def POST(self, game_id):
    you = require_you()
    game = get_game(game_id)

    params = web.input(text='')
    text = params["text"]
    if len(text) == 0:
      raise http.unacceptable("Chat messages must contain some text")

    chat = {"type":"chat", "text":text, "game":game_id, "user", "name":you["name"]}
    # synchronize timestamps
    game["timestamp"] = chat["timestamp"] = make_timestamp()    
    db[game_id] = game
    return "OK"
  def POST(self, game_id):
    you = require_you()
    game = get_game(game_id)

    params = web.input(from_space=None, to_space=None)
    if not (params["from_space"] and params["to_space"]):
      raise http.badrequest("Moves must include from_space and to_space")

    from_space = tag_2d(params["from_space"])
    to_space   = tag_2d(params["to_space"])
    if not (len(from_space) == len(to_space) == 2):
      raise http.badrequest("Invalid space tags")

    # check if it's your turn
    player = game["order"][game["turn"] % len(game["order"])]
    if game["players"][player] !=
      raise http.precondition("It's not your turn")

    board = game["board"]
    attacking_piece = game["board"][from_space[0]][from_space[1]]

    if attacking_piece == None:
      raise http.forbidden("No piece to move from %s" % params["from_space"])

    if attacking_piece["player"] != player:
      raise http.forbidden("It's not %s's turn" % attacking_piece["player"])

    if not valid_move(attacking_piece["kind"], from_space, to_space):
      raise http.forbidden("You can't move %s from %s to %s" % (attacking_piece["kind"], params["from_space"], params["to_space"]))
    defending_piece = game["board"][to_space[0]][to_space[1]]
    if defending_piece != None:
      if attacking_piece["player"] == defending_piece["player"]:
        raise http.forbidden("You can't attack yourself")
      if not battle(attacking_piece["kind"], defending_piece["kind"]):
        raise http.forbidden("You can't beat %s with %s" % (defending_piece["kind"], attacking_piece["kind"]))
    # actually move the piece
    game["board"][from_space[0]][from_space[1]] = None
    game["board"][to_space[0]][to_space[1]] = attacking_piece
    # advance the turn
    game["turn"] += 1

    # trigger an event
    move = {"type":"move", "game":game_id, "user", "name":you["name"],
            "from_space":params["from_space"], "to_space":params["to_space"]}
    # update timestamps just before saving
    game["timestamp"] = move["timestamp"] = timestamp = make_timestamp()    
    db[game_id] = game
    move_id = db.create(move)
    return timestamp
  def POST(self):
    you = require_you()
    params = web.input()

    if not params["user"]:
      return web.notfound()
    user = dbview.users(db, startkey=params['user'], endkey=params['user']).rows
    if not len(user):
      return web.notfound()
      user = user[0]
    from setup_board import board
    game = {"type":"game", "board":board, "timestamp":make_timestamp(), "turn":0, 
            "players":{"red","blue"}, "order":["red","blue"]}
    game_id = db.create(game)
    web.seeother("/games/%s" % game_id)
Beispiel #4
def commission_ish(record):
  you = auth.require_you()
  fields = ['price','summary','characters','mood','important','rating']
  params = web.input(button="new", file={})

  if params['file'] != {}:
    if not 'files' in record:
      record['files'] = {}
    record['files'][params['file'].filename] = True

  if params['button'] == "delete":
    if 'deleted' in record:
      del record['deleted']
      record['deleted'] = make_timestamp()
  elif params['button'] == "finish":
    if 'finished' in record:
      del record['finished']
      record['finished'] = make_timestamp()
  for field in fields:
    if field in params:
      record[field] = params[field]

  record['updated'] = make_timestamp()
  record['price'] = float('0'+record['price'])
  if record['price'] < 5: raise ValueError
  if record['price'] > 500: raise ValueError

  if params['button'] == 'new':
    record_id = db.create(record)
    record_id =
    db[] = record
  if params['file'] != {}:
    from lib.S3save import s3_save
    s3_save(params['file'], record_id)
from neural_network import SelectionTree, Tutorials
from random import randint
from database import db

FIELDS = ["identifier", "clump_thickness", "cell_size_uniformity", "cell_shape_uniformity", "marginal_adhesion",
          "single_epithelial_cell_size", "bare_nuclei", "bland_chromatin", "normal_nucleoli", "mitoses", "class"]

if not db.get_columns():
    print('DataBase created!')
    print('DataBase loaded!')

print("Network is building...")
st = SelectionTree(300)

print("Network is ready! Begin to test samples")

N = int(input('Number of iterations you wanna test: '))

error = 0

print('Beginning to select random samples...')

for i in range(N):
    sample_id = randint(500, 699)

        sample = Tutorials.get_sample(sample_id)