def test_fields(self): """Test fields().""" self.assertEqual(fields(self.e), dict(g=Tuple[self.NT], h=List[ForwardRef('Epsilon')])) self.assertEqual( fields(self.e, True), dict(g=Tuple[self.NT], h=List[ForwardRef('Epsilon')], _i=int))
def test_fields(self): """Test fields().""" self.assertEqual( repr(fields(self.e)), "{'g': typing.Tuple[tests.NT], 'h': typing.List[ForwardRef('Epsilon')]}" ) self.assertEqual( repr(fields(self.e, True)), "{'g': typing.Tuple[tests.NT], 'h': typing.List[ForwardRef('Epsilon')], '_i': <class 'int'>}" )
def domain(self) -> dict: """The EIP-712 domain fields (built using ``HEADER_FIELDS``).""" return { field.replace("_", ""): getattr(self, field) for field in fields(self.__class__, internals=True) if field in HEADER_FIELDS }
def transforminitargs(cls, *args, root=None, samp=None, **kwargs): if samp is not None: if isinstance(samp, str): if "SlideID" in kwargs: raise TypeError("Provided both samp and SlideID") else: kwargs["SlideID"] = samp else: if args or kwargs: raise TypeError( "Have to give either a sample or other arguments, not both." ) return super().transforminitargs( *args, **kwargs, **{ field: getattr(samp, field) for field in dataclassy.fields(SampleDef) }) if "SlideID" in kwargs and root is not None: root = pathlib.Path(root) try: cohorttable = readtable(root / "sampledef.csv", SampleDef) except IOError: pass else: for row in cohorttable: if row.SlideID == kwargs["SlideID"]: return cls.transforminitargs(root=root, samp=row) if "Scan" not in kwargs: try: kwargs["Scan"] = max( int("Scan", "")) for folder in (root / kwargs["SlideID"] / "im3").glob("Scan*/")) except ValueError: pass if "BatchID" not in kwargs and kwargs.get("Scan", None) is not None: try: with open(root / kwargs["SlideID"] / "im3" / f"Scan{kwargs['Scan']}" / "BatchID.txt") as f: kwargs["BatchID"] = int( except FileNotFoundError: pass if "SampleID" not in kwargs: kwargs["SampleID"] = 0 return super().transforminitargs(*args, **kwargs)
def transforminitargs(cls, *args, pscale=None, apscale=None, im3x=None, im3y=None, im3xvec=None, xvec=None, vertex=None, **kwargs): xveckwargs = {} vertexkwargs = {} im3xykwargs = {} im3xveckwargs = {} if xvec is not None: xveckwargs["x"], xveckwargs["y"] = xvec if vertex is not None: vertexkwargs = { field: getattr(vertex, field) for field in dataclassy.fields(type(vertex)) } if apscale is None: apscale = vertex.apscale if apscale != vertex.apscale: raise ValueError( f"Inconsistent apscales {apscale} {vertex.apscale}") if pscale is None: pscale = vertex.pscale if pscale != vertex.pscale is not None: raise ValueError( f"Inconsistent pscales {pscale} {vertex.pscale}") del vertexkwargs["pscale"], vertexkwargs["apscale"] if im3x is not None: im3xykwargs["x"] = units.convertpscale(im3x, pscale, apscale) if im3y is not None: im3xykwargs["y"] = units.convertpscale(im3y, pscale, apscale) if im3xvec is not None: im3xveckwargs["x"], im3xveckwargs["y"] = units.convertpscale( im3xvec, pscale, apscale) return super().transforminitargs( *args, pscale=pscale, apscale=apscale, **kwargs, **xveckwargs, **vertexkwargs, **im3xykwargs, **im3xveckwargs, )
def transforminitargs(cls, *args, rectangle=None, **kwargs): """ If you give an existing Rectangle to init, the current rectangle will be identical to that one. This is useful for subclasses. """ rectanglekwargs = {} if rectangle is not None: rectanglekwargs = { **{ field: getattr(rectangle, field) for field in dataclassy.fields(type(rectangle)) } } return super().transforminitargs( *args, **rectanglekwargs, **kwargs, )
def types(self) -> dict: """ Recursively built ``dict`` (name of type ``->`` list of subtypes) of the underlying fields' types. """ types: Dict[str, list] = {} types[self.type] = [] for field in fields(self.__class__): value = getattr(self, field) if isinstance(value, EIP712Type): types[self.type].append({"name": field, "type": value.type}) types.update(value.types()) else: types[self.type].append({ "name": field, "type": self.field_type(field) }) return types
def polygonfields(cls): return [ field for field in dataclassy.fields(cls) if cls.metadata(field).get("ispolygonfield", False) ]