Beispiel #1
 def _serialize_metric(self, metric, metric_type, value, tags, sample_rate=1):
     # Create/format the metric packet
     return "%s%s:%s|%s%s%s" % (
         (self.namespace + ".") if self.namespace else "",
         ("|@" + text(sample_rate)) if sample_rate != 1 else "",
         ("|#" + ",".join(normalize_tags(tags))) if tags else "",
Beispiel #2
    def submit(cls, method, path, api_version=None, body=None, attach_host_name=False,
               response_formatter=None, error_formatter=None, suppress_response_errors_on_codes=None,
               compress_payload=False, **params):
        Make an HTTP API request

        :param method: HTTP method to use to contact API endpoint
        :type method: HTTP method string

        :param path: API endpoint url
        :type path: url

        :param api_version: The API version used

        :param body: dictionary to be sent in the body of the request
        :type body: dictionary

        :param response_formatter: function to format JSON response from HTTP API request
        :type response_formatter: JSON input function

        :param error_formatter: function to format JSON error response from HTTP API request
        :type error_formatter: JSON input function

        :param attach_host_name: link the new resource object to the host name
        :type attach_host_name: bool

        :param suppress_response_errors_on_codes: suppress ApiError on `errors` key in the response for the given HTTP
                                                  status codes
        :type suppress_response_errors_on_codes: None|list(int)

        :param compress_payload: compress the payload using zlib
        :type compress_payload: bool

        :param params: dictionary to be sent in the query string of the request
        :type params: dictionary

        :returns: JSON or formated response from HTTP API request
            # Check if it's ok to submit
            if not cls._should_submit():
                _, backoff_time_left = cls._backoff_status()
                raise HttpBackoff(backoff_time_left)

            # Import API, User and HTTP settings
            from datadog.api import _api_key, _application_key, _api_host, \
                _mute, _host_name, _proxies, _max_retries, _timeout, \
                _cacert, _return_raw_response

            # Check keys and add then to params
            if _api_key is None:
                raise ApiNotInitialized("API key is not set."
                                        " Please run 'initialize' method first.")

            # Set api and app keys in headers
            headers = {}
            headers['DD-API-KEY'] = _api_key
            if _application_key:
                headers['DD-APPLICATION-KEY'] = _application_key

            # Check if the api_version is provided
            if not api_version:
                api_version = _api_version

            # set api and app keys in params only for some endpoints and thus remove keys from headers
            # as they cannot be set in both params and headers
            if cls._set_api_and_app_keys_in_params(api_version, path):
                params['api_key'] = _api_key
                del headers['DD-API-KEY']
                if _application_key:
                    params['application_key'] = _application_key
                    del headers['DD-APPLICATION-KEY']

            # Attach host name to body
            if attach_host_name and body:
                # Is it a 'series' list of objects ?
                if 'series' in body:
                    # Adding the host name to all objects
                    for obj_params in body['series']:
                        if obj_params.get('host', "") == "":
                            obj_params['host'] = _host_name
                    if body.get('host', "") == "":
                        body['host'] = _host_name

            # If defined, make sure tags are defined as a comma-separated string
            if 'tags' in params and isinstance(params['tags'], list):
                tag_list = normalize_tags(params['tags'])
                params['tags'] = ','.join(tag_list)

            # If defined, make sure monitor_ids are defined as a comma-separated string
            if 'monitor_ids' in params and isinstance(params['monitor_ids'], list):
                params['monitor_ids'] = ','.join(str(i) for i in params['monitor_ids'])

            # Process the body, if necessary
            if isinstance(body, dict):
                body = json.dumps(body, sort_keys=cls._sort_keys)
                headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

            if compress_payload:
                body = zlib.compress(body.encode("utf-8"))
                headers["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate"

            # Construct the URL
            url = construct_url(_api_host, api_version, path)

            # Process requesting
            start_time = time.time()

            result = cls._get_http_client().request(
                method=method, url=url,
                headers=headers, params=params, data=body,
                timeout=_timeout, max_retries=_max_retries,
                proxies=_proxies, verify=_cacert

            # Request succeeded: log it and reset the timeout counter
            duration = round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000., 4)
  "%s %s %s (%sms)" % (result.status_code, method, url, duration))
            cls._timeout_counter = 0

            # Format response content
            content = result.content

            if content:
                    if is_p3k():
                        response_obj = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
                        response_obj = json.loads(content)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('Invalid JSON response: {0}'.format(content))

                # response_obj can be a bool and not a dict
                if isinstance(response_obj, dict):
                    if response_obj and 'errors' in response_obj:
                        # suppress ApiError when specified and just return the response
                        if not (suppress_response_errors_on_codes and
                                result.status_code in suppress_response_errors_on_codes):
                            raise ApiError(response_obj)
                response_obj = None

            if response_formatter is not None:
                response_obj = response_formatter(response_obj)

            if _return_raw_response:
                return response_obj, result
                return response_obj

        except HttpTimeout:
            cls._timeout_counter += 1
        except ClientError as e:
            if _mute:
                if error_formatter is None:
                    return {'errors': e.args[0]}
                    return error_formatter({'errors': e.args[0]})
        except ApiError as e:
            if _mute:
                for error in (e.args[0].get('errors') or []):
                if error_formatter is None:
                    return e.args[0]
                    return error_formatter(e.args[0])
Beispiel #3
 def test_normalize_tags(self):
     tag_list_test = ["tag1, tag2", "tag3 ,tag4", "tag5,tag6"]
     tag_list_final = normalize_tags(tag_list_test)
     assert tag_list_final == ["tag1__tag2", "tag3__tag4", "tag5_tag6"]