Beispiel #1
def test_fs_traverse(topdir):
    # setup temp directory tree for testing
    annex = AnnexRepo(topdir)
    AnnexRepo(opj(topdir, 'annexdir'), create=True)
    GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'gitdir'), create=True)
    GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'), create=True)
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir'), commit=True)
    annex.drop(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'), options=['--force'])

    # traverse file system in recursive and non-recursive modes
    for recursive in [True, False]:
        # test fs_traverse in display mode
        with swallow_logs(
                new_level=logging.INFO) as log, swallow_outputs() as cmo:
            fs = fs_traverse(topdir,
            if recursive:
                # fs_traverse logs should contain all not ignored subdirectories
                for subdir in [
                        opj(topdir, 'dir'),
                        opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir')
                    assert_in('Directory: ' + subdir, log.out)
                # fs_traverse stdout contains subdirectory
                assert_in(('file2.txt' and 'dir'), cmo.out)

            # extract info of the top-level child directory
            child = [item for item in fs['nodes'] if item['name'] == 'dir'][0]
            # size of dir type child in non-recursive modes should be 0 Bytes(default) as
            # dir type child's size currently has no metadata file for traverser to pick its size from
            # and would require a recursive traversal w/ write to child metadata file mode
            assert_equal(child['size']['total'], {
                True: '6 Bytes',
                False: '0 Bytes'

    for recursive in [True, False]:
        # run fs_traverse in write to json 'file' mode
        fs = fs_traverse(topdir,
        # fs_traverse should return a dictionary
        assert_equal(isinstance(fs, dict), True)
        # not including git and annex folders
            for item in fs['nodes'] if ('gitdir' or 'annexdir') == item['name']
        ], [])
        # extract info of the top-level child directory
        child = [item for item in fs['nodes'] if item['name'] == 'dir'][0]
        # verify node type
        assert_equal(child['type'], 'dir')
        # same node size on running fs_traversal in recursive followed by non-recursive mode
        # verifies child's metadata file being used to find its size
        # running in reverse order (non-recursive followed by recursive mode) will give (0, actual size)
        assert_equal(child['size']['total'], '6 Bytes')

        # verify subdirectory traversal if run in recursive mode
        # In current RF 'nodes' are stripped away during recursive traversal
        # for now... later we might reincarnate them "differently"
        # TODO!
        if False:  # recursive:
            # sub-dictionary should not include git and hidden directory info
                item for item in child['nodes']
                if ('subgit' or '.fgit') == item['name']
            ], [])
            # extract subdirectory dictionary, else fail
            subchild = [
                subitem for subitem in child["nodes"]
                if subitem['name'] == 'subdir'
            # extract info of file1.txts, else fail
            link = [
                subnode for subnode in subchild["nodes"]
                if subnode['name'] == 'file1.txt'
            # verify node's sizes and type
            assert_equal(link['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')
            assert_equal(link['size']['ondisk'], link['size']['total'])
            assert_equal(link['type'], 'link')
            # extract info of file2.txt, else fail
            brokenlink = [
                subnode for subnode in subchild["nodes"]
                if subnode['name'] == 'file2.txt'
            # verify node's sizes and type
            assert_equal(brokenlink['type'], 'link-broken')
            assert_equal(brokenlink['size']['ondisk'], '0 Bytes')
            assert_equal(brokenlink['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')
Beispiel #2
def test_fs_traverse(topdir):
    # setup temp directory tree for testing
    annex = AnnexRepo(topdir)
    AnnexRepo(opj(topdir, 'annexdir'), create=True)
    GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'gitdir'), create=True)
    GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'), create=True)
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir'))
    annex.drop(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'), options=['--force'])

    # traverse file system in recursive and non-recursive modes
    for recursive in [True, False]:
        # test fs_traverse in display mode
        with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.INFO) as log, swallow_outputs() as cmo:
            repo = AnnexRepo(topdir)
            fs = fs_traverse(topdir, repo, recurse_directories=recursive, json='display')
            if recursive:
                # fs_traverse logs should contain all not ignored subdirectories
                for subdir in [opj(topdir, 'dir'), opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir')]:
                    assert_in('Directory: ' + subdir, log.out)
                # fs_traverse stdout contains subdirectory
                assert_in(('file2.txt' and 'dir'), cmo.out)

            # extract info of the top-level child directory
            child = [item for item in fs['nodes'] if item['name'] == 'dir'][0]
            # size of dir type child in non-recursive modes should be 0 Bytes(default) as
            # dir type child's size currently has no metadata file for traverser to pick its size from
            # and would require a recursive traversal w/ write to child metadata file mode
            assert_equal(child['size']['total'], {True: '6 Bytes', False: '0 Bytes'}[recursive])
            repo.precommit()  # to possibly stop batch process occupying the stdout

    for recursive in [True, False]:
        # run fs_traverse in write to json 'file' mode
        repo = AnnexRepo(topdir)
        fs = fs_traverse(topdir, repo, recurse_directories=recursive, json='file')
        # fs_traverse should return a dictionary
        assert_equal(isinstance(fs, dict), True)
        # not including git and annex folders
        assert_equal([item for item in fs['nodes'] if ('gitdir' or 'annexdir') == item['name']], [])
        # extract info of the top-level child directory
        child = [item for item in fs['nodes'] if item['name'] == 'dir'][0]
        # verify node type
        assert_equal(child['type'], 'dir')
        # same node size on running fs_traversal in recursive followed by non-recursive mode
        # verifies child's metadata file being used to find its size
        # running in reverse order (non-recursive followed by recursive mode) will give (0, actual size)
        assert_equal(child['size']['total'], '6 Bytes')

        # verify subdirectory traversal if run in recursive mode
        # In current RF 'nodes' are stripped away during recursive traversal
        # for now... later we might reincarnate them "differently"
        # TODO!
        if False:  # recursive:
            # sub-dictionary should not include git and hidden directory info
            assert_equal([item for item in child['nodes'] if ('subgit' or '.fgit') == item['name']], [])
            # extract subdirectory dictionary, else fail
            subchild = [subitem for subitem in child["nodes"] if subitem['name'] == 'subdir'][0]
            # extract info of file1.txts, else fail
            link = [subnode for subnode in subchild["nodes"] if subnode['name'] == 'file1.txt'][0]
            # verify node's sizes and type
            assert_equal(link['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')
            assert_equal(link['size']['ondisk'], link['size']['total'])
            assert_equal(link['type'], 'link')
            # extract info of file2.txt, else fail
            brokenlink = [subnode for subnode in subchild["nodes"] if subnode['name'] == 'file2.txt'][0]
            # verify node's sizes and type
            assert_equal(brokenlink['type'], 'link-broken')
            assert_equal(brokenlink['size']['ondisk'], '0 Bytes')
            assert_equal(brokenlink['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')