Beispiel #1
def get_all_game_links():
    data = get_json(NHL_URL + ALL_GAMES_2017_2018)
    dates = data['dates']

    for date in dates:
        games = date['games']
        db = db_connect()

        for game in games:
            link = game['link']
            get_all_shots(BASE + link, db)
Beispiel #2
def add_player(number):
    print("ADDING PLAYER")
    db = db_connect()
    data = get_json('' +
    packet = dict()
    packet['id'] = data['people'][0]['id']
    packet['first_name'] = data['people'][0]['firstName']
    packet['last_name'] = data['people'][0]['lastName']

        packet['number'] = data['people'][0]['primaryNumber']
        packet['position'] = data['people'][0]['primaryPosition']['name']
        packet['team'] = data['people'][0]['currentTeam']['name']
        print("Not on a team probably")

    db.add_row(packet, 'player_meta')
Beispiel #3
# @author Kevin Jesse
# @email [email protected]

Entity detect fetches the data of the entity described based on what the table and column. Not being used 9-29-17

import database_connect
cur = database_connect.db_connect()

entity2table = {'genre':('title', 'genres'), 'actor':('name', 'primaryname') ,
                'director': ('name', 'primaryname'), 'mpaa': ('title', 'mpaa'),}
entity_map = {'mpaa': 'Entertainment.ContentRating', 'genre': 'Entertainment.Genre', 'role': 'Entertainment.Role',
              'title': 'Entertainment.Title', 'rating': 'Entertainment.UserRating', 'actor': 'Entertainment.Person',
              'director' : 'Entertainment.Person'}
def entdata(state, entities):
    for ent in entities:
        if entity_map[state] == ent['type']:
            tc = entity2table[state]
            table = tc[0]
            column = tc[1]
            sqlstring = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM """ + table + """ WHERE """ +column + """ LIKE '%""" + ent['entity'] + """%' LIMIT 1"""
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            if rows[0][0] > 0: return True
    return False

def detect(state, entities):
Beispiel #4
import plotly.graph_objs as pplot
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, plot
from rink import rink_shapes
import plotly.plotly as py
from database_connect import db_connect
import pandas as pd

db = db_connect()

id = db.get_player_id(full='Alex Ovechkin')[0][0]

all_shots = db.get_shots(id=id)

all_shots['x'] = all_shots['x'].apply(lambda x: x * 5.7)
all_shots['y'] = all_shots['y'].apply(lambda y: y * 5.7)

# Flip axis
for i, r in all_shots.iterrows():
    if all_shots.loc[i, 'x'] < 0:
        all_shots.loc[i, 'x'] *= -1
        all_shots.loc[i, 'y'] *= -1

goals = all_shots
no_goals = all_shots

#no_goals = no_goals[no_goals.x < 0]
#print (no_goals.period)

goals = goals[goals.goal == True]

no_goals = no_goals[no_goals.goal == False]