Beispiel #1
def confirm(theform, userdir, thisscript):
    """Confirm a login.
    Either from an invite or from a user who has registered."""
    from dataenc import pass_dec, pass_enc
    from login import encodestring
    fail = False
        theval, daynumber, timestamp = pass_dec(theform['id'].value)
        # FIXME: bare except....
    tempstore = ConfigObj(userdir + 'temp.ini')
    if not tempstore.has_key(theval):
    uservals = tempstore[theval]
    del tempstore[theval]
    username = uservals['username']
    if username in tempstore['pending']:
    newconfig = ConfigObj(userdir + 'default.ini')
    newpath = userdir + username + '.ini'
    if os.path.isfile(newpath):
    newconfig.filename = newpath
    # FIXME: should this be '' ?
    action = None
    for entry in uservals:
        if entry == 'action':
            action = uservals[entry]
        elif entry == 'password':
            password = uservals[entry]
            newconfig[entry] = pass_enc(password, timestamp=True, daynumber=True)
            newconfig[entry] = uservals[entry]
    # next we need to create the cookie header to return it 
    from Cookie import SimpleCookie
    thecookie = SimpleCookie()
    thecookie['userid'] = encodestring(newconfig['username'], password)
    config = ConfigObj(userdir + 'config.ini')
    maxage = newconfig['max-age'] 
    cookiepath = config['cookiepath']
    if maxage and int(maxage):            # possible cause of error here if the maxage value in a users file isn't an integer !!
        thecookie['userid']['max-age'] = int(maxage) 
    if cookiepath:
        thecookie['userid']['path'] = cookiepath 
    if config['adminmail']:
        msg = 'A new user has created a login - "%s".\n\n' % thisscript
        for entry in newconfig:
            if entry != 'password':
                msg += entry + '   :   ' + newconfig[entry] + '\n'
        # FIXME: should be mailme
        sendmailme(config['adminmail'], msg, config['email_subject'],
                config['adminmail'], html=False)
    return action, newconfig, thecookie.output()
def doeditaccount(theform, userconfig, userdir, thisscript, action, newcookie):
    """Process the results from edit account form submissions."""
    from dataenc import pass_enc, pass_dec
    loginaction = theform['login'].value
    if not loginaction == 'doeditaccountnojs':  # only type of newlogin supported so far
    allentries = theform.keys()
    vallist = allentries + [
        entry for entry in edacckeys if entry not in allentries
    formdict = getform(vallist, theform, nolist=True)
    oldpass = formdict['pass0']
    storedpass = pass_dec(userconfig['password'])[0]
    pass1 = formdict['pass1']
    pass2 = formdict['pass2']
    email = validateemail(formdict)
    oldemail = userconfig['email']
    if not email:
        msg = 'The email address you supplied appears to be invalid.'
        display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie,
    if email != oldemail and (not oldpass or oldpass != storedpass):
        msg = 'You must correctly enter your password to change your email address.'
        display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie,
    userconfig['email'] = email
    if not formdict['realname']:
        msg = 'You need to enter a name for us to use.'
        display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie,
    userconfig['realname'] = formdict['realname']
    if pass1 or pass2:
        if pass1 != pass2:
            msg = "The two passwords don't match."
            display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie,
        if len(pass1) < 5:
            msg = "The password must be longer than 5 characters."
            display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie,
        if not oldpass or oldpass != storedpass:
            msg = 'You must correctly enter your current password to change it.'
            display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie,
        userconfig['password'] = pass_enc(pass1,
        newcookie = makecookie(userconfig, pass1,
                               ConfigObj(userdir + 'config.ini')['cookiepath'])
    for entry in formdict:
        if entry not in edacckeys:
            userconfig[entry] = formdict[entry]
    return action, userconfig, newcookie  # XXXXX display values changed page
Beispiel #3
def createuser(userdir, realname, username, email, password, adminlev):
    """Create a new user."""
    from time import time
    from dataenc import pass_enc
    from configobj import ConfigObj
    user = ConfigObj(userdir+'default.ini')
    user.filename = userdir + username + '.ini'         # XXXX  this does no checkign htat the name is valid and doesn't already exist !!
    user['username'] = username
    user['realname'] = realname
    user['email'] = email
    user['admin'] = adminlev
    user['password'] = pass_enc(password, timestamp=True, daynumber=True)
    user['created'] = str(time())
Beispiel #4
def doeditaccount(theform, userconfig, userdir, thisscript, action, newcookie):
    """Process the results from edit account form submissions."""
    from dataenc import pass_enc, pass_dec
    loginaction = theform['login'].value
    if not loginaction == 'doeditaccountnojs':                      # only type of newlogin supported so far
    allentries = theform.keys()
    vallist = allentries + [entry for entry in edacckeys if entry not in allentries]
    formdict = getform(vallist, theform, nolist=True)
    oldpass = formdict['pass0']
    storedpass = pass_dec(userconfig['password'])[0] 
    pass1 = formdict['pass1']
    pass2 = formdict['pass2']
    email = validateemail(formdict)
    oldemail = userconfig['email']
    if not email:
        msg = 'The email address you supplied appears to be invalid.'
        display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie, userconfig)
    if email != oldemail and (not oldpass or oldpass != storedpass):
        msg = 'You must correctly enter your password to change your email address.'
        display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie, userconfig)
    userconfig['email'] = email
    if not formdict['realname']:
        msg = 'You need to enter a name for us to use.'
        display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie, userconfig)
    userconfig['realname'] = formdict['realname']
    if pass1 or pass2:
        if pass1 != pass2: 
            msg = "The two passwords don't match."
            display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie, userconfig)
        if len(pass1) < 5:
            msg = "The password must be longer than 5 characters."
            display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie, userconfig)
        if not oldpass or oldpass != storedpass:
            msg = 'You must correctly enter your current password to change it.'
            display_edit(formdict, userdir, thisscript, msg, action, newcookie, userconfig)
        userconfig['password'] = pass_enc(pass1, daynumber=True, timestamp=True)
        newcookie = makecookie(userconfig, pass1, ConfigObj(userdir+'config.ini')['cookiepath'])
    for entry in formdict:
        if entry not in edacckeys:
            userconfig[entry] = formdict[entry]
    return action, userconfig, newcookie                # XXXXX display values changed page
Beispiel #5
def savedetails(userdir, formdict, action=None):
    Given the form from a validated new login, it saves the details to the 
    temporary store.
    It also cleans up any out of date ones that haven't been used.
    from dateutils import returndate, daycount
    from dataenc import pass_enc
    tempstore = ConfigObj(userdir + 'temp.ini')
    if action: 
        formdict['action'] = action
    year, month, day = returndate()
    today = daycount(year, month, day)
    for section in tempstore:
        if section[4:].isdigit():
            if int(section[4:]) > today + 30:
                name = tempstore[section]['username']
                del tempstore[section]
    ran = randomstring(4)
    while tempstore.has_key(ran+str(today)):
        ran = randomstring(4)
    key = ran+str(today)
    tempstore[key] = {}
    store = tempstore[key]
    for entry in formdict:
        if entry == 'pass1' or entry == 'pass2':
            store['password'] = formdict[entry]
        elif entry == 'login':
            store[entry] = formdict[entry]
    if not tempstore.has_key('pending'):
        tempstore['pending'] = []
    return pass_enc(key, timestamp=True, daynumber=True)
def savedetails(userdir, formdict, action=None):
    Given the form from a validated new login, it saves the details to the 
    temporary store.
    It also cleans up any out of date ones that haven't been used.
    from dateutils import returndate, daycount
    from dataenc import pass_enc
    tempstore = ConfigObj(userdir + 'temp.ini')
    if action:
        formdict['action'] = action
    year, month, day = returndate()
    today = daycount(year, month, day)
    for section in tempstore:
        if section[4:].isdigit():
            if int(section[4:]) > today + 30:
                name = tempstore[section]['username']
                del tempstore[section]
    ran = randomstring(4)
    while tempstore.has_key(ran + str(today)):
        ran = randomstring(4)
    key = ran + str(today)
    tempstore[key] = {}
    store = tempstore[key]
    for entry in formdict:
        if entry == 'pass1' or entry == 'pass2':
            store['password'] = formdict[entry]
        elif entry == 'login':
            store[entry] = formdict[entry]
    if not tempstore.has_key('pending'):
        tempstore['pending'] = []
    return pass_enc(key, timestamp=True, daynumber=True)
Beispiel #7
def encodestring(username, password):
    """Given a username and password return a new encoded string for use by decodecookie."""  
    ranstring = randomstring(10)
    thishash = hashlib.sha1(password + ranstring).hexdigest()
    return pass_enc('||'.join([username, thishash, ranstring]), daynumber=True, timestamp=True)
Beispiel #8
def doedituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie):
    """Receives form submissions from the 'edit user' page."""
# parameters to get :
# username, realname, email, adminlev, pass1, pass2
    username = theform.getfirst('username')         # the user we are editing
    loginname = theform.getfirst('loginname')       # the new user name (won't usually change I guess)
    realname = theform.getfirst('realname')
    email = theform.getfirst('email')
    adminlev = theform.getfirst('adminlev')
    pass1 = theform.getfirst('pass1')
    pass2 = theform.getfirst('pass2')
    maxage = theform.getfirst('maxage')
    editable = theform.getfirst('editable')
    maxadminlev = min(int(userconfig['admin']), MAXADMINLEV)

# check all the account values
# this could be turned into a generic 'account checker' function if we wanted.
    email = validemail(email)
    if not email:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'The Email Address Appears to Be Invalid.')
    if not loginname:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'You Must Supply a Login Name.')
    for char in loginname.lower():
        if not char in validchars:
            edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Login Name Contains Invalid Characters')
    if not realname:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'You Must Supply a Real Name')
    if (pass1 or pass2) and not (pass1 and pass2):
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'To Change the Password - Enter it Twice')
    if pass1 != pass2:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'The Two Passwords Are Different')
    if pass1 and len(pass1) < 5:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Password Must Be at Least Five Characters')
    if not adminlev.isdigit():
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'The Admin Level Must Be a Number')
    if int(adminlev) > maxadminlev:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Admin Level is Higher than the Max (%s).' % maxadminlev)
    if not maxage.isdigit():
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Cookie "max-age" Must Be a Number')
    if int(maxage) and int(maxage) < MINMAXAGE:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Cookie "max-age" Must Be Greater Than %s' % MINMAXAGE)
    if editable:
        editable = 'Yes'
        editable = 'No'
    # let's just check if the username has changed
    thisuser = ConfigObj(userdir+username+'.ini') 
    if loginname != username:
        pendinglist = ConfigObj(userdir + 'temp.ini').get('pending', [])
        if os.path.isfile(userdir+loginname+'.ini') or loginname in pendinglist or loginname.lower() in RESERVEDNAMES:
            edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Login Name Chosen Already Exists')    
        thisuser.filename = userdir+loginname+'.ini'                # change to new name
        os.remove(userdir+username+'.ini')                          # free up the old name
    if pass1:
        from dataenc import pass_enc
        thisuser['password'] = pass_enc(pass1, daynumber=True, timestamp=True)
    thisuser['realname'] = realname
    thisuser['email'] = email 
    thisuser['admin'] = adminlev 
    thisuser['max-age'] = maxage 
    thisuser['editable'] = editable
#    edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, '')
    edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Changes Made Successfully', True)
def confirm(theform, userdir, thisscript):
    """Confirm a login.
    Either from an invite or from a user who has registered."""
    from dataenc import pass_dec, pass_enc
    from login import encodestring
    fail = False
        theval, daynumber, timestamp = pass_dec(theform['id'].value)
        # FIXME: bare except....
    tempstore = ConfigObj(userdir + 'temp.ini')
    if not tempstore.has_key(theval):
    uservals = tempstore[theval]
    del tempstore[theval]
    username = uservals['username']
    if username in tempstore['pending']:
    newconfig = ConfigObj(userdir + 'default.ini')
    newpath = userdir + username + '.ini'
    if os.path.isfile(newpath):
    newconfig.filename = newpath
    # FIXME: should this be '' ?
    action = None
    for entry in uservals:
        if entry == 'action':
            action = uservals[entry]
        elif entry == 'password':
            password = uservals[entry]
            newconfig[entry] = pass_enc(password,
            newconfig[entry] = uservals[entry]
    # next we need to create the cookie header to return it
    from Cookie import SimpleCookie
    thecookie = SimpleCookie()
    thecookie['userid'] = encodestring(newconfig['username'], password)
    config = ConfigObj(userdir + 'config.ini')
    maxage = newconfig['max-age']
    cookiepath = config['cookiepath']
    if maxage and int(
    ):  # possible cause of error here if the maxage value in a users file isn't an integer !!
        thecookie['userid']['max-age'] = int(maxage)
    if cookiepath:
        thecookie['userid']['path'] = cookiepath
    if config['adminmail']:
        msg = 'A new user has created a login - "%s".\n\n' % thisscript
        for entry in newconfig:
            if entry != 'password':
                msg += entry + '   :   ' + newconfig[entry] + '\n'
        # FIXME: should be mailme
    return action, newconfig, thecookie.output()
Beispiel #10
def doedituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie):
    """Receives form submissions from the 'edit user' page."""
# parameters to get :
# username, realname, email, adminlev, pass1, pass2
    username = theform.getfirst('username')         # the user we are editing
    loginname = theform.getfirst('loginname')       # the new user name (won't usually change I guess)
    realname = theform.getfirst('realname')
    email = theform.getfirst('email')
    adminlev = theform.getfirst('adminlev')
    pass1 = theform.getfirst('pass1')
    pass2 = theform.getfirst('pass2')
    maxage = theform.getfirst('maxage')
    editable = theform.getfirst('editable')
    maxadminlev = min(int(userconfig['admin']), MAXADMINLEV)

# check all the account values
# this could be turned into a generic 'account checker' function if we wanted.
    email = validemail(email)
    if not email:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'The Email Address Appears to Be Invalid.')
    if not loginname:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'You Must Supply a Login Name.')
    for char in loginname.lower():
        if not char in validchars:
            edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Login Name Contains Invalid Characters')
    if not realname:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'You Must Supply a Real Name')
    if (pass1 or pass2) and not (pass1 and pass2):
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'To Change the Password - Enter it Twice')
    if pass1 != pass2:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'The Two Passwords Are Different')
    if pass1 and len(pass1) < 5:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Password Must Be at Least Five Characters')
    if not adminlev.isdigit():
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'The Admin Level Must Be a Number')
    if int(adminlev) > maxadminlev:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Admin Level is Higher than the Max (%s).' % maxadminlev)
    if not maxage.isdigit():
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Cookie "max-age" Must Be a Number')
    if int(maxage) and int(maxage) < MINMAXAGE:
        edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Cookie "max-age" Must Be Greater Than %s' % MINMAXAGE)
    if editable:
        editable = 'Yes'
        editable = 'No'
    # let's just check if the username has changed
    thisuser = ConfigObj(userdir+username+'.ini') 
    if loginname != username:
        pendinglist = ConfigObj(userdir + 'temp.ini').get('pending', [])
        if os.path.isfile(userdir+loginname+'.ini') or loginname in pendinglist or loginname.lower() in RESERVEDNAMES:
            edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Login Name Chosen Already Exists')    
        thisuser.filename = userdir+loginname+'.ini'                # change to new name
        os.remove(userdir+username+'.ini')                          # free up the old name
    if pass1:
        from dataenc import pass_enc
        thisuser['password'] = pass_enc(pass1, daynumber=True, timestamp=True)
    thisuser['realname'] = realname
    thisuser['email'] = email 
    thisuser['admin'] = adminlev 
    thisuser['max-age'] = maxage 
    thisuser['editable'] = editable
#    edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, '')
    edituser(theform, userdir, thisscript, userconfig, action, newcookie, 'Changes Made Successfully', True)
Beispiel #11
def encodestring(username, password):
    """Given a username and password return a new encoded string for use by decodecookie."""
    ranstring = randomstring(10)
    thishash = hashlib.sha1(password + ranstring).hexdigest()
    return pass_enc("||".join([username, thishash, ranstring]), daynumber=True, timestamp=True)