Beispiel #1
    def applySL(self, d):
        Search for any node with one occurence as p1 and one as p2 only.
        Combine these two by removing that node and merging the edges.
        triples = d.get_triples()
        ANodes = defaultdict(int)
        BNodes = defaultdict(int)
        for (a, b, c) in triples:
            ANodes[a] += 1
            BNodes[c] += 1

        for a in ANodes.keys():
            if ANodes[a] == 1 and BNodes[a] == 1:
                # we have an edge that we can shorten: remove (x,X,a) and (a,X,z) for (x,Y,z)
                nrf = [None, Edge('*', d.count), None]  # new rule from
                nrt = [0, 0]  # new rule to
                new_amr = list(triples)
                for i in xrange(len(triples)):
                    at = triples[i]
                    if at[0] == a and at[2] != a:
                        nrf[2] = at[2]
                        nrt[1] = at
                    elif at[2] == a and at[0] != a:
                        nrf[0] = at[0]
                        nrf[1][0] = at[1][0]
                        nrt[0] = at
                        index = i

                if nrt[0][1].isNonterminal() and nrt[1][1].isNonterminal():
                    new_amr[index] = tuple(nrf)
                    new_rule = RuleInstance(tuple(nrf), nrt, 'SL')
                    return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d, new_amr, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #2
    def applyCircle(self, d):
        A->B becomes A->B->B (circle) in reverse

        parent = defaultdict(set)

        triples = d.get_triples()
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            (a, b, c) = triples[i]
            parent[c].add((i, triples[i]))

        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate1 = triples[i]
            (a, b, c) = candidate1
            if a == c and b.isNonterminal():
                for index, candidate2 in parent[c]:
                    (x, y, z) = candidate2
                    if y.isNonterminal():
                        # We found a candidate to remove (x,y,a,b,a) down to (x,y,a)
                        nrf = (x, Edge(y[0], d.count), z)
                        nrt = [candidate2, candidate1]
                        new_amr = list(triples)
                        new_amr[index] = nrf
                        del new_amr[i]
                        new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf, nrt, 'CC')
                        return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d, new_amr, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #3
    def applySW(self, d):
        Search for any multiple edges (a-X-b) and merge two of these
        triples = d.get_triples()
        Nodes = defaultdict(int)
        for (a, b, c) in triples:
            Nodes[(a, c)] += 1

        for (a, c) in Nodes.keys():
            if Nodes[(a, c)] > 1:
                # We have one edge that we can remove: remove (a,X,b) and (a,Y,b) for (a,Y,b)
                # If more than two, we can remove any one of these, given any other one of these
                for i in xrange(len(triples)):
                    candidate = triples[i]
                    (x, y, z) = candidate
                    if x == a and z == c and y.isNonterminal():
                        for j in xrange(i + 1, len(triples)):
                            candidate2 = triples[j]
                            (k, l, m) = candidate2
                            if k == x and m == z and l.isNonterminal(
                            ) and candidate != candidate2:
                                nrf = (k, Edge(y[0], d.count), m)
                                nrt = [candidate, candidate2]
                                new_amr = list(triples)
                                new_amr[i] = nrf
                                del new_amr[j]
                                new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf, nrt, 'SW')
                                return CanonicalDerivation.derive(
                                    d, new_amr, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #4
    def applyElongate(self, d):
        A->B becomes A->B->C in reverse

        child = defaultdict(set)
        parent = defaultdict(set)

        triples = d.get_triples()
        for trip in triples:
            (a, b, c) = trip

        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate1 = triples[i]
            (b, x, c) = candidate1
            if len(child[c]) == 0 and len(
                    parent[c]) == 1 and x.isNonterminal():
                for candidate2 in parent[b]:
                    (a, y, tmp) = candidate2
                    if y.isNonterminal():  # we already know tmp == b
                        # We found a candidate to remove (a,y,b,x,c) down to (a,y,b)
                        nrf = (a, Edge(y[0], d.count), b)
                        nrt = [candidate2, candidate1]
                        new_amr = list(triples)
                        new_amr[i] = nrf
                        new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf, nrt, 'LL')
                        return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d, new_amr, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #5
    def applySO(self, d):
        Search for any split a-X-b,a-Y-c where c is a leaf node
        Remove a-Y-c and let it be generated by a-X-b
        triples = d.get_triples()
        Leaves = defaultdict(int)
        Branches = defaultdict(int)
        for (a, b, c) in triples:
            Leaves[c] += 1
            Branches[a] += 1

        # If leaves[b] == 1 and branches[a] > 1 we can remove the (a,X,b) edge using SO
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate = triples[i]
            (a, b, c) = candidate
            if Leaves[c] == 1 and Branches[a] > 1 and Branches[
                    c] == 0 and b.isNonterminal():
                for j in xrange(len(triples)):
                    candidate2 = triples[j]
                    (x, y, z) = candidate2
                    if x == a and z != c and y.isNonterminal():
                        # Depending on the grammar it would make sense to install a clause here
                        # which determines the 'surviving' edge based on some implicit ordering
                        nrf = (x, Edge(y[0], d.count), z)
                        nrt = [candidate2, candidate]
                        rulename = 'OL'  # short for open-left
                        new_amr = list(triples)
                        new_amr[j] = nrf
                        del new_amr[i]
                        new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf, nrt, rulename)
                        return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d, new_amr, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #6
    def applyCircle(self,d):
        A->B becomes A->B->B (circle) in reverse

        parent = defaultdict(set)

        triples = d.get_triples()
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            (a,b,c) = triples[i]
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate1 = triples[i]
            (a,b,c) = candidate1
            if a == c and b.isNonterminal():
                for index,candidate2 in parent[c]:
                    (x,y,z) = candidate2
                    if y.isNonterminal():
                        # We found a candidate to remove (x,y,a,b,a) down to (x,y,a)
                        nrf = (x,Edge(y[0],d.count),z)
                        nrt = [candidate2,candidate1]
                        new_amr = list(triples)
                        new_amr[index] = nrf
                        del new_amr[i]
                        new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf,nrt,'CC')
                        return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_amr,new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #7
    def applySL(self,d):
        Search for any node with one occurence as p1 and one as p2 only.
        Combine these two by removing that node and merging the edges.
        triples = d.get_triples()
        ANodes = defaultdict(int)
        BNodes = defaultdict(int)
        for (a,b,c) in triples:
            ANodes[a] += 1
            BNodes[c] += 1
        for a in ANodes.keys():
            if ANodes[a] == 1 and BNodes[a] == 1:
                # we have an edge that we can shorten: remove (x,X,a) and (a,X,z) for (x,Y,z)
                nrf = [None,Edge('*',d.count),None] # new rule from
                nrt = [0,0]                         # new rule to
                new_amr = list(triples)
                for i in xrange(len(triples)):
                    at = triples[i]
                    if at[0] == a and at[2] != a:
                        nrf[2] = at[2]
                        nrt[1] = at
                    elif at[2] == a and at[0] != a:
                        nrf[0] = at[0]
                        nrf[1][0] = at[1][0]
                        nrt[0] = at
                        index = i

                if nrt[0][1].isNonterminal() and nrt[1][1].isNonterminal():
                    new_amr[index] = tuple(nrf)
                    new_rule = RuleInstance(tuple(nrf),nrt,'SL')
                    return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_amr,new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #8
    def applyElongate(self,d):
        A->B becomes A->B->C in reverse

        child = defaultdict(set)
        parent = defaultdict(set)

        triples = d.get_triples()
        for trip in triples:
            (a,b,c) = trip
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate1 = triples[i]
            (b,x,c) = candidate1
            if len(child[c]) == 0 and len(parent[c]) == 1 and x.isNonterminal():
                for candidate2 in parent[b]:
                    (a,y,tmp) = candidate2 
                    if y.isNonterminal(): # we already know tmp == b
                        # We found a candidate to remove (a,y,b,x,c) down to (a,y,b)
                        nrf = (a,Edge(y[0],d.count),b)
                        nrt = [candidate2,candidate1]
                        new_amr = list(triples)
                        new_amr[i] = nrf
                        new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf,nrt,'LL')
                        return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_amr,new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #9
    def applySO(self,d):
        Search for any split a-X-b,a-Y-c where c is a leaf node
        Remove a-Y-c and let it be generated by a-X-b
        triples = d.get_triples()
        Leaves = defaultdict(int)
        Branches = defaultdict(int)
        for (a,b,c) in triples:
            Leaves[c] += 1
            Branches[a] += 1

        # If leaves[b] == 1 and branches[a] > 1 we can remove the (a,X,b) edge using SO
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate = triples[i]
            (a,b,c) = candidate
            if Leaves[c] == 1 and Branches[a] > 1 and Branches[c] == 0 and b.isNonterminal():
                for j in xrange(len(triples)):
                    candidate2 = triples[j]
                    (x,y,z) = candidate2
                    if x == a and z != c and y.isNonterminal():
                        # Depending on the grammar it would make sense to install a clause here
                        # which determines the 'surviving' edge based on some implicit ordering
                        nrf = (x,Edge(y[0],d.count),z)
                        nrt = [candidate2,candidate]
                        rulename = 'OL' # short for open-left
                        new_amr = list(triples)
                        new_amr[j] = nrf
                        del new_amr[i]
                        new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf,nrt,rulename)
                        return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_amr,new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #10
 def applySW(self,d):
     Search for any multiple edges (a-X-b) and merge two of these
     triples = d.get_triples()
     Nodes = defaultdict(int)
     for (a,b,c) in triples:
         Nodes[(a,c)] += 1
     for (a,c) in Nodes.keys():
         if Nodes[(a,c)] > 1:
             # We have one edge that we can remove: remove (a,X,b) and (a,Y,b) for (a,Y,b)
             # If more than two, we can remove any one of these, given any other one of these
             for i in xrange(len(triples)):
                 candidate = triples[i]
                 (x,y,z) = candidate
                 if x == a and z == c and y.isNonterminal():
                     for j in xrange(i+1,len(triples)):
                         candidate2 = triples[j]
                         (k,l,m) = candidate2
                         if k == x and m == z and l.isNonterminal() and candidate != candidate2:
                             nrf = (k,Edge(y[0],d.count),m)
                             nrt = [candidate,candidate2]
                             new_amr = list(triples)
                             new_amr[i] = nrf
                             del new_amr[j]
                             new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf,nrt,'SW')
                             return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_amr,new_rule)
     return False
Beispiel #11
    def applyDelex(self, d):
        triples = d.get_triples()
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            (a, b, c) = triples[i]
            if b.isTerminal():
                ntLabel, tmp = b[0].split(":", 1)
                nrf = (a, Edge(ntLabel, d.count), c)
                nrt = [triples[i]]

                new_mrt = list(triples)
                new_mrt[i] = nrf  # replace triple with new triple

                new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf, nrt, 'DL')
                return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d, new_mrt, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #12
    def applyDelex(self,d):
        triples = d.get_triples()
        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            (a,b,c) = triples[i]
            if b.isTerminal():
                ntLabel,tmp = b[0].split(":",1)
                nrf = (a,Edge(ntLabel,d.count),c)
                nrt = [triples[i]]

                new_mrt = list(triples)
                new_mrt[i] = nrf # replace triple with new triple

                new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf,nrt,'DL')
                return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_mrt,new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #13
    def applyJointHit(self, d):
        edge A-B becomes edges A-C and B-C in reverse

        child = defaultdict(set)
        parent = defaultdict(set)

        triples = d.get_triples()
        for trip in triples:
            (a, b, c) = trip

        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate1 = triples[i]
            (a, x, c) = candidate1
            if len(child[c]) == 0 and len(
                    parent[c]) == 2 and x.isNonterminal():
                for candidate2 in parent[c]:
                    (b, y, tmp) = candidate2
                    if y.isNonterminal() and b != a:  # we know that c == tmp
                        wrongWay = False
                        for check in child[b]:
                            # optional (attempts to avoid generating looped structures)
                            (k, l, m) = check
                            if m == a: wrongWay = True
                        if not wrongWay:
                            # We found a candidate to remove (a,x,c) (b,y,c) down to (a,?,b)
                            # Now, let's iterate so that we can find the suitable edges (with labels)
                            nrf = (a, Edge('*', d.count), b)
                            nrt = [candidate1, candidate2]
                            new_amr = list(triples)
                            new_amr[i] = nrf
                            new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf, nrt, 'JH')
                            return CanonicalDerivation.derive(
                                d, new_amr, new_rule)
        return False
Beispiel #14
    def applyJointHit(self,d):
        edge A-B becomes edges A-C and B-C in reverse

        child = defaultdict(set)
        parent = defaultdict(set)

        triples = d.get_triples()
        for trip in triples:
            (a,b,c) = trip

        for i in xrange(len(triples)):
            candidate1 = triples[i]
            (a,x,c) = candidate1
            if len(child[c]) == 0 and len(parent[c]) == 2 and x.isNonterminal():
                for candidate2 in parent[c]:
                    (b,y,tmp) = candidate2
                    if y.isNonterminal() and b != a: # we know that c == tmp
                        wrongWay = False
                        for check in child[b]:
                            # optional (attempts to avoid generating looped structures)
                            (k,l,m) = check
                            if m == a:  wrongWay = True
                        if not wrongWay:
                            # We found a candidate to remove (a,x,c) (b,y,c) down to (a,?,b)
                            # Now, let's iterate so that we can find the suitable edges (with labels)
                            nrf = (a,Edge('*',d.count),b)
                            nrt = [candidate1,candidate2]
                            new_amr = list(triples)
                            new_amr[i] = nrf
                            new_rule = RuleInstance(nrf,nrt,'JH')
                            return CanonicalDerivation.derive(d,new_amr,new_rule)
        return False