.name_scope("adam"): optimD = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lrD_PH).minimize( loss_D, var_list=varsD) # ------ generate summaries ------ summaryLossTrain = tf.summary.scalar("TRAIN_loss_D", loss_D) summaryGradTrain = tf.summary.scalar("TRAIN_grad_D", grad_D_norm_mean) summaryImageTrain = tf.summary.merge(summaryImageTrain) summaryImageTest = tf.summary.merge(summaryImageTest) # load data print(util.toMagenta("loading training data...")) trainData = data.load(opt) print(util.toMagenta("loading test data...")) testData = data.load(opt, test=True) # prepare model saver/summary writer saver_D = tf.train.Saver(var_list=varsD, max_to_keep=20) summaryWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter("summary_{0}/{1}".format(, opt.model)) print(util.toYellow("======= TRAINING START =======")) timeStart = time.time() # start session tfConfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfConfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfConfig) as sess:
import metasense import data from data import load import matching_epa from matching_epa import match5Second import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt data = load( 1, 'donovan', 17) print(data[0]) #train = data[0] #test = data[1] #epa = data[2] #print(epa) #train = train.sort_values(by=['Ts']) #print(train) #plt.scatter(train.index.values[1 : 10], (train['no2'])[1 : 10], s = 0.5) #plt.xlabel('time (5 seconds)') #plt.ylabel('o3 (Active - Working Voltage)') #plt.savefig("my_plots/5second.png") #plt.clf() #data = match5Second( 2, 'donovan', 15) #data = match5Second( 2, 'donovan', 18) #TODO #data = match5Second( 2, 'donovan', 20) #print("el cajon, round 1, board 12") #data = match5Second( 1, 'elcajon', 12) #print("el cajon, round 1, board 13") #data = match5Second( 1, 'elcajon', 13) #print("el cajon, round 3, board 15")
import os from os.path import join as pjoin import warnings import data import segment import parallel base = os.path.dirname(__file__) output = pjoin(base, '../output') outputs = {'output': output, 'segmentation': pjoin(output, 'segmented')} for folder in outputs.values(): if not os.path.isdir(folder): print('Creating {}'.format(folder)) os.mkdir(folder) images = data.load('dr') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning) parallel.apply_parallel(images, segment.segment, output_dir=outputs['segmentation'], postfix='segmented')
def generator_valid(): while True: dat, lbl, msk = data.load(mode='valid', return_mask=True) yield (dat[0], lbl[0, ..., 0], msk[0])
def main(global_config, **settings): """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application. """ set_cache_regions_from_settings(settings) engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.') ## - Debugging purpose -- #favorite =, 'boucherg') #print 'Favorite', favorite ## Adding dummy info in table, 'new_user', 'new_dataset') #favorite =, 'new_user') #print '------------------------------------' #print 'Favorite', favorite ## -- End of debugging -- if 'mistic.datasets' in settings: settings.update( load_datasets_settings(settings['mistic.datasets'], global_config)) config_args = dict(root_factory=Root, settings=settings, default_permission='view') if 'mistic.basic.auth' in settings: if '=' not in settings['mistic.basic.auth']: authorized_credentials = open(settings['mistic.basic.auth'], 'r').readlines() authorized_credentials = ' '.join( [a.strip() for a in authorized_credentials]) authorized_credentials = authorized_credentials.strip() else: authorized_credentials = settings['mistic.basic.auth'] config_args.update( dict(authentication_policy=BasicAuthenticationPolicy( http_basic_authenticator(authorized_credentials), realm=settings.get('mistic.basic.realm', 'mistic')), authorization_policy=ACLAuthorizationPolicy())) my_session_factory = UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig( 'myouwnsekreetfactory') config_args.update(dict(session_factory=my_session_factory)) config = Configurator(**config_args) def authorize(request): return HTTPUnauthorized( headers=forget(request) ) ## Response(body='hello world!', content_type='text/plain') config.add_view(authorize, context=HTTPForbidden, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED) if '' not in settings: raise exceptions.RuntimeError('no dataset configuration supplied') data.load(settings['']) if 'mistic.rsvg-convert' in settings: = settings[ 'mistic.rsvg-convert'] if 'mistic.phantomjs' in settings: = settings[ 'mistic.phantomjs'] if 'mistic.forward_host' in settings: config.registry.settings['mistic_forward_host'] = settings[ 'mistic.forward_host'] config.add_route('mistic.template.root', '/') config.add_route('mistic.modal.datasets', '/modal/datasets') # params: go=GO_ID - filter the list of returned genes by GO term. config.add_route('mistic.json.annotation.genes', '/annotations/{annotation}/genes') config.add_route('mistic.json.annotation.gene_ids', '/annotations/{annotation}/gene_ids') config.add_route('mistic.json.annotation.gene', '/annotations/{annotation}/genes/{gene_id}') config.add_route('', '/annotations/{annotation}/genes/{gene_id}/gs*gsid') config.add_route('', '/annotations/{annotation}/genes/{gene_id}/name') config.add_route('mistic.json.annotation.gene.symbol', '/annotations/{annotation}/genes/{gene_id}/symbol') config.add_route('', '/annotations/{annotation}/gs') config.add_route('mistic.json.cannotation.items', '/cannotations/datasets/{dataset}') config.add_route('mistic.json.datasets', '/datasets') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset', '/datasets/{dataset}') config.add_route('', '/datasets/{dataset}/search') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.sampleinfo', '/datasets/{dataset}/sampleinfo') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.samples', '/datasets/{dataset}/samples') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.samples.enrich', '/datasets/{dataset}/samples/enrichment') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.geneset.enrich', '/datasets/{dataset}/geneset/enrichment') config.add_route('mistic.json.sample', '/datasets/{dataset}/samples/{sample_id}') config.add_route('', '/datasets/{dataset}/sampleinfo/search') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.mds', '/datasets/{dataset}/mds') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.mst', '/datasets/{dataset}/mst/{xform}') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.mapped_mst', '/datasets/{dataset}/mst/{xform}/{tgt_annotation}') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.extract', '/datasets/{dataset}/extract/{xform}') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.extractSave', '/datasets/{dataset}/extractSave/{xform}') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.genes', '/datasets/{dataset}/genes') config.add_route('mistic.json.gene', '/datasets/{dataset}/genes/{gene_id}') config.add_route('mistic.json.gene.corr', '/datasets/{dataset}/genes/{gene_id}/corr') config.add_route('mistic.json.gene.expr', '/datasets/{dataset}/genes/{gene_id}/expr') config.add_route('mistic.json.gene.utest', '/datasets/{dataset}/genes/{gene_id}/utest') config.add_route('mistic.json.gene.gorilla', '/datasets/{dataset}/genes/{gene_id}/gorilla') config.add_route('mistic.json.go', '/go') config.add_route('', '/go/search') config.add_route('', '/go/{go_id}') config.add_route('', '/go/{go_id}/name') config.add_route('mistic.json.attr.set', '/attr') config.add_route('mistic.json.attr.get', '/attr/{id}') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.fav.record', 'record_favorite_dataset') config.add_route('mistic.json.dataset.fav.get', 'get_favorite_dataset') config.add_route('mistic.json.saveValueInSession', '/saveInSession') config.add_route('', '/help') config.add_route('mistic.template.corrgraph', '/genecorr/{dataset}') config.add_route('mistic.template.scatterplot', '/scatterplot') config.add_route('mistic.template.pairplot', '/pairplot/{dataset}*genes') config.add_route('mistic.template.mds', '/mds/{dataset}*genes') config.add_route('mistic.csv.root', '/csv/root') config.add_route('mistic.pdf.fromsvg', '/pdf') config.add_route('mistic.csv.corr', '/csv/genecorr/{dataset}/{gene}') config.add_route('mistic.csv.corrds', '/csv/genecorr/{dataset}/{gene}/all') config.add_route('mistic.template.clustering', '/clustering/{dataset}/{xform}') config.add_route('mistic.template.mstplot', '/mstplot/{dataset}/{xform}') config.add_static_view('static', 'mistic:app/static', cache_max_age=3600) config.add_static_view('images', 'mistic:resources/images', cache_max_age=3600) config.add_static_view('video', 'mistic:resources/video', cache_max_age=3600) config.scan() return config.make_wsgi_app()
# ------ define GP and D ------ geometric = graph.geometric_multires # ------ geometric predictor ------ imageFGwarpAll,pAll,_ = geometric(opt,imageBGfake,imageFGfake,pPert) pWarp = pAll[-1] # ------ composite image ------ imageCompAll = [] for l in range(opt.warpN+1): imageFGwarp = imageFGwarpAll[l] imageComp = graph.composite(opt,imageBGfake,imageFGwarp) imageCompAll.append(imageComp) varsGP = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if "geometric" in] # load data print(util.toMagenta("loading test data...")) testData = data.load(opt,test=True) # prepare model saver/summary writer saver_GP = tf.train.Saver(var_list=varsGP) print(util.toYellow("======= EVALUATION START =======")) timeStart = time.time() # start session tfConfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfConfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfConfig) as sess: util.restoreModel(opt,sess,saver_GP,opt.loadGP,"GP") print(util.toMagenta("start evaluation...")) # create directories for test image output
# Start with the argument parsing, before imports, because importing takes a # long time and we should know immediately if we gave malformed arguments import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="train NN to generate CWs") parser.add_argument("--weights", "-w", type=str, default='s2s.h5', help="The weights file (.h5)") args = parser.parse_args() import model as lstm_model import data encoder_input_data, decoder_input_data, decoder_target_data, token_index, input_texts = data.load( ) del decoder_input_data, decoder_target_data _, encoder_model, decoder_model = lstm_model.generate_models(len(token_index)) # Load model encoder_model.load_weights(args.weights, by_name=True) decoder_model.load_weights(args.weights, by_name=True) actual_num_samples = len(encoder_input_data) for seq_index in range(int(actual_num_samples * 0.8), int(actual_num_samples * 0.8 + 50)): # Take one sequence (part of the training set) # for trying out decoding. input_seq = encoder_input_data[seq_index:seq_index + 1] decoded_sentence = data.decode_sequence(encoder_model, decoder_model, token_index, input_seq)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import wbml.out import wbml.plot import stheno.autograd import lab.autograd as B from varz.autograd import Vars, minimise_l_bfgs_b from olmm import model, objective, predict, project from data import load # Load the data, which are Pandas data frames. locs, data = load() # Convert to NumPy. locs = locs.to_numpy() x_data = data.index.to_numpy()[:, None] y_data = data.to_numpy() # Inputs for two-months ahead predictions. x_pred = np.arange(1, x_data.max() + 60, dtype=np.float64)[:, None] # Normalise data. data_mean = np.mean(y_data, axis=0, keepdims=True) data_scale = np.std(y_data, axis=0, keepdims=True) y_data_norm = (y_data - data_scale) / data_mean # Model parameters:
def train(args): # setup metric logging. It's important to log your loss!! log_f = open(args.log_file, 'w') fieldnames = ['step', 'train_loss', 'train_acc', 'dev_loss', 'dev_acc'] logger = csv.DictWriter(log_f, fieldnames) logger.writeheader() # load data train_data, train_labels = load(args.data_dir, split="train") dev_data, dev_labels = load(args.data_dir, split="dev") # Build model if args.model.lower() == "simple-ff": model = FeedForward(args.ff_hunits) elif args.model.lower() == "simple-cnn": model = SimpleConvNN(args.cnn_n1_channels, args.cnn_n1_kernel, args.cnn_n2_kernel) elif args.model.lower() == "best": # TODO: Feel free to change in initialization arguments here to take # whatever parameters you need. model = BestNN() else: raise Exception("Unknown model type passed in!") optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate) # TODO: You can change this loop as you need to, to optimize your training! # for example, if you wanted to implement early stopping to make sure you # don't overfit your model, you would do so in this loop. for step in range(args.train_steps): # run the model and backprop for train steps i = np.random.choice(train_data.shape[0], size=args.batch_size, replace=False) x = torch.from_numpy(train_data[i].astype(np.float32)) y = torch.from_numpy(train_labels[i].astype( # Forward pass: Get logits for x logits = model(x) # Compute loss loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y) # Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights. optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() #every 100 steps, log metrics if step % 100 == 0: train_acc, train_loss = approx_train_acc_and_loss( model, train_data, train_labels) dev_acc, dev_loss = dev_acc_and_loss(model, dev_data, dev_labels) step_metrics = { 'step': step, 'train_loss': loss.item(), 'train_acc': train_acc, 'dev_loss': dev_loss, 'dev_acc': dev_acc } print( f'On step {step}: Train loss {train_loss} | Dev acc is {dev_acc}' ) logger.writerow(step_metrics) # close the log file log_f.close() # save model print(f'Done training. Saving model at {args.model_save}'), args.model_save)
def train(args): np.random.seed(42) torch.manual_seed(42) # setup metric logging. It's important to log your loss!! log_f = open(args.log_file, 'w') fieldnames = ['step', 'train_loss', 'train_acc', 'dev_loss', 'dev_acc'] logger = csv.DictWriter(log_f, fieldnames) logger.writeheader() # load data train_data, train_labels = load(args.data_dir, split="train") dev_data, dev_labels = load(args.data_dir, split="dev") # Build model if args.model.lower() == "simple-ff": model = FeedForward(args.ff_hunits) elif args.model.lower() == "simple-cnn": model = SimpleConvNN(args.cnn_n1_channels, args.cnn_n1_kernel, args.cnn_n2_kernel) elif args.model.lower() == "best": model = BestNN(args.best_n1_channels, args.best_n2_channels, args.best_n3_channels) else: raise Exception("Unknown model type passed in!") optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate) if not args.train_my_way: for step in range(args.train_steps): # run the model and backprop for train steps i = np.random.choice(train_data.shape[0], size=args.batch_size, replace=False) x = torch.from_numpy(train_data[i].astype(np.float32)) y = torch.from_numpy(train_labels[i].astype( # Forward pass: Get logits for x logits = model(x) # Compute loss loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y) # Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights. optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # every 100 steps, log metrics if step % 100 == 0: train_acc, train_loss = approx_train_acc_and_loss(model, train_data, train_labels) dev_acc, dev_loss = dev_acc_and_loss(model, dev_data, dev_labels) step_metrics = { 'step': step, 'train_loss': loss.item(), 'train_acc': train_acc, 'dev_loss': dev_loss, 'dev_acc': dev_acc } print(f'On step {step}: Train loss {train_loss} | Dev acc is {dev_acc}') logger.writerow(step_metrics) # close the log file log_f.close() # save model print(f'Done training. Saving model at {args.model_save}'), args.model_save) else: ''' MY OPTIMIZATION SCHEME Three conditions decide whether to continue training 1. Always train for at least 'min_steps', and no more than 'max_steps' 2. If dev acc drops by 'stepwise_cushion' or more between measured points (every 100 steps), stop training 3. If dev acc has improved by less than 'timesaver_cushion' in the past 1000 iteration ''' # Set up improving last_acc = 0 improving = True # Set up got_time last1000 = 0 got_time = True step = 0 while step <= args.max_iter and (step <= args.min_iter or (improving and got_time)): # run the model and backprop for train steps i = np.random.choice(train_data.shape[0], size=args.batch_size, replace=False) x = torch.from_numpy(train_data[i].astype(np.float32)) y = torch.from_numpy(train_labels[i].astype( # Forward pass: Get logits for x logits = model(x) # Compute loss loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y) # Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights. optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # every 100 steps, log metrics if step % 100 == 0: train_acc, train_loss = approx_train_acc_and_loss(model, train_data, train_labels) dev_acc, dev_loss = dev_acc_and_loss(model, dev_data, dev_labels) step_metrics = { 'step': step, 'train_loss': loss.item(), 'train_acc': train_acc, 'dev_loss': dev_loss, 'dev_acc': dev_acc } print(f'On step {step}: Train loss {train_loss} | Dev acc is {dev_acc}') logger.writerow(step_metrics) # Update conditions diff = dev_acc - last_acc improving = diff > args.stepwise_cushion last_acc = dev_acc if step % 1000 == 0: got_time = dev_acc - last1000 > args.timesaver_cushion last1000 = dev_acc step += 1 # close the log file log_f.close() # save model print(f'Done training. Saving model at {args.model_save}'), args.model_save)