Beispiel #1
    def _task_4():
                X: past one hour
                Y: next hour's min value
        x_target_path = './npy/final/hour_min/testing/X'
        y_target_path = './npy/final/hour_min/testing/Y'
        if not os.path.exists(x_target_path):
        if not os.path.exists(y_target_path):
        filelist = du.list_all_input_file(root_dir + '/npy/hour_min/X')

        for i, filename in enumerate(filelist):
            if filename != 'training_raw_data.npy':
                data_array = du.load_array(root_dir + '/npy/hour_min/X/' +
                # only network activity
                data_array = data_array[:, :, grid_start:grid_stop,
                                        grid_start:grid_stop, (0, 1, -1)]
                print('saving array shape:{}'.format(data_array.shape))
                              x_target_path + '/hour_min_' + str(i))

        filelist = du.list_all_input_file(root_dir + '/npy/hour_min/Y')
        for i, filename in enumerate(filelist):
            min_array = du.load_array(root_dir + '/npy/hour_min/Y/' + filename)
            # only network activity
            min_array = min_array[:, :, grid_start:grid_stop,
                                  grid_start:grid_stop, (0, 1, -1)]
            du.save_array(min_array, y_target_path + '/hour_min_' + str(i))
Beispiel #2
    def task_6():
                X: past one hour
                Y: next 10 minutes traffic level
        x_dir = './npy/final/10_minutes_level/testing/X/'
        y_dir = './npy/final/10_minutes_level/testing/Y/'
        x_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(x_dir)
        y_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(y_dir)

        X_array_list = []
        for filename in x_data_list:
            X_array_list.append(du.load_array(x_dir + filename))

        X_array = np.concatenate(X_array_list, axis=0)
        del X_array_list

        Y_array_list = []
        for filename in y_data_list:
            Y_array_list.append(du.load_array(y_dir + filename))
        Y_array = np.concatenate(Y_array_list, axis=0)
        del Y_array_list
        # X_array = feature_scaling(X_array)
        # Y_array = feature_scaling(Y_array)
        return X_array, Y_array
Beispiel #3
    def task_3():
        X: past one hour
        Y: next hour's avg value
        x_dir = './npy/final/hour_avg/testing/X/'
        y_dir = './npy/final/hour_avg/testing/Y/'

        x_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(x_dir)
        y_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(y_dir)

        X_array_list = []
        for filename in x_data_list:
            X_array_list.append(du.load_array(x_dir + filename))

        X_array = np.concatenate(X_array_list, axis=0)
        # X_array = X_array[:, :, 0:21, 0:21, :]
        del X_array_list

        Y_array_list = []
        for filename in y_data_list:
            Y_array_list.append(du.load_array(y_dir + filename))
        Y_array = np.concatenate(Y_array_list, axis=0)
        del Y_array_list

        # new_X_array = feature_scaling(X_array[:, :, :, :, -1, np.newaxis])
        # new_Y_array = feature_scaling(Y_array[:, :, :, :, -1, np.newaxis])
        # X_array = _copy(X_array, new_X_array)
        # Y_array = _copy(Y_array, new_Y_array)
        X_array = X_array[0:-1]  # important!!
        Y_array = Y_array[1:]  # important!! Y should shift 10 minutes
        return X_array, Y_array
Beispiel #4
	def _get_10mins_CDR_internet_traffic(self, grid_list, reload=True):
		target_path = './npy/10min_CDR_internet_traffic_temp.npy'
		source_path = os.path.join(self.config.base_dir, '10min_CDR_internet_traffic.npy')
		if reload:
			# TK = Prepare_Task_Data('./npy/final/')
			# X_array, _ = TK.Task_max(grid_limit=[(0, 100), (0, 100)], generate_data=True)  # only need max here
			X_array = du.load_array(source_path)
			X_array = np.transpose(X_array, (2, 3, 0, 1, 4))
			array_list = []
			for search_grid_id in grid_list:
				# row, column = compute_row_col(grid_id)
				for row_index in range(X_array.shape[0]):
					for col_index in range(X_array.shape[1]):
						grid_id = X_array[row_index, col_index, 0, 0, 0]
						if search_grid_id == grid_id:
							new_x = X_array[row_index, col_index]
							new_x = new_x[:, :, (0, 1, -1)]
							array_list.append(new_x)  # grid_id, timestamp, internet traffic
			_10mins_CDR_internet_traffic = np.stack(array_list)
			logger.debug('_10mins_CDR_internet_traffic shape:{}'.format(_10mins_CDR_internet_traffic.shape))  # (grid_number, 1487, 6, 3)
			du.save_array(_10mins_CDR_internet_traffic, target_path)
			_10mins_CDR_internet_traffic = du.load_array(target_path)

		return _10mins_CDR_internet_traffic
Beispiel #5
    def task_4():
        X: past one hour
        Y: next hour's min value
        x_dir = './npy/final/hour_min/testing/X/'
        y_dir = './npy/final/hour_min/testing/Y/'
        x_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(x_dir)
        y_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(y_dir)

        X_array_list = []
        for filename in x_data_list:
            X_array_list.append(du.load_array(x_dir + filename))

        X_array = np.concatenate(X_array_list, axis=0)
        del X_array_list

        Y_array_list = []
        for filename in y_data_list:
            Y_array_list.append(du.load_array(y_dir + filename))
        Y_array = np.concatenate(Y_array_list, axis=0)
        del Y_array_list
        X_array = X_array[0:-1]  # important!!
        Y_array = Y_array[1:]  # important!! Y should shift 10 minutes
        return X_array, Y_array
Beispiel #6
 def task_2():
     rolling 10 minutes among timeflows
             X: past one hour
             Y: next 10 minutes value
     x_dir = './npy/final/roll_10/testing/X/'
     y_dir = './npy/final/roll_10/testing/Y/'
     X_file_list = du.list_all_input_file(x_dir)
     Y_file_list = du.list_all_input_file(y_dir)
     X_array_list = []
     Y_array_list = []
     # X array
     for filename in X_file_list:
         X_array_list.append(du.load_array(x_dir + filename))
     X_array = np.concatenate(X_array_list, axis=0)
     del X_array_list
     # Y array
     for filename in Y_file_list:
         Y_array_list.append(du.load_array(y_dir + filename))
     Y_array = np.concatenate(Y_array_list, axis=0)
     del Y_array_list
     # new_X_array = feature_scaling(X_array)
     # new_Y_array = feature_scaling(Y_array)
     # X_array = _copy(X_array, new_X_array)
     # Y_array = _copy(Y_array, new_Y_array)
     return X_array, Y_array
Beispiel #7
    def task_5():
                X: past one hour
                Y: next hour's min avg max network traffic
                for multi task learning
        x_dir = './npy/final/hour_min_avg_max/testing/X/'
        y_dir = './npy/final/hour_min_avg_max/testing/Y/'
        x_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(x_dir)
        y_data_list = du.list_all_input_file(y_dir)
        X_array_list = []
        for filename in x_data_list:
            X_array_list.append(du.load_array(x_dir + filename))

        X_array = np.concatenate(X_array_list, axis=0)
        del X_array_list

        Y_array_list = []
        for filename in y_data_list:
            Y_array_list.append(du.load_array(y_dir + filename))
        Y_array = np.concatenate(Y_array_list, axis=0)
        del Y_array_list
        # X_array = feature_scaling(X_array)
        # Y_array = feature_scaling(Y_array)
        return X_array, Y_array
Beispiel #8
 def get_data():
     CNN_RNN_all_grid_path = './result/CNN_RNN/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_0718.npy'
     CNN_RNN_without_task_all_grid_path = './result/CNN_RNN_without_task/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_split_min_avg_max.npy'
     CNN_RNN_MTL_array = du.load_array(CNN_RNN_all_grid_path)
     CNN_RNN_without_task_array = du.load_array(
     CNN_RNN_MTL_array = CNN_RNN_MTL_array[:-1]
         'CNN_RNN_MTL_array shape:{} CNN_RNN_without_task_array shape:{}'.
         format(CNN_RNN_MTL_array.shape, CNN_RNN_without_task_array.shape))
     return CNN_RNN_MTL_array, CNN_RNN_without_task_array
Beispiel #9
def convert_prediction_to_non_prediction():
	source_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'offloading/npy/real_prediction')
	target_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'offloading/npy/real_without_prediction')

	_10_min_traffic = du.load_array(os.path.join(source_path, '10min_CDR_internet_traffic.npy'))
	hour_traffic = du.load_array(os.path.join(source_path, 'hour_traffic_array.npy'))
	print('origin 10 min shape:{} origin hour shape:{}'.format(_10_min_traffic.shape, hour_traffic.shape))

	_10_min_traffic = _10_min_traffic[1:]  # (1485, 6, 41, 41, 3)
	hour_traffic = hour_traffic[:-1]  # (1485, 1, 41, 41, 8)
	print('new 10 min shape:{} new hour shape:{}'.format(_10_min_traffic.shape, hour_traffic.shape))
	du.save_array(_10_min_traffic, os.path.join(target_path, '10min_CDR_internet_traffic'))
	du.save_array(hour_traffic, os.path.join(target_path, 'hour_traffic_array'))
def get_dataframe(file_path):
	data_array = du.load_array(file_path)
	data_array = data_array[:, -149:]

	cell_num_array = data_array[:, 0, 0]
	reward_array = np.mean(data_array[:, :, 1], axis=1)
	energy_array = np.mean(data_array[:, :, 2], axis=1)
	traffic_digested_array = np.sum(data_array[:, :, 3], axis=1)
	macro_load_array = np.mean(data_array[:, :, 4], axis=1)
	small_load_array = data_array[:, :, 5]
	small_load_array[small_load_array == 0] = np.nan
	small_load_array = np.nanmean(small_load_array, axis=1)
	power_consumption_array = np.sum(data_array[:, :, 6], axis=1)
	action_array = np.mean(data_array[:, :, 7], axis=1)
	traffic_demand_array = np.sum(data_array[:, :, 8], axis=1)  # sum of data within 149
	df = pd.DataFrame({
		'cell_num': [int(cell_num) for cell_num in cell_num_array[:]],
		'reward': reward_array,
		'energy efficiency': energy_array,
		'traffic digested': traffic_digested_array,
		'macro load': macro_load_array,
		'small load': small_load_array,
		'power consumption': power_consumption_array,
		'small cell number': action_array,
		'traffic demand': traffic_demand_array})

	df = df.set_index('cell_num')
	return df
	def grouping_by_macro_load(EFFI_df):
		# load_groups_list = get_groups_load_list()
		# print(EFFI_df.describe())
		without_loading_data_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'offloading/result/without_offloading_without_RL', 'all_cell_result_array_0731.npy')
		cell_result = du.load_array(without_loading_data_path)
		# cell_result = cell_result[:, :]
		macro_load_array = cell_result[:, -149:, 4]  # (144, 149)
		macro_load_array_mean = np.mean(macro_load_array, axis=1)
		macro_load_array = cell_result[:, :, 4]  # (144, 1486)
		macro_cell_num = cell_result[:, 0, 0]
		macro_load_pd = pd.DataFrame({
			'cell_num': [int(cell_num) for cell_num in macro_cell_num],
			'macro_load': macro_load_array_mean})
		macro_load_pd = macro_load_pd.set_index('cell_num')
		# print(macro_load_pd)

		EFFI_df = pd.concat((EFFI_df, macro_load_pd), axis=1)
		bins = (0, 0.3, 0.7, 1, 2, 10)
		cats_macro_load_pd = pd.cut(EFFI_df['macro_load'], bins)
		EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load = EFFI_df.groupby(cats_macro_load_pd)
		key_list = list(EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load.groups.keys())
		key_list = sorted(key_list, key=lambda x: x)
		# print(EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load.get_group(key_list[0]))
		# print(key_list)'\n{}'.format(EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load.count()))'\n{}'.format(EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load.mean()))
		# for group in EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load:
		# 	print(group[1].head(3))
		return key_list, EFFI_df_group_by_macro_load
Beispiel #12
def evaluate_different_method():
    def evaluate_performance(Y_real_prediction_array,
        def print_total_report(task_report):
            for task_name, ele in task_report.items():
                print('{}: Accuracy:{:.4f} MAE:{:.4f} RMSE:{:.4f}'.format(
                    task_name, ele['Accuracy'], ele['AE'], ele['RMSE']))

        row_center_list = list(range(40, 80, 3))
        col_center_list = list(range(30, 70, 3))
        row_range = (row_center_list[0], row_center_list[-1])
        col_range = (col_center_list[0], col_center_list[-1])
        # print((row_range[1] - row_range[0]) * (col_range[1] -  col_range[0]))
        array_len = Y_real_prediction_array.shape[0]
        if not divide_threshold:
            divide_threshold = (9 * array_len) // 10

        Y_real_prediction_array = Y_real_prediction_array[:, :, row_range[
            0]:row_range[1], col_range[0]:col_range[1]]
        training_data = Y_real_prediction_array[:divide_threshold]
        testing_data = Y_real_prediction_array[divide_threshold:]

        training_info = training_data[:, :, :, :, :2]
        training_real = training_data[:, :, :, :, 2:5]
        training_prediction = training_data[:, :, :, :, 5:]

        testing_info = testing_data[:, :, :, :, :2]
        testing_real = testing_data[:, :, :, :, 2:5]
        testing_prediction = testing_data[:, :, :, :, 5:]
        report_dict = report_func.report_loss_accu(testing_info, testing_real,
        # print(report_dict['total'])

    CNN_RNN_all_grid_path = './result/CNN_RNN/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_0718.npy'
    CNN_3D_all_grid_path = './result/CNN_3D/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_0718.npy'
    RNN_all_grid_path = './result/RNN/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_0718.npy'
    ARIMA_all_grid_path = './result/ARIMA/all_real_prediction_traffic_array.npy'
    CNN_RNN_STL_all_grid_path = './result/CNN_RNN_STL/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_0715.npy'

    CNN_RNN_without_task_all_grid_path = './result/CNN_RNN_without_task/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_split_min_avg_max.npy'
    LM_all_grid_path = './result/LM/all_real_prediction_traffic_array.npy'

    # CNN_RNN_array = du.load_array(CNN_RNN_all_grid_path)
    # CNN_3D_array = du.load_array(CNN_3D_all_grid_path)
    # RNN_array = du.load_array(RNN_all_grid_path)
    # ARIMA_array = du.load_array(ARIMA_all_grid_path)
    # CNN_RNN_STL_array = du.load_array(CNN_RNN_STL_all_grid_path)
    # CNN_RNN_without_task_array = du.load_array(CNN_RNN_without_task_all_grid_path)
    LM_array = du.load_array(LM_all_grid_path)

    # evaluate_performance(CNN_RNN_array, './result/CNN_RNN/all_grid_result_report.txt')
    # evaluate_performance(CNN_3D_array, './result/CNN_3D/all_grid_result_report.txt')
    # evaluate_performance(RNN_array, './result/RNN/all_grid_result_report.txt')
    # evaluate_performance(ARIMA_array, './result/ARIMA/all_grid_result_report.txt')
    # evaluate_performance(CNN_RNN_STL_array, './result/CNN_RNN_STL/all_grid_result_report.txt')
    # evaluate_performance(CNN_RNN_without_task_array, './result/CNN_RNN_without_task/all_grid_result_report.txt')
    evaluate_performance(LM_array, './result/LM/all_grid_result_report.txt', 0)
def get_groups_load_dict():
	group each cells load into different level
	without_loading_data_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'offloading/result/without_offloading_without_RL', 'all_cell_result_array_0731.npy')
	cell_result = du.load_array(without_loading_data_path)
	logger.debug('cell result shape:{}'.format(cell_result.shape))  # (144, 1486, 8) 144: cell_num, 1486: time sequence, 8:cell_num, reward, energy, traffic_demand, macro load, small load, power consumption
	macro_load_array = cell_result[:, -149:, 4]  # (144, 149)
	macro_load_array_mean = np.mean(macro_load_array, axis=1)

	macro_cell_num = cell_result[:, 0, 0]

	macro_load_pd = pd.DataFrame({
		'cell_num': macro_cell_num,
		'macro_load': macro_load_array_mean})
	# print(macro_load_pd)
	bins = (0, 0.3, 0.7, 1, 2, 10)
	cats_macro_load_pd = pd.cut(macro_load_pd['macro_load'], bins)
	# print(cats_macro_load_pd)
	macro_load_pd_group = macro_load_pd.groupby(cats_macro_load_pd)
	load_groups_dict = OrderedDict()
	for index, group in enumerate(macro_load_pd_group):
		# print(group[1]['cell_num'])
		group_list = [cell_num for cell_num in group[1]['cell_num']]
		# print(group_list)
		load_groups_dict[group[0]] = group_list
		# load_group_dict[group[0]] = group[1]['cell_num']
	# print(macro_load_pd_group.count())
	# for key, v in load_group_dict.items():
	return load_groups_dict
Beispiel #14
        def load_data(file_dir):
            file_list = du.list_all_input_file(file_dir)
            array_list = []

            for filename in file_list:
                    du.load_array(os.path.join(file_dir, filename)))
            data_array = np.concatenate(array_list, axis=0)
            return data_array
Beispiel #15
    def _task_3():
                X: past one hour
                Y: next hour's avg value
        x_target_path = './npy/final/hour_avg/testing/X'
        y_target_path = './npy/final/hour_avg/testing/Y'
        if not os.path.exists(x_target_path):
        if not os.path.exists(y_target_path):

        filelist = du.list_all_input_file(root_dir + '/npy/hour_avg/X')
        for i, filename in enumerate(filelist):
            if filename != 'training_raw_data.npy':
                data_array = du.load_array(root_dir + '/npy/hour_avg/X/' +

                data_array = data_array[:, :, grid_start:grid_stop,
                                        grid_start:grid_stop, (0, 1, -1)]
                print('saving array shape:', data_array.shape)
                              x_target_path + '/hour_avg_' + str(i))

                # prepare y
                filelist = du.list_all_input_file(root_dir + '/npy/hour_avg/Y')
                for i, filename in enumerate(filelist):
                    avg_array = du.load_array(root_dir + '/npy/hour_avg/Y/' +
                    # only network activity
                    # avg_array = avg_array[:, :, grid_start:65, grid_start:65,
                    # (0, 1, -1)]  # only network activity
                    avg_array = avg_array[:, :, grid_start:grid_stop,
                                          grid_start:grid_stop, (0, 1, -1)]
                                  y_target_path + '/hour_avg_' + str(i))
Beispiel #16
 def load_and_save(file_dir, target_path):
     filelist = du.list_all_input_file(file_dir)
     for i, filename in enumerate(filelist):
         file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, filename)
         data_array = du.load_array(file_path)
         data_array = data_array[:, :,
                                 (0, 1, -1)]
         print('saving array shape:', data_array.shape)
             os.path.join(target_path, task_name + '_' + str(i)))
	def get_energyEFFI_pd(file_path):
		data_array = du.load_array(file_path)
		energy_array = data_array[:, -149:, 2]  # (144, 1486)
		cell_num_array = data_array[:, 0, 0]

		energy_array = np.mean(energy_array, axis=1)  # 144
		data_array = np.stack((cell_num_array, energy_array), axis=-1)
		df = pd.DataFrame({
			'EE': data_array[:, 1],
			'cell_num': [int(cell_num) for cell_num in data_array[:, 0]]})
		df = df.set_index('cell_num')
		# print(df.describe())

		return df
Beispiel #18
    def _task_2():
        rolling 10 minutes among timeflows
                X: past one hour
                Y: next 10 minutes value
        # check target dir exist
        x_target_path = './npy/final/roll_10/testing/X'
        y_target_path = './npy/final/roll_10/testing/Y'
        if not os.path.exists(x_target_path):
        if not os.path.exists(y_target_path):

        filelist_X = du.list_all_input_file(root_dir + '/npy/npy_roll/X/')
        filelist_Y = du.list_all_input_file(root_dir + '/npy/npy_roll/Y/')
        for i, filename in enumerate(filelist_X):
            data_array = du.load_array(root_dir + '/npy/npy_roll/X/' +

            data_array = data_array[:, :, grid_start:grid_stop,
                                    grid_start:grid_stop, (0, 1, -1)]
            print('saving  array shape:{}'.format(data_array.shape))
            du.save_array(data_array, x_target_path + '/X_' + str(i))

        for i, filename in enumerate(filelist_Y):
            data_array = du.load_array(root_dir + '/npy/npy_roll/Y/' +

            # only network activity
            data_array = data_array[:, :, grid_start:grid_stop,
                                    grid_start:grid_stop, (0, 1, -1)]
            print(data_array[0, 0, 20, 20, 0])
            print('saving  array shape:{}'.format(data_array.shape))
            du.save_array(data_array, y_target_path + '/Y_' + str(i))
Beispiel #19
    def get_data():
        method_result_path = os.path.join(
        result_array = du.load_array(method_result_path)

        row_center_list = list(range(40, 80, 3))
        col_center_list = list(range(30, 70, 3))
        row_range = range(row_center_list[0] - 1, row_center_list[-1] + 1)
        col_range = range(col_center_list[0] - 1, col_center_list[-1] + 1)'row_range {}:{} col_range: {}:{}'.format(
            row_range[0], row_range[-1], col_range[0], col_range[-1]))
        result_array = result_array[:-1, :, :row_range[-1] - row_range[0] +
                                    1, :col_range[-1] - col_range[0] + 1]
        logger.debug('result_array shape:{}'.format(result_array.shape))
        return result_array
Beispiel #20
def generate_new_real_prediction_traffic_array():
	# target_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'offloading/npy/real_prediction_traffic_array.npy')
	source_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'CNN_RNN/result/CNN_RNN/all_real_prediction_traffic_array_0718.npy')
	# source_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'CNN_RNN/result/ARIMA/all_real_prediction_traffic_array.npy')
	data_array = du.load_array(source_path)
	row_center_list = list(range(40, 80, 3))
	col_center_list = list(range(30, 70, 3))
	row_range = (row_center_list[0] - 1, row_center_list[-1] + 1)
	col_range = (col_center_list[0] - 1, col_center_list[-1] + 1)
	data_array = data_array[:, :, row_range[0]: row_range[1], col_range[0]: col_range[1]]

	# for row_index in range(data_array.shape[2]):
	# 	for col_index in range(data_array.shape[3]):
	# 		grid_id = data_array[0, 0, row_index, col_index, 0]
	# 		if grid_id != 0:
	# 			print(grid_id)
	return data_array
Beispiel #21
def prepare_data():
    data_array = du.load_array(input_file)
    print('saving array shape:{}'.format(data_array.shape))
    # du.save_array(data_array, './npy/autoregrssion_raw_data')

    i_len = data_array.shape[0]
    j_len = data_array.shape[1]
    row = 39
    col = 39
    data_frame = {'date': [], 'internet': []}
    for i in range(i_len):
        for j in range(j_len):
            date_string = set_time_zone(data_array[i, j, row, col, 1])
            date_string = date_time_covert_to_str(date_string)
            data_frame['internet'].append(data_array[i, j, row, col, -1])
    data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data_frame)
    return data_frame
Beispiel #22
	def _get_hour_CDR_internt_traffic(self, grid_list):
		source_path = os.path.join(self.config.base_dir, 'hour_traffic_array.npy')
		traffic_array = du.load_array(source_path)
		traffic_array = np.transpose(traffic_array, (2, 3, 0, 1, 4))
		traffic_list = []
		# print(grid_list)
		for search_grid_id in grid_list:
			# print('grid:{}'.format(grid))
			# row, column = compute_row_col(grid)
			# print(row, column)
			for row_index in range(traffic_array.shape[0]):
				for col_index in range(traffic_array.shape[1]):
					grid_id = traffic_array[row_index, col_index, -149, 0, 0]
					if search_grid_id == grid_id:
						grid_traffic = traffic_array[row_index, col_index, :, :]

		traffic_array = np.stack(traffic_list)  # (grid_num, 1487, 1, 8)
		logger.debug('hour_CDR_internt_traffic shape:{}'.format(traffic_array.shape))
		return traffic_array
def grouping_by_macro_load(df):
	without_loading_data_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'offloading/result/without_offloading_without_RL', 'all_cell_result_array_0731.npy')
	cell_result = du.load_array(without_loading_data_path)
	macro_load_array = cell_result[:, -149:, 4]  # (144, 1486)  # according 149
	macro_load_array_mean = np.mean(macro_load_array, axis=1)
	macro_load_array = cell_result[:, :, 4]  # (144, 1486)
	macro_cell_num = cell_result[:, 0, 0]
	macro_load_pd = pd.DataFrame({
		'cell_num': [int(cell_num) for cell_num in macro_cell_num],
		'base_macro_load': macro_load_array_mean})
	macro_load_pd = macro_load_pd.set_index('cell_num')

	df = pd.concat((df, macro_load_pd), axis=1)
	bins = (0, 0.3, 0.7, 1, 2, 10)
	# bins = (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 10)
	cats_macro_load_pd = pd.cut(df['base_macro_load'], bins)
	df_group = df.groupby(cats_macro_load_pd)
	logger.debug('macro load group count:{}'.format(df_group.count()))
	key_list = list(df_group.groups.keys())
	key_list = sorted(key_list, key=lambda x: x)

	return key_list, df_group
	def get_array(file_path):
		data_array = du.load_array(file_path)
		data_array = data_array[:, -149:, (0, 4)]
		return data_array
Beispiel #25
def evaluate_CNN_RNN_without_task():
    def search_grid(data_array, grid_id):
        array = np.transpose(data_array, (2, 3, 0, 1, 4))
        for row in range(array.shape[0]):
            for col in range(array.shape[1]):
                if grid_id == array[row, col, 0, 0, 0]:
                    return row, col
        return 0, 0

    def get_data():
        method_result_path = os.path.join(
        result_array = du.load_array(method_result_path)

        row_center_list = list(range(40, 80, 3))
        col_center_list = list(range(30, 70, 3))
        row_range = range(row_center_list[0] - 1, row_center_list[-1] + 1)
        col_range = range(col_center_list[0] - 1, col_center_list[-1] + 1)'row_range {}:{} col_range: {}:{}'.format(
            row_range[0], row_range[-1], col_range[0], col_range[-1]))
        result_array = result_array[:-1, :, :row_range[-1] - row_range[0] +
                                    1, :col_range[-1] - col_range[0] + 1]
        logger.debug('result_array shape:{}'.format(result_array.shape))
        return result_array

    def evaluate_performance(real, prediction):
        # data_array_len = real.shape[0]

        # test_real = real[9 * data_array_len // 10:]
        # test_prediction = prediction[9 * data_array_len // 10:]

        MAPE_loss = utility.MAPE_loss(real, prediction)
        AE_loss = utility.AE_loss(real, prediction)
        RMSE_loss = utility.RMSE_loss(real, prediction)
        # MAPE_train = utility.MAPE_loss(train_array[:, :, :, :, 2, np.newaxis], train_array[:, :, :, :, 3, np.newaxis])
        # print('test accu:{} test AE:{} test RMSE:{}'.format(1 - MAPE_test, AE_test, RMSE_test))
        return 1 - MAPE_loss, AE_loss, RMSE_loss

    def calculate_min_avg_max(data_array):
        new_data_array = np.zeros(
            (data_array.shape[0], 1, 100, 100, 8)
        )  # hour, 1, row, col, (grid_id, timestmap, real_min, real_avg, real_max, preidiction_min, prediction_avg, prediction_max)
        data_array = np.transpose(
            data_array, (0, 2, 3, 1, 4))  # hour, row, col, 10min, feature
        for i in range(data_array.shape[0]):
            for row in range(data_array.shape[1]):
                for col in range(data_array.shape[2]):
                    real_max_value = np.amax(data_array[i, row, col, :, 2])
                    prediction_max_value = np.amax(data_array[i, row, col, :,

                    real_min_value = np.amin(data_array[i, row, col, :, 2])
                    prediction_min_value = np.amin(data_array[i, row, col, :,

                    real_avg_value = np.mean(data_array[i, row, col, :, 2])
                    prediction_avg_value = np.mean(data_array[i, row, col, :,

                    grid_id = data_array[i, row, col, 0, 0]
                    timestamp = data_array[i, row, col, 0, 1]
                    row_index, col_index = utility.compute_row_col(grid_id)
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index, 0] = grid_id
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index, 1] = timestamp
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index,
                                   2] = real_min_value
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index,
                                   3] = real_avg_value
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index,
                                   4] = real_max_value
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index,
                                   5] = prediction_min_value
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index,
                                   6] = prediction_avg_value
                    new_data_array[i, 0, row_index, col_index,
                                   7] = prediction_max_value
                    #'grid_id:{} real:{} prediction:{}'.format(int(grid_id), real_max_value, prediction_max_value))

        return new_data_array

    def plot_CNN_RNN_without_task(data_arrray, grid_id, interval=6):
        logger.debug('data_arrray :{}'.format(data_arrray.shape))
        # plot_row = 10
        # plot_col = 30
        plot_row, plot_col = search_grid(data_arrray, grid_id)
        # result_array_len = result_array.shape[0]'plot_row:{} plot_col:{}'.format(plot_row, plot_col))
        plot_real = data_arrray[:, :, plot_row, plot_col, 2].reshape(-1, 1)
        plot_prediction = data_arrray[:, :, plot_row, plot_col,
                                      3].reshape(-1, 1)
        plt_info = data_arrray[:, :, plot_row, plot_col, :2].reshape(-1, 2)
        report_func.plot_predict_vs_real(plt_info, plot_real, plot_prediction,
                                         'CNN-RNN(*) prediction on ', interval)

    def evaluate_one_grid(origin_array, real_preidction, grid_id=4867):'origin_array shape:{} real_preidction shape:{}'.format(
            origin_array.shape, real_preidction.shape))
        plot_CNN_RNN_without_task(origin_array[-149:], grid_id, 24)
        row, col = search_grid(real_preidction, grid_id)

        accu_min, AE_min, RMSE_min = evaluate_performance(
            real_preidction[-149:, :, row:row + 1, col:col + 1, 2],
            real_preidction[-149:, :, row:row + 1, col:col + 1, 5])
        accu_avg, AE_avg, RMSE_avg = evaluate_performance(
            real_preidction[-149:, :, row:row + 1, col:col + 1, 3],
            real_preidction[-149:, :, row:row + 1, col:col + 1, 6])
        accu_max, AE_max, RMSE_max = evaluate_performance(
            real_preidction[-149:, :, row:row + 1, col:col + 1, 4],
            real_preidction[-149:, :, row:row + 1, col:col + 1, 7])'grid id:{} MIN accu:{} AE:{} RMSE:{}'.format(
            grid_id, accu_min, AE_min, RMSE_min))'grid id:{} AVG accu:{} AE:{} RMSE:{}'.format(
            grid_id, accu_avg, AE_avg, RMSE_avg))'grid id:{} MAX accu:{} AE:{} RMSE:{}'.format(
            grid_id, accu_max, AE_max, RMSE_max))

            real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, (0, 1, 4, 7)], grid_id, 2)

    reload = None
    result_array = get_data()
    accu, AE, RMSE = evaluate_performance(result_array[-149:, :, :, :, 2],
                                          result_array[-149:, :, :, :, 3])'total data: test accu:{} test AE:{} test RMSE:{}'.format(
        accu, AE, RMSE))
    if reload:
        real_preidction = calculate_min_avg_max(result_array)
        real_preidction = du.load_array(
    accu_min, AE_min, RMSE_min = evaluate_performance(
        real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, 2], real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, 5])
    accu_avg, AE_avg, RMSE_avg = evaluate_performance(
        real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, 3], real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, 6])
    accu_max, AE_max, RMSE_max = evaluate_performance(
        real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, 4], real_preidction[-149:, :, :, :, 7])'MIN accu:{} AE:{} RMSE:{}'.format(accu_min, AE_min, RMSE_min))'AVG accu:{} AE:{} RMSE:{}'.format(accu_avg, AE_avg, RMSE_avg))'MAX accu:{} AE:{} RMSE:{}'.format(accu_max, AE_max, RMSE_max))

    evaluate_one_grid(result_array, real_preidction, 4867)
def filter_cell_index():
    def get_cell_tower_grid_pair():
        cell_tower_with_grid = os.path.join(
            root_dir, 'cell_tower/cell_tower_with_grid.txt')
        with open(cell_tower_with_grid, 'r') as f:
            cell_grid = json.load(f)
        return cell_grid

    def evaluate_performance(Y_real_prediction_array, threshold):
        Y_real_prediction_array = np.transpose(Y_real_prediction_array,
                                               (2, 3, 0, 1, 4))
        grid_id_list = []
        for row_index in range(Y_real_prediction_array.shape[0]):
            for col_index in range(Y_real_prediction_array.shape[1]):
                info = Y_real_prediction_array[row_index, col_index, :, 0, :2]
                real = Y_real_prediction_array[row_index, col_index, :, 0, 2:5]
                prediction = Y_real_prediction_array[row_index, col_index, :,
                                                     0, 5:]
                # task_min_MAPE = utility.MAPE_loss(real[:, 0], prediction[:, 0])
                # task_avg_MAPE = utility.MAPE_loss(real[:, 1], prediction[:, 1])
                # task_max_MAPE = utility.MAPE_loss(real[:, 2], prediction[:, 2])
                MAPE = utility.MAPE_loss(real, prediction)
                Accu = 1 - MAPE if MAPE else 0

                if Accu > threshold and Accu:
                    grid_id = info[0, 0]
                    # print('grid id:{} accu:{}'.format(grid_id, Accu))
        return grid_id_list

    def filter_by_range(Y_real_prediction_array):
        Y_real_prediction_array = np.transpose(Y_real_prediction_array,
                                               (2, 3, 0, 1, 4))
        grid_id_list = []
        row_range = list(range(20, 50))
        col_range = list(range(30, 50))
        for row_index in range(Y_real_prediction_array.shape[0]):
            for col_index in range(Y_real_prediction_array.shape[1]):
                info = Y_real_prediction_array[row_index, col_index, :, 0, :2]
                if row_index in row_range and col_index in col_range:
                    grid_id = info[0, 0]
                    # print('grid id:{} accu:{}'.format(grid_id, Accu))
        return grid_id_list

    all_real_prediction_traffic_array_path = os.path.join(
        root_dir, 'offloading/npy/real_prediction/hour_traffic_array_0730.npy')

    CNN_RNN_MTL_array = du.load_array(all_real_prediction_traffic_array_path)

    # evaluate_threshold = 0.75
    # grid_id_list = evaluate_performance(CNN_RNN_MTL_array, evaluate_threshold)

    grid_id_list = filter_by_range(CNN_RNN_MTL_array)
    cell_grids = get_cell_tower_grid_pair()
    cell_index_list = []
    for cell_grid in cell_grids:
        cell_index = cell_grid['index']
        grids = cell_grid['grid']
        # print(cell_grid)
        if set(grids).issubset(set(grid_id_list)) and len(grids) > 0:
    print('cell_index_list length:', len(cell_index_list))
    cell_index_list = sorted(cell_index_list)
    return cell_index_list