def test_get_path(self):
        """Test retrieving a file path."""
        s = DataStore()
        result = s.get_path(self.fname)
        assert isinstance(result, str)
        assert os.fspath(self.data_path / self.fname) == result

        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"No file found named"):
 def test_get_path_raises_bad_dtype(self):
     """Test get_path raises if unsupported dtype."""
     s = DataStore()
     msg = r"No files available for the data type"
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
         s.get_path(self.fname, dtype=1)
 def test_get_path_raises_bad_fname(self):
     """Test get_path raises if no matching filename."""
     s = DataStore()
     msg = r"No file found named 'no matching name.txt'"
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
         s.get_path("no matching name.txt")