def process_data_chunk(self, sess, chunk_df):
        """ Loads in a chunk of the file and performs initial validations

                sess: the database connection
                bucket_name: the bucket to pull the file
                region_name: the region to pull the file
            'message': 'Loading rows starting from {}'.format(self.max_row_number + 1),
            'message_type': 'ValidatorInfo',
            'submission_id': self.submission_id,
            'job_id': self.job.job_id,
            'action': 'data_loading',
            'status': 'start'

        # initializing warning/error files and dataframes
        total_errors = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.report_headers)
        total_warnings = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.report_headers)
        flex_data = None
        required_list = {}
        type_list = {}
        office_list = {}

        # Replace whatever the user included so we're using the database headers
        chunk_df.rename(columns=self.reader.header_dict, inplace=True)

        empty_file = chunk_df.empty

        if not empty_file:
            chunk_df = chunk_df.applymap(clean_col)

            # Adding row number
            chunk_df = chunk_df.reset_index()
            # index gets reset for each chunk, adding the header, and adding previous rows
            chunk_df['row_number'] = chunk_df.index + 1 + self.max_row_number
            self.total_rows += len(chunk_df.index)

            # Increment row numbers if any were ignored being too long
            # This syncs the row numbers back to their original values
            for row in sorted(self.long_rows):
                chunk_df.loc[chunk_df['row_number'] >= row, 'row_number'] = chunk_df['row_number'] + 1

            # Setting max row number for chunking purposes
            self.max_row_number = chunk_df['row_number'].max()

            # Filtering out already processed long rows
            self.long_rows = [row for row in self.long_rows if row > self.max_row_number]

            # Drop rows that were too short and pandas filled in with Nones
            chunk_df = chunk_df[~chunk_df['row_number'].isin(self.short_rows)]

            # Drop the index column
            chunk_df = chunk_df.drop(['index'], axis=1)

            # Drop all rows that have 1 or less filled in values (row_number is always filled in so this is how
            # we have to drop all rows that are just empty)
            chunk_df.dropna(thresh=2, inplace=True)
            empty_file = chunk_df.empty

        if not empty_file:
            if self.is_fabs:
                # create a list of all required/type labels for FABS
                labels = sess.query(ValidationLabel).all()
                for label in labels:
                    if label.label_type == 'requirement':
                        required_list[label.column_name] = label.label
                        type_list[label.column_name] = label.label

                # Create a list of all offices
                offices = sess.query(Office.office_code, Office.sub_tier_code).all()
                for office in offices:
                    office_list[office.office_code] = office.sub_tier_code
                # Clear out office list to save space
                del offices

            # Gathering flex data (must be done before chunk limiting)
            if self.reader.flex_fields:
                flex_data = chunk_df.loc[:, list(self.reader.flex_fields + ['row_number'])]
            if flex_data is not None and not flex_data.empty:
                flex_data['concatted'] = flex_data.apply(lambda x: concat_flex(x), axis=1)

            # Dropping any extraneous fields included + flex data (must be done before file type checking)
            chunk_df = chunk_df[list(self.expected_headers + ['row_number'])]

            # Only do validations if it's not a D file
            if not in ['award', 'award_procurement']:

                # Padding specific fields
                for field in self.parsed_fields['padded']:
                    chunk_df[field] = chunk_df.apply(
                        lambda x: FieldCleaner.pad_field(self.csv_schema[field], x[field]), axis=1)
                # Cleaning up numbers so they can be inserted properly
                for field in self.parsed_fields['number']:
                    chunk_df[field] = chunk_df.apply(lambda x: clean_numbers(x[field]), axis=1)

                if self.is_fabs:
                    chunk_df['is_valid'] = True
                    chunk_df['awarding_sub_tier_agency_c'] = chunk_df.apply(
                        lambda x: derive_fabs_awarding_sub_tier(x, office_list), axis=1)
                    chunk_df['afa_generated_unique'] = chunk_df.apply(
                        lambda x: derive_fabs_afa_generated_unique(x), axis=1)
                    chunk_df['unique_award_key'] = chunk_df.apply(
                        lambda x: derive_fabs_unique_award_key(x), axis=1)
                    chunk_df['tas'] = chunk_df.apply(lambda x: concat_tas_dict(x), axis=1)
                    chunk_df['display_tas'] = chunk_df.apply(lambda x: concat_display_tas_dict(x), axis=1)
                chunk_df['unique_id'] = chunk_df.apply(lambda x: derive_unique_id(x, self.is_fabs), axis=1)

                # Separate each of the checks to their own dataframes, then concat them together
                req_errors = check_required(chunk_df, self.parsed_fields['required'], required_list,
                                            self.report_headers, self.short_to_long_dict[self.file_type.file_type_id],
                                            flex_data, is_fabs=self.is_fabs)
                type_errors = check_type(chunk_df, self.parsed_fields['number'] + self.parsed_fields['boolean'],
                                         type_list, self.report_headers, self.csv_schema,
                                         self.short_to_long_dict[self.file_type.file_type_id], flex_data,
                type_error_rows = type_errors['Row Number'].tolist()
                length_errors = check_length(chunk_df, self.parsed_fields['length'], self.report_headers,
                                             self.csv_schema, self.short_to_long_dict[self.file_type.file_type_id],
                                             flex_data, type_error_rows)

                if self.is_fabs:
                    error_dfs = [req_errors, type_errors, length_errors]
                    warning_dfs = [pd.DataFrame(columns=list(self.report_headers + ['error_type']))]
                    error_dfs = [req_errors, type_errors]
                    warning_dfs = [length_errors]

                total_errors = pd.concat(error_dfs, ignore_index=True)
                total_warnings = pd.concat(warning_dfs, ignore_index=True)

                # Converting these to ints because pandas likes to change them to floats randomly
                total_errors[['Row Number', 'error_type']] = total_errors[['Row Number', 'error_type']].astype(int)
                total_warnings[['Row Number', 'error_type']] = total_warnings[['Row Number', 'error_type']]. \

                self.error_rows.extend([int(x) for x in total_errors['Row Number'].tolist()])

                for index, row in total_errors.iterrows():
                    self.error_list.record_row_error(self.job.job_id, self.file_name, row['Field Name'],
                                                     row['error_type'], row['Row Number'], row['Rule Label'],
                                                     self.file_type.file_type_id, None, RULE_SEVERITY_DICT['fatal'])

                for index, row in total_warnings.iterrows():
                    self.error_list.record_row_error(self.job.job_id, self.file_name, row['Field Name'],
                                                     row['error_type'], row['Row Number'], row['Rule Label'],
                                                     self.file_type.file_type_id, None, RULE_SEVERITY_DICT['warning'])

                total_errors.drop(['error_type'], axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore')
                total_warnings.drop(['error_type'], axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore')

                # Remove type error rows from original dataframe
                chunk_df = chunk_df[~chunk_df['row_number'].isin(type_error_rows)]
                chunk_df.drop(['unique_id'], axis=1, inplace=True)

        # Write all the errors/warnings to their files
        total_errors.to_csv(self.error_file_path, columns=self.report_headers, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL,
                            mode='a', header=False)
        total_warnings.to_csv(self.warning_file_path, columns=self.report_headers, index=False,
                              quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, mode='a', header=False)

        # Finally load the data into the database
        if not empty_file:
            # The model data
            now =
            chunk_df['created_at'] = now
            chunk_df['updated_at'] = now
            chunk_df['job_id'] = self.job.job_id
            chunk_df['submission_id'] = self.submission_id
            insert_dataframe(chunk_df,, sess.connection())

            # Flex Fields
            if flex_data is not None:
                flex_data.drop(['concatted'], axis=1, inplace=True)
                flex_data = flex_data[flex_data['row_number'].isin(chunk_df['row_number'])]

                flex_rows = pd.melt(flex_data, id_vars=['row_number'], value_vars=self.reader.flex_fields,
                                    var_name='header', value_name='cell')

                # Filling in all the shared data for these flex fields
                now =
                flex_rows['created_at'] = now
                flex_rows['updated_at'] = now
                flex_rows['job_id'] = self.job.job_id
                flex_rows['submission_id'] = self.submission_id
                flex_rows['file_type_id'] = self.file_type.file_type_id

                # Adding the entire set of flex fields
                insert_dataframe(flex_rows,, sess.connection())
            'message': 'Loaded rows up to {}'.format(self.max_row_number),
            'message_type': 'ValidatorInfo',
            'submission_id': self.submission_id,
            'job_id': self.job.job_id,
            'action': 'data_loading',
            'status': 'end'