Beispiel #1
    def clustering_1(input_file: str):
        lines = BasicFuncs.load_file_as_string(input_file).splitlines()
        num_of_nodes = int(lines[0])
        edges = []
        for line in lines[1:]:
            start, finish, cost = map(int, line.split(' '))
            edge = Edge(start, finish, cost)
        edges.sort(key=lambda edge: edge.cost)
        clusters = num_of_nodes
        union_find = UnionFind(num_of_nodes)
        for i, edge in enumerate(edges):
            a = edge.start - 1
            b = edge.end - 1
            if union_find.join_two_subsets(a, b):
                clusters -= 1

            if clusters <= 4:
        # Compute the smallest maximum spacing
        min_max_spacing = float('inf')
        for edge in edges[i + 1:]:
            a = edge.start - 1
            b = edge.end - 1
            if not union_find.are_two_indicies_part_of_same_set(a, b):
                min_max_spacing = min(min_max_spacing, edge.cost)
        return min_max_spacing
 def test_all_disjoint(self):
     n = 10
     uf = UnionFind(n)
     for i in xrange(n):
         for j in xrange(n):
             # Must only be joined if i == j
             self.assertEqual(uf.is_joined(i, j), i == j)
Beispiel #3
def k_clustering(file_path, number_of_clusters) -> int:
    kruskal_graph = convert_file_to_kruskal_graph(file_path)
    union_find = UnionFind(kruskal_graph)
    partition_edges = []
    max_spacing = 0
    edge_count = 0

    while len(union_find) > number_of_clusters and edge_count < len(
        edge = kruskal_graph.edge_list[edge_count]
        if not union_find.union(edge.node_one, edge.node_two):
        edge_count += 1

    found_max = False
    for edge in kruskal_graph.edge_list[edge_count:]:
        if edge.node_one.parent != edge.node_two.parent:
            max_spacing = edge.weight
            found_max = True
    if not found_max:
        # todo: sorted statement might have no effect. should assign return?
        max_spacing = partition_edges[0].weight

    print('Maximum spacing: ', max_spacing)
    return max_spacing
 def test_simple_joins(self):
     uf = UnionFind(10)
     uf.join(1, 3)
     self.assertTrue(uf.is_joined(1, 3))
     self.assertFalse(uf.is_joined(1, 2))
     uf.join(6, 7)
     self.assertTrue(uf.is_joined(6, 7))
     self.assertFalse(uf.is_joined(1, 7))
def test_union_find():
    union_find = UnionFind(7)
    union_find.union(0, 1)
    union_find.union(1, 6)
    union_find.union(2, 3)
    union_find.union(6, 3)
    union_find.union(3, 5)
    print([x.size for x in union_find.sets])
 def test_chained_joins(self):
     uf = UnionFind(10)
     uf.join(1, 2)
     uf.join(2, 3)
     uf.join(3, 4)
     self.assertTrue(uf.is_joined(1, 4))
     self.assertTrue(uf.is_joined(3, 1))
     self.assertFalse(uf.is_joined(0, 1))
     uf.join(8, 3)
     self.assertTrue(uf.is_joined(1, 8))
     self.assertTrue(uf.is_joined(4, 8))
    def kruskals_algorithm(edges_file: str):
        s = BasicFuncs.load_file_as_string(edges_file)
        lines = s.splitlines()
        first_line = lines[0]
        num_of_nodes, num_of_edges = map(int, first_line.split(' '))
        union_find = UnionFind(num_of_nodes)
        edges = []
        for line in lines[1:]:
            start, end, cost = map(int, line.split(' '))
            edge = Edge(start, end, cost)
        edges.sort(key=lambda x: x.cost)
        min_span_tree_cost = 0
        for edge in edges:
            a = edge.start - 1
            b = edge.end - 1
            if union_find.join_two_subsets(a, b):
                min_span_tree_cost += edge.cost

        return min_span_tree_cost
    def kruskal_algorithm(graph):
        union_find = UnionFind(graph.number_of_nodes)
        sorted_edges_list = graph.sort_edges()
        mst_nodes = {}
        mst_edges = {}
        edge_number = 1
        for edge in sorted_edges_list:
            first_node = graph.edges[edge[0]][0]
            second_node = graph.edges[edge[0]][1]
            weight = edge[1]
            result = union_find.union(first_node - 1, second_node - 1)
            # The nodes were in different sets and union was successful, update the graph
            if result == 1:
                # Adding the nodes to the MST, also setting their terminal status
                mst_nodes[first_node] = graph.nodes[first_node][2]
                mst_nodes[second_node] = graph.nodes[second_node][2]

                # Adding the edge to the MST
                mst_edges[edge_number] = [first_node, second_node, weight]
                edge_number += 1

        minimum_spanning_tree = Graph(len(mst_nodes), len(mst_edges),
                                      mst_nodes, mst_edges)
        return minimum_spanning_tree, minimum_spanning_tree.graph_weight()