class SuggestionApp:
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = Db()

    # Add the word to database, skip if it already exsists
    def addToDb(self, word, lang="Eng", skip_if_exsists=True):
        words = self.tokenizeString(word)
        self.db.addList(words, lang=lang)

    # tokenize the string
    # split on whitespaces.
    # Also return the complete sentence except the last word as it might be incomplete
    # filter empty strings
    def tokenizeString(self, string):
        splitString = string.split()

        if len(string) == len(string.strip()):
            if (len(splitString) < 2): return []
            return filter(None, splitString + [" ".join(splitString[:-1])])
            return filter(None, splitString + [" ".join(splitString[:])])

    # search for the word in db and return Suggestions
    # Add new words to DB
    def getSuggestions(self, query, lang="Eng", limit=100):
        # Add new words to DB
        suggestions = self.db.getWordsByQuery(query, lang=lang, limit=limit)
        # get words from DB
        return suggestions