def change_user_permission(token, u_id, permission_id):
    Given a User by their user ID, set their permissions
    to new permissions described by permission_id
    # Store u_id of person running command
    user_from_token = database.get_current_user(token)

    if permission_id not in VALID_PERMISSION_IDS.values():
        raise error.InputError(description="permission_id does not refer to a value permission")
    if (database.get_permission_dict(user_from_token).get("permission_id")
            != VALID_PERMISSION_IDS['owner']):
        # User is not a global owner.
        raise error.AccessError(description="The authorised user is not an owner")

    number_of_owners = 0
    for member in database.get_permissions_list():
        if member.get('permission_id') == VALID_PERMISSION_IDS['owner']:
            number_of_owners += 1

    if (u_id == user_from_token and number_of_owners == 1):
        # i.e. Owner calling this function is only owner.
        raise error.AccessError(description="Owner cannot remove" +
                                " permissions when he is the only owner")

    # Now, having checked for all errors, run function:
    database.set_permissions(u_id, permission_id)
Beispiel #2
    def wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs):
        """ Wrapper function """
            email_arg_index = argspec.args.index("email")
            email = args[email_arg_index]

            # Try to grab this users ID. If the user doesnt exist, create a warning
            # and run the function without checking the permission_id.
                target_u_id = next(u['u_id'] for u in database.get_users()
                                   if u['email'] == email)
                target_perm_id = database.get_permission_dict(target_u_id).get(
                if target_perm_id == 66:
                    raise error.AccessError(
                        description="The account registered to this email has"
                        + " been removed from the slakr. " +
                        "[I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that]")
                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
            except StopIteration:
                    "\033[93m" +
                    "WARNING: This email was not found  - running function " +
                    f"{func.__name__} without permission_id check." +
                return func(*args, **kwargs)

        except ValueError:
            print("\033[93m" +
                  "WARNING: email arg not found - running function " +
                  f"{func.__name__} without email check." + "\033[0m")
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #3
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    Given a message_id for a message, this message is removed from the channel.
    u_id = get_current_user(token)

    message_location = get_message_location(message_id)

    channel_id = message_location["channel_id"]
    channel_data = get_channel_data(channel_id)

    if u_id not in channel_data['member_ids']:
        raise AccessError(
            description="User must be a member of the channel they are trying"
            + " to access.")

    # Find the message to be deleted. At this point
    #   The message definitely exists and the user is definitely a member of the channel
    #   it exists in.
    for message in channel_data["messages"]:
        if message['message_id'] == message_id:
            if message["u_id"] != u_id and get_permission_dict(u_id).get(
                    'permission_id') != 1:
                raise AccessError(
                    description="Authorised user did not send the message " +
                    "and is not a server/channel owner.")

    return {}
def test_perms_valid():
    Test the valid condition.
    user = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "password", "Barry", "Benson")
    user2 = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "password", "Barry", "Benson")

    admin.change_user_permission(user['token'], user2['u_id'], 1)

    assert database.get_permission_dict(user2['u_id']).get('permission_id') == 1
Beispiel #5
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    This function intakes the token of current authorised (auth) user, channel_id and a user u_id
    It then removes the user u_id as an owner of the channel,
    as long as the current auth user is an owner of slackr/channel
    and the user u_id is an owner
    # Check if token is valid and raise AccessError if not
    curr_id = database.get_current_user(token)
    # gets current channel data
    curr_channel = database.get_channel_data(channel_id)
    # gets the permissions of current user from database
    user_perms = database.get_permission_dict(curr_id)

    u_id_permission = database.get_permission_dict(u_id)
    if u_id_permission["permission_id"] == 1:
        raise error.AccessError(description="user being removed is the owner of the slackr")

    # checks if u_id is not an owner of the channel
    # also checks if current auth user is an owner of the channel
    is_u_owner = False
    is_curr_owner = False
    for owner_id in curr_channel["owner_ids"]:
        if u_id == owner_id:
            is_u_owner = True
        if curr_id == owner_id:
            is_curr_owner = True
    if is_u_owner is False:
        raise error.InputError(description="user being removed is not an owner of the channel")

    # if the auth user is owner of slackr, allows him to remove u_id as owner
    if user_perms["permission_id"] == 1:
        # removes the user from channel_owner
    # if the auth user is an owner of the channel, allow him to remove u_id as owner of channel
    elif is_curr_owner is True:
        # adds the user into channel_owner
    # else the auth user is not an owner and thus cannot use addowner
        raise error.AccessError(description="""Authorised user user is not an owner of the channel,
                                or of the slackr""")
def users_all(token):
    returns a list of dictionaries for all users
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    # NB: Supressed this warning because token is in fact used in
    # the decorator, however pylint doesn't check for this.
    users_list = ([usr for usr in database.get_users()
                   if database.get_permission_dict(usr['u_id']).get('permission_id') != 66])

    return {"users": users_list}
Beispiel #7
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    This function intakes the token of current authorised (auth) user, channel_id and a user u_id
    It then adds the user u_id as an owner of the channel,
    as long as the current auth user is an owner of slackr/channel
    # Check if token is valid and raise AccessError if not
    curr_id = database.get_current_user(token)
    # gets current channel data
    curr_channel = database.get_channel_data(channel_id)
    # gets the permissions of current user from database
    user_perms = database.get_permission_dict(curr_id)

    # check if user u_id is already an owner of the channel and raise InputError if so
    # also checks to see if current auth user is a owner of channel

    # a counter to check if user is a member of the channel
    is_curr_owner = False
    for owner_id in curr_channel["owner_ids"]:
        if u_id == owner_id:
            raise error.InputError(description="user u_id is already an owner of this channel")
        # checks if curr_id is an owner of channel
        if curr_id == owner_id:
            is_curr_owner = True

    # checks if the user u_id is a member of the channel already
    is_u_member = False
    for member_id in curr_channel["member_ids"]:
        if u_id == member_id:
            is_u_member = True

    # if the auth user is an owner of the slackr, allow him to add u_id as owner of channel
    if is_u_member is True:
        if user_perms["permission_id"] == 1:
            # adds the user into channel_owner
        # if the auth user is an owner of the channel, allow him to add u_id as owner of channel
        elif is_curr_owner is True:
            # adds the user into channel_owner
        # else the auth user is not an owner and thus cannot use addowner
            raise error.AccessError(description="""current user is not an owner of the channel,
                                    or of the slackr""")
def remove_user(token, u_id):
    """ Given a u_id, remove the user from the Slackr. """

    # we get the current user data
    terminator = database.get_current_user(token)

    # Raise AccessError if user is not an owner of the Slackr
    terminator_perm = database.get_permission_dict(terminator)
    if terminator_perm['permission_id'] != 1:
        raise error.AccessError(description="""Action cannot be performed
                                               because you are not a Slackr owner.""")

    # Do a soft remove
    # they stay a part of everything, but they are removed from owner/memberID
    # in channels, and they are also banned from ever logging in again.

    # we get the token of the user to be removed

    # introduce a new permission ID 66:
    # terminated and set the user to be removed to perm_id 66: terminated
    terminated_id = 66
    database.set_permissions(u_id, terminated_id)

    # remove the user from every channel's member_id and owner_id
    #first we call a list of every channel
    all_channels = database.get_channels()
    # we then get the data for each channel
    for each_channel in all_channels:
        channel_data = database.get_channel_data(each_channel["channel_id"])

        # remove user u_id from owner_ids
        for owner_id in channel_data['owner_ids']:
            if u_id == owner_id:
                channel.channel_removeowner(token, channel_data["channel_id"], u_id)

        # remove user u_id from member_ids
        if u_id in channel_data['member_ids']:

    # finally we log the user out of the session (invalidating terminated token)
    terminated_token = database.get_token_from_user(u_id)
    if terminated_token is not None:
Beispiel #9
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    Given a message, update it's text with new text.
    If the new message is an empty string, the message is deleted.
    u_id = get_current_user(token)

    message_location = get_message_location(message_id)

    # if message is longer than 1000 an Inputerror should be raised.
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError(
            'Message is more than 1000 characters or try to send an empty message'

    channel_id = message_location["channel_id"]
    channel_data = get_channel_data(channel_id)

    if u_id not in channel_data['member_ids']:
        raise AccessError(
            description="User must be a member of the channel they are trying"
            + " to access.")

    # Find the message to be deleted (assume it definitely exists)
    msg_to_edit = next(msg for msg in channel_data['messages']
                       if msg['message_id'] == message_id)

    if msg_to_edit['u_id'] != u_id and get_permission_dict(
            u_id)['permission_id'] != 1:
        raise AccessError(
            description="Authorised user did not send the message " +
            "and is not a server/channel owner.")

    if message == '':
        msg_to_edit['message'] = message
        set_message(channel_id, msg_to_edit)

    return {}
Beispiel #10
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with
    ID channel_id. Once invited the user is added to the channel immediately

    if database.get_current_user(token) not in database.get_channel_data(channel_id)['member_ids']:
        raise error.AccessError(description="""Authorised user is not
                                a member of channel with that channel_id.""")
    if u_id in database.get_channel_data(channel_id).get('member_ids'):
        raise error.InputError(description="This user is already a part of the channel.")

    new_channel_data = database.get_channel_data(channel_id)

    if database.get_permission_dict(u_id).get('permission_id') == 1:


    return {}
Beispiel #11
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    this function is passed a valid token and channel_id.
    It adds the user associated with the token into the channel, unless the channel is private

    # Check if token is valid and raise AccessError if not
    curr_id = database.get_current_user(token)

    # gets current channel data
    curr_channel = database.get_channel_data(channel_id)
    # gets the permissions of current user from database
    user_perms = database.get_permission_dict(curr_id)

    # checks if user is already a part of channel
    for user_id in curr_channel["member_ids"]:
        if curr_id == user_id:
            raise error.InputError(description="user is joining a channel user is already in")

    # this checks if the channel is empty (or new) in this case we make the new member an owner.
    if curr_channel["member_ids"] == []:
        # adds the user into channel_member
        # adds the user into channel_owner
    # this checks if the user is an owner of the slacker
    # if they are they are given owner privelages in the channel
    # else they are a member
    elif user_perms["permission_id"] == 1:
        # adds the user into channel_member
        # adds the user into channel_owner
    elif curr_channel["is_public"] is True:
        # adds the user into the channel_member
    elif curr_channel["is_public"] is False:
        raise error.InputError(description="""channel_join recieved a channel_id
                               for a private channel""")
def test_remove_user():
    Tests if user_remove correctly removes a user from the required parts of database:

    -retained in USERS, PASSWORD_DATA_LIST and in CHANNEL_DATA_LIST (for messages)
    -permission_id of user is now terminated (66)
    -removed from:

    # establish a test register
    test_dict = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "password", "Bob", "Ross")

    # valid channel ID (assigned by channels_create)
    c_id_dict = channels.channels_create(test_dict["token"], "test rum ham", True)

    # create a second user and add them to the channel as an owner
    test_dict_2 = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "password2", "James", "May")
    channel.channel_join(test_dict_2["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"])
    channel.channel_addowner(test_dict["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"], test_dict_2["u_id"])

    # store our details before the leave
    details_before = channel.channel_details(test_dict["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"])
    # ensure there are two members: test_dict & test_dict_2
    assert len(details_before["all_members"]) == 2
    assert details_before["all_members"][0]["u_id"] == test_dict["u_id"]
    assert details_before["all_members"][1]["u_id"] == test_dict_2["u_id"]
    #ensure there are two owners: test_dict & test_dict_2
    assert len(details_before["owner_members"]) == 2
    assert details_before["owner_members"][0]["u_id"] == test_dict["u_id"]
    assert details_before["owner_members"][1]["u_id"] == test_dict_2["u_id"]

    # now we send a message to test rum ham
    message.message_send(test_dict_2["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"], "hello world")
    # test that messages successfully returns the message
    sent_messages = channel.channel_messages(test_dict["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"], 0)
    assert sent_messages["messages"][0]["message"] == "hello world"

    ######## Now we call the user_remove function:
    admin.remove_user(test_dict["token"], test_dict_2["u_id"])

    # we test that they still remain in user
    all_users = database.get_users()
    assert len(all_users) == 2
    assert all_users[0]["u_id"] == test_dict["u_id"]
    assert all_users[1]["u_id"] == test_dict_2["u_id"]

    # we test that their messages can still be printed
    messages_post_remove = channel.channel_messages(test_dict["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"], 0)
    assert messages_post_remove["messages"][0]["message"] == "hello world"
    assert messages_post_remove["messages"][0]["u_id"] == test_dict_2["u_id"]

    # we test that their permission is changed to 66
    terminated_id = 66
    permissions_post_remove = database.get_permission_dict(test_dict_2["u_id"])
    assert permissions_post_remove["u_id"] == test_dict_2["u_id"]
    assert permissions_post_remove["permission_id"] == terminated_id

    # we test that they are no longer a part of CURRENT_USERS,
    assert database.get_current_user(test_dict_2["token"]) is None

    # we test that they are no longer a part of CHANNELS[owner_id]/[member_ID],
    details_after = channel.channel_details(test_dict["token"], c_id_dict["channel_id"])
    # ensure there is one member: test_dict
    assert len(details_after["all_members"]) == 1
    assert details_after["all_members"][0]["u_id"] == test_dict["u_id"]
    # ensure there is one owner: test_dict
    assert len(details_after["owner_members"]) == 1
    assert details_after["owner_members"][0]["u_id"] == test_dict["u_id"]

    # we test that they are unable to log in again
    password_test = "qwertyuiop"
    with pytest.raises(error.AccessError):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "password2")

    # Test that the InputError raised when an unregistered email is entered
    # still takes priority over the AccessError of admin_user_remove.
    with pytest.raises(error.InputError):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", password_test)

    # Check incorrect password works stil
    with pytest.raises(error.AccessError):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", password_test)

    with pytest.raises(error.InputError):
        auth.auth_login("wrongemailformat", password_test)