def plot(): try: plt.close() except: pass plt.ioff() days_passed = len(AVG_GENE_TIME[0, 0, :]) g_idx = gene_var.get() for s in range(len(SPECIES_LIST)): if species_checkbox_vars[s].get() == 1: plt.plot(range(days_passed), AVG_GENE_TIME[g_idx, s], label=SPECIES_LIST[s].name, color=SPECIES_LIST[s].color) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel('Days passed') plt.ylabel('Average ' + data.neaten_string(GENES[g_idx]))
def plot(): try: plt.close() except: pass plt.ioff() days_passed = len(TRAIT_PROP_TIME[0, 0, :]) tr_idx = trait_var.get() for s in range(len(SPECIES_LIST)): if species_checkbox_vars[s].get() == 1: plt.plot(range(days_passed), TRAIT_PROP_TIME[tr_idx, s], label=SPECIES_LIST[s].name, color=SPECIES_LIST[s].color) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel('Days passed') plt.ylabel('Proportion with ' + data.neaten_string(TRAITS[tr_idx] + ' / %'))
def edit_menu(species): '''Edit or add a species menu''' def change_color(): global species_color species_color = get_color() def ok2(): '''ok to edit menu''' commands = ["global SPECIES_LIST"] command_start = "SPECIES_LIST[" + str(species.index) + "]." # profile = diet.get() = name_entry.get() species.color = species_color # genes for g in range(len(GENES)): command = (command_start + GENES[g] + ' = ' + str(gene_entries[g].get())) commands.append(command) command = (command_start + GENES[g] + '_std' + ' = ' + str(std_entries[g].get())) commands.append(command) execute(commands) # cannot use exec in local local code # traits species.traits = [] t = -1 for trait, prob in species_traits: t += 1 prob = float(trait_prob_entry[t].get()) species.traits.append((trait, prob)) global SPECIES_LIST SPECIES_LIST = data.organise_species_list(SPECIES_LIST) update_topframe() # updates lower level (wildlife menu) root root.destroy() root = tk.Tk() if root.title("Edit " + else: root.title("Add Species") root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 600, 950, 150)) topFrame = tk.Frame(root) topFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP) bottomFrame = tk.Frame(root) bottomFrame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM) # Notebook notebook = ttk.Notebook(topFrame, width=300, height=500) profile_page = tk.Frame(notebook) genetic_page = tk.Frame(notebook) trait_page = tk.Frame(notebook) notebook.add(profile_page, text="Profile") notebook.add(genetic_page, text="Genetics") notebook.add(trait_page, text="Traits") notebook.pack() ok_button = tk.Button(root, text="Ok", command=ok2) ok_button.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM) # Genetics # tk.Label(genetic_page, text="Mean").grid(row=0, column=1) tk.Label(genetic_page, text="Standard Dev.").grid(row=0, column=2) # Gne Entries gene_entries = [] # list of tk entries mean values std_entries = [] # list of tk entries std values g = -1 for gene in GENES: # mechanics global variable containing list of gene strings g += 1 # Genetics page tk.Label(genetic_page, text=data.neaten_string(gene)).grid(row=g + 1, column=0) gene_entries.append(tk.Entry(genetic_page, width=4)) gene_entries[g].grid(row=g + 1, column=1) gene_value = eval("species." + gene) std_entries.append(tk.Entry(genetic_page, width=4)) std_entries[g].grid(row=g + 1, column=2) std_value = eval("species." + gene + "_std") if gene_value != None: gene_entries[g].insert(0, str(gene_value)) if std_value != None: std_entries[g].insert(0, str(std_value)) # Profile # # Name tk.Label(profile_page, text="Name").grid(row=1, column=0) name_entry = tk.Entry(profile_page, width=10) if name_entry.insert(5, name_entry.grid(row=2, column=0) # Diet tk.Label(profile_page, text="Diet").grid(row=1, column=1) diet = tk.StringVar(profile_page) diet.set( # set the default option diet_listbox = tk.OptionMenu(profile_page, diet, *data.DIET_ORDER) diet_listbox.grid(row=2, column=1) # Colour global species_color species_color = species.color tk.Button(profile_page, text='Colour', command=change_color).grid(row=3, column=0) # Traits # def update_traitpage(): def add_trait(): trait = trait_var.get() if trait == 'None': return None for t in range( len(species_traits)): # if trait not in species_traits if species_traits[t][0] == trait: return None # species already has trait species_traits.append( (trait, 0)) # will only reach here if species does not have trait update_traitpage() for widget in trait_page.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() # prevents overlapping available_traits = TRAITS[:] # indexing clones list, removes attachment between 2 for trait, prob in species_traits: available_traits.remove(trait) if len(available_traits) == 0: available_traits.append('None') # add traits trait_var = tk.StringVar(trait_page) trait_listbox = tk.OptionMenu(trait_page, trait_var, *available_traits) trait_listbox.grid(row=0, column=1) trait_listbox.config(width=10) add_trait_button = tk.Button(trait_page, text="Add", command=add_trait) add_trait_button.grid(row=0, column=0) # Existing traits tk.Label(trait_page, text="Trait").grid(row=1, column=1) tk.Label(trait_page, text="Fraction").grid(row=1, column=2) for entry in trait_prob_entry: trait_prob_entry.pop(0) # empty without reassignment t = -1 for trait, prob in species_traits: t += 1 tk.Label(trait_page, text=trait).grid(row=t + 2, column=1) entry = tk.Entry(trait_page, width=4) entry.insert(0, str(prob)) trait_prob_entry.append(entry) trait_prob_entry[t].grid(row=t + 2, column=2) species_traits = species.traits[:] # copy to be loaded into data in ok2 function (will only contain 0 for prob) trait_prob_entry = [] # to be filled with tkinter entries update_traitpage() root.mainloop()
def plot_traits(): def cancel(): root.destroy() def plot(): try: plt.close() except: pass plt.ioff() days_passed = len(TRAIT_PROP_TIME[0, 0, :]) tr_idx = trait_var.get() for s in range(len(SPECIES_LIST)): if species_checkbox_vars[s].get() == 1: plt.plot(range(days_passed), TRAIT_PROP_TIME[tr_idx, s], label=SPECIES_LIST[s].name, color=SPECIES_LIST[s].color) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel('Days passed') plt.ylabel('Proportion with ' + data.neaten_string(TRAITS[tr_idx] + ' / %')) root = tk.Tk() root.title("Plot traits") root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (400, 600, 950, 150)) topFrame = tk.Frame(root) topFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP) bottomFrame = tk.Frame(root) bottomFrame.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM) # Radiobutton for which gene to plot tk.Label(topFrame, text="Trait").grid(row=1, column=1) trait_var = tk.IntVar(topFrame) for tr in range(len(TRAITS)): tk.Radiobutton(topFrame, text=data.neaten_string(TRAITS[tr]), variable=trait_var, value=tr).grid(row=2 + tr, column=1) trait_var.set(TRAITS[0]) # Checkbox for which species to plot tk.Label(topFrame, text="Species").grid(row=1, column=3) species_checkbox_vars = [] s = -1 for species in SPECIES_LIST: s += 1 species_checkbox_vars.append(tk.IntVar(topFrame)) checkbutton = tk.Checkbutton(topFrame,, variable=species_checkbox_vars[s], anchor=tk.W, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, height=1, width=5) checkbutton.grid(row=2 + s, column=3) species_checkbox_vars[-1].set(1) tk.Button(bottomFrame, text='Cancel', command=cancel).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(bottomFrame, text='Plot', command=plot).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) root.mainloop()