Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, folder, title, artist, numberOfsongs):
     self.length = numberOfsongs
     self.dirs = os.listdir('./'+folder)
     self.db = SongDatabase(folder,'tune_pickle')
     self.usable_songs = self.db.usable_songs()
     self.build_playlist(title, artist, self.length)
Beispiel #2
"""To populate the database"""
from database import SongDatabase

db = SongDatabase("song_test","tune_pickle")
Beispiel #3
class Playlist():
    def __init__(self, folder, title, artist, numberOfsongs):
        self.length = numberOfsongs
        self.dirs = os.listdir('./'+folder)
        self.db = SongDatabase(folder,'tune_pickle')
        self.usable_songs = self.db.usable_songs()
        self.build_playlist(title, artist, self.length)
    def build_playlist(self, title, artist, numberOfSongs):
        """Using the base song, build a playlist of songs with scores and tempo
        compatible with the base song"""

        base_song = self.db.get_entry_by_name(title,artist)
        print '\nAdding %s to playlist' % base_song['Title']

        if base_song['Usable']:
            self.baseSong = Tune(base_song['File_Path'], base_song['Artist'], base_song['Title'], base_song['Tempo'], 
            self.playlist = [self.baseSong]
            self.added = [base_song['File_Path']]
            score_board = {} # Store songs that are compatible but at the time outside the tempo range
            not_compatible = {} # Store rejected songs
            i = 0 # index of item in song folder/directory
            k = 0 # keeps track of no. of times program has gone through the entire directory. Goes through twice just in case.

            while len(self.playlist) < numberOfSongs and k < 2:
                    self.max_tempo = max([tune.bpm for tune in self.playlist])
                    self.min_tempo = min([tune.bpm for tune in self.playlist])
                    try: new_song = self.usable_songs[i]
                    except IndexError:
                        i = 0
                        k += 1

                    # If current song is the original song (in that same folder), skip
                    if new_song['File_Path'] == base_song['File_Path']: 
                        i += 1
                    # Else searches the memoized scoreboard to see if it is there. If so
                    # check if it is within the tempo range, if so add it to the playlist.
                    elif new_song['File_Path'] in score_board:                    
                        if abs(self.max_tempo - score_board[new_song['File_Path']]) <= TEMPO_THRESHOLD \
                        or abs(self.min_tempo - score_board[new_song['File_Path']]) <= TEMPO_THRESHOLD:
                            i = 0
                            i += 1
                    elif new_song['File_Path'] in not_compatible:
                        i += 1
                    elif new_song:
                        score, withinTempoRange = self.compare_songs(base_song, new_song) 
                        if score <= SCORE_THRESHOLD and withinTempoRange \
                            and new_song['File_Path'] not in self.added:
                            i = 0
                        # Else memoize it in the scoreboard if it is not there already    
                        elif score <= SCORE_THRESHOLD \
                            and new_song['File_Path'] not in score_board \
                            and new_song['File_Path'] not in self.added:
                            score_board[new_song['File_Path']] = new_song['Tempo']
                            not_compatible[new_song['File_Path']] = 0
                except util.EchoNestAPIError:
                    print '\nAPI rate limit has been exceeded. The program will resume in 60 seconds.\n'
            print 'Try another song.'

    def add(self, new_song):
        """Add a song to the playlist"""
        tune = Tune(new_song['File_Path'], new_song['Artist'], new_song['Title'], new_song['Tempo'], self.db.get_pickle(new_song['Pickle_Path']))
        print "Adding %s to playlist" %new_song['Title']

    def sort_playlist(self):
        """Sort playlist in order of bpm from lowest to highest"""
        new = []
        for i in range(len(self.playlist)):
            item = min(self.playlist, key=lambda x: x.bpm)

        self.playlist = new
    def compare_songs(self, baseSong, otherSong):
        """Computes compatibility score between baseSong and otherSong"""
        score = 0
        # based on danceability, liveness, energy and tempo
        for i in ['Danceability', 'Liveness', 'Energy']:
            score += abs(baseSong[i] - otherSong[i])

        # checks if candidate song is within tempo range of the last song in the playlist
        if abs(self.max_tempo - otherSong['Tempo']) <= TEMPO_THRESHOLD \
            or abs(self.min_tempo - otherSong['Tempo']) <= TEMPO_THRESHOLD:
            return score, True
            return score, False

    def splice_songs(self):
        """Add the following information to each song in the playlist: its 
        position in the playlist (start, middle, end), its starting bar and its
        ending bar"""
        ordering = ['start'] + ['middle']*(len(self.playlist)-2) + ['end']

        rp = [0] * len(self.playlist)

        for i in range(len(self.playlist)):
            rp[i] = [self.playlist[i], ordering[i], 0, 0]

        for i in rp:
            i[2], i[3] = i[0].choose_jump_point(position=i[1])

        self.playlist = rp

    def mix_songs(self):
        """Splice the bars lists of the songs in the playlist according to the
        results returned by choose_jump_point() for each song, and add the
        transition between each two songs."""
        output_song = []
        p = self.playlist
        switch_durations = []

        # Complicated for loop to put the output song together
        for i in range(len(p)):
            if p[i][1] == 'start':
                add = p[i][0].bars[: p[i][3]-(TRAN_BARS-1)] #from 0 to end-2
                output_song += add
                switch_durations.append(sum([j.duration for j in add]))
            if p[i][1] == 'middle':
                add = p[i][0].bars[p[i][2]+TRAN_BARS : p[i][3]-(TRAN_BARS-1)] #from start+3 to end-2
                output_song += add
                switch_durations.append(sum([j.duration for j in add]))
            if p[i][1] == 'end':
                add = p[i][0].bars[p[i][2]+TRAN_BARS :] #from start+3
                output_song += add
                switch_durations.append(sum([j.duration for j in add]))
                trans = make_transition(p[i], p[i+1])
                output_song += trans[0]
            except IndexError: pass

        self.mix = output_song
        return switch_durations

    def show(self):
        """Nicely display playlist"""
        j = 1
        print '\n===== PLAYLIST ORDER =====\n'
        for i in self.playlist:
            print "%d. %s by %s" %(j, i[0].songName, i[0].artist)
            j += 1
        print ''