Beispiel #1
def refresh_users():
    all_players = get_all_players()
        # Fetch user JSON fron "database layer"
        users_json = database.get_metadata("users.json")

        if users_json == None:
            return "no json found"
            users_result = json.loads(users_json)
            users = users_result["users"]

            # Overwrite generic player values with user metadata
            for user in users:
                all_players[user["userName"]] = user

            # For every user, if she has no image add gravatar image or generated avatar
            for player in all_players:
                user = all_players[player]
                if not 'imageUrl' in user:
                    user['imageUrl'] = make_image_url(user)

            # Save users to redis
            return "done"
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
        return "exception"
Beispiel #2
def refresh_users():
    all_players = get_all_players()
        # Fetch user JSON fron "database layer"
        users_json = database.get_metadata("users.json")

        if users_json == None:
            return "no json found"
            users_result = json.loads(users_json)
            users = users_result["users"]

            # Overwrite generic player values with user metadata
            for user in users:
                all_players[user["userName"]] = user

            # For every user, if she has no image add gravatar image or generated avatar
            for player in all_players:
                user = all_players[player]
                if not 'imageUrl' in user:
                    user['imageUrl'] = make_image_url(user)

            # Save users to redis
            return "done"
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
        return "exception"
Beispiel #3
def get_similar_beer(beer_id):
        top_beer = database.get_nearest_beers(beer_id, 1)[0]
        print top_beer
        recommended_beer_id = top_beer[1]
        return jsonify(database.get_metadata(recommended_beer_id))
    except IndexError:
        return jsonify({})
Beispiel #4
def get_next_recommendation():
    # we get a POST request from the client in JSON format
    # whose request body contains beer_id and beer_rating
    # token comes in "Bearer xvgsfddf" fashion as per the convention
    token = request.headers['Authorization'].split(' ')[1]
    data = request.json
    beer_id = data['beer_id']
    beer_rating = data['beer_rating']
    user_id = database.get_userid_from_string(token)
    database.save_to_profile(user_id, beer_id, beer_rating)
    recommended_beer_id = database.get_next_recommendation(user_id)
    return jsonify(database.get_metadata(recommended_beer_id))
Beispiel #5
def get_similar_beer(beer_id):
    The client sends a get request which represents a request for beers similar
    to the beer in the url
        beer_id = int(beer_id)
    except ValueError as e:
        print 'Bad beer id %s' % beer_id
        return jsonify({}), 400

    recommended_beer_id = database.get_nearest_beer(beer_id)
    if recommended_beer_id:
        return jsonify(database.get_metadata(recommended_beer_id))
        return jsonify({}), 404
Beispiel #6
    def test_get_metadata(self):
        test_beer_id = 2093
        beer_meta_data = database.get_metadata(test_beer_id)
        eq_(type(beer_meta_data) is dict, True, 'get_meta_data should return a dictionary of metadata about a beer')

        eq_('beer_name' in beer_meta_data, True, 'get_meta_data should return a dictionary with a beer_name property in it')
        eq_(isinstance(beer_meta_data['beer_name'], basestring), True, 'the parameter for beer_name in metadata should be a string')
        eq_(beer_meta_data['beer_name'], '90 Minute IPA', 'the parameter for beer_name in metadata should be "90 Minute IPA"')

        eq_('beer_id' in beer_meta_data, True, 'get_meta_data should return a dictionary with an beer_id in it')
        eq_(isinstance(beer_meta_data['beer_id'], (int, long)), True, 'the parameter for beer_id in metadata should be an int')
        eq_(beer_meta_data['beer_id'], test_beer_id, 'the parameter for name in metadata should be %s' % test_beer_id)

        eq_('beer_image_url' in beer_meta_data, True, 'get_meta_data should return a dictionary with an beer_image_url property in it')
        eq_(isinstance(beer_meta_data['beer_image_url'], basestring), True, 'the parameter for beer_image_url in metadata should be a string')
        eq_(beer_meta_data['beer_image_url'], '', 'the parameter for beer_image_url in metadata should be a')
Beispiel #7
def get_best_recommendation():
    The client sends a POST requests that represents a review of a beer we
    recommended previously. We save this rating and send back a new

    The client identifies itself with its unique_string which it passes
    in the request header
        unique_string = request.headers['Authorization']
    except KeyError:
        print 'client sent review without auth'
        return jsonify({}), 401

    user_id = database.get_userid_from_string(unique_string)
    if not user_id:
        print 'bad unique_string %s' % unique_string
        return jsonify({}), 401

    review = request.json
    if not review:
        print 'did not get a json review'
        return jsonify({}), 400

        beer_id = review['beer_id']
        beer_rating = review['beer_rating']
    except KeyError as missing_param:
        print 'Review missing parameter %s' % missing_param
        return jsonify({}), 400
    if not isinstance(beer_id, int) or  not isinstance(beer_rating, int):
        print 'The client shuld be passing review parameters as integers. Possibly SQL injection.'
        print beer_id, beer_rating
        return jsonify({}), 400

    database.save_to_profile(user_id, beer_id, beer_rating)

    recommended_beer_id = database.get_next_recommendation(user_id)
    database.save_recommendation(user_id,recommended_beer_id) # save the recommendation so we dont return it again
    return jsonify(database.get_metadata(recommended_beer_id))
def dispatch_worker(taskq):
    conn = connect()
    fetch_city_ends = {
        city: get_metadata(conn, '%s_fetch_end' % city)
        for city in CITIES
    fetch_start = min(fetch_city_ends.values()) - timedelta(days=1)
        while True:
            fetch_start = fetch_start + timedelta(days=1)
            fetch_end = fetch_start + timedelta(days=1)

            while fetch_start > - timedelta(days=7):
                sleep(60 * 60)

            for city in CITIES:
                if fetch_city_ends[city] < fetch_end:
                    taskq.put((city, fetch_start))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Beispiel #9
from logging.config import fileConfig

# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides
# access to the values within the .ini file in use.
config = context.config  # @UndefinedVariable

# Interpret the config file for Python logging.
# This line sets up loggers basically.

### >>> Gong put this here for 'autogenerate' support
import imp, os
                os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../')
from database import get_metadata
target_metadata = get_metadata()
### <<< Gong

# other values from the config, defined by the needs of,
# can be acquired:
# my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option")
# ... etc.

def run_migrations_offline():
    """Run migrations in 'offline' mode.

    This configures the context with just a URL
    and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable
    here as well.  By skipping the Engine creation
    we don't even need a DBAPI to be available.