def read_data(paths, t_max=193):
    df = pd.read_csv(paths['tracks_path'])
    df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')]
    #arr, shape = get_stack(paths['data_path'], t_max=t_max, w_shape=True)
    arr = single_zarr(paths['data_path'])
    shape = arr.shape
    return df, arr, shape
    args = parser.parse_args()
    paths = get_paths(
        args,  # will simplify all of this in another PR 
            'data_path': 'image',
            'tracks_path': 'track',
            'save_dir': 'save',
            'coords_path': 'coords'

    # Read Data
    # ---------
    array = single_zarr(paths['data_path'])
    shape = array.shape
    # tracks = pd.read_csv(paths['tracks_path'])
    coords = pd.read_csv(paths['coords_path'])

    # Cost evaluation attempt
    # -----------------------
    # cost_eval = CostEvaluation(tracks, array, shape)
    # cost_eval.annotate_all()

    # Optimisation Attempt
    # --------------------
    params = [{
        'name': 'dist_thresh',
        'type': 'int',
        'options': (40, 60),
local_dir = os.getcwd()
paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.pkl'))
import btrack_tracking
import importlib

dfs = {}
for path in paths:
    name = Path(path).stem
    name = name[:name.find('.2020')]
    df = pd.read_pickle(path)
    save_name = os.path.join(d, name + '_objs.csv')
    zarr_path = os.path.join(data_path, name + '.zarr')
    shape = single_zarr(zarr_path).shape
    tracks_df = btrack_tracking.track_objects(df, shape, local_dir=local_dir)
    save_name = os.path.join(d, name + '_btracks.csv')
    # add to df so the object is acessible from ipython
    dfs[name] = {'obsj': df, 'tracks': tracks_df}

# View tracks
# -----------

for name in dfs.keys():
    zarr_path = os.path.join(data_path, name + '.zarr')
    img = single_zarr(zarr_path)
    dfs[name]['image'] = img

import napari
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
                 scale=(1, 1, 4),
        Correct labels to create a ground truth with five opperations, 
        each of which correspond to the following number key. 
            (1) toggel selection of points - to seed watershed to split 
            (2) watershed - recompute watershed for joined labels based on 
                chosen points.
            (3) toggle pick label colour - choose the colour of the label 
                with which to paint.
            (4) toggle label fill mode - for merging labels
            (5) toggel paint mode - paint new label. 
        Output can be saved to a new file by using Control-s. Note that this is
        not necessary if using tensorstore, as annotations will be written to
        file. However, this is still useful for generating separate copies of
        GT data (if completing annotations of whole frames). If time_index is 
        None, the save operation will make a copy of the currently displayed
        frame (dim = t) and the file will have a suffix of the form 

        If the labels_file parameter is given a dict, this will be assumed 
        to be JSON-like spec for tensorstore.
        - ASSUMES IMAGES ARE (c, t, z, y, x) 
        - ASSUMES LABELS ARE (t, z, y, x)
        - ASSUMES GT FILES ARE (z, y, x) 

        image_file: str
            Path to the image data (.zarr)
        labels_file: str or dict
            str: Path to the labels data (.zarr)
            dict: tensorstore spec for opening the file
                (also .zarr)
        time_index: int or None
                None: all frames
                int: one frame
                TODO: slice: selection of frames
                    (must reindex ts when slicing or napari has issues)
        scale: tuple of int
            scale of image and labels for napari
        c: int
            the channel to read from the image
        t: int or none
            position of the time index in the labels file
            (if this exists). If ndim > 3 and None specified
            the format will be assumed to be (c*, t, z, y, x)

        tensorstore: bool
            Should the lables be accessed via tensorstore?
            This is set to True when the inputted labels_file 
            is a dict (JSON-esque spec for
        gt_file: bool
            Is this a file ending in the suffix _GT? 
            If so it is assumed to be the saved output of another
            annotation session
        time_index: slice, int, or None
            Gives the point/s in time to be selected
        labels: ndarray or tensorstore.TensorStore
        image: dask array
        scale: tuple of int

        # switches
        # --------
        # tensorstore -> open zarr with tensorstore
        #   affects how we need to open data
        # gt_file -> already using a ground truth labels
        #   affects how we need to save and access the file
        #   i.e., indexes are thought to apply only to the image
        #   the ground truth is assumed to be the indexed image
        self.tensorstore = isinstance(labels_file, dict)
        self.gt_file = None  # is reassigned to a bool within _get_path_info

        # Read/Write Info
        # ---------------
        self.labels_file = labels_file
        self.time_index = time_index
        self._save_path = self._get_path_info()

        # Lazy Data
        # ---------
        if time_index is None:
            self.time_index = slice(
                None)  # ensure that the following two lines
            # work
        # NOTE: single_zarr opens one channel of a multichannel image
        # img[c, ...]
        self.image = single_zarr(image_file, c=c)[self.time_index]
        self.labels = self._open_labels()

        # Vis Info
        # --------
        self.viewer = None
        self.scale = scale
        self.ndim = len(self.image.shape)
        if self.ndim > 3 and t == None:
            t = -4
        self.t = t